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This story is about a wizard that granted ancient power to children causing an anomaly across the globe.

Chapter 1 - The Ritual

Years ago a boy lived on an island in a village with around forty villagers. He lived in a small shack with his sick mother and two brothers one younger and one older. The three boys loved to play together. They would find coconuts on trees and kick them at one another. One day the three brothers went out late to play with more coconuts, but they were having a hard time finding any, so they all split up to see who could find the most. The boy went along long trail and ended up hearing strange noises coming from a cave. It sounded like a loud slurping, he thought it might be a snake or a predator that just caught its prey. He got scared and was about to turn around but then heard a voice say "wait!," i have more coconuts if you're hungry, what's your name boy". "Um it's Neil" the boy said "you must be from that village, hear take a coconut". Said the voice as a coconut rolled over. Neil looked closer and saw that it was a man in a fancy robe sitting on a rock with about a hundred coconuts. "What! How did you get all of those!" Neil shouted. "Shh you're gonna wake up Shyann" said the man. Neil looked over and saw a giant brown bear sleeping in the corner, he tried to scream but his mouth was somehow covered. He looked over and the man was now behind him, he said "I'm sorry but i'd like for you to respect shyanns slumber".

"Let's talk outside," said the man. As soon as they got outside Neil started shouting,"how did you move so fast and how'd you get all the coconuts and are you friends with that bear""calm down' the man said "i'll show you". The man put Neil on his back and climbed to the top of a tree, then slowly put his hand in the sky and said "watch this", the wind started circling around them and all the trees started flying. Neil heard tree branches snapping and coconuts falling, as Neil looked up and saw around a hundred trees flying in the sky. All the trees ended up going back into the ground and when the man jumped down there was what looked to be a thousand coconuts all dropped in front of them. He sat in silence amazed at what just happened then he heard his brothers calling him "Neil! where'd you go!"" You never told me your name, I have to show you to my brothers"Neil told the man "its Ryell" the man said Neil shouted his brothers names "Raeden!(the oldest) Onel!(the youngest)Come meet Ryell!" they both came running"wow where did all those coconuts come from" said Onel", and did you see the flying trees", said Raeden "it was Ryell", said Neil but he looked over and Ryell was gone "who are you talking about there's no one there" said Raeden. "Let's go home, one of those trees almost knocked me out," He said.

The next day Neil told his brothers to follow him, they wondered for a little and after a while they found the cave "this is where the wizard lives "he said. The three boys walked into the cave where there was no one to be found, until they heard a big roar coming from the back of the cave in the darkness. *Boom!* Loud footsteps started banging towards them. They all panicked, turned around and ran full speed. Neil looked back and saw the big brown bear Shyann so he turned around and stopped, but Shyann kept coming. Neil closed his eyes and counted to three "one, two, three", he opened his eyes and saw Ryell standing in front of him pushing a coconut into the bear's opened mouth. "She's pretty scary when she's hungry". "I knew you'd come,"said Neil. "But why did you come?" said Ryell "we wanna know how you made the trees fly", said Neil. 

"You want to be like me? Are you sure?" Ryell said with a chuckle "if i can do the flying thing then yes" said Neil "I'll do it too" said Raeden "me too "said Onel. Then you can have my power! Before it fades away, but it can only be one."Said Ryell. Neil heard a voice whisper to him "the power will be yours" he just smiled and said, "I can't wait to be the winner!" "To be able to receive this power you need to train your mind, body and soul, you can either do it the fast way or the slow way. If you choose the fast way for a week you must collect every coconut from all the trees while inside another realm! basically a spell I cast upon you.""So what's the slow way" said Raeden. "Or you can train with me for a year!" "But what's the catch for the fast way?" He said. "If you don't make it back in a week your body will implode from the amount of spiritual pressure", said Ryell. "I think I'm gonna stick to training", said Onel." "you already know what i'm doing" said Readen "me too" said Neil 

"So how do we start?" said Raeden."When you get there you will find a spirit, show it your heart and you'll find yourself closer than you think, also in one week there will be a dimensional rift that will bring you back, but if you don't have enough spiritual pressure, the rift will close immediately. Ryell started a fire then grabbed a leaf from a tree that just appeared, burned the leaf, told them to sit criss-cross applesauce then put the leaf up to their noses and told them to smell it. They smelled the leaf and each fell into a trance. Next thing they know both of them were together in some all white world or dimension.

