Chereads / Harry Potter and the Daft Morons - By: Sinyk / Chapter 60 - Chapter Sixty - Daphne Decides

Chapter 60 - Chapter Sixty - Daphne Decides

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful world... Damn it!

Chapter Sixty - Daphne Decides




The next morning and well after breakfast, both Fleur and Daphne were in the living room, clearly talking and working on assignments at the time - or, rather, Daphne was working on assignments with Fleur providing advice and assistance; just as she'd been doing for all three since she arrived - when Harry and Hermione walked in the door wearing goofy grins.

Both other girls took one look at the two of them as they walked in and burst into laughter.

"Your faces!" laughed Daphne.

Fleur managed to get her own sudden mirth under control first, but was still grinning when she said, "Eef you do not want people to know what you two 'ave been up to, I strongly suggest you do not go out into zee public areas of the castle for a while."

"We had Dobby pop us into the hallway outside," explained Hermione.

Harry added, "Yeah, we didn't want us suddenly popping into here to startle you."

When Harry and Hermione turned to each other to see what had made the two laugh so much, even they could see what the problem was.

Hermione said, "Errr... Harry. You, at least, have an expression of the 'well-shagged' on your face."

He gave a little snort of amusement and said, "As do you, Hermione. I like seeing it, though. It means I satisfied your needs."

"Satisfied!?" she scoffed. "Harry, I wasn't kidding when I said you earned an 'O Plus'. And that was before... you know." And blushed.

"Wait!" said Daphne, clearly having overheard them. Her eyes were sparkling and she had that look of glee on her face. "You say he earned an 'O Plus', but that wasn't the end of it?"

"Errr... no," she blushed. "That was just... round one."

"Of how many?" asked Fleur, clearly happy for the pair of them.

Harry cut in and demanded in an almost whining tone, "Can we not discuss this as if it was a NEWT exam on Harry's abilities, please?"

"Alright, 'Arry," said Fleur, more calmly. "We won't talk about this in front of you."

"Thank you," he breathed a sigh of relief. "Hang on... wait. That means you're going to talk about it between you, right?"

"'Girl talk', Harry," said Daphne. "Do you really want us to answer that question?"

"Errr... no," he finally and firmly admitted. "Just... not in front of me, or discussed about with me, alright?"

"Of course not, Harry," said Hermione. "It wouldn't be 'girl talk' if we did that."

With a sigh he said, "Well, I'm going to go get changed so I'm not wearing the same clothes I was wearing last night; just in case we were seen." And immediately went over to and entered his bedroom.

"In other words," said Fleur. "'E said, 'I'm giving you this excuse so I can run and 'ide in my room for a while'."

"Now that he's out of the way for a few minutes," said Daphne, leaning forward as Hermione made her way to a seat on one of the sofas. "How was it?"

Hermione immediately grinned and her face took on a slightly not-there and happy at the moment expression. Then she sighed. "Much, much better than I could have imagined."

Coming back to herself she said, "Fleur was right. Do not take WP, first; but, do take Prima Nocte. Once he knows you're alright from... entering... Harry holds nothing back. Once I was both used to it and knew what was going to happen, I lost count of the number of... well, you know." And blushed again.

Fleur asked, "As you're his betrothed, Hermione; How soon can I―?"

"We talked about that between... errr... sessions," she replied. "He doesn't like the fact you're in distress. And he knows you are.

"However, he still firmly believes this is not something you truly want. So, I suggest you need to be a little firm with him and... if you must, beg him to take you to the room.

"You may need to impress upon him how much distress you're currently in and, while you appreciate he believes you're unwilling, you're really not. It may also help if you tell him you're not a virgin and why. That way, he doesn't believe he's taking something precious from you."

Surprised, Fleur asked, "'E believes I'm a virgin?"

"Yes," she replied. "Let's face it, it's not a subject you've brought up around him; only with us girls."

Fleur frowned slightly in concentration before she said, "No. You're right. We 'aven't. But, I thought 'e would know I couldn't be."

Hermione slowly shook her head and said, "As I said, sexuality is not something with which Harry is comfortable. He won't willingly discuss it. Such a discussion needs to be forced on him, but not too much. As I've mentioned before, he'll close off to you if you try."

Before the conversation could go on further, Harry came out, checked to ensure they weren't in the middle of talking about him and came further out rubbing his hands together. "Well," he said. "I've just been told something rude by my mirror, which leads me to believe going down to the Great Hall for lunch is a bad idea. So, I think I'll be cooking us a lunch for today. What say―"

That was far as he got before Dobby popped in and quickly said, "Dobby already be cookings, Master Harry. You be needings to relax." And popped away before Harry could retort.

"Dammit!" he loudly exclaimed.

