Chereads / Harry Potter and the Daft Morons - By: Sinyk / Chapter 38 - Chapter Thirty Eight - Christmas

Chapter 38 - Chapter Thirty Eight - Christmas

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful world... Damn it!

A/N: Dear readers, many of you are apparently upset with way Hermione is treating Harry; he's an 'Autie/Aspie', so she needs to back off. However, what you've not considered - because I haven't been specific about it - is Harry is undiagnosed. High Functioning AUD (or, as it was known until recently, Autism) is very difficult to detect, even by those who consider looking for it. His aunt and uncle considered everything he did while in their dubious care as his 'freakishness'; so, of course, they'd never take him in.

Now, he's a teenager. Teenagers are 'moody' and struggle with getting control of the effect hormones are having on their bodies; 'everyone knows that'. So, without an expert in the disorder looking Harry over, no one's spotted it. Even then, AUD(HF) can be overlooked. While Hermione is incredibly smart, a diagnosis of Harry is way beyond even her ken.

Chapter Thirty Eight - Christmas




After accessing the map and writing down all the tunnels, Harry realised there was something missing from the Map. There were no footprints with names.

Frowning, he deactivated it and tried again. And again no names appeared. Somehow, that function within the Map had broken.

He knew it wasn't because he was away from the castle. At times in the past, when he was away - whether that was at the Dursleys or at the Burrow - it had shown the names then. Now, however, it did not.

Giving a sigh of disappointment, he'd ask Sirius about it when he had a chance. It just wasn't that big a deal to him, at the moment.

With the list of all tunnels with relevant passwords now listed out, including the ones he knew had collapsed, he put the Map away again. One feature might have broken, but it was still a family heirloom and a connection to his father.

While cooking a roast dinner for that night - stuffed duck, this time, as he had the time to make sure it was done right - Harry used the time to think through what he wanted to talk with the adult Grangers about concerning returning to Hogwarts.

And, when they arrived home a couple hours later, he and Hermione sat them down in the parlour and went over what they had learned that day.

"So," said Wendell, looking to Hermione who held most of the conversation. "In brief: This new Headmistress, Lady Griselda Marchbanks, is going to be firing Dumbledore from his job soon after 11.00am on Sunday, the third of January; which is the time the Hogwarts Express will leave Kings Cross Station on its trip to Hogsmeade. She claims she already has permission from the School Board to do so, but has held off to keep Dumbledore away from you and us. She has already given her word she will ensure the old man cannot ever return to the castle and its grounds, no matter how much he bleats about it.

"With that in mind you now believe the danger that existed due to Dumbledore's Machiavellian machinations, as you put it, within the castle are now at an end. And the changes to the school rules relating to student and staff behaviour will go a long way towards stamping out the bullying and bigotry that ran rampant during your first three years and the beginning of your fourth."

Hermione replied, "In a nutshell, yes."

Wendell gave a nod and looked to Harry. "And what do you think?"

Harry was slow to respond as he was formulating his thoughts. And the others didn't push as they all were now experienced with his 'thinking' expression and that he took time to formulate a proper response.

"I think that Lady Marchbanks is as good as her word. However, that does not necessarily presuppose she is correct; only that she believes she is," he replied. "For example: Dumbledore had nothing to do with Lucy Malfoy planting that diary on young Ginny Weasley. Yes, the old bastard used the opportunity it presented to him, but it was not caused by him. I also do not believe he engineered my name coming out of the Goblet, which caused my forced entry into the Tri-Wizard Tournament. Again, he simply used the opportunity it presented him. I believe his plan was, once my name came out of the Goblet, to leave me out there as bait. As such, both those situations are situations that may still have occurred, even without Dumbledore's machinations. The second may very likely have still occurred, even if I did not attend Hogwarts, so that one is a wash.

"However, according to the information provided to us by Lady Marchbanks, neither of those situations would have occurred if the relevant ward scheme for the castle that had been deactivated and are now up and running again had been active at the time. Further, the reactivation of the anti-bullying wards, together with the added monitoring wards now installed, will mean the castle has now truly become one of the safest places in magical Britain and not just a dream thought real.

"Then there's the other problems that have not yet been addressed. For a start, there is very little to no proper security on Platform nine and three-quarters, on the train itself, on Hogsmeade station or between the station and the gates of the school. As it is very public information as to when the train leaves Kings Cross and arrives at Hogsmeade, that is a huge security issue that - even after everything I've brought to light - has yet to be closed. There is not even an auror presence. That's foolishness!"