They both saw some trees in the distance, "let's go '' said Raeden they ran to the forest and began to collect the coconuts. They already completed almost a third of the forest. "I knew this was gonna be easy,"said Neil. "But how is collecting coconuts supposed to give us special powers?"said Raeden. "Who knows, as long as I win I'll pick away!" said Neil. We'll see", said Raeden. They picked coconuts for an entire day until they were exhausted. Then woke up the next day to trees that were a thousand feet taller", this is gonna be harder than i thought", said Neil. So Raeden punched a tree out of frustration and it fell over not realizing how strong he was causing coconuts to fall down. so he started punching down all the trees and taking all of them easily. Raeden tried but the tree just wouldn't budge, so Neil had to do all the work and quick. By the end of the day they were about halfway done.

When they woke up the trees were even taller and wolves started to spawn again. They ran from the wolves for two days until realizing they would die if they kept running, so Raeden charged at the wolf pack and punched a wolf in the face. The wolf imploded into nothing as Raedens hand started glowing and soon the rest of his body was shining all over. It spread out to all the wolves like a disease until all the wolves disappeared.


"Wow!", said Neil. Then a giant wolf appeared in front of him, the wolf looked up and started charging a big breath attack into a ball then shot it out to the right. Raeden was confused then realized it was aiming straight for Neil, Neil was frozen in fear and closed his eyes. He heard an explosion and When his eyes opened Raeden was floating in front of him glowing like the sun. "Wow", said Neil "We're getting stronger by the second in here we have to keep fighting" said Raeden. Then he grabbed Neil, and next thing you know they were flying in the sky and Raeden puts his hand in the air as golden beams started raining down at the giant wolf. The wolf let out one more breath attack, but just before it hit them Raeden shot out a golden beam in the middle of its forehead causing it to implode. They dropped down in relief "we only have two days left do you really think we can make it? ''Said Neil.' 'If we do, we won't have to fight anymore wolves, let's just try to finish the rest tomorrow "said Raeden. The next day they woke up and there was an even bigger pack of wolves standing in front of the one million foot tall trees That were as thick as boulders. They looked at each other and Raeden said "I'll get the wolves you hit the trees", Neil nodded and they both took off running. Raeden started glowing again and started shooting beams at the wolves, Neil stuck out both his arms and started running through all the trees. Raeden ended up getting bit by a wolf then all the wolves ended up jumping on top of him with intent to kill. He ended up letting out a burst of energy killing every single wolf in the area. Neil ended up putting his arm out and started swinging it like a sword cutting down all the trees with the immense wind pressure. "We should be leaving tomorrow" said Raeden "yup, these must be the powers Ryel was talking about", said Neil. I don't know compared to Ryell this is nothing. We have to make it out of here." Said Raeden.

