After spending almost three hours at the orphanage, Rhoda decided to get back home to get some rest and help Chole prepare dinner. She was exhausted as she walked to her car which was parked outside the building. The woman who was in charge of the orphanage escorted Rhoda to her car and after some minutes of little discussion, Rhoda entered her car and drove off.
As she drove home, she whistled an old song that her mum usually sang to her during her childhood days. Soon, she noticed that her car was going out of control. She tried as hard as possible to control the car movements but that was impossible. She became tensed when the thought of her car having brake failure struck her mind.
She didn't want to hurt anyone and luckily for her, it was a lonely path, so she quickly moved the steering to the direction of an oak tree and the car hit the tree. The car came to a halt immediately and her heart started beating very fast. She sighed in relief and got down from the car to view the damages. Her wind screen and side mirror had damaged badly. As she stood and examined her car, she heard a cry but wasn't sure if she truly heard it, so she focused on her car trying to find a better solution to her current situation.
She still heard the faint cry and was convinced that it must be that of a little child. She left her car and went to confirm where the cry was coming from.
After covering up some distance, the cry seemed to be near her, but she couldn't figure out where the baby was.
Soon, the movement of a sac bag that lay on the ground beside her caught her attention. She decided to check the contents of the bag and was shocked to see a very little baby wrapped in a cloth.
She quickly removed the child out of the bag after looking around to check if anyone was nearby. She stood confused as she stared at the child in her arms. It was a female child, and the baby looked beautiful. She wondered why the mother of the child would abandon the baby in that lonely area.
Being sure that no one was around that area at that time, she decided to take the baby home and treat her as her child. She was so happy that she had been blessed after many years of lingering pains.
She telephoned her husband and asked him to come get her. She explained the situation to him and soon, Lugard arrived and took her and the baby home.
When they got home, Rhoda told Chole and her husband how she found the baby and Lugard decided to accept the child as his own
The news of the arrival of Lugard and Rhoda Tate's baby, after many years of waiting swept through like a tornado, stunning everyone. Many wondered how it happened without anyone noticing the signs of pregnancy. Well, they just had to believe what they saw.
Relatives, friends and well-wishers travelled all the way from their different countries to see for themselves and also congratulate the couple. A big party was thrown to celebrate the new baby. Peace reigned and the frequent troubles from Lugard family members subsided completely but, the couple never knew that they had another battle to face – Tracy!
She wasn't happy about the new development, and she knew very well about the mystery behind the childbirth. Lugard trusted her so much that he also shared the experience with her.
"Wow, that is a bit surprising. You guys are lucky," Tracy said after hearing her boss story, "at least, you have an heiress to the Tate's Insurance Company."
"Yeah. I am so happy that I am finally a dad. My delight is unfathomable, Tracy." Lugard said happily. Tracy just smiled sheepishly and congratulated him.
After thinking hard, Tracy decided to discourage her boss from letting his child be the heiress to the company. After all means proved abortive, she decided to take what she wanted by force and probably end up destroying the peace and happiness of the Tate's.