Turning to look at Hermione he continued, "That, alone, let alone anything else, has me speaking against returning to the school. I have no doubt, whatsoever, Dumbledore will use the opportunity of us travelling upon the Hogwarts Express to abduct either me, you or the both of us." He sighed and sadly stated, "They're still being daft morons about this issue, at least."

Hermione didn't argue, as she might have done in the past, as she could easily see the truth of his words. She looked sadly away, in tears.

Monica piped up and asked, "What about if they don't use the Express?"

Wendell, curious, asked, "Use those porta-keys, instead?"

"Portkeys," Hermione muttered.

Harry nodded and replied, "Because only the Head can enchant portkeys that go through the wards of Hogwarts, she'd need to make a lot of them. The power requirements would be, I think, too tiring of a witch of her advanced age. She's even older than Dumbledore."

"Floo?" asked Wendell.

Harry frowned and gave it some thought.

Hermione beat him to the answer. "That would work, actually."

Harry nodded and replied, "If it could be done, the castle could easily have a 'welcoming room' like the atrium at the Ministry of Magic. If it can't, then each student with access to a floo point floos directly to their Head of House's floo point in the castle. As it's a mid-year break there won't be any unsorted first years to worry about, so everyone already has an assigned House."

Nodding, he continued, "That would work, but there's still the issue of the Ministerial Decree I brought to light in Sirius's trial. That is, the Decree orders anyone attending the school must travel there via the Hogwarts Express. I'll have to see Acting Minister Bones about removing that Decree; which I'd planned to do, anyway."

Hermione added, "Even if Headmistress Lady Marchbanks doesn't want all students to arrive that way, due to your... unusual situation... she might be willing to allow us to arrive that way."

"Yes," he muttered. "Besides, it would work better for us if... as I believe we should do... we arrive a couple of days after the Sunday."

"Why?" she asked.

"Multiple reasons," he replied. "First; arriving a couple of days later will throw Dumbledore off if he's got anything planned. Second; I want to discover how the population of magical Britain reacts if I don't show up, as expected. Third; I want to see what happens when the remaining organisers of the Tri-Wizard Tournament react when I don't show up. I'm actually hoping the Ministries of Bulgaria and France force the termination of the remaining events and kill the damned thing off."

Hermione was frowning and, when Harry finished, she said, "The problem with that is, when it's published in the Daily Prophet the next day, Dumbledore will immediately turn up here."

Harry gave his own frown, a slightly irritated one, right back and said, "I had thought of that, you know. While I'm here, the aurors are here. If I leave, they'll leave with me. And just because I turn up at the school does not mean Dumbledore won't turn up here, anyway. You do realise, don't you, that your Mum and Dad represent a weakness through which Dumbledore can exploit trying to get back control of me?"

Hermione blushed and replied, "Sorry. Oops?"

He immediately grinned and said, "No fair using my own version of mea culpa against me."

That, at least, had her smiling back.

To interrupt and get things back on point, Monica asked, "Any other reasons for the two or three day delay?"

"Not really," he replied, turning to her. "Except, that is, how long it's going to take for the wound on my forehead from the surgery to properly heal, even with magical means. I had thought we might also use those days, though, to determine if we actually want the two of us returning to the school.

"My thoughts are: If the media lambaste me about it, I write them the written form of flipping them the fingers and tell them they'd just made my decision for me; and it would be that I wouldn't be returning. If, however, they don't; then I think it's safe to say that I'm alright with returning, after all."

Wendell said, "I can't say I'm happy about the idea of either of you returning to that nuthouse... but, if it's what you want to do, I won't stop you."

With a pleading look from Hermione, Harry sighed and said, "Then I shall send another letter to Lady Marchbanks informing her we'll be two days late. So long as the Prophet et al don't defame me, we'll turn up on the Tuesday morning via floo."

With a pinched look, Hermione asked, "And if the Prophet does?"

He smirked and shrugged. "Well, after sending Ted to go and remonstrate with them, I'll likely laugh at them and tell them that, if they continue to defame me, I'll likely never return. And, when people write me and ask me why I wouldn't... didn't... I'll tell them honestly and bluntly I'll not return until the Prophet prints a full retraction and apology on their front page."

Wendell gave a snort of amusement and said, "If they don't do it when Ted goes in there and yells at them, the resultant backlash from the public will ensure it happens."

"Yes," nodded Harry. "However, I really don't think the Prophet are going to be stupid about this, anyway.




Just before they were about to sit for dinner, they were alerted to the floo being used. Harry had just made it to the window when he saw one of the aurors duck inside the ex-shed with his wand drawn.

A few moments later, as Hermione walked up behind him to look for herself, Harry saw Sirius step out followed by Remus Lupin. Peripherally, he heard Hermione give a gasp of surprise and mutter, "Professor Lupin!"

