Chereads / A Million Beginnings, One Quiet Ending / Chapter 6 - Royal Heritage

Chapter 6 - Royal Heritage

The weekend came upon them swiftly the day Asher was supposed to go to the Palace.

"Bring this with you when you come." Aethera said, giving him a locket.

"What's it for?" Asher asked as he took it from her hands.

"Well, it has the Royal family's crest and so the guards would let you in."


"Make sure you come early. My parents do not like to be kept waiting."

"I've heard you and I shall do my best to make sure that I'm not late." Asher replied giving her a mock bow.

She smiled and departed. Asher walked to his room.

"Phew. I have two hours until I have to go to the Palace, what do I wear?"

"Well, you can wear something nice for a change." Victor replied from his top bunk.

"Huh?! I always wear nice clothes."

"If you consider a t-shirt and shorts nice then your fashion sense is dead." Victor replied.

"Hmm, then what do you suppose I wear?" Asher asked.

"How about this?" Victor brought out a long sleeved shirt and a trouser that were sewn with the same fabric.

"Who's are these?" Asher asked.

"They're mine and as you can see, the fabric is expensive so make sure you don't stain or rip it you understand?"

"I shall forever be grateful for this bounty." Asher replied sarcastically and then walked to the bathroom to change.

"How does it fit?" Victor asked.

"Well, see for yourself." Asher said as he stood in front of Victor who's jaw dropped in awe.

"If I was a girl, I'd be in way over my head for you." Victor laughed.

"It's not funny." Asher frowned.

"Come on, it's just a joke."

"I know. I'll be on my way now."

"Didn't they give you any transport service or you'll have to get there yourself?"

"I'll figure that out eventually." Asher said and walked out. When he got outside the school gates, he breathed in a breath of fresh air.

"Seems like there's no one here." He said as he looked at his watch. "Damn it! I just have 30 minutes to go and the Palace is about 30 kilometers from here."

He looked around and saw no one, he gathered the mana in his palm and let it go, it continually expanded until it formed what looked like a portal.

"The Jardel Palace, here I come." Asher said as he walked through the portal. As he came out on the other side, he saw a giant gate in front of him and then he proceeded to knock.

"Who goes there?" A voice asked from within and a Royal guard came out to check. Asher saw that they were well equipped to deal with any dangers.

And judging from the level of mana he's emitting, he's a very high class mage. Asher thought.

"I'm Asher Blackwood. I was invited here by the Royal family for dinner." Asher replied.

"Do you have any proof of that?" The guard asked.

Well, the princess knew I would have to resort to this. He said to himself as he took the locket out from his trouser and showed it to the guard.

The guard's expression changed and he beckoned him to come in.

"Wait here and I shall inform them of your arrival." He said a he walked into the giant building that wal built mostly of silver and some parts of solid gold.

The guard returned almost immediately and beckoned to him to walk over.

"You can go in now. The Royal family awaits."

Asher walked in and was awestruck by the elegant setting within the palace.

"Close your mouth, or else flies would go in." The princess said from behind him.

"Princess Aethera, thank you for inviting me to this wonderful place." Asher said.

"Thank my parents and my brother." Aethera said, gesturing to the people walking towards them.

Asher had expected to see them dressed in their exquisite royal attire but it seemed like they were as simple as ever.

"I greet you my king." Asher bowed very low towards the king.

"Raise your head. I've heard great things about you Mr. Blackwood. My son and daughter seem to have taken an interest in you." King Aaron Jardel complimented.

"I didn't know that I was an object of their attention until the princess came to me sir." Asher replied.

"There's no need to be afraid child, we're all human here." Queen Aurora assured him with a warm smile.

"Yes, it's just as my wife says. There's no need to be afraid." The king reassured.

"If you say so my king." Asher replied and his eyes drifted to where Prince Arin stood. His form was perfect even better than his father's and he just stared calmly as they all welcomed him.

"Now, let's go in. I'm sure you'll find our maid's cooking very delectable." The king ushered everyone to the dining room for dinner.

As they say down and ate, King Aaron turned to Asher and asked. "My children told me that you did a very peculiar thing during your duel against James Sorrel."

"I'm sorry my king but I do not understand." Asher replied.

"Well, you were able to evaporate his water with your flames. But let me tell you this, James Sorrel is a very good water mage, very good even for his age." King Aaron explained.

"Oh! That. Well, it's nothing special. I just made my flames hot enough so the water would evaporate." Asher explained smiling.

"I see. If you put it like that then it's fine. We thought you cheated by using some sort of artifact." King Aaron laughed as he said so.

"There was no need for me to do so my king as I was far stronger than James had been before the duel." Asher said calmly, the joy no longer evident on his face or in his speech.

"Then that would be good." Everyone turned to the person who spoke and it was Prince Arin Jardel. "How about I put you to the test, a duel between the both of us and mind you, no holding back."

"I'm not sure that would be a good idea." Asher warned.

"No it would, it would enable me and my parents gauge your magical power and physical strength." Prince Arin explained, his face still expressionless and calm.

"Alright I accept but at least let me finish eating first." Asher replied and went back to eating his food.

This is going to get weird.