That had the three girls immediately burst into laughter again.

Mock-frowning at the girls, he suddenly had a bright idea and his faced broke into shocked happiness. "I know! I'm going for a fly!"

"That's... actually a very good idea, Harry," said Hermione. "It won't matter what people see on your face, then. Everyone knows you love to fly."

With a grin and sparkling in his eyes, Harry ran back into his room and, moments later, came out carrying his Firebolt.

He quickly went over to the sofas, kissed Hermione on the cheek, hesitated, then went over and kissed both Daphne and Fleur on the cheek.

"Back soon!" he called, as he practically ran out the room.

"Well!" laughed Daphne. "After what you two apparently got up to last night―"

"And this morning... twice," grinned Hermione.

With a glance that showed she was impressed, Daphne continued, "And he still has the energy to run out of here to go for a fly?"

"We only stopped because I was worried I wouldn't be able to walk if we didn't," admitted Hermione.

"Mes dieux," exclaimed Fleur. "That's it. Some way, some 'ow, I'll be riding Harry's broom, myself, before this weekend is ovair."

"That exercise we've been doing in the Room of Requirement is really paying off," said Daphne.

"Oui!" said Fleur. She had bought her own exercise clothes during that day of shopping in the Alley. And had since been joining them.

However, for Fleur with her Veela heritage, it would change very little of anything regarding her looks. It should, though, improve her cardiovascular, making her internally fitter.




Harry was very quickly outside and into the air; launching at a run off the bottom step of the main doors of the castle and soaring into the sky.

He flew in a lazy pattern to once again familiarise himself with his broom and its handling. However, it was not long before he was careening all over the sky performing feats of aerobatics that had those who watched him gasp in amazement.

For Harry, he was simply flying. He zipped, he swooped, he corkscrewed, he barrel-rolled. But, he was just having some fun.

He considered his most recent night and morning to be the greatest twelve-plus hours he'd ever lived. And his flying reflected that. It was even knowing his past twelve hours were only the beginning of the many, many hours doing the same thing that lay ahead of him that had him pulling off even more amazing stunts.

Up in the Gryffindor tower, three girls - two Sixth Years and a Fifth Year - were watching out a window in the Sixth Year girls' dorm.

"Damn it!" said a frustrated Quidditch team captain. "Why... the fuck... did we not do what we should have done and protected him?" she seethed.

"I don't know, Ange," sighed Spinnet. "But you can't say he wasn't right."

"No," grumped Johnson. "But, at least he was also right about the Weasley girl. She's good; just not―"

"Just not 'Harry Potter' good," completed Bell, the youngest of the three.

"Since he's flying," said Spinnet. "You don't think he'd now be―"

"No," Johnson snapped, immediately cut her off. "He's right. Besides, you heard what he said. He only continued to play because he didn't want to be yelled at by the House if he didn't; and he also thinks catching the snitch gives him something to do while flying. He hates Quidditch."

"We're just going to have to make sure the 'Weaslette' is the best she can be," said Bell. "If she doesn't pass muster, the House will turn on us next."

Johnson firmly said, "All of this is leading me to hate Quidditch. The next time I see Wood, I'm going to hex his bollocks off."

For the shortened Quidditch season, the games had been scheduled six weeks apart on Sundays. They were the 7th of February, the 21st of March, the 2nd of May and the 13th of June. The first two games had already been played, with the second played only the previous weekend.

Ravenclaw played Hufflepuff in the first. Hufflepuff had flogged Ravenclaw; which wasn't surprising, seeing as members of the Ravenclaw team were involved in what had happened to little Luna Lovegood and Professor Sinistra had booted them off in punishment. Slytherin then played Ravenclaw and, though they'd rallied late in the game, Ravenclaw again lost. However, the win by Slytherin was less than the points worth for catching the snitch.

Gryffindor would play Slytherin in the next game on the 2nd of May. It was well known the Slytherins would be trying to stack points onto their narrow win to try and win the Cup. And were also gloating about how 'Harry Potter' was no longer on the Gryffindor team.

Johnson was just grateful the two Gryffindor games were the last two. It gave her and the rest of the team as much time as possible to train their new seeker. They'd be concentrating on keeping the girl clear of the brutal play by the Slytherins. Even Malfoy, the current Slytherin seeker, needed to be watched.

Spinnet, realising what had been bothering her for a few weeks, said, "We need to get the Weaslette a faster broom."

Johnson sighed and said, "You're going to make me go and ask Harry to loan her one, aren't you?"

"Know anyone else who might be willing to loan her one?" asked Spinnet.

Johnson sighed and said, "I do not even know if Harry will loan her one. After Pig Weasley's behaviour..."

Spinnet said, "Oh; right."