The calm expression on his godfather's face, together with the look of both confusion and worry on Moony's face, told Harry that the flushing potion Andi had been developing had obviously worked.

Sticking his head in from the hallway, Wendell asked, "Guests?"

"Yes," replied Hermione. "It's Sirius and Professor Lupin. Sirius wouldn't have brought him if the flushing potion hadn't worked. That must mean he's now clear of the potion."

Calling out, Harry said, "Two more for dinner, Dobby!"

"Yes, Master Harry, Sir!" called back Dobby.

With his eyes still of the approaching man, Harry heard Wendell say, "If it's a new guest then we'll meet them in the parlour."

As the angle of the approach of the three became too steep to watch them out the window, Harry gave a grunt and led he and Hermione into the parlour. Her parents had already headed there.




As soon as the two Marauder's reached the door of the parlour from the back hallway and stairs, Wendell and Monica stood. Harry and Hermione were already standing.

Sirius, with a big smile on his face, came over and gave Hermione a hug before he turned back to Moony; who was standing in the doorway, clearly a little uncomfortable and wondering whether or not to come in.

Gesturing Moony within, Harry indicated Wendell and Monica and said, "Moony; these are Hermione's parents, Wendell and Monica Granger. Wendell and Monica; this is Remus Lupin, also known as Moony, and once-Professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts."

That was enough for Moony to, almost hesitantly, enter and offer his hand in handshake.

"It's nice to meet you, Mister Lupin," said Wendell, as he shook the man's hand. "Call me Wendell. And, welcome to our home."

"It's Moony," Moony almost muttered. "And, thank you."

Then Monica greeted him with the same exchange of greeting.

It wasn't until Harry said, "I understand it was potions that made you act the way you were acting, Moony. I'm not upset with you."

That finally had Moony relax and give an almost embarrassed smile back. He quietly replied, "Thank you, Cub."

Moony stayed for dinner that night on Monica's insistence and was another who was immediately shocked at Harry's skill at cooking. Obviously the others were all watching as he took his first bite and snickered at his expression of surprised shock.

"You can cook!" he declared on swallowing his first mouthful.

Feigning indignation, Harry asked right back, "Why does everyone doubt that?" Then grinned to take the sting out of the words.




After their impromptu family meeting and dinner - and after Sirius and Moony left again - Harry sat at his desk in his room and began to write the letter to Marchbanks he knew he needed to write. In it he did not yet include how long they'd delay from attending, only that there'd be a short delay before they arrived.

He also included how they'd be using the time to determine whether or not they'd actually return in the first place, let alone being late.

The information about the tunnels was included in the letter. Then that letter was mailed using Hedwig, who was again of late giving him the 'evil eye' for not giving her work to do.

Next, he wrote letters to Neville, Susan, Daphne, Hannah and Tracey covering pretty much the same information about how there would be a delay before he and Hermione returned to the castle, if at all. However, he also went more into the facts of why without actually stating just how long they'd delay. Those he sent via what he now called 'HEED' (House Elf Express Delivery). Dobby was happy to take them for him and do the 'mail circuit' of the other heirs.




As breakfast wound down the next morning, Neville sent them a note via his own house elf. He expressed his concerns about Harry's note of the previous evening.

~ # ~

Harry and Hermione,

While I understand your reasoning about whether or not you'll continue attending Hogwarts, I hope you reconsider any thought you may have of not returning. For a start, I want you to also consider how this will impact the Alliance. For example, those Houses who are part of the alliance will also be negatively affected if you decide not to return; it won't stop Dumbledore; and I think it's best to be at Hogwarts and under her wards than not. You've yet to experience life as a student at the school who will now be recognised as a Lord - the impact it will have on Malfoy, for a start, should be worth it alone just to return. Heh!

If you decide not to attend I will support you. However, I hope you'll consider giving Headmistress Lady Marchbanks a chance to show you that attending Hogwarts does not have to be the threat-to-life it's been for you for the past three years. I honestly feel life at the school will now be fantastic for you!

If you then do not feel you can remain; then, by all means, withdraw. But you'll then be able to do it with your head held high knowing you gave her a chance to set things right.

Your friend,


~ # ~

After reading it after Harry, Hermione handed it back and said, "He's right, you know."

Harry sighed and nodded, "I know."

"So, we attend?" she asked.

"We do... but... we'll let her know we'll be two days late," he replied. "That is, we'll arrive on Tuesday morning during breakfast; and she is to keep quiet about that."

Hermione appeared relieved by the answer but asked, "I understand the two days delay, but won't people think we're receiving special treatment?"

