The metallic clang of swords echoes through the air, a symphony of violence that drowns out all else. Myora is locked in a desperate struggle against the redheaded sergeant, her blade flashing in a blur of motion. Every strike is effortlessly parried by the seasoned soldier, his experience evident in every calculated move.
'Can't break through.'
Myora steps back, her eyes darting across his form, searching for an opening.
'Hell... What to do...'
The sergeant takes a breather, he then rushes Myora down. Attacks coming towards her non-stop.
The sergeant doesn't give her time to think. He lunges forward, his fists a blur of motion. Myora sidesteps, her sword slicing through the air, but he catches her blade mid-thrust. With a brutal knee to her stomach, he sends her flying through the wall of the interrogation building. Dust and debris explode as she crashes into the ground, struggling to rise.
The sergeant charges through the smoke, his face twisted in rage. A flying kick sends Myora sprawling back outside, her body skidding across the dirt.
Hao watches the fight unfold but stays focused on tending to Selth, choosing not to intervene.
The sergeant leaps into the air, his massive frame descending like a meteor. Myora barely raises her arms in time to block the down-slam, the impact shattering the ground beneath her. She staggers, her strength fading.
'Too strong...'
The sergeant spins into a roundhouse kick. Myora ducks, the force of the missed strike whipping past her head. His face contorts in fury.
Taking a step back. He shifts into a boxing stance, arms raised defensively. Myora seizes the moment, aiming a punch at his gut, but he swats it aside effortlessly. A lightning-fast jab connects with her nose, stunning her. Another punch aimed at her stomach.
'Shit i can't dodge.'
Suddenly, a sword pierces the sergeant's arm, pinning it to the ground. The blade quivers under the strain, the earth cracking around it. Erley bursts through the shattered wall, charging at the sergeant. Myora, though battered, forces herself to her feet.
'His movements are restrained. Focus on the left side'
She lunges to his left, delivering a kick, while Erley aims for his face. The sergeant reacts with terrifying speed, biting down on Myora's leg with bone-crushing force. She screams as his teeth sink into her flesh.
With his free hand, he catches Erley's sword mid-swing, blood pouring from his palm. Myora struggles, but his grip is unyielding.
Erley releases his sword, grappling the sergeant's massive arm in a lock. Myora grabs the embedded blade, using it to free herself. The sword slashes across the sergeant's face, leaving a deep gash. He releases her leg with a roar, his arm now free.
He swiftly moves his arm to free himself from Erley's lock. But before he can strike Erley, his arm cracks audibly. A scream tears from his throat.
He retreats, his arm hanging limp, his breathing ragged.
Myora collapses, clutching her mangled leg. Bone protrudes through torn flesh.
"Shit. I don't think i can keep fighting."
Erley stands alone, his sword at his feet. He glances at Myora.
"Give me your sword."
She hands it over without a word. Erley grips the blade, locking eyes with the sergeant.
The sergeant lets out a primal roar, his eyes white with exhaustion and rage.
They rush towards each other. The sergeant moving like a wild beast.
The sergeant moves with astonishing speed, his arm extended out trying to grab Erley's head. Erley easily dodges it, sticking to his left side, he cuts through his torso. The hand of the sergeant destroying the floor as it lands, missing the grab.
Spinning Erley swiftly moves to continue his attack. But the sergeant, in a display of inhuman strength, uses his one good arm to propel himself into the air, flipping above Erley.
Impulsing himself backwards, the sergeant is suddenly above Erley. Who was taken by surprise by the action.
'He used one arm to counter my rush?!'
The sergeant grabs Erley's head. As he lands and skids from the strong impulse, he drags Erley's head through the ground. He hurls Erley into the air, then delivers a crushing blow to his back, sending him flying into the hollow iron wall.
Suddenly everything goes black.
Erley's vision blurs as he wakes up.
'Where am i?'
Touching his forehead he thinks.
'Shit... it hurts...'
Blood starts pooling around him.
'Am i... going to die?'
Inside the darkness of the hollow iron wall, Erley lay. His back resting on the wall. He hears footsteps above.
Looking up he sees the sergeant approaching, his steps heavy and deliberate. Behind he sees Moen taking Myora and running.
Suddenly he freezes looking up. The footsteps on metal going quiet.
Looking up as Hao descends from above, his greatsword held in a reverse grip. Hao slams into the ground, his landing cracking the earth.
The sergeant was a couple steps away from the landing. Looking up Hao sees the battered state of the sergeant. Smiling Hao glances back. His voice bright.
"I really thought you guys had it"
The sergeant takes a defensive stance. But he was too battered to even defend.
Before Hao rushes him, he decides to try and land a critical blow. Rushing forward, he throws an overhead punch, headed straight for Hao's face.
Hao easily closes distance, dodging the punch and counterattacking.
Winding up he thrusts his great-sword forward as he closes the distance. The sword going through the sergeant's stomach.
The sergeant falls to his knees his vision fading slowly.
The sergeant is suddenly in a living room. The shining sun radiant as it enters through the window. A woman with braided black hair and a blue dress stands before him, her hand resting on her swollen belly. Her voice is laced with anger and sorrow.
"You really have to go?!"
The sadness in his face showing as he looks at her belly.
"Yes, i'm sorry my love. But it's my turn for Birmingham duty. Don't worry though, i will be okay."
The pregnant woman looks down saddened.
"Are you sure?"
With a smile the man kneels before her, closing his eyes and touching her belly.
"Yes i'm sure, it's only for a few months. I'll be back right in time for her!"
The woman smiles faintly, looking down at him.
"Promise me, Argen."
Looking up he responds.
"I promise, Lea."
Argen's thoughts echo in the void.
'Am i dead?'
'Was that my last memory?'
'Maybe if i had let go of my sanity.'
'Maybe i would've lived'
'But what's the point? if i had let my anger control me... would it have been worth living? without my sanity, without my dear Lea...'
'**Is it worth it?**'
Hao watches as the light fades from Argen's eyes.
He leaves the sword trusted on his stomach as he turns around to help Erley.
'Is it just me or i saw him move for a second?'
Erley looks up as he sees Hao approaching him. Suddenly his eyes widen.
Argen's voice booms as he starts pulling the greatsword from his stomach.
His eyes white as he pulls out the sword. Noticing Erley's gaze Hao finally turns.
Suddenly the man's blood turns black. His body engulfed in black flames.
He hurls the greatsword at Hao, the blade grazing his cheek as it flies past. Hao's eyes widening.
Hao rushes towards Erley, scared.
"We gotta go!"
Argen sees Hao, Fueled by rage he lets out a scream.
Hao grabs Erley, leaping over the wall as Argen's enraged screams echo behind them.