By the time Harry needed to consider cooking dinner - and that evil, green-skinned mini spawn of Satan had better not try to steal his 'cheffing' time - both well-shagged teens were more or less back to normal.

Harry thought, for that evening he'd try his hand at another few French dishes. For starters, he prepared a French fish bisque for soup. For mains, he prepared Poulet à la Moutarde (chicken in caramelised Dijon mustard) with Pommes Dauphinoise (potatoes done Dauphin-style), steamed veggies, with dry gougères (cheese puffs) as a sort of bread for soaking up juices. And dessert was a simple French-style apple tart with sweetened whipped cream.

With all eight again sitting for dinner in the Potter apartment, the only noises were the occasional sounds of appreciation, as folks were too busy eating.

When on the final dish, the dessert, Fleur said, "Sans doute, 'Arry. Come this summair, you weel be cooking for us at Delacour Manoir. I inseest! Papa and Maman need to taste thees. It is... magnifique! You cook French dishairs even bettair than our 'ouse elves! Beesides anytheeng else, the idea of le gougères to soak up the sauces is also a clevair one."

Harry, as usual, blushed at the praise. The others were all starting to get used to his cooking, for which he was actually grateful, so while they still praised him it was not so overboard. Instead, they lightly chuckled or snickered at Fleur's reaction. They all knew why, having been the same themselves not too long ago.

"We all say those sort of things for the first couple of times when Harry cooks," said Hermione. "My parents didn't want him to leave when we moved back to the castle in the beginning of January."

"Monica did," he said.

"That's only because she was worried about her waistline," she returned. "You know she loves you."

"Eet ees vairy good!" said Fleur, between mouthfuls.

He didn't know if it was the food, that it was French, or that Fleur was only focussed on eating and tasting, but her accent was starting to slip again. He actually liked that it had that effect on her.




After dinner and the guests had left, the four sat on the sofas. This time, however, Harry was braced by Hermione and Fleur, with Hermione snuggling into his side. He hadn't even realised he'd raised his arm to drop around her until she pulled it in closer. Daphne sat on the closest end of the sofa brought in that sat perpendicular.

After they'd sat back in almost silence for a couple minutes, Hermione softly said, "Harry?"

"Mmm?" he asked.

Just as quietly, she said, "Thank you for letting me be your first. And thank you for being my first."

He frowned, just a tad, in confusion at that. "I have this urge to say, 'You're welcome'. But, it also sounds... tactless. Instead, I'll say, 'Thank you', right back."

"You're right," she chuckled. "It would sound gauche."

"How do you feel, now?" he asked.

"Very good, actually," she replied. "A lot better than I expected I'd feel, truth be told. Us girls were often told these... tales... of what we could expect both during and afterwards; especially for the first time. I do not feel any of that."

"I'm glad," he said. "It would gut me to know you were hurting and I was the cause of it."

She nodded, sighed and said, "Harry. I know we've talked about this. But, now you need to help Fleur. She's hurting because she needs to do what we did and only you can make that hurt go away."

Harry groaned before he sighed and looked to Daphne. "Daphne―"

Daphne smiled and said, "I'm not ready, Harry. I do not think I'm going to be ready for quite some time. I already know that is going to be beyond the time you need to help Fleur."

Harry thought about what to do and was actually mimicking Hermione's thinking habit of nibbling on his bottom lip.

Looking back to Daphne he said, "I don't ever want you think you have to do... that... with me. You don't. Ever. Understand?"

"I do," she smiled. "And, yes, I know."

Fleur leaned in and said, "I know what you're thinking, 'Arry. But, please believe me when I tell you, I do not. I really do want this."

Hermione sat back up and looked at her betrothed in the eyes. "Harry. She needs this. She is in pain because you are having trouble accepting it. Whether you accept it or not is not relevant. Only you can help her."

"You're sure?" he asked her.

"Very," she smiled. "Never fear; I have no problem with this, Harry."

When he still appeared hesitant, she said, "Harry; you have my permission, without judgement, to have sexual intercourse with Fleur. Does that make you feel better?"

"I..." he began. He turned to Fleur and could see the hope and, yes, even the pain in her eyes. "The urge is getting bad, isn't it?"

She just nodded back, not breaking eye contact with him

"Alright," he sighed. And could see all three girls also seemed relieved. "When?"

"The sooner the better," she said. "Please."

"Alright," he said, a little firmer this time. "Do you... want to go up to the Room of Requirement?"

"Non," she replied. "I would like you to go into your room, 'ere. And I will join you in about thirty minutes."

"Here?" he asked. "Won't you be... embarrassed Hermione and Daphne will be so close?"

She smiled and said, "'Arry, I am Veela. We are sexual beings. Sex is not something we are either embarrassed or ashamed about.

