Chereads / The Fallen Kingdom. / Chapter 7 - Chapter 7: The Culmination

Chapter 7 - Chapter 7: The Culmination

*The Culmination begins.*

The beast's breath was hot and rancid, it's maw dripping with splattered blood - Xerxes' Blood. Aya's hands fell loose - mana not even daring to enter her body to form wind magic.

Her breath came in ragged gasps, each one burning her throat like fire, despite the blistering cold. She couldn't think, speak or make any moves. She was completely paralysed by fear. The world had narrowed to the monster's glowing eyes and the guttural snarl that was rumbling from the beast.

Xerxes collapsed many feet away, his body layered in a thick layer of blood that dyed the snow red. Aya's heart thundered in her ears, so loud she was certain the beast could hear it and have joy in it. Was he dead? The thought clawed at her mind, sharp and unrelenting not wanting to accept that reality. It's arms flexed, as it stepped closer.

Her legs felt like water, her body betraying her natural instinct of survival. She tried to scream but there was no voice left in her throat, she wanted to run but there was no will to do anything. Frozen like the winds, that crossed over Layne.

Was this what her decision amounted too? Her foolishness and recklessness. It was strange, memories surfaced, the same as when she had ran away from that place, how she had entered into the Kingdom of Layne. Her body had a chilling feeling comparable to when she was on the brink of death.

Back then she had no fight left in her, despite the gruelling years of agony she had to endure, her energy was expended. This was until he arrived. Despite his wimpy attitude, his overly cautious demeanour, there was something charming about it.

It wasn't the fact he was exactly 'afraid', he had never concerned injury with himself, instead he had been afraid for anything to happen to the ones he held most dear. Aya knew that the day Xerxes and Vanessa had saved Aya with the forest that was battered by the harsh winter. 

Xerxes was kind and pressed on the fact she needed warmth, despite never meeting her there was a connection, that they felt was something you could only describe as unyielding. This was only exacerbated by the necklace Xerxes had given her. It was a necklace with a ruby that was held by portions of brown string and it actually radiated small amounts of heat.

When she arrived back at the guild, she spent time to know her allies, stumbling across Dorian, Vanessa and the rest of the guild, till eventually the 3 aspiring adventurers created the party, 'The embered flame' and now as if in slow motion the beast swayed it's hand effortlessly. 

She had been victim to one of the strikes, with the ruby crystal bursting in front of her eyes, that left a burn on the floor, as she hurdled across the snow, her body buried beneath it. Another chilly wave of ice covered her body, this time more apparent as she had lost the necklace.

Aya with consciousness immediately slipping began to push herself up, she repeatedly said with sorrow entangled in each word, "I'm sorry Xerxes, I'm so sorry, but if this is my end, I will do my best to kill this thing." She then got up, tears or blood - she couldn't tell that rolled from her eyes dropping on the floor. She looked towards the monster, activating her magic.

"Tier 6 open, Wind magic Gale force." Tendrils of rotating wind spurred across her forearms, with the beasts' smile stretching even more, the beast then began entering a running like stance.

Despite that, Aya didn't give him the chance, she shot off two shots of ranged mana with roughly 25% of her total capacity. The projectile of gale force winds cut through the air as snow followed along with it hitting the beast directly, a layer of snow covering the air. 

Aya heaved slightly - using that much mana in one singular go was exhausting on her body, she had a rough idea on the beasts strength from reading about them prior to the mission.

First was the ordinary rank of 'beast'. They were the most typical type of beasts that adventurers could find, they had enhanced physical ability which included: strength, speed and durability. They averaged 5-6 metres in height and had strength comparable to a 5th tier Mage.

The next were 'Mana Beasts'. They had less of a disfigured form and were found slightly deeper within the fallen kingdom. They were known to have the ability to wield magic and recite magic without incantations. These Mana beasts not only had a step up of strength compared to regular 'beasts' they also had the ability to utilise magic. These monsters averaged 3-8 metres and had the strength of a high level tier 5 mage, that was breaking into the 4th tier.

