Chereads / My Hero Academia: Izuku Reloaded / Chapter 33 - [32] USJ Incident I

Chapter 33 - [32] USJ Incident I

April 11, 2226 


Through the bustling streets of Musutafu, Toshinori Yagi bounded from rooftop to rooftop in his muscular form. The morning sun glinted off glass-fronted buildings as citizens went about their daily routines below. A woman's desperate cry pierced the air.

"Save us, heroes! At least save my daughter!"

He adjusted course without hesitation, landing behind a villain who had cornered a family against a storefront. The mother clutched her child, eyes wide with terror. The villain's scaled hands crackled with electrical energy.

"Fear not, good family!" Toshinori channeled One For All through his massive frame, his voice booming with reassurance. "I am here!"

The villain spun around, electricity arcing between his fingers. "All Mi-"


His precise chop connected with the villain's neck. As the criminal dropped, Toshinori scooped up mother and daughter, depositing them safely around the corner in one fluid motion.

"All safe now." He flashed his signature smile, though his thoughts drifted to the ticking clock on his hero form. "Just another morning in the neighborhood!"

"All Might!" Mt. Lady's voice carried across the street as she approached at normal size, her costume gleaming in the morning light. "Taking all the glory again, I see."

"Young Takeyama!" He turned, maintaining his larger-than-life presence despite the familiar strain building in his side. "Your patrol route brings you here often?"

"Don't deflect." She planted her hands on her hips. "That's the third incident you've 'coincidentally' handled in my sector this morning."

"The life of a hero knows no boundaries! We go where we're needed most." He gestured broadly at the gathering crowd of onlookers, their phones raised to capture the interaction.

A cry for help interrupted their banter - the screech of tires and blaring horns signaled a car chase nearby.

"Duty calls!" Toshinori gave Mt. Lady an exaggerated salute. "Keep up the excellent work protecting our fair city!"

He launched skyward, scanning the streets below. The stolen vehicle weaved through traffic, narrowly missing pedestrians. Landing in its path, Toshinori raised one massive hand. The car slammed into his palm, crumpling like paper while phones flashed around him.

"Now then," he said, reaching through the wreckage to pluck out the dazed driver, "perhaps we should discuss proper road safety!"

"A-All Might!" A police officer sprinted up, radio crackling at his belt. "There's a hostage situation at Musutafu Bank!"

Perfect - the bank's location would let him make it to UA for class on time. He secured the reckless driver and gave the gathering crowd a reassuring wave.

"Citizens! Remember - a society of heroes starts with everyday acts of kindness!" He pointed skyward. "Now, if you'll excuse me!"

One powerful leap carried him toward the bank. Three armed robbers, ten hostages - standard procedure. Through the glass doors, he assessed the situation. Two gunmen near the counter, one watching the hostages. Amateur work.

"VILLAINS!" His voice filled the space as he burst through the entrance. "YOUR CRIME SPREE ENDS HERE!"

They spun, weapons raised. Too slow. One calculated punch sent them sprawling across the marble floor, guns clattering away harmlessly.

As he checked the hostages for injuries, his reflection caught his eye in a cracked window. His true form stared back - gaunt, worn, running out of time. The familiar taste of copper touched his tongue.

"You're amazing, All Might!" A young teller gushed as he led them outside. "We knew you'd save us!"

"Simply doing my duty as a hero!" He maintained his bright smile despite the growing strain. "Now, if you'll excuse me - there are students waiting to learn!"

The mention of students brought young Midoriya to mind. The boy's actions during the entrance exam had shown true heroic spirit - rushing in to save another student despite having no quirk himself. That kind of selfless instinct couldn't be taught.

A distant explosion drew his attention. More citizens in need. More time spent in this form. But he couldn't stop - not while he remained the Symbol of Peace. Until a worthy successor could be found...

"PLUS ULTRA!" he declared, launching himself toward the next crisis. The wind whipped past as he soared between buildings, his cape billowing behind him. Below, citizens pointed and cheered at his passing. Their faith in heroes had to be protected, no matter the personal cost.

The explosion site came into view - a ruptured gas line had triggered a fire at a construction zone. Workers scrambled to escape as flames licked the scaffolding.

"All Might!" The site foreman waved frantically. "Two of our crew are still inside!"

"Leave it to me!" He assessed the unstable structure, plotting the safest route. "A hero's work is never done!"

With one mighty leap, he dove into action. There would be time later to consider successors and legacies. 

For now, there were still citizens who needed the Symbol of Peace.