"'Owever, if it would make you feel better and less embarrassed―"

"No," he quickly replied. "I'm alright. But, someone's going to need to put up a silencing ward."

She smiled and said, "If you think you are going to need it."

"Not me," he declared, a little proudly. "But, from Hermione's reactions last night and this morning, you might find you might want them."

As she laughed and Daphne grinned, but blushed a little, Hermione whacked him on the arm. "Don't say that," she giggled.

It was that giggle that told him Hermione really was alright with this.

"Alright," he said. "I'll go wait in my room."

Just before he rose, he kissed Hermione on the cheek. Then, without a backward glance, walked into his room and shut the door.

As soon as the door closed, Hermione said, "Oh, Gods; this is hard."

A very much relieved Fleur leaned across the gap left by Harry leaving, ran her hand down the cheek of Hermione, and said, "Thank you for being so understanding."

Hermione nodded back, but still looked down.

"Come," said Fleur. "I need to get ready. And it would 'elp if you assisted me." Then she turned to Daphne and said, "You, too, if you would not mind."

"Is this like the ceremony we did the other day?" asked Hermione.

"Somewhat," said Fleur. "It's more of a bonding exercise for us three girls in preparation for what is to come. Though I tried to make light of it for 'Arry's sake, this is still a... big thing... for a woman; no?"

As Fleur rose, so too did Hermione and Daphne. They headed for and entered Fleur's room.




Rather than thirty minutes, it was only not long after twenty minutes before there was a knock on Harry's door.

Giving his throat a little clear, he called, "Come in."

Rather than stripping off and laying on the bed, waiting. Harry had brushed his teeth and cleaned himself up a little, but that was about it.

For the rest of the time, he was walking around his room, almost pacing, out of nervousness.

When the door opened and Fleur walked in, he could see was again wearing the chiton. But, this time she was barefoot. That her neck was bare also showed the choker; with the metal Potter crest pendant glinting in the candle light.

Taking a closer look, he could see her hair had also been let down and had been well brushed, so it shined. However, she wore no make-up and no other jewellery other than the choker. Actually, it was clear, yet again due to the wispiness of the translucent fabric, all she was wearing was the chiton and the ribbon.

As she smiled and closed the door, she said, "I would 'ave thought you'd 'ave already been undressed."

"No," he said. "Because, I first wanted to give you the option of backing out."

Her smile widened a little and she asked, "Why would I do that? I want this."

"That's the magical imperative―" he began.

"Not true," she firmly cut in. "Daphne is correct in that you are both a very attractive and very powerful young man. My Veela 'eritage, not the part about the life debt, urges me to mate with you."

"You're quarter Veela―" he tried.

"Non, 'Arry," she said. "There is no such thing as anything but a full Veela. I used the excuse of a quarter Veela to protect myself from unwanted advances.

"Think about it," she suggested. "There are no male Veela. So, where do full Veela come from?"

He gave another frown of annoyance and said, "I really do need to read that book. If I'd known there were no male Veela, I'd have figured out you couldn't be a quarter Veela pretty quick."

As they talked, Fleur had moved over to the bed and was pulling the comforter down and over the foot-board. She left just enough upon the foot of the bed so one or the other of them could reach down and pull it back up later.

Once she'd done that she walked over to Harry and asked, "May I undress you? Please, let me. It helps me show... sub-ser-vience."

"It's important?" he asked.

"Yes," she simply replied.

"Very well," he replied right back.

Taking her time, Fleur disrobed Harry. At each step she was careful to properly fold his clothing and lay it down before moving to the next item.

Once she was done, with even his underpants joining the folded pile, she stepped two paces back and, smiling and looking him in the eye, undid the pin he hadn't seen that pinned her chiton at the shoulder; and let the lot drop to the floor in a puddle at her feet.

Then she just stood there, not a stitch on but the choker, smiling at him. She didn't try and cover herself. She didn't try to cross one knee in front of the other to hide her sex. She even lowered her hands and held them slightly away from her body.

The one thing Harry knew, just from looking at her, she had to be one of the most visually beautiful women he'd ever seen. Everything was perfect for her. Everything was in the right, even perfect, proportions for her overall size.

After giving him a long few moments to stare, she gave a slow pirouette all the way around. Then took a step back, picked up her chiton, and draped it over the door of his armoire.

Finally, she walked back to him, took him by the hand and walked him to the bed, before then gently pushing him onto it.

The only uncomfortableness Harry was feeling, was in his groin. He hadn't even noticed how happy little Harry had gotten until he tried to walk. Then the feeling of gravity and the swinging of weight was annoyingly, if momentarily, distracting.




Harry did not know what to expect from sleeping with Fleur. He did not know if her life debt required he 'take' her a certain way, or if it was satisfied with 'simple missionary', or he had to dominate her, or something else. And Fleur voiced no requirement.

