After the brothers' sobbing subsided, they decided to explore the church together.
"Hey James, what do you say we go on a little adventure around the church?" Allen suggested.
James' eyes lit up with excitement. "Why wait? Let's go now!"
The brothers hurried off, eager to explore. As they wandered through the grand halls, they were awestruck by the church's sheer size and beauty. Towering stained-glass windows cast colorful light upon the polished stone floors, and intricate carvings of saints and deities adorned the walls. The air carried a faint scent of incense and fresh flowers, adding to the sacred atmosphere.
As they continued their exploration, they came upon a vast flower garden nestled within the church grounds. The vibrant array of blossoms swayed gently in the breeze, filling the air with a sweet fragrance. The brothers eagerly stepped into the garden, admiring the different flowers and inhaling their pleasant scents. Nearby, a group of workers tending to the garden observed the boys with amusement.
"Ah, to be young and full of energy again," one of the workers said with a chuckle, watching the brothers dart from flower to flower.
Allen, ever curious, approached one of the gardeners. "Hello! My name is Allen, and this is my brother, James. Could you tell us about the flowers here?" he asked enthusiastically.
The worker, a kind-faced woman with dirt-streaked hands, smiled warmly. "Of course! My name is Jazmin. I'm one of the caretakers of this garden. And that tall man over there—" she pointed toward a lively figure in the distance "—is Jake. He's an adventurer who helps out here from time to time. Full of energy, just like you two!"
As if on cue, Jake suddenly sprinted toward them, leaped into the air, and performed a flawless front flip over a bed of roses before landing with a dramatic pose.
"HELLO GUYS!" he bellowed, grinning from ear to ear. "My name is Jake! I'm a D-rank adventurer. I usually take on simple tasks because I enjoy helping people. I could rank up, but I prefer to take it slow and have fun. If you ever want to be swordsmen or adventurers, I'll teach you!"
Allen and James exchanged excited looks before responding in unison, "We'd love that!"
Jazmin giggled at their enthusiasm. "Well, boys, are you ready to walk and learn about the garden?"
The brothers eagerly jumped up. "Yeah!" they shouted in excitement.
Jazmin led them through the garden, gesturing toward the rows of delicate blooms. "To start off, we are in the Garden of Roses. This is said to be God's favorite flower."
She carefully picked up a vibrant red rose, holding it by the stem between her fingers. "This is a rose. When picking one, you must be very careful. See these?" She pointed to the sharp thorns along the stem. "If you're not cautious, they can prick you and cause pain."
James leaned in for a closer look, mesmerized by the petals' velvety texture and deep crimson hue. "It's beautiful," he whispered in awe.
Jazmin nodded. "Indeed. Every flower here has its own meaning and story. Some are said to bring blessings, others to ward off misfortune. Many adventurers carry flowers as charms on their journeys."
Jake clapped his hands together. "Speaking of journeys! If you boys ever decide to take up adventuring, knowing about plants and nature is just as important as learning how to fight. Some flowers can heal, while others can be deadly. The world is full of mysteries waiting to be uncovered!"
Allen and James exchanged excited glances. Their little adventure around the church had just begun, but already, they felt like they had stepped into a world filled with wonder and endless possibilities. Jazmin showed them more of the garden before the boys went on their way to find more interesting things in the church.
As they walked, they talked about their plans. Allen turned to James. "Hey James, we should take every day to practice and figure out how to get stronger. We still don't know what my magic is, but we need to understand it. What do you say we go look for Jake tomorrow?"
James nodded firmly. "Yeah, that sounds great. We can't let these people die like our last home. Not again. We won't lose our loved ones. These people seem so nice—it would hurt to lose them."
The brothers fixated on their new goal, determination filling their hearts. As they continued talking and walking, they stumbled upon a large, dimly lit room. Rows of wooden seats lined the space, leading up to an enormous statue at the front. The flickering candlelight cast long shadows, giving the place an eerie yet serene atmosphere. In front of the towering statue sat a girl dressed entirely in black, her posture still and solemn.
The brothers hesitated for a moment before stepping inside, curiosity drawing them forward. Allen, slightly cautious, started moving toward the girl. James, hiding behind him and holding onto his shirt tightly, followed nervously. As they grew nearer, their nerves heightened. Finally, Allen broke the silence. "Hello, my name is Allen. May I ask what you are up to?"
The girl remained silent for a moment before speaking in a soft yet firm voice. "Hello. I am Alice, and I was praying to God. You boys seem new here?"
Allen, finally at ease, responded, "Yes, we are new here. We cam—"
Before he could finish, James suddenly stepped in front of Allen, grabbed Alice's hands, and blurted out, "Ms. Alice, you look beautiful! Your eyes are a colorful shade of jade that tells a wonderful story. You swept me o—"
Allen, mortified, quickly clamped his hand over James' mouth, stopping him mid-sentence. He let out a heavy sigh. "I apologize for his actions. This is the first time he's ever done something like this."
Allen turned to James, shaking his head in disappointment. "Brother, what even is jade, and how do you know what it means?"
James looked away, sweating nervously. Alice, amused, laughed at the spectacle. "Well, your brother certainly has a way with words. What's your name?"
James did a full 180-degree turn and declared, "My name is James! We should go out!"
Allen struggled to keep his brother still, covering his mouth once more. "I'm so sorry he's acting like this," he said apologetically.
Alice chuckled. "It's quite alright. But James, I am older than you. I am 14 years old, so there's quite the gap. I'm sorry to say, but we can't date."
James, hearing he had been rejected, froze in place before dramatically falling onto his back, stunned. Allen sighed, shaking his head. "Come on, James. It's alright. It was bound to happen."
He picked up his brother and turned to Alice. "We'll talk again later."
As Allen carried James out, he found a nun and asked if she could take them to their room. The nun nodded and guided them to their quarters. "If you boys need anything, don't be afraid to ask, alright?"
Allen nodded. "Don't worry, we'll come to you if we need anything."
Their room was a decent space, with a window, two beds, and two desks with chairs. Allen placed James in his bed and then lay down in his own.
"Hey, Allen, today was fun. I can't wait for tomorrow," James said, looking over.
Allen smiled. "I can't wait either."
The boys then fell asleep, having survived another day.