"Of course they will and of course we are," he replied. "I'll be the only sitting Lord who is a student and One of the Seven. Besides the troubles I'm having with Dumbledore, why shouldn't I have special treatment regarding travel; at least this once?"

While Hermione appeared about to answer or add something else, Hedwig and a Prophet owl flew in with that morning's copies of the Daily Prophet.

Harry was quick to relieve Hedwig of hers while Wendell relieved the other.

As soon as he had it unfolded, Harry spotted the lead story. It was about how Hogwarts would reopen for classes on Monday, the fourth of January, with the Express making its trip on the Sunday, the day before.

"It's announced," he quietly said, while starting to read the article.

It was full of praise for Headmistress Lady Marchbanks and the School Board working hard to refill all the vacant staff positions; mentioned, yet again, how Dumbledore was now a 'simple' Professor only; included information on the revamped ward scheme, but left out specific details about some of what those wards were, only including general details; and included a warning from Headmistress Lady Marchbanks about how certain 'offences', such as assault, would be treated with the calling-in of the DMLE to deal with the perpetrators.

After Hermione had read it, she asked, "What does that mean for those like Malfoy and his... friends?"

Harry gave an evil little smirk and replied, "As well as coming as a great shock to them? I'm wondering how many of them aren't going to make it through the first week without being dragged off by the DMLE in manacles."

Hermione gave a light laugh and said, "I'll go get parchment, ink and quill so you can write another letter to Headmistress Marchbanks and let her know we'll definitely be two days late."

And left.

As soon as they heard her 'charge' up the stairs, Wendell gave a very direct and pointed look at Harry and asked, "You'll keep her safe?"

"Of course," he just as firmly replied back. "However, me coming down on anyone is going to have to wait until someone does something stupid before I can act. I anticipate that's going to be Draco Malfoy or one of his 'henchmen'.

"As soon as they even start to act against her, though, my wrath will fall upon them as if Odin, himself, had decided to step in. I'll be able to do so as both her betrothed and Heir Tertiary of House Black, of which she's now a formally and publicly recognised daughter.

"That will then let the rest know, without any shadow of a doubt, that messing with Lady Presumptive Hermione Granger is a very... very... bad idea."

A letter handed to him by the aurors was official notice from the school that Hogwarts was reopening, together with dates and times and the notice about how the Hogwarts Express would be departing from Kings Cross at 11.00am on Sunday, 3rd of January for the trip. Hermione received one, too.

It was written on the Hogwarts letterhead parchment in the green ink of the special auto-quill used by the school for mass mailings to students. Accompanying it was a much reduced booklist of items students would need to purchase, with an appended apology for the 'unusual' addition of an amended booklist mid-year.




About an hour after mail delivery, where she'd read Harry's first note as sent by Hedwig, Marchbanks had just returned to her office when Dobby popped in beside her and offered her another note. "From the Great and Wonderful Master Harry Potter, Sir," he said.

With a small smirk of amusement, Marchbanks accepted the letter and said, "Thank you, dear. You may go."

And Dobby popped away again.

Opening it, she read the 'update' note and learned 'Lord Potter and his Betrothed' would be arriving at the school on the Tuesday morning during breakfast - with apparent family matters to attend to first, wanted it kept secret and wondered if she'd be kind enough to allow them to floo directly to the school.

She had no problem with that. She too saw the wisdom of not informing anyone of their delay, or just when they'd arrive - Dumbledore.

The letter was also a reminder that, as Harry was now a fully invested Lord of the Wizengamot, he was entitled to the use of one of the Lords' Quarters in the Lords' Quarters wing. He asked her to make sure one of the Lords' Quarters was available and 'would be making use of that right upon his return to the castle'.

'Hmmm...' she softly muttered.

Deciding to get the letter out of the way immediately, she drew to herself a small sheet of parchment and plucked up her quill.

Ten minutes later, a letter from her acknowledging the delay and promising to keep silent about it was winging its way back to the Grangers' Residence. She included a portkey, which was timed to activate at 7.30am on Tuesday, the fifth of January. And would transport both teens direct to her office. It was a 'back up'.

House elves would be 'waiting here to take your trunks and other possessions direct to your accommodation'.

When Harry received the note later that day via owl he and Hermione both missed how the 's' was missing off the end of the word 'accommodation'. Their minds were already on the activities of the next day, Christmas Day.




After dinner that evening - one that only had the four Grangers and two of their aurors attend - the family broke up to head to their own rooms to finalise the wrapping of Christmas presents and to make an early night of it.

