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Waking up, I picked my phone from my bedstand and checked the time, it was 8:43,I was 13 minutes late for work, Yelping I jumped up from my bed and rushed into the tiny bathroom of my small apartment where I stay alone, which in fact was the best decision I've made for as long as I can remember, Finished with getting dressed I stroll into a small enclosure that is supposed to be my kitchen making a sandwich and some fruit juice for breakfast, I stand by the door and check out my room once again, the single bed against the wall,the window towards the left side of the bed, my bedstand on the right beside is my wardrobe, opposite my bed are two entrances one with a door and one without, the one with a door is my bathroom and the other is the space for my kitchen everything in shades of black and purple, parting myself on the back in my mind for making this house a home for me . Thinking of all the big things I have in mind to do once I have money to get a bigger place,I leave the apartment and get on my way to work.

Today was one of those Fridays without classes in the university I just started attending, it is a local college that I got a scholarship for,which has been hectic by the way as I have to keep up with my grades if I don't want to fail, I was already at the cafe I worked at without realising, getting a coffee to make myself feel better about my day already gone awry from the start, I greet Lizzy by the counter a dark beautiful woman with cat eyes you'd never know was a mother of two and the owner of this cafe after her husband died she looks like she's in her late 20's but most say her actual age is within her late 30's, changing for my shift which she was helping me cover.

"You're never late Athena, what happened?" Lizzy said "Sorry Liz, I have a project so I fell asleep late","Oh,okay then take care I'm off" waving her bye , I get back to work making coffee for the customer tiredly, as an 18 year old orphan caring for yourself, it is tough for me but I wasn't gonna give up, I was gonna make myself proud.

Serving more customers, Packing up empty cups and pastry plates, Cleaning up after ever leaving customer,Time flew and it was finally time for closing, cleaning up and getting ready to go back to my small but cozy apartment, I was done in minutes, Living in a small town it was usually filled with people who grew up together and I just moved here but I've felt the love so far, Greeting most people I knew on my way back home.

Just settling in when I heard my phone ring from my bag scrambling to pick my phone as I knew the only one who'd call, as expected it was a call from my best friend who I grew up with in the orphanage,"Hey hun" I greeted "Hi bae, so what's up?, How's school?, are there any cute guys there?" She queried all at once "Hold up sissy,You know I rarely go out I don't know that" I replied to her boycrazy self" Silver and I met when I was 2,and grew up together"Why are you always holed up at home, live a little will ya" she scolded, knowing where this was going I decided to change the topic," so how's the cute guy you showed me last time?" "Which guy!" She asked back "the one with red hair" I replied"Oh you mean Christine?, we broke up", "Knew it ! " I said knowingly, Silver falls in love every week , She's like a sister to me,when in the orphanage,we always hoped to find our parents but we knew we had each other, her parents were still alive but she was kidnapped and sold, later ending up in the orphanage they were government officials a job that came with it's equal number of enemies wile I don't know if mine are alive or dead, Hearing a voice screaming for her in the background I knew it was her mother, she has never liked me wanting me to stay far away from her daughter,Silver yelled back that she was coming "momma's calling I'll talk to you later bae" and she hung up, deciding to plug my phone as it was 2%.

Laying on my bed bored,I heard a creepy sound thinking I was paranoid after being used to people around me and finally being alone, I listened again hearing the sound I realised it was a knock on my door,But it was unhurried and quite,Thinking as to who it might be on a Friday night at 10:14pm knowing I've only related with the oldies in the town I was cautious, checking through my peep hole I was scared, but I saw no one, thinking it must be one of the kids playing a prank I relaxed,

Turning my back in the door to go back to bed, I heard the click of my lock like it was being opened from the outside, I ran to get the baseball bat kept by my bed and tried to turn on my phone, Calling silver twice I was alarmed when she didn't pick as I had no one else to call she was the only contact on my phone.

Hearing footsteps I turned my back, seeing a very tall figure clothed in black about to stream for help and alert anyone around but before I could, I felt weak and dizzy, falling, I lost consciousness.