Instead, he made love to her. First, orally; both ways; then with simple sex. That then led to a few other positions. By the end of the night, he knew he'd made it good for her at least four times, possibly five, and for himself twice. However, he also knew he had to learn French.

Fleur might not have felt they needed silencing charms for her benefit, but he was glad he'd called Dobby to erect them for the night before she turned up. When she got going, Fleur had a habit of babbling in French. He had to keep telling her to speak English so he could understand her.

He did manage to pick up a few of the words she was using and knew he'd never find them in a French-English dictionary, though.




When Harry woke the next morning, Fleur was gone.

A quick Tempus showed it was still early, but they'd be in time for breakfast if he hurried.

However, breakfast was not what he had on his mind.

Quickly and thoroughly showering to rid himself of the scent of Fleur, he dressed in fresh clothes and readied for the day, a Sunday.

When he came out of his room he could see that none of the three girls were up. Or, if they were, they weren't in the living room. A quick check also showed they weren't in the dining room, the kitchen or the office, either.

He then went to Hermione's door and softly knocked on it.

He heard, "Come in," opened the door and stuck his head in.

Hermione was lying in bed, but clearly awake.

"Can I come in?" he asked.

She nodded back.

Quietly, he stepped within, closed the door and turned to her.

As he looked at her, wondering what to say or do, she flicked back the covers on the side closest to him and gestured him over.

Walking to the side of the bed, he then kicked his loafers off, donned only minutes earlier, sat on the side of the bed and laid down next to her before rolling to face her.

Faces only inches apart he stared into her eyes and softly said, "I love you."

From her slightly worried expression, her face relaxed and bloomed into a wide smile. "I love you, too."

Then they met in the middle and kissed, deeply and passionately.

When they pulled apart he asked, "Are you alright?"

"I am now," she softly replied.

Knowing why she worded it that way, he said, "Hermione Jean Granger. Know this and know this well. No matter what life may put before us, no matter what challenges come our way, I will always be truly, madly and deeply in love with you."

With her eyes suddenly welling with tears, she let out a quiet sob before she dived at him and started to snog him senseless.




When they came out of her room about an hour later, only Daphne was in the living room. She appeared to be working on assignments.

She gave them a curious look before she glanced at Harry's door and back. "But, I thought―"

"I met Fleur's needs last night," said Harry. "I needed to reaffirm my love for Hermione this morning."

"Ah!" she quietly said.

"I take it Fleur has not risen yet, this morning?" he asked.

Daphne shook her head and replied, "Not yet. I was expecting you and her to come out of your door, together."

"No," he replied. "I believe she returned to her own room to sleep."

"Well, you've missed breakfast in the Great Hall," she said. "Shall I ask Dobby to cook―"

With a silent flash of elf apparation, Dobby popped in and said, "Dobby already be makings brekky. It be ready in ten minutes." And just as silently popped away again.

"He's getting better at that," said Hermione.

When Dobby announced breakfast was ready, Daphne walked over to Fleur's door, knocked and stuck her head inside. A moment later, she pulled her head out and said to Harry and Hermione, "She'll be ready in about ten minutes." Then she stepped fully within and closed the door behind her.

"She must've woken her," said Hermione, as she and Harry headed for the dining room.




When Fleur joined them about twenty five minutes later, she walked in as if she was floating on clouds. She looked... serene.

Hermione snickered and said, "If I looked like that yesterday morning, it's no wonder you and Daphne said I had that well-shagged look."

Fleur ignored the comment and gracefully sat down. She readied her plate and napkin in her lap. Then, while still looking at the table before her, she quietly but firmly said, "You, Miss Hermione Granger, are one very... very... lucky young witch."

Hermione blushed, but continued to look to Fleur. "I know," she quietly said back.

When Fleur finally looked back, she firmly said, "No one, but us three girls in 'ere, are to ever know just 'ow good 'Arry is in bed. If the Veela enclaves ever learn 'ow good 'e is, they will try to kidnap 'im for themselves."

That comment surprised Hermione. Harry was just blushing at the praise.

"I know he made my first time a very wonderful time... and my second... and my third... and, well, you know what I mean," she said. "But, is he really that good?"

"Hey!" Harry indignantly exclaimed.

Staring intently at Fleur, Hermione ignored him.

Fleur only flicked her eyes to him for a bare fraction of a second before she turned to look back at Hermione. "Simply put? Yes."

The conviction in the young Veela's voice left no doubt she believed it.

As Fleur built her breakfast, Daphne walked in and sat at the table. But she only took a cup of tea.

"I ate earlier," she said, by way of explanation. "Besides, it's pretty much time for morning tea, anyway."

