Expect for Sarah Sarah had a big fat crush on tutor. Tutor doesn't no that, later that day Sarah confess to tutor.... Tutor said no because he all ready have eyes for some one else so he rejected Sarah. Sarah was sad but she still work for tutor she didn't quit.Yim went to his apartment he's other friend not friends anymore Intouch kick him out of the apartment so Yim didn't know what to do he didn't know where to go so he asks he's friends where can he stay. Tutor said you can stay here in my apartment you and I. Everyone was saying you can stay in my place but Yim said I think I would stay with tutor. That day Lucky visits yim he wa amaze cause where yim stayed was massive so Lucky said to Yim your the only one living here. Lucky didn't know that Tutor was lived there to so yim said no I lived here with someone else who is rich an kind if he wasn't for him I would I cannot afford this place suddenly Lucky had a stomachache Lucky said where's the bathroom Yim escorted Lucky where the way is. Tutor called Yim and said who was that Yim said my friend Lucky ohh. Ahh it's sleepy you should go to sleep said by Tutor Yim fell asleep fast. When Tutor got to the apartment he kiss yim in the forehead Lucky walk in and said what are you doing? So they went to the balcony Tutor said I have feelings for Yim I gonna ask him tommorow Lucky was shocked....