Harry didn't need to, as he'd done all his wrapping and tagging within two days of having purchased the gifts. Instead, he organised for all those outside of the Granger Residence to be delivered. Then called Dobby to take them and place them with the gifts for each in their own homes.

He smiled as he knew there would be those who wondered how he'd accomplished it, but he didn't rightly care.

'Let it be a puzzle for them to work out,' he thought. 'If they don't, they can always ask me.'

He wondered how long it would take them to do just that.




Christmas morning was finally upon them and Harry still tried to beat Dobby to breakfast that morning.

Sneaking in under his invisibility cloak, yet again, it was to find the little rugrat happily working at making breakfast for the household. There were pots on the stove, simmering; bacon and hash browns in two frying pans, sizzling; the tea' decanted and steeping; and plates in the oven, warming.

Without even turning around, Dobby, who had his back to him, quietly said, "Master Harry be getting better! But, Master Harry still not be beating Dobby!"

"Damn it!" Harry quietly exclaimed.

He shucked his invisibility cloak, bundled it up and stuffed it into his pocket as he turned and stomped off.

As the Grangers planned not to leave the house that day, dress was very casual. However, they at least had to dress. While they did not plan on going anywhere, with not just the aurors in attendance they knew there was a likelihood of folks turning up just to wish them a Merry Christmas, if for nothing else.

So, Harry quickly returned upstairs to his room and took a shower. As it was Christmas Day he wasn't as quick as normal. He actually stretched it out to almost fifteen minutes between walking in his bedroom door and walking back out again. However, even then, he was still the first down.

Making it to the dinette, Dobby quickly had a breakfast plated before him and, knowing the 'rule' of the house was not to wait for the rest of the household to join him at breakfast, dug in with gusto.

About halfway through his first plate he was joined by Monica, who didn't say a word other than a quietly muttered, "Good morning... and Merry Christmas."

Between mouthfuls Harry gave a smile and returned the compliment.

Next down was Wendell. Hermione finally came down about ten minutes later.

"Unusual for you to be down so late on Christmas Day, of all days, Princess," her father gently rebuked her.

Hermione blushed a little but gently smiled back. "I don't know why, but..." she gave a little side-long glance at Harry before turning back... "I think I've already got everything I need or want."

That had Wendell give the slightest of frowns while Monica's knowing smile turned into a widely beaming one. Harry, still eating, appeared oblivious.

"As soon as you've eaten we'll get into the giving of gifts," she said, taking a sip of tea from her cup. "That is, if Harry's also already filled that hungry beast he has in his tummy."

Pushing his plate slightly away, signalling he thought he'd eaten his fill from it, Harry reached for his own teacup and said, "Actually, I think the potions have finally stopped doing that to me. I think they might even have stopped yesterday, and all this is just... 'padding'... or my stomach shrinking back down again.




The Grangers and Harry were just rising from the table to walk into the parlour where the tree and the gifts were 'displayed', when Harry felt the alert ward on the Doghouse ping four times in quick succession.

He took a quick look out the dinette window to see Sirius lead the Tonkses towards the house.

'Who is it, Harry?" asked Wendell.

"Sirius, Ted, Andi and Dora," he immediately replied. "Ted's carrying an armload of wrapped gifts."

Wendell gave a sigh and almost muttered, "I'm glad Monica made sure we bought gifts for them; just in case."

Suddenly realising, he spun to the two teens and asked, "Did you―?"

"We did," Harry immediately cut in and replied. "Actually, I made sure gifts were bought for the entire extended Black clan... including the Malfoys... plus the Weasleys, the Longbottoms, the Boneses, the Abbotts, the Greengrasses, the Ogdens and Madam Marchbanks to include all the main families of the Alliance, especially those with heirs at Hogwarts.

"I also bought gifts for Remus, the aurors, the Lovegoods and a few generic spare ones, just in case."

At first relieved, Wendell just looked back in shock at how many Harry listed out. "Wow!" he quietly exclaimed.

That was when Sirius and the Tonkses came in.

Sirius immediately took one look at the tableau and immediately asked, "What'd we miss?"

Harry blandly replied, "Breakfast."

By then, Wendell had managed to shake off his shock. And was quick to greet their guests before he said, "We were just about to open gifts in the parlour. Why don't you join us?"




With the conclusion of the gift-giving and opening 'celebration' Monica was then quick to invite the Tonkses to morning tea.

Andi replied before Ted could. "We can do that, thank you. But, I'm sorry to say, we have to be somewhere after that."

Thankfully, and as per usual, there was plenty to go around. Dobby had cooked more than enough scones and made more than sufficient finger-cut sandwiches.

The Tonkses left a little while later. Sirius stayed behind.