Fleur was deep in thought for a long moment before she said, "Part of a young Veela's transition into adulthood includes what is known as Le Rituel de la Demoiselle, The Young Lady's Ritual. It is their first time to 'ave sex; full sex.

"As Daphne and 'Ermione already know, that time for me was about two years ago; days after my sixteenth birthday.

"For this time, the Veela enclaves 'ave young trained wizards, who are paid very 'andsomely, to make a young Veela's first time as pleasant as possible. Their task is to 'elp the young Veela reach le petit mort, orgasm, at least once; more is better. This is to unlock the full powers of a Veela.

"Mine was successful, as they should be, in that I reached le petit mort. I thought it was wonderful.

"'Owevair," she paused. "Last night... what I felt made what I felt that first night feel as if it was a... pale imitation.

"Mes dieux!" she softly exclaimed. "Not even moi maman must evair learn of zis!"

Daphne had stopped what she was doing. She held her teacup partway to her mouth and was staring at Fleur in shock. Hermione was focused on the other girl, quite intently; while Harry couldn't make up his mind whether he was embarrassed out of his gourd or feeling excessively proud.

Fleur then set down her cutlery and flipped her hand out and palm up. A bare moment later there appeared a ball of purplish-blue fire, about six inches in size, burning just off her hand as if cupped by it. "Passion fire," she explained. "It is a power of the Veela. After Le Rituel, we can call it at will and use it to defend ourselves or attack others. Until last night I could create a ball of passion fire about two inches in diameter. That was it. Not now, though.

Closing her hand into a fist and extinguishing the fire at the same time, she then lowered her hand back to her cutlery. And turned to Harry.

"Thank you, 'Arry," she firmly said. "I do not know what it means for my spell casting, but I believe I shall see just as much of an improvement there.

"And," she said. "Though it... Even though I wish I could state otherwise, I do not believe we will 'ave to repeat last night for quite some time to come. The life debt was well and truly... sated for the time being. Again, thank you."

When it was obvious she was finished explaining, as she picked her cutlery back up and began eating, Hermione whispered, "Wow!"

That broke Daphne out of her shock and, instead of finishing raising the cup to her lips and taking a sip, she carefully set it back down on her saucer. "Yeah. Wow!" she quietly said.

Harry was madly blushing away and trying to use willpower alone to squash it down.

He never noticed both Hermione and Daphne turn calculating eyes on him, as he really didn't want to look at anyone, just then, but his plate.




The 'Potters' finally put in an appearance out of their apartment just before lunch and joined the Longbottoms in the trek down to the Great Hall.

"Trouble in paradise?" asked Neville, quietly.

Harry knew he asked out of concern and not because he was being nosy. "No," he smiled. "Part of it was helping Fleur. You know what that means, don't you?"

Neville blushed, but nodded. "She's alright now, though; right?"

"Yes," he replied. "And, hopefully, for a while to come."

During lunch Harry was passed a note from Alicia Spinnet requesting a meeting with him, her and Angelina Johnson in the same antechamber they met last time.

Harry frowned and thought about it before he abruptly said, "I'll be back in a few minutes."

Rising and, as he headed out the door and over to the antechamber, he gave a nod to the three chasers as he walked past their part of the Gryffindor table.

Entering the room, he only had to wait a minute before Spinnet and Johnson entered, together.

"What do you want?" he asked.

"We know you have no desire to rejoin the Lions," said Spinnet. "We're not asking you to."

Calming a bit he asked, "Then, what?"

"We took on the Weas... Ginny Weasley as our seeker, as you suggested," she explained. "And, she's as good as you alluded. However, she doesn't have a decent broom to do the role justice."

He nodded and said, "You want me to buy her one?"

"No, replied Johnson. "We were hoping you'd be willing to loan her one of yours."

He gave a snort of amusement and said, "I only have one. That's my Firebolt. And I won't loan that to her."

When he saw their shoulders slump in defeat, he said, "However, I will loan her one; but, on the proviso she never learns I'm the one who loaned it to her. For that to happen only us three will even know about it. I do not want her to believe she owes me anything. Deal?"

Both stood up straighter, but clearly relieved. As Spinnet nodded, Johnson firmly said, "Deal!"

He gave a firm nod back and said, "I'll organise for one to be passed to either of you two. Then, whichever of you receives it, will then loan it to Weasley. After the last game you will collect it back off her and return it to... Neville Longbottom. Again, deal?"

"Deal," chorused the girls.

Harry gave a nod back and strode from the room, back to the Great Hall.

He even wrote a note for Sirius, asking Sirius to go and buy him a decent broom, just not a Firebolt. And told him why. Sirius was then tasked with organising for it, in confidence, to get into the hands of either Angelina Johnson or Alicia Spinnet.