The Last beast that was known, thanks to the efforts of the 'Army' and other adventurers, were 'Convergers'. These were generally found quite deep within the Fallen Kingdom. They had the anatomy similar to a human and roughly equal in size. Their strength and mana was extremely power rivalling 3rd tier mages and the most terrifying thing was that they were able to utilise their intellect in co-ordinated combat.

Though this creature was definitely a regular 'beast', Aya's attack had done nothing, as it charged towards her at terrifying speeds, making the Orc look sluggish in comparison, as it drifted through the snow.

Incapable of making an idea that could potentially save her, she was grabbed by the beast, her leg being held as it spun around multiple times building momentum as she was thrown threw the trees crashing into a stone wall.

A thick layer of blood escaped her mouth, her eyes barely staying open as she screamed out in pain. It was excruciating, there was no portion of her body that felt like it wasn't being swarmed with fire, as her body began to roll down from the rock.

The beast chuckled in a horrid manner, understanding slightly that this was causing her pain, that she was losing hope. It didn't want to slow down now.

Aya saw with what she could see through blurred vision the beast charging as it was running towards her again. She weakly said, "Tier 6 open, Wind Magic, By the divine grace I call upon thee to bestow my entire body with mana, consuming all and ravaging through what I see." A cyclone of green energy splurged from Aya's arms.

From the display of power, it was safe to assume 60-70% of her mana was being utilised, even if she could cripple the monster slightly that would be enough for her. Then she could grab Xerxes with what strength she had left and go to Mr Hilt's wagon and go home. She wanted to go home and she set her mind to it.

She aimed her hand towards the beast, as the potent magic recoiled from her hand, breaking it into pieces. Despite the pain, it wasn't enough to match what she was feeling internally, she roared through the spell committing her every ounce of strength into it, expelling everything from her like a dam. With a torrent of magic being shot out, making contact and ripping the arm of the beast from its body.

Though her attack had the desired outcome, the beast becoming considerably slower - she couldn't do what she originally intended to do. To escape. Acting like a final plea, not having regard for her own life she said to him, as if he was listening in his state, "Xerxes run.."

Even with the slower movements, the beast was closing in, as Aya closed her eyes before looking at Xerxes with a stream of tears coming from her eyes. "Goodbye Xerxes." 

Thuds through the snow were audible as the beast raised it's hands, only for the attack to never land, Aya opening her eyes, seeing the beast with a searing burn wound on his body. 

"Aya, you don't decide when we say goodbye. If you ever need my help, I will be here. That. That is my promise!" He said confidently, whilst walking forward, blood leaking from his body with every step he took. He held his sword, that was attached to his hand by his clothing, that didn't allow him the leverage of letting go.

As if pain didn't become a sensation to Xerxes anymore, he trod through the snow, Xerxes used fire upon wounds to cauterize them, closing them completely. There were twitches of pain on his face, but what was more paramount then pain was survival.

The beast angered, slammed it's hands down. Not only had a puny girl taken out it's arm, a relentless boy that should have been dead had attacked it. Preventing it from taking it's 'well deserved' life.

Xerxes raised his blade close to his face, the silver of the blade reflecting of his face, whilst Aya watched helplessly. The beast similar to Xerxes ran aimlessly towards him, as Xerxes' reflection shifted to a hue of orange as he increased the temperature of his sword. 

Xerxes was visibly not in the condition to run but he tried his best. The beast approached and began to slam down viscously, Xerxes breathing - knowing that this attack would be filled with smoke preventing him from being able to see, took the initiative, he sliced forward, a small collision of fire releasing from his blade as well.

His blade began wrestling with the beasts' flesh. Xerxes persevered and pulled his blade upwards, with a spew of blood that had become normal to him spraying his body. The beast had a huge gash across it's chest, though it didn't slow him down. Xerxes saw a muscular leg scraping amongst the floor going for a kick.

Xerxes didn't have the body to be agile at this point. He quickly reduced the temperature of his sword, creating a guard that had his forearm and bicep enclosing his face and his vital organs, alongside the sword. The beast swung as it made direct contact.