From where he was taking a closer look at his gifts, especially the very nice fully mechanical wristwatch the Grangers had given him as a gift from the entire family, he asked, "Wendell, Monica; do you mind if Hermione and I duck out for about an hour? I'd like to do a quick round of the Heirs of the Alliance to wish them a Merry Christmas, in person."

A quick glance between the two and Wendell said, "We have no plans to the contrary, Harry. Do as you need."

"Thank you," he sighed in relief.

Ten minutes later and after a quick change into wizarding casual, the two were about to head out to the Doghouse when they were stopped by one of the aurors, who was waiting at the back door for them with a frown on his face.

One glance at the man and Harry sighed. "My apologies, Auror Brightwater. As it's Christmas Day and I'm only going via floo direct to the homes of my fellow Heirs of the Alliance, I did not think to bother the aurors with this."

"That's not your decision, Lord Potter," he grumped.

With a second sigh, Harry replied, "Very well. I hope it'll just be you accompanying us, then?"

"Nope," the man smirked. "Trainee Auror Creston will be waiting for us out in the Doghouse."

'Creston,' Harry thought. 'Why does that name ring bells?'

Though he did not realise it for quite some time, Creston was also the House name of the Chair-wizard of the School Board. It was Auror Creston's father.




The first stop for the two was, of course, the Longbottoms as partner House.

Harry had no sooner stuck his head in the flames once the call connected, when Alice looked at him and demanded, "What do you think you're doing just fire-calling us, godson? Get over here!"

This time the order was Brightwater, Harry, Hermione and the auror that was actually waiting for them in the Doghouse, Trainee Auror Creston.

About his leaving gifts for them, Alice somewhat told him off. "Harry; you had us return to our son, giving him the greatest gift I think he could have wanted―"

"It was," Neville cut in.

"... Went above and beyond for our House," she continued, "And you still felt the need to give us gifts for Christmas?"

"Well... yes," he sheepishly replied. "That was all House Potter for House Longbottom. This is Harry and Hermione for Frank, Alice and Neville."

Before Alice could tell him off again, Frank cut in and said, "Completely unnecessary, Harry. But, appreciated."

A few moments later, with Neville practically smirking at him, the Longbottoms gave quite the expensive, but clearly heartfelt, gifts back.

Frank presented to him an authentic copy of the Potter Family tapestry that self-updated, plus a hand drawn artistic rendering of it on a long roll of parchment. Harry was so moved by the gifts he was speechless, and it was left to Hermione to thank them on his behalf.

From the expressions on their faces it was easy to tell they knew they'd done very right by him in their choice of gifts.

A third gift was yet another photo album full of photographs of his parents and their time at Hogwarts. Only a few were a match for the ones in the album Hagrid had given him a couple years earlier.

Hermione received a small enameled pin she was to wear on her lapel, or where a lapel would be if the outfit did not have one, when in public or at official functions. "It shows you have the favour of House Longbottom," explained Alice. "This is our way of stating to one and all who meet you, that you also now fall under the protection of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Longbottom."

Harry smiled and said, "You now fall under the protection of three of the Seven, Hermione. One would be led to think you were were trying to collect the set!"

As the Longbottoms laughed, Hermione blushed and lightly hit him on the arm. But her smile showed she was pleased.

Frank also urged him to hurry up and go to the Potter manor, Pottermore. "If the family Grimoire wasn't in the family vaults at Gringotts, that's where it'll be."

Harry promised he'd go first chance he got after Christmas.

"Well, not on Sunday afternoon," suggested Frank. "I'm calling for an Alliance meeting on that day. I'm hosting it here and you'll need to attend."

He then looked to Hermione and said, "You, too, little Lady Presumptive. As the Heads meet you'll also need to meet the spouses. Through them they'll be able to teach you how to be the Lady of a Noble House."

"Yes, Sir," Hermione immediately responded.

"Frank," he corrected.

"Frank," she nodded.




After calling for Dobby to take the gifts they received from the Longbottoms back to the Granger residence, Harry floo-called the Boneses to see if they were up to a quick visit.

Susan was fast to reply in the affirmative.

Having quickly recovered his emotional equilibrium from the gifts given to him by the Longbottoms, Harry was able to calm down again and greet both Susan and Amelia with some level of relaxed aplomb.

At least this time their gifts weren't as 'emotionally destabilising' as those he received from the Longbottoms. But, Amelia was demanding to know how he managed to get his gifts for them under their tree.

He smiled and said, "I asked Dobby to deliver them."

That had the older witch give an almost pained look back.

She thought, 'Yet another bloody security hole. The mischief someone could get up to―' And quietly sighed.