The discussion swirling around them that afternoon was not that Harry and the rest had again put in an appearance after not being seen since the end of classes on the Friday, but dealt with Fleur's choker.

Clearly, a few knew what it meant and were even now spreading the word. It was the symbol of a bonded Veela. And the Potter crest on the pendant - medallion - meant she was a Veela bonded to someone in the House of Potter. That the crest was in gold meant it was to the head of the House.

Harry hadn't learnt this, himself, until just a few days ago.

While he would normally abhor school gossip, especially when it dealt with him, this time he didn't even try to put a stop to it. Through the gossip, he hoped that those who might try to make a play for Fleur would realise, ahead of time, what a major error of judgement that would be. And he'd not have to personally deal with them.

Paying some attention to what was going on around them, Harry leaned into Fleur and softly said, "I now understand the purpose of the choker. Sorry for doubting you over that."

She just smiled back.




Other matters occurring in the castle recently related to both Ginevra Weasley and Luna Lovegood. Both still met with the mind-healer in the offices next to the offices of their respective Heads of House.

Ginny had now reached the point she had come to terms with what had happened her First Year at Hogwarts; and how she was only to blame by not going to her father, or one of the Professors, with the diary. However, it was also made clear to her she just might have been under a compulsion not to do so; and that it was too late to check.

Her other matter, her infatuation with Harrison 'Harry' Potter, was also now a resolved issue. For that one, her mother was at fault. The woman had filled her daughter's head with all these fanciful tales about Harry Potter. Tales that were definitely not true. Therefore, the Harry Potter she was infatuated with simply did not exist.

And, while Harrison Potter - the somewhat real one - had saved her from the Chamber of Secrets, that did not mean he was the same as the Harry Potter in those books and stories her mother would read or relate to her. He would have done that for whomever had been taken into the Chamber. She knew that now, too.

As such, Ginny Weasley was quickly reaching the point she would no longer need to see the mind-healer anywhere near as often as she did. Instead, at the next meeting the mind-healer would be informing her that their sessions were being cut back from the current once every two weeks, back to once every two months.

Luna Lovegood was still a bit of a work-in-progress, though. The girl flatly refused to recant her views concerning creatures only she, apparently, could see. However, the meek and submissiveness that was a major part of her personality was definitely something of the past.

The mind-healer had thought that, once Luna was cured of her submissiveness, she might have also dropped her invisible creatures. However, nothing could have been further from the truth. Instead of only, almost flippantly, mentioning her creatures, Luna was now more outspoken about them.

Another issue dealt with Malfoy. He had only just returned from his own excursion outside of the castle on 'family business'.

With little prior warning, he was given only one day's notice his mother would be attending the school to collect him and take him home for the weekend. She arrived in the Headmistress's office on the Friday afternoon an hour after last class and they flooed directly to Malfoy Manor.

As soon as he was home his mother took him straight through to his father's study, leaving him at the door as she walked off.

During the meeting with his father he learned that both the Dark Lord had returned, though in reduced form, and he was given a most special assignment to complete. He was told that, if he successfully completed it as his father expected him to, it would see him jump directly into the Dark Lord's circle of closest confidants.

The task was then explained to him. From then and for the rest of the weekend he was shown how to cast a specific charm and led through how to modify one already cast. The entire weekend was spent on that one charm.

By the time he returned to the castle on the Sunday afternoon, he thought he could cast it and modify it in his sleep.




As March moved into the beginnings of April, the season of Spring fully upon them, the change in the physical relationship between Harry and Hermione and Harry and Fleur, did not become an uncomfortable one for her, as Daphne suspected it might.

She believed she might have come to feel like an 'outsider', being the only witch in the apartment not having slept with Harry. But, that did not prove to be the case.

If not for knowing both Hermione and Fleur had slept with Harry, the lack of change in the relationships between the four of them would have meant she'd not have suspected a thing.

However, Fleur's obvious increase in magical power, now that she knew the cause of it, was the only sign.

Harry was just as comfortable with the 'innocent' cuddling of her as he was with Hermione. Even Fleur was now a recipient of that sort of interaction and to the same amount.

There were also no knowing looks or glances between 'them' who had done it, which would have exacerbated the problem. Nor did Harry suddenly become demanding of sex from Hermione, or Fleur, which she knew other boys would have more likely done.

Once they were into the second half of April, and there was still no change other than the four becoming more comfortable around each other, Daphne came to realise that it wasn't the worry Harry would be more demanding of sex from Hermione and or Fleur, it was her worry he'd become demanding of sex from her; especially if they'd already had their first night together.

It was during the third week of April, on the Wednesday, she pulled the other girls aside for a 'girls talk' in her room. Again, Harry didn't even bat an eye over it. He just continued to work on one of his assignments.