Though these oppressive attacks had worked once, it hadn't worked this time. Xerxes gambled with the odds that he was presented with and upon the exact second of impact, Xerxes used a huge deal of fire to propel himself to match the energy the kick expended to create a point where there would be a reduced level of impact.

Even though it had been blocked, his left arm had lost a great deal of sensation, the arm becoming an appendage useless to him now. Xerxes drove his feet into the floor, propelling himself with another burst of flames as he was sent towards the beast, with his voice booming, "Shooting star." 

His entire body lit with flames, the beast trying to do what it could to brace for impact, as Xerxes crashed into the beast sternum, sending them both quite far away from Aya.

Xerxes didn't know if the attack was sufficient to take it out, he rested on top of the beast trying to get up. He stammered left and right whilst trying to get his footing as he stood over the beast, with it's head rested back. Xerxes had won.

Xerxes and Aya had actually killed a beast of The Fallen Kingdom. Xerxes almost tripped as he went to face Aya, with her being falling in and out of consciousness. Falling asleep because of the pain but reawakening like electricity shot through her body to confirm that Xerxes was still safe.

He looked around, with the snow around him beginning to melt, the blood from the beast boiling upon the floor. Xerxes immediately got into a stance expecting for the worst and the worst came.

Unbeknownst to Xerxes, a thick flame that had been building up within the creature had taken form, it's eyes lit up once more paralysing Xerxes.

The beast opened its mouth, Aya shouting "RUN" but it was fruitless. The ball of inferno completely engulfed Xerxes the wool clothing burn, with his sword not being able to hang on any longer. The sword flew with Xerxes, he was hurled back to where he exactly didn't want to be.

Aya looked at Xerxes, fear controlling her set of emotions. Her face grimaced as she saw what had become of Xerxes. His magenta hair had been burned causing it to become more white, his hair becoming lilac now. Portions of flesh were melting from his body, his clothing meshing together with his flesh. Worst of all, Xerxes had lost his arm.

The arm was totally incinerated, turning into ash with it leaving his body. A piece of bone stuck out of his arm, as he groaned, but his natural instinct drawing him towards Aya.

Aya began sobbing, this was the end, her life was coming to an end. Her dreams were crushed and her confidence plummeted, the boy she had grown to adore began melting in front of her. What was this she thought, why was this happening to them.

The beast as well raised once more, what were the odds she thought. She tried screaming at the beast, "Why is something like you here! A mana beast, you aren't - you aren't supposed to be here."

The beast ignored her cry and carried on walking with that traumatic smile that was engraining in her head. The temperature was rising once more, as the beast was preparing for another attack that felt more powerful than the one that had caused Xerxes to dance with death.

The charge of magic was rising and rising, as Aya held her hand toward Xerxes, his flesh slowly crawling along Aya's hand. "I'm sorry Xerxes, I didn't mean for this to happen, I want you to know that my life has never been filled with so much joy till I met you." 

The fire from the newly discovered, 'Mana Beast' began spiralling towards the two adventurers, with Xerxes knowing that he was already going to die, he made a decision he felt like he had to.

The boy had shielded Aya's body from the flames. The Flames scorched across Xerxes' back, with no energy being left in his voice.

He sheepishly said to Aya, "Run Aya..carry on our dream. You've never listened to me ever just listen now. Run."

Aya didn't want to leave, she couldn't but who was she to defy his last dying wish. With all the strength she could gather she began to rise under the shield Xerxes' body had created.

Xerxes smiled with him closing his eyes, with Aya running incapable of looking back. Aya had tears as she struggled leaving the battle field, with hope being in sight, Dorian was running fast with his sword in hand, Vanessa had a obvious look of worry whilst running.

There was a large boom that then propelled Aya forward that came from the forest, as Xerxes' mana slowly began fading away from Aya's mana sense. His mana then faded away, leaving the planet as the entire forest blew up in a devastating explosion caused by the fire.

And on that day Aya's decision had caused Xerxes to die, with help being just a slither away they were too late and Xerxes became a memory of the past.