11:38am - UA High School Study Room

I slouched in my chair, scrolling through the flood of notifications on my phone. Another wave of comments rolled in under Camie's latest post - the infamous bunny onesie photo that had somehow gone viral overnight. 

"DaddyBunny can hop into my life anytime 😍"

"Future #1 hero giving Hawks a run for his money!"

"@UsagiyamaRumi thoughts on sharing your brand with this upcoming bunny? 🐰"

"Those ARMS though. UA's hero course is something else!"

At least they're focusing on the muscles and not my quirk. I switched apps, marking a few training videos for later review.

"Midoriya-san." Yaoyorozu's voice cut through my social media haze. "About the class budget allocation-"

"Please, just Izuku is fine." I set my phone down, studying my fellow class representative. She sat ramrod straight, a stack of perfectly organized papers before her. Everything about her screamed old money - from her perfect posture to the way she held her pen. "Actually, can we take a break? You brought quite the impressive lunch."

Her cheeks colored slightly as she glanced at the elaborate bento beside her. "Ah, yes. The chefs may have gone overboard again..."

"Mind showing? I'm curious what a Yaoyorozu family lunch looks like."

She hesitated, then carefully opened the multi-tiered box. The aroma of perfectly seasoned food filled the room. "It's nothing special..."

"That's a Wagyu beef roll." I pointed to one immaculately arranged tier. "And is that... gold leaf on the tamago?"

"The chefs are... particular." She shifted uncomfortably. 

"Hey." I leaned forward, catching her eye. "Why did you want to be a hero, Yaoyorozu? Really?"

Her hands stilled over the bento. "That's... quite the topic change."

"More interesting than budget sheets." I grabbed a pair of chopsticks. "Come on, I'll trade you - one bite of that amazing looking beef for the real story of Momo Yaoyorozu."

A small smile tugged at her lips. "You're avoiding the class representative work."

"Guilty. But I'm also genuinely curious." I met her gaze. "There's more to you than the perfect heir everyone sees."

She was quiet for a long moment, absently arranging and rearranging her chopsticks. "Do you know what it's like to have your entire life planned out before you're born?"

Not in this world. "Can't say that I do."

"Every Yaoyorozu follows the same path. The best schools. The right connections. A strategic marriage to strengthen family alliances." Her voice took on a bitter edge. "Our quirks are just another asset to be leveraged."

"But you chose UA instead."

"I chose to be more." Steel entered her tone. "My quirk... it's not just for creating business assets or impressing potential suitors. I can help people. Save lives. Make a real difference."

"Your parents weren't thrilled."

"They..." She picked up a piece of beef, studying it intently. "They had other plans. The heir to the Yaoyorozu fortune becoming a pro hero? It's not... proper."

"Since when has being a hero been about proper?" I snagged the beef from her chopsticks, popping it in my mouth. Her eyes widened at my casual theft. "Damn, that is good."

"Did you just-"

"Yep. Now you have to keep talking." I grinned. "Fair trade."

A laugh escaped her - genuine, unrestrained. "You're impossible."

"So I've been told. Go on - what made you decide to fight for it?"

She picked up another piece of beef, but held it out of my reach this time. "I was eight when I first used my quirk to help someone. One of the gardener's children had fallen and cut himself badly. The medical kit was too far away, so I created bandages on the spot."

"Your first rescue operation."

"Hardly." She smiled at the memory. "But the look on his face when the pain eased... I realized my quirk could do more than create fancy trinkets for father's business partners."

"You wanted that feeling again."

"I wanted to be useful." The words carried weight. "Not just the perfect daughter. Not just another piece in the family's strategic games. I wanted... want... to be my own person."

"Hence UA."

"Hence UA." She finally ate the piece of beef herself. "Though I suspect my parents still hope I'll 'come to my senses' and take over the family business instead."

"Not happening."


"Nope." I stole another piece of food, earning an indignant sound. "I've seen you in action, Yaoyorozu. You're meant to be a hero."

Color touched her cheeks again. "You seem very certain."

"Because I am." I leaned back, studying her. "You could coast through life on your family name. Never work a day. But instead you're here, working harder than most. That says something."

"What does it say?"

"That Momo Yaoyorozu is more than just her family name." I smiled. "Though she does need to loosen up a bit. Starting with sharing her fancy lunch properly."

She laughed again, pushing the bento closer. "Is food all you think about?"

"Nah. But it's a good place to start." I grabbed another bite. "So tell me about eight-year-old Momo. Did you start planning your hero costume right after that first aid incident?"