Raeden woke up the next day in a dark room looking at a pitch black version of himself. "Who are you?""said Raeden. The dark figure began to form a stance. Raeden jumped back, and the other him started to attack. It shot a dark beam at him but he crossed both arms on his chest and blocked it. On the floor he looked around for Neil, he was still sleeping."I guess i gotta do this alone" he thought, then the other him started charging again and tried to hit him but it was dodged. They started exchanging blows but no one did any damage. Then Raeden started glowing golden and the other him started glowing black, they both shot beams and they were fighting against each other so Raeden shot a beam with his pinky at Neil waking him up."ow! what's happening!" Said Neil. "Take him out!" Raeden cried out. "Oh, you need my help," said Neil laughing. "Just help me,"Raeden said. Then a voice whispered to Neil saying "take him out, ha, ha, ha," his laugh was evil. while he was staring at Raeden. Neil charged and punched Raeden in the back full force going straight through his stomach, and the immense wind pressure ended up shattering the dark room. "What are you doing?" Raeden said as he coughed on the floor. "You didn't say which one," said Neil monotone. Neil backed up then got blasted by the dark Raeden, he screamed and fell. The dark Raeden flew up to him charging up a blast in its palm, then suddenly got hit in the head with a golden beam. He saw Raeden barley standing with his arm up."Why did you save me?" Neil said. "Because you're my brother", Said Raeden. Then a rift opened in the distance, "I guess it's time to go", said Raeden. They walked over to the rift but then a dark version of Neil appeared out of nowhere and attacked Neil sending him flying, so Raeden jumped in and started shooting it with light beams but didn't realize Neil was running full speed at the rift", wait for me" said Raeden. Then he started running too, but he ended up getting grabbed by the dark Neil. "Neil!" Raeden shouted, but Neil just kept going, "I'm sorry" he thought. Then he jumped in the rift leaving his brother.

Meanwhile, Raeden and Neil were still meditating and Onel was taking care of their mother back home. He told Ryel he didn't want any powers, he'd rather let Raeden or Neil get them because he wouldn't win anyways. "I just hope they make it back", he said. "I know they will," said Ryel. *His mother coughs*"Where's Raeden and Neil? They've been gone for like three days, and I don't know if I can make it any longer, "she says. "They're getting stronger to protect you", said Onel. "There's no need to protect me anymore son, I just wanna see my boys before it's too late.''she says in a soft voice. "They'll be back soon I swear" he says while hugging her tight. "I'm gonna go check on them right now", he says with a tear on his face. "Don't take too long" his mom said. Onel went to go check on Raeden and Neil and noticed something different. Raeden was glowing all over, shinning like the sun. 

*Suddenly Ryell appears* "he's gaining spirit energy, also known as chi, it's what samurai use to gain more power, they'll be back soon". Later that night Onel went to the tree he always goes to to escape. He talks to himself out loud while looking at the stars. "I wish I could be a star, I'd be the light everyone needs when everything goes dark. If everything goes wrong I'll be the only one left. "then a girl named Cindy comes from behind looking down at him as he looks up at her. "Who are you talking to?" She says. Onel gets startled and bumps his forehead into hers. They both say "ow". Then Onel says "what are you doing here!" I saw you sneaking over here so I decided to follow you and see what you were hiding,"she says. "I'm not hiding anything so just go home", he said. "I don't know you sounded so deep and depressed, do you do this often?"she said. "Uh No, well, maybe sometimes, it's none of your business", he said. "You said something about being the only one left, but you're not because I'm here" she said. "You don't understand, both of my brothers could die in a few days, and my mom at any moment. I just don't know how to save her". Then suddenly a rainbow appeared inbetween them then all around as it started raining. Suddenly Ryel appeared with half a coconut and filled it up with the rain and said "don't worry about her this will give her strength". "Wow"they both said. "This will save my mom?!" said Onel. "It'll increase her spirit giving her strength but not for long for that is the best i could do", said Ryel. Onel took the coconut and said "then I gotta go," then ran back home leaving Cindi as she shouts "see you soon Onel!" When he gets home his mom is already sleeping so he sets the coconut down and rests in the bed next to hers. 

The next morning Onel got up and woke his mom gently"mom wake up i got something for you", he said. His mom woke up and said "yes, I'm up, what is it?""it's a gift from a magician who said this coconut will give you strength" said Onel. "Are you sure?" Said his mom while laughing. "No, I'm serious, I got it from a magician," said Onel. "Alright then" said his mom while she took a sip out of the coconut. "No you have to drink the whole thing"said Onel as he tilted the coconut up and into her mouth.

