Chereads / MHA : Rabbit & Spider / Chapter 11 - MHA : Chapter 11 : Exam Day II

Chapter 11 - MHA : Chapter 11 : Exam Day II

"Cool, I can't wait to get first place on that thing!" His friend laughed, she cracked her knuckles in anticipation.

Oh, he really envied that confidence.


And just like that, back to silence they went. Or they would've gone back to silence have it not being a 5'3 sea of periwinkle hair that showed up right next to them out of nowhere.

"Hey, you guys going to UA, right? Can I sit here? Can I? Hey, hey, I like your ears! Are they part of your quirk? Oh! You look really plain and not from here, where are you from? Wha-"

Yeah, Peter tuned the rest of that out as he took in the sight of the girl.

Regular middle school uniform, but different from Rumi's. Incredibly long Periwinkle hair that reached down to about her thighs and somehow twisted towards the end, royal blue eyes, long eyelashes, and pretty fair skin. Also, he certainly, definitely, positively did not look anywhere else.

Not. At. All.

And if anyone says he did, They're lying.

Cause he didn't.

Wait, was she still talking? Looks like the girl was already sitting down on the seat next to Rumi. She was talking to Rumi about something, she was also trying to touch her ears. Who was she again?

"-ey, you! Can I ask what's your quirk? I bet it's super interesting! Oh, wait! I never asked your names! I'm Nejire Hado, by the way! Pleased to meet you!" The girl, now known as Nejire, introduced herself by outstretching a hand toward the both of them.

He looked over at Rumi, and she looked back at him. She seemed just as confused but incredibly amused by the girl, Peter saw her give a shrug and take the girl's hand, shaking it.

Peter reluctantly did the same.

"I'm Rumi Usagiyama, and that nerd over there is Peter Parker. Pleased to meet ya'!" The white-haired teen introduced the both of them, a friendly grin on her face. Peter was still incredibly confused and put off but decided to just go with it.

That's how he's gotten through most of his life, anyway.

"Oh! Cool! So are you from America? That's doesn't sound like a Japanese name. Wait, what's your quirk? Rumi-Chan told me hers was rabbit, but I could tell! What's yours? Tell me, tell me!" The girl was basically bouncing in her seat, asking question after question.

"Rumi… chan?" He said under his breath, the boy looked over to his friend who only gave another shrug.

'Honorifics are so weird…' He thought to himself, there's a reason he barely uses them, one of them being the barely understands them in the first place.

"It's uh… Spider. I can basically do whatever a spider can, it's not that flashy." Giving a slight chuckle, He was taken aback by Nejire's face somehow lighting up even brighter than it already was.

"Oh, that's so cool! Do you have fangs? Can you make webs? Wait, why don't you have like, a billion eyes? That's weird. Wait! Are you venomous? That'd be awesome! Can y-"

And Peter went right back to tuning her out. Was this normal? He gets being overly curious about quirks, he's friends with Midoriya, after all, but was this taking it a bit too far? Peter could see Rumi laughing, was she not put off by her? This was so weird.

But whatever, he could deal with it.

"-ay eggs? Hey, hey, were you listening? You kinda spaced out! So, can you do any of that? Wait! Am I making you uncomfortable? Some people don't like to talk about their quirks and get put off by me asking questions about them. You're fine with it, right?" She rambled on, not having stopped talking the entire time Peter tuned her out.

He felt slightly bad for the guilty expression she had, she was probably thinking he didn't like talking about his quirk.

"I'm not… really used to being asked so many things at once, you know? But yeah, I'm from New York, I don't have anything that makes me look like a spider cause my quirk randomly developed about a year ago, I can stick to walls and have the proportional attributes of a spider, also I have a sixth sense that alerts me to danger. Cool, right?" He gave a small smile to try and cheer the girl up.

Her expression instantly brightened the second he was done talking, so he guessed she didn't feel bad anymore, so that was good!