As soon as they entered and Daphne had closed the door, Fleur smiled at her and said, "You've reached a decision."

Daphne gave a little embarrassed smile and looked to Hermione. "I have."

Hermione smiled back and asked, "When?"

"The decision?" she asked.

"No," replied Hermione. "When do you want to... do it?"

Daphne, clearly a little worried, asked, "Does Friday night sound alright to you? Now that I've..." And petered off.

"Now that you've made the decision," said Fleur. "You want to get your first night out of the way. That way, you won't worry at the decision for so long you'll change your mind again."

Daphne looked to her and nodded.

"Well," sighed Hermione. "Friday night gives you almost forty eight hours to change your mind. So, if you're going to, you've got time to do so."

Worried, Daphne asked her, "You're still alright with this?"

"Yes," she replied. "At first, I was worried that I'd lose Harry's love. But, after his night with Fleur, I knew that wasn't the case - wouldn't be the case."

"'Ave no doubt of his love for you, 'Ermione," said Fleur. "It shines true. If anything, it 'as deepened since that weekend two and a 'alf weeks ago."

Happy and not a little more relieved, Hermione turned a smile on Fleur and softly said, "Thank you."

Fleur nodded back with her own smile before she looked back to Daphne. "When do you want to ask 'im?"

"Ummm..." stuttered the blonde.

"Now, tonight, would be the best idea," said Hermione. "Give him time to... internalise it. Give him a chance to accept."

Daphne nodded back, but worried about how she'd approach Harry with it.

In the end, she needn't have worried.

When the girls returned to the living room, Daphne sat on Harry's right and leaned into him.

She stayed like that a little while before she softly said, "Harry?"

"Mmm?" he asked.

"I'm ready."

He froze for a moment before he softly asked, "Ready... for what?"

At first, surprised at how thick he was being, she realised she shouldn't be. She pulled away a little and looked him in the eyes. "I'm ready for us to have our first night together."

A little confused he said, "Daphne, you've been here for a few months, now―"

A little frustrated, she said, "Harry. I mean I have not just made my decision to actually have a child or two with you, I have now made my decision as to when the first night we shall make love should be.

"I'm asking you to give full consideration to taking me up to the Room of Requirement on Friday night."

'When it came to sex, Harry might be a little thick,' she thought, "But he certainly wasn't that thick.'

"You... want me to make love to you on Friday night?" he asked.

'Alright. Maybe he was.'

"Yes, Harry," she replied. "I'd like you to join me in the Room of Requirement on Friday night and make love to me. Actually, I'm asking you to make love to me on Friday night. Would you? Please?"

"Errr... You know what it means... regarding the agreement... if we do, don't you?" he asked.

"I do," she firmly replied. "But, as I've told you before, I really cannot see there ever being anyone else I'd rather at least my first time to be with, than you.

"Actually, I cannot see there ever being anyone I'd rather be with, than you."

"Oh... alright," he replied. "If it's something you really want―"

She smiled in happiness at him before leaning in and kissing him. "Thank you, Harry."

Then she snuggled back in again.

When he looked over at Hermione and gave her a questioning look, she smiled and just nodded back.

Feeling better about it, he returned to his study.




Harry was nowhere near as nervous during the two days run-up to the Friday night, as he was about his and Hermione's first and, so far, only time. So, Harry was able to better concentrate on his school work.

On Friday, he made sure Fleur and Hermione knew to immediately send Dobby or Betsy if there was a problem and both just grinned back.

"Harry," said Hermione. "We know. We'll be fine. And the other Heirs will be with us all the time we're out of the apartment, anyway. Don't worry about us."

Once back in the apartment, Harry went and dropped off his satchel and headed for the shower. Just like with Hermione and Fleur, he didn't want to be 'smelly' for Daphne. She deserved his best efforts and she'd get it.

When he was ready, he noticed the others were all gone again and knew they were probably having a 'girl talk' session in Daphne's room, this time; so just waited.

When they came out, Hermione came over first and gave him a gentle snog before pulling back. However, she also paused to whisper in his ear, "Make it good for her, like you did for me."

He gave her a serious nod back.

Surprising him, Fleur came over and kissed him French-style on both cheeks before pulling back. The mischievous minx's eyes were sparkling and she grinning at him.

When he turned to Daphne, he thought he saw reluctance in her expression or posture.

"We don't have to do this if you don't want to, Daphne," he firmly said. "If, at any time, you want to stop... we will."

That seemed to release the tension she was feeling. And she smiled at him. "Thank you, Harry. It's very nice to know that. However, I'm sure; this is what I want."

Stepping closer, he wrapped her in a hug and called, "Dobby!"