Her eyes lit up as she launched into the story. The budget papers lay forgotten as we traded tales over elaborate food, discovering the person behind the perfect heir facade. 

When she finally glanced at the clock, her eyes widened. "Oh! We haven't addressed any of the class requests! The hot springs training trip proposal-"

"Will wait." I stood, stretching. "This was more important."

"Getting to know the real me?"

"Exactly." I gathered my things, then paused at the door. "Same time tomorrow?"

She tried to look stern, but couldn't quite hide her smile. "Fine. But we have actual work to do tomorrow."

The walk back toward Class 1-A felt different with Yaoyorozu beside me. Our shared lunch had broken down some of the formal barriers between us, replaced by a more comfortable understanding. She walked with perfect posture as always, but her shoulders had lost some of their rigid tension.

"I still can't believe you stole food right off my chopsticks," she said, shaking her head. "No one has ever dared..."

"Clearly you need more friends willing to commit chopstick theft." I grinned at her scandalized expression. "It's good for you. Builds character."

"Is that your professional opinion as class president?"

"Absolutely. I'm thinking of making it official policy."

We reached the classroom early, the hallway still quiet before the lunch rush ended. Yaoyorozu hesitated at the door, her hand resting on the handle.

"Midoriya... Izuku." She turned to face me, a slight flush coloring her cheeks. "I was wondering if perhaps after school we could-"


Camie's voice rang through the hall moments before she collided with my back, arms wrapping around my waist. I caught her instinctively, steadying us both as she nuzzled between my shoulder blades.

"Missed you," she mumbled into my uniform.

I glanced at Yaoyorozu, catching the brief flash of... something in her expression before her perfect composure snapped back into place. She pushed open the classroom door with a practiced smile.

"We should review those budget proposals soon," she said smoothly, heading for her seat.

Camie peered around me, her chin propping on my shoulder. "Ooh, how was the study planning with my man?" Her arms tightened possessively. "Getting lots of work done?"


She ignored my warning tone, sliding around to plant herself on my desk as I sat down. "What? I'm just being a supportive girlfriend. Making sure you're not working too hard."

Other students began filtering in, filling the room with pre-afternoon chatter. Manga, Kaminari, Mineta and Kirishima clustered near my desk, deep in what appeared to be an intense debate.

"Midnight, obviously," Mineta declared, his hands gesturing emphatically. "Have you seen her costume?"

"Nah, man, Mt. Lady all the way," Kaminari argued. "Plus she's got that whole 'size difference' thing going-"

"You're both wrong," Kirishima cut in. "Ryukyu is way more manly- er, womanly? Plus she can turn into a dragon!"

"⭐CLEARLY YOU'RE ALL OVERLOOKING MIRKO!⭐" Manga's speech bubble proclaimed.

I felt multiple sets of female eyes drilling into the back of my head as the debate escalated. Please don't drag me into this. Please don't-

"Yo, Midoriya!" Kaminari turned to me. "You gotta settle this, bro. Who's the sexiest pro hero?"

Shit. I could practically feel the temperature in the room drop as every girl in class waited for my answer. 

"Bruh, why would you ask me that?" I kept my voice carefully neutral. There's no good answer unless...

"Recovery Girl is pretty hot."

The resulting chaos was worth it. Kaminari choked on air while Mineta looked physically pained. Kirishima's face cycled through several expressions before settling on horrified respect. Manga's speech bubble filled with "?!?!?!"

The classroom door slid open, revealing a disheveled Aizawa. The hero debate died instantly.

"Before we start," he drawled, "I'm curious to know why I just heard a student talk about Recovery Girl's romantic appeal in the hallway."

Poorly stifled laughter erupted around me. I maintained my best poker face.

"...No comment, sir."

"Mm." His bloodshot eyes swept the room. "I don't want to know, do I?"

"Probably not," Camie agreed, sliding off my desk.

"Right. Well for today's hero training, things will be a little different, he announced. "All Might, myself, and another faculty member will be observing you." 

I tapped my fingers against the desk, watching Aizawa's announcement ripple through the class. A week after the break-in and suddenly we need extra supervision for rescue training? That's not suspicious at all.

"Real rescue operations!" Uraraka bounced in her seat, practically vibrating with energy. "Just like Thirteen! Maybe we'll get to practice urban evacuations or-"

"I'm not finished," Aizawa growled. The excitement died instantly. His bloodshot eyes swept across our faces, lingering just a fraction too long on mine. "Wear your costumes if you want, but remember they might hinder you. We're going by bus. Front of the school by 1:30. That's all."