Then it was on to the Greengrasses, then the Davises.

Because they were quick through the first four, Harry made the snap decision to visit the last two Noble Houses, Ogden and Marchbanks.

Surprised to have been contacted by Harry on Christmas Day, Miles and Hedda Ogden still welcomed Harry to their home and were just as quick to welcome and congratulate Hermione on the betrothal.

"I know we have an Alliance-wide meeting on Sunday afternoon, but... as it's Christmas Day... I was hoping you wouldn't be put out for an informal visit," explained Harry. "Besides, I felt it more appropriate to meet you on such a day in such a setting than just being confronted by me for the first time on Sunday."

Ogden hesitated for a long moment before he gave a self-deprecating grunt and said, "I had thought you'd be... eager... for the light to be on you on the day. I can now see I was wrong."

Harry smiled back and said, "Thank you for your honesty, Lord Ogden. However, I can easily see how you'd come to that conclusion. The Daily Prophet has a... shall we say... somewhat informal relationship with the truth."

Ogden gave a start of surprise before he suddenly let forth a great belly laugh. After many seconds of trying to get his laughter under control, he finally managed to gasp, "'A somewhat informal relationship with the truth'?! Bah hahahaha!"

While he continued to laugh, Hedda had finally had enough, gave a sigh while rolling her eyes and stepped forward, but not to Harry, rather Hermione. "Hello, dear. Formally, I'm Lady Hedda Ogden of the Noble and Ancient House of Ogden and daughter of the Elder House of Bancroft. However, you can call me Hedda."

Hermione was quick to respond, "Hermione; please. I... don't know how to properly respond to... this."

Hedda smirked back and said, "Nobody would, dear." Then, to Hermione's shock, she stepped closer and wrapped the girl in a hug. "Welcome to the Alliance."

As Hedda pulled away from a now slightly blushing Hermione, Harry said, "Lady Ogden, Hermione is of the House of Granger and magical ward of Lord Sirius Black of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black."

Having only acknowledged Harry's introduction with a slight cocked eyebrow Lady Hedda turned back to Hermione and said, "That scoundrel has taken you on as magical guardian? Well, there's a turn for the grimoires."

Hermione grinned back and said, "He just needed a flea bath and a good brushing."

That had Hedda look back in surprise for a moment before she gave a short high pitch tinkling laugh. "How apt!" she exclaimed.

While the Ogdens gave a public façade of being slightly snooty, Harry could see that it was just that... a façade. He could see that Hermione had also determined that.

After chatting for a while, he floo-called Headmistress Lady Marchbanks and asked to stop by.

She was happy to receive visitors for a few moments. And, once they were there, happy to confirm the two teens would return to Hogwarts on the Tuesday morning after the third of January.

The two, still with their auror detail, were back at the Grangers' less than two hours after they left. Harry had expected it would take much longer. However, as it was Christmas Day, everyone had visitors coming and going, as well as paying short visits to others.

It was the norm for the day. Harry would learn later that Christmas Day was a day in the FNA when all staff were required to put in at least three hours work monitoring the network for problems. All new staff, that is, since all but one of the previous had been fired. However, they were also paid at triple the normal hourly rate for their time; so, there were few complaints. Those who used the floo network were also charged at triple the rate. Even later Harry couldn't figure out how, since the only real charges they were paying were for the floo powder; the use of which required a fee per 'bag' paid directly to the FNA.




The rest of the day was planned to be spent quietly at the Granger residence. Sirius was also spending most of the day there, but also let the two teens know Remus would be over after lunch to pay a visit.

With a frown of puzzlement, Hermione asked, "What's he doing with the rest of the day? He has family?"

"Errr... no," replied Sirius.

Hermione quickly glanced to her parents before Monica said, "If you can contact him right now, tell him to come over now. That way he can have lunch with us and spend the afternoon here."

Before Sirius or the two teens could say anything, Wendell looked to Hermione and explained, "Your Uncle Robert rang me on my cell phone to wish us a Merry Christmas, found out we're not spending it at your Grandma's place and practically demanded we come and pay him and his family a visit."

Smoothly, Monica took up the explanation, "It'll just be your father and I. We told him you had plans to visit your own friends this afternoon and it would be rude to cancel them, especially today."

Sirius did just that and Moony enjoyed lunch with them. After that, the Granger parents left by car, leaving the two marauders to 'babysit'.

Of course, that was all the excuse Sirius needed to tell the two stories about their times at Hogwarts and later. At first, Moony was reticent to share and spent some of the first hour trying to get Sirius to slow down, or even not release details he thought the two teens, especially Harry, shouldn't know. However, within two hours even he was enthusiastically telling the two teens stories or supplying more information to Sirius's stories from his perspective.




