This chapter contains information about the division of power, currency, abbreviations...
MC = Main Character (Arthur Polaris)
OP = OverPowered
OC =Original Character
Canon = Original Story
HP = Harry Potter
HP : AWD = Harry Potter : A Wizard's Dream (Title of this novel)
Wizards' Exams 📜
O.W.L.s = end of 5th year
(Ordinary Wizarding Level)
N.E.W.T. = end of 7th year
(Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests)
Wizards' grades 🪶
O > EE > A > P > D > T
O = Outstanding
EE = Exceeds Expectations
A = Acceptable
P = Poor
D = Dreadful
T = Troll
Muggles' Money (UK Sterling Currency) 💰
Pounds (£) > Shillings (s)> Pences (d)
1 Pound = 20 Shillings = 240 Pences
1 Shilling = 12 Pences
Wizards' Money 💰
Galleon (G)> Sickle (S)> Knut (K)
1 Galleon = 17 Sickles = 493 Knuts
1 Sickle = 29 Knuts
Wizards' ranks 🪄
- Apprentice (~ Below 5th year)
Anyone without an OWLS certificate (below the average 5th year).
Life expectancy : 80 years
- Wizard (~Normal adult)
Anyone with an OWLS certificate but without mastery (above the average 5th year).
Life expectancy : 120 years
- Warlock (~Hogwarts Professors / Senior Aurors / Unspeakables)
Anyone with a mastery in at least one magical discipline.
Life expectancy : 160 years
- Archmage (~Dark/Light Lord level)
(Say hi to Dumbles and Voldy ~ And don't forget Grindaddy !)
Anyone capable of casting most spells wandlessly (except the more destructive spells of course), has the firepower to destroy a big city with some effort. This stage can be reached more easily by those who can use ancient magic or those with the right lineage...
Life expectancy : 200 years
- Demigods (~Too short lived to be observed in their natural environment 🧐📷⁉️)
- True Gods (~50 individuals alive)
Anyone capable of destroying an entire continent or creating a true miracle and stay alive is considered a True God.
The threshold of this stage can sometimes be reached by wizards who spent most of their life growing their magical reserves and are at the end of their lifespan (~200 years of accumulation). Reaching the threshold of this stage does not increase one's lifespan, but it allows one to undergo "sublimation" (What is that ? SECRET !)
This process is extremely taxing, if you don't have at least 500 years left to live, you will only get a temporary boost and die soon after. Those in that case are Demigods, and they ALWAYS die 24h after becoming one. So for those reaching this stage at the end of their life, it's just a fleeting moment of supremacy before embracing death.
Only immortals or those who managed to significantly increase their lifespan can become True God level powerhouses through sublimation and enjoy the true power received from this phenomenon.
- Above The Sequence (wait...wrong novel 🧐)