The man expression darkened as he looked towards kent.
"This kids technique is different. It is not your average technique. It's not a technique just a kid can obtain.
"He must have a background."
The man gaze loomed all over kent carefully like a wolf to its prey but unlike a wolf he did not move. He just stood there staring. Seeing what kent had just done had shocked him beyond words.
Their job was simple. Get the girl at any cost. She was weak as she only had a low rank substance so they thought it was going to be very easy as she had no backers or anyone infact. But he did not expect to meet kent. A boy not even up to 17 capable of using a high rank technique. It was not normal, absolutely not normal.
Kent looked at himself surprised by his sudden movement. He had moved faster than the attack could hit him. Seeing this kents lips curled into a smile involuntarily.
He had never expected such a technique no it had been just a dream for him before but now he was capable of using a technique that could just make him able to end this fight.
Looking back at it now... maybe fighting that wolf was for the best , kent thought in his head before looking back at the blue masked man.
The looming dark shadow monster which had previously attacked kent was now back with the man.
The man was staring at kent ready to attack and also defend at anytime. He was now in a stance. A quite weird stance for that matter.
His right hand was at his back whereas his left leg was now stretched out.
He looked at kent staring menacingly, the dark shadowy figure standing at his right side, then–suddenly.
He strikes.
The shadow previously at his side was now flying at full speed towards kent. It moved without a care highlighting that it was in for an all out brawl.
Kent watched as the shadow sped towards him but unlike before it was different
He could see every movement of the shadow.
It's body movement.
Its hand movement.
Its sharp claws elongating even more.
It was like it was moving in slow motion only for kent to see.
The shadowy figure quickly closed the gap between the two as it was ready to strike.
It moved its hands backwards and swung them at full force tearing through the air as its fist lunged towards kents head ready to kill him in one hit
Then suddenly
A deadly strike–clean, precise, brutal
A punch straight at the ribs. The shadow groaned out in pain for the first time ever but before it could even register the thought to retreat or attack, another strike was coming straight to its face
Another punch deadly and cruel straight at its jaw. The creature groaned out in pain again but kent did not stop.
He could see the creature in slow motion letting him attack at the creatures most vital parts with much ease
so why would he stop?.
Stopping here meant letting the creature recover and kent did not want that.
He could feel his substance draining away from his body as he moved around the creature landing strikes too hard for the eyes to see. If he did not kill this creature while his substance is still plenty he will die. That was a fact.
The masked man looked at kent with raging eyes. His gaze was burning so as his temperature. He had used this stance to let him control the shadows ability to the fullest helping him not loose control over it.
But now this creature that had helped him defeat countless enemies was getting ragdolled by one kid.
Absolutely Unacceptable!
Immediately the man moved his left hand to his face and immediately crushed the blue mask on his face. The mask broke into hundreds of pieces as these pieces each fell to the ground.
The now maskless face was truly a horrible sight. The man's face was full with countless tattoos each illustrating different creatures.
Each of these creatures in the tatoos all had different number written on them. One had the number five on it. The other had the number three on it. Others also carried their own numbers on it.
This was this man's true technique. The technique which had made him famous all over the east. The technique that had won countless battles for him.
This technique name was imaginary false tatoo!