As his mom slept her body started glowing silver and the next morning Onel woke up and saw her standing up cutting carrots. "Onel, are you awake? I'm making breakfast so let me know when you're hungry"his mom said the same way she used to when he was little. There was a tear in his eye as he thought about that moment, "i'll be hungry a little later but i'll be back, i'm going out" he said while running out the door. "Wait where are you going?" His mom said, but it was too late he was already gone. Onel ran through the village then the forest then up the hill where his two brothers were meditating. He saw Ryel standing next to them but talked to his brothers instead. "Moms ok! She's gonna be alright! Thanks to Ryell", he said. Ryel didn't say a word, he just nodded and smiled. 

Two days passed and it was finally day seven of their training. Onel was eating potatoes with his mom while Ryel was waiting for them to come back. Raeden was glowing again while Neil was still normal, suddenly the ground started shaking underneath them. "It's time! "Said Ryel. dark clouds started appearing above and it quickly started raining. You could hear loud thunder and see lightning that was way too close. You could see a tear fall down Neils face, then Raeden imploded into blue particles. Ryel had a surprised look on his face as Neil opened his eyes. The storm slowed down but it was still raining, Neil got up and slowly walked past Ryell. Ryell sensed something different about Neils presence. "Hm, i see, son just go home and see the rest of your family we'll start the ritual when you're ready", said Ryel

Neil just started walking home without saying anything. When Neil made it home he saw Onel about to open the door. "Huh, Neil it's you, I was just going to check on you, where's Raeden?" Onel said with a smile on his face. There was silence for a good three seconds,"he's gone," said Neil. Then walked past Onel and saw his mom standing in front of him, "Neil your back i've missed you so much wheres Raeden" she said. Neil stuttered,"I, I". "Onel stopped him. "It's ok", he said. After be took a deep breath Neil finally got the words out "I don't think he's coming back home," said Neil. He saw two plates of food sitting on the table, "i'm not hungry", he said then turned around and walked back out the door. As he walked he could hear the cries of his family. 

Neil wiped a tear off his face and walked back to the hill where Raeden died. He placed his hand on the ground and closed his eyes,"im sorry it had to be you" he whispered quietly. "It's time!" Said Ryell. They went to an abandoned building and Ryell drew a circle with a stick he grabbed on the way. "Sit in the middle with your eyes closed," he said. Then Ryell put his hand out and said "don't move an inch or you might die". Then started gathering energy from all over, and a circle sprouted three signs: a cat , a tiger and a mouse. Then expanded sprouted a force field around the building. the storm started getting louder and louder until there were tornados surrounding them, luckily they were protected by the force field, but the village wasn't. Everything was being sucked in as the ground was shaking and the waves started coming in on the island. "It's too much, your body can't take it", said Ryel. lightning started coming down extremely hard and fast, the villagers were in a panic. Houses were being destroyed and a few people ended up getting crushed. 

Onel was running with his mom, in the distance he could see the most lightning coming from where his brothers were meditating. "I think I know where Neil is," said Onel. "Well hurry, let's go", said his mom. As they approached the destroyed building they saw Neil and Ryell, but then they were tackled by Cindy, she had tears in her eyes.``Don't go any closer! You'll die, my parents tried to go in there and they shattered into nothing She said. "Then how are we gonna stop this' ', said Onel. "It's ok little girl, I'll stop my boy from hurting anyone else ''said Onel's mom. His mom gets up and walks up to the invisible force field and puts her hand out touching the force field leaving an open slit under her hand. She puts her whole arm and tells them to "c'mon." They all walk in and see Ryel with his hand out pointed at Neil gathering energy from all over. "This has to stop," his mom says. "People are dying". "I can't just stop now or Neil might die, he doesn't have enough spirit energy," said Ryell. what if i give him mine, I can feel it inside me, if i give it to him will he survive. Said his mom. "I suppose it could work, " said Ryel. She put her hand on Ryel's back and her spirit energy began to leave her body. I'm sorry about your mother boy, but your life is more important to me. You see, a leaf ready to fall before winter is different from a leaf blooming during spring. See your like a flower, Gazing in the sun, rather than dying in the cold, and boy your heart is still warm. Now show me there is still light to be shed." Said Ryell. In a brief moment a blue light began to shine upon them. Everything went quiet, all you could hear was Ryell say "it's about time".