"That's so cool! So, can you make webs? Can you? That'd be gross but still super interesting!" She was back to bouncing up and down in curiosity.

"Uh, no, I can't make my own webs. But I made support gear and a chemical compound that acts as web! Here, look!" He rolled down his uniform sleeve to show off his MK.4 web-shooters, he'd have brought his MK.5 models but they weren't done since Midoriya accidentally blew them up and cried about it cause he felt guilty.

Nejire's eyes widened in excitement, grabbing his wrist and looking at the device closely. She turned his wrist around and touched the bunch of scraps stuck together and forged to work as if it was the most interesting thing she'd seen in her life. Peter couldn't help but feel a tiny bit flattered that someone cared so much for his invention.

But something that Peter couldn't help but catch was a look of confusion when she looked past the web-shooter and more at his arm. She looked like she saw something concerning but immediacy covered it up as if nothing had happened.

"Oh my gosh, you must be like, crazy smart! Hey, can you show me how it works? Please show me, it's so cool!" She unhanded his wrist and let him draw it back. He fished around in his backpack until he pulled out a small stress ball he's been carrying around lately.

The brunette threw it up in the air, the train had an incredibly high ceiling so it must've gone up about 5 feet until Peter pressed the trigger of the wrist device with 2 fingers, shooting a web-line that connected to the stress ball and pulled it back to him.

He threw the ball back into his backpack, turning to see Nejire who looked like a child walking around in a candy store. While Peter still thought she was a bit… weird, it was nice to have someone so interested in stuff about you.

"Wow, I've never seen you use those things! You only told me about them a couple of times, that's sick!" Rumi spoke up, Peter remembered it was the first time she'd seen them since the police confiscated them when they met and he wasn't allowed to use them in the underground fights.

Peter laughed slightly and ran a hand through his hair, "Cool, right? Wait, hado, what's your quirk?" He asked, the smile the girl gave off was straight up blinding.

"Oh! Let me show you, and call me Nejire!

Alright, Parker, recap! Long hair, super interested in quirks and overly curious, talks a lot and seems like a ray of sunshine. She's basically Midoriya without the horrible self-esteem or over-emotional tendencies.

She held her hand out and a small, yellow spiral of sparkling energy appeared on her palm, it twisted like a slow clockwise pattern until poofing out of existence.

And Peter had to admit, that seemed super cool.

Should he ask about it? Wait, then he'd look like a dick for being put off by Nejire's questions. Lucky for him, she seemed to be about to go into an in-depth explanation about it without being asked to.

"It's called 'wave motion'! I can use my stamina and vitality to create energy blasts from any part of my body! They are pretty slow though… but I've been practicing to fly with them! I'm not very at it yet but I'll master it soon!" She looked a bit disappointed when she talked about the speed, it must be a downside

Still, it seemed incredibly versatile.

"Vitality lasers, cool. How much shit can you destroy with it, though?" Rumi gained a dangerous grin, something that Peter learned was to her, the more destructive the quirk, the better.

Before Nejire could start talking again, the train came to a halt, signifying that they had reached their destination. Rumi and Nejire shot up from their chairs, Rumi using a hop and Nejire wobbly floating up after making energy spirals at the bottom of her feet.

Peter was a bit more nervous about getting to UA, lucky for him the people he was with didn't really notice. He'd hate to have some pep talk to try and get him more confident ab-

"Hey, Peter-Kun! Can I ask you something? Wait, you're from America, right? I bet you don't like honorifics! Sorry!" The bubbly voice of Nejire came from beside him, she was floating with her quirk at a walking pace instead of actually walking.

They were at the gates of UA now, a sea of students in different types of uniforms walks about and heading towards the auditorium, he could feel his anxiety slowly rising.

Also, 'Peter-Kun'? Man, did he hate how that word sounded, he was thankful she caught on to him not liking honorifics without even telling her.

"What'd you say? Sorry, I was thinking about something." He dug his hand into his pockets when a chilly breezy came by, god he hated winter.


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