( Light shine at the back of an uncompleted building were a student is been initiated into a cult group)
Leader: we are all here today for the initiation of a new member
Leader: syrax
Syrax: yes boss
Leader: bring him in
All: welcome to the black dogs cult group were all your needs will be given to you and any solutionsyou want you will get
James: thank you
Leader: James step forward
Leader: say after me, from today
James: from today
Leader: I swear
James : I swear to be faithful
Leader: and have the courage
James : and have the courage
Leader: to defend this cult
James s: To defend this cult
Leader To be feared by all
James: To be feared by all
Leader :And conquered by none
James: And conquered by none
( Lights fade)
(Light shines in the class were everyone are seated. Then Lawrence sited Sandra)
Lawrence: Hi Sandra
Sandra: what is it I have told you time with out Number not to disturb me
Lawrence : Take a chill pill why acting like this I truly love you
Sandra: love who your spirit or me
Lawrence : Of course it is you
Sandra : It can't be me . Infact can you take care of me mere looking at you . you are even broke to start with
Lawrence:please just give me a chance
Sandra: which chance, as you can see your not my class.you this poverty stinky guy.(James suddenly walk in)
James: Hi pretty Angel
Sandra: hi handsome
James: so care for a lunch
Sandra: of course I do
Lawrence: Sandra why are you doing this to me.( Snubbed him and left with James.)
(In the hostel light shine on Lawrence, John and Peter in their hostel discussing)
Lawrence: guys can you imagine . that Sandra I told you guys about
John: the one In your Faculty
Lawrence :yes
Peter: what have she done this time around
Lawrence: she gave me the Insult of my life
(John started laughing)
John: I told you to leave that girl but you will never listen
Lawrence : I truly love her you know that
Peter: I will advise you to search for another girl that will love you no someone like Sandra that will never appreciate you.
Peter: Guy's can you imagine today I saw the black dogs today they were moving from faculty to faculty.
Lawrence: Why.
John: They Also Came to my Faculty
Peter: I heard that a fresher who belongs to another cult group was admitted into our school so they have been searching for him they See's him as a threat.
John: I heard that James is even part of them
Lawrence: James in my Faculty
Peter: Yes oo...
Lawrence: Just now we just enterd Two hundred level he has joined the cult group.
Peter: we have to be careful. Not to fall into their traps. ( Light fades)