Boxing Day was starting off as planned, a day to wind down from the excitement of the previous day, Christmas Day. However, it did not remain that way for very long.

About an hour before lunch Dobby popped in beside Harry and popped a letter on to the table alongside his left hand.

"A letter from the twin Weazies, Master Harry," he said before popping away again.

Frowning, Harry quickly scanned the note but didn't detect anything on the parchment. 'Well,' he thought, 'It seems those two can learn from their mistakes.'

Opening the letter he used the charm Marchbanks had taught him and Hermione a few days ago that smoothed it all out.




By late morning at The Burrow, Fred and George had definitely had enough of the atmosphere within the home. Both Ginny and Ron were still moping about the discovery of the betrothal between Harry and Hermione and their mother was still up in her wand about how 'the poor boy' was coping with all that had happened to him. Ron was supposed to be packing to move that evening to 'Aunt Muriel's', while Ginny was stuck in the kitchen with her mother learning how to be a 'witch of the house'.

Bill and Charlie were home for Christmas and, by mid morning, Bill at least had had enough. He used the excuse he needed to 'attend to something' at work in Gringotts before he took off with Charlie in tow. He claimed both would be back for lunch, but not precisely when. Arthur had disappeared out to his workshop almost immediately after lunch and Percy rarely left his room.

Eventually, even George and Fred had had enough of the tenseness and had retreated to their room. There, they quickly decided to write to Harry and beg him to pay a visit. If anything, it would at least provide entertainment.

~ # ~

Lord Harrikins,


You need to come and save us from Mum! She's going all crazy-like over how you must be getting on, what with everything that's come to light about what Dumbledore did to you. You know how she worries and frets about you.

We just think she needs to see you to know you're actually alright. That way she'll stop fretting so much.

Please come visit.

Gred and Forge

P.S. Bring Hermione. She's worrying about her too.

P.P.S. Watch out for Ronnikins. He seems to think Hermione was going to be his girlfriend and is pretty pissed she won't be.

~ # ~

"Now, how do we get it to Harry?" asked Fred. "Ron will want to know who we're writing to if we ask to borrow Pig, Pinhead won't let us use Hermes because he's working that bird hard writing to his... girlfriend... and Errol is likely to die of exhaustion before he's even halfway there."

Cutting in, George replied, "We send it the same way he's been sending letters to us, of course, my dimwitted sibling."

"Oh, bravo; my uglier brother," said Fred. "Now, all we have to do is remember the name of that crazy house elf that Harrikins now has."

George frowned in thought, quickly joined by an identical expression on his brother's face. "Hobby?... Doggy?... Hoggy?..."

"No, my forgetful brother, it's Bobby!..." When no elf turned up he tried, "Doddy?... Toddy?... Tobby?... Dob―"

With a snap of his fingers, George exclaimed, "Ah ha!... Dobby!"

A moment later Dobby popped in and immediately asked, "What cans Dobby be doings for the Great Master Harry Potter, Sir's, Red Hair Devil Twins?"

"Eureka!" declared both.




Setting aside the book he was reading on Ancient Runes, something he finally admitted to Hermione he'd already been studying, Harry picked up the letter and hunted down his betrothed. She was sitting in the parlour on one of the couches with her legs tucked up while also reading.

"Hey, you," he called.

Surprisingly, she responded on the first call. Usually, at Hogwarts, he'd had to try three or four times before he finally got her attention.

"Yes, Harry?" she asked, looking up.

Silently he just handed her the letter, then asked, "What do you think?"

After reading it, she frowned and replied, "I suppose we could go visit them. It is, after all, one of the things you said you'd do before we got back to Hogwarts."

Nodding, he replied, "My thoughts, too. I'm just worried about the reaction from Ron."

"And Ginny," she added. "Still... if they do react, it's probably better it happens at The Burrow, rather than in the Great Hall at Hogwarts."

"Good point," he replied. "At least there, I won't be put into a position I'll have to take 'official' action. I really don't want to have to challenge Ron to an Honour Duel."

Hermione shook her head and said, "I was thinking along the lines their mother will also be there. I'm more hoping she'll stomp on any bad behaviour that arises from either of them as it happens."

"Hmmm..." he nodded. "I see your point."

"So," she said. "Do we floo call them?"

Harry thought for a few moments before he gave a firm nod and said, "We do."

After getting the okay from Hermione's parents, the two informed their auror guard they'd be floo-calling the Weasleys to ensure it was alright for them to visit. They'd contact them after lunch.


