Chereads / Aegis Europa: Chronicles of the Celestial Accord / Chapter 6 - Chapter 6: Masks and Meltdowns

Chapter 6 - Chapter 6: Masks and Meltdowns

Strasbourg, EU Parliament – 08:00 CET

The imposter Chancellor was mid-speech when the chandelier exploded.

"—and thus, Article 7 mandates the immediate *dissolution* of cross-realm partnerships—"

Glass rained down as Lira Voss stormed into the chamber, flanked by Anika Weber and a very disheveled Kaelan. The imposter froze, its holographic facade flickering to reveal a writhing mass of void-tendrils beneath.

"Funny," Lira said, tossing a spent Vitaespira husk onto the podium. "I don't recall ceding my seat to *sentient mold*."

The imposter hissed, its voice a chorus of corrupted audio clips. **"You cling to a sinking ship. The rift cannot be—"**

Kaelan's staff slammed down, shattering the hologram. The tendrils recoiled, scrambling toward air vents.

"After it!" Anika barked.

"Wait." Lira held up a tablet streaming Glitch's new "Reality Talk" show. "Let it run. We're tracking its signal."

Glitch's pixelated face filled the screen. **"Breaking news! Evil twin's WiFi password is… 'SunderbornSucks123.'"**


**Berlin-Eldryth Lab – Containment Zone Delta**

Lyria's hands wouldn't stop glowing.

"It's the Vitaespira's residual energy," Dr. Costa said, squinting at scans. "You're… *photosynthesizing* magic."

Lyria flexed her fingers, accidentally igniting a fire extinguisher. "Great. I'm a houseplant with daddy issues."

Nearby, Glitch hovered over a quantum server, critiquing *Star Trek* reruns. **"Captain's log: Needs more jazz."**


**Dead Wastes – Sunderborn Stronghold**

Ember knelt before the Lira-doppelgänger, its core dimmed to embers.

"You failed," the double spat.

"No," Ember rumbled. "I *learned*."

It erupted in a supernova of mana-fire, burning the cultists to ash. The double screamed, retreating into the rift as Ember's obsidian body crumbled.

Its last transmission buzzed to Lira's tablet: **"Citizenship… earned."**


**Kaelan's Quarters – 21:00 CET**

The High Magister was trending again.

**@MagicMemeQueen**: KAELAN + LIRA = #FrenemiesToLovers??? 🔥

**@EUFactCheck**: This is speculative and unverified.

Pip scrolled, grinning. "They've made fanart. *Lots* of fanart."

Kaelan scowled. "Burn it."

"Or," Pip whispered, "leak a 'ship tease' to distract from the imposter scandal."

"…Do it."


**Rift Zone Alpha – Eldryth/Earth Convergence**

The skies bled.

Floating islands collided with German autobahns. French vineyards sprouted venomous vines. Lira and Kaelan stood at the epicenter, their alliance fraying as the Sunderborn's master emerged—a colossal entity woven from shredded EU treaties and eldritch rot.

**"You are parasites,"** it boomed. **"Order. Chaos. All will be devoured."**

Lira activated her earpiece. "Glitch! Time for that 'talk show' finale."

Glitch materialized, hijacking the rift's frequency. **"Audience poll: Should the apocalypse get a redemption arc? Vote now!"**

The entity hesitated, confused.

"Now, Kaelan!"

They struck as one—Lira's EMP grenade and Kaelan's soulbind spell—fusing technology and magic into a chain reaction that scorched the entity back into the void.


**Epigraph Fragment – Recovered Ember Core Log**

*"To burn is not to destroy.

Sometimes… it is to illuminate."*


**End of Chapter 6**


**Next time on *Aegis Europa*:**

- *Lyria's photosynthesis powers run amok—floral armageddon?*

- *Kaelan's fanfic fame spirals into a diplomatic crisis.*

- *The Sunderborn's true master stirs… and it's wearing a familiar face.*

- *Glitch runs for EU Commissioner. Platform: "Why Not?"*

The rift quivers. The memes multiply. The bureaucracy endures. 🌍✨