Chereads / One Piece: Blackbeard the Mad / Chapter 7 - Clash Ends

Chapter 7 - Clash Ends

As the third day of battle approaches, the storm subsides, giving way to the rising sun. At this point only a couple of commanders from the Whitebeard Pirates were still able to fight, while most of the main crew from the Roger Pirates were still battle-ready.

Teech had no rest the entire fight, but it didn't bother him in the slightest. He still felt as energized as the first day, making him secretly thank his own body.

As he walked through the battlefield, he spotted a familiar duo running around and harassing Rakuyo. A small smile appeared on Teech's face.

After a few moments they lured the Whitebeard commander into a trap causing him to face plant into the mud.

Embarrassed, Rakuyo got up while grinding his teeth in frustration.

Although most of his face was smeared with mud, one could easily tell his expression was extremely unhappy. He held his flail tightly, preparing to attack once more.

"Ahhhh!" He screamed at the duo.

"Ahh!" The one with the giant red nose screamed in fear as he got behind his crew mate with red hair.

"Buggy and Shanks!"

Teech's eyes gained an almost predatory glint, sending shivers down the unknowing duo.

As Rakuyo was about to chase them he felt a hand on his shoulder which prevented him from moving.

Momentarily taken aback he looked over his shoulder to find Teech giving him a small smile.

"Let me handle this one! Go find someone else to fight."

Wanting to refuse, he quickly stopped himself as he saw a familiar look in Teech's eyes. The look of a hunter locking onto its prey. 

Not wanting to get on Teech's bad side, he swiftly withdrew leaving Teech with the duo. Gazing at the duo, Teech became slightly disappointed. 

'They're smaller than I thought.'

Teech was right to think this as both Shanks and Buggy were only a year younger than him, yet they seemed so frail. So weak!

As if feeling himself be judged, Shanks narrowed his eyes and began taunting.

"Why are you looking at us like that! You want to go!"


Grabbing his cutlass, Teech unsheathed it only to stab it into the ground. Walking towards the duo slowly getting ready to fight them barehanded.

Seeing this, Shanks became slightly irritated. 

"Why aren't you using your sword?"

Gaining a knowing smirk, Teech spoke slowly in a mocking manner.

"Now, why would I use a cannon on a pair of rabbits? It's a bit overkill, don't you think?"

Hearing this, a tick mark appeared on Shanks as he unsheathed his own sword. Even the fearful Buggy couldn't help but become mad and take out six daggers, holding three in each hand. Seeing someone of similar age mock them for being weak, struck their pride.

"You're going to regret that!" Sneered Shanks.

Teech raised his hand as signaled them to come at him.

The duo looked at each other before nodding.

Shanks dashed forward first, following behind him Buggy threw one of the daggers at Teech.

Seeing him not attempt to dodge, Buggy widened his eyes as Teech simply tilted his head while grabbing the dagger.

Having a firm grip on the handle he threw it at the ground causing it to get stuck.

Although surprised, Shanks continued rushing forward.

Slashing down, Teech took one step back, putting him out of reach.


Shanks then slashed at his legs, causing Teech to jump over it.

Over and over, Shanks tried his best to cut Teech. But no matter how much he tried he always just missed.

"Wait! Do you…?!"

As if reading his mind, Teech shook his head.

"Not yet!"

"Then how?"

Teech smirked.

"You're slow, sloppy and predictable! That's why!"

Infuriated, Shanks resumed his slashing spree. Getting out of his stupor, Buggy gained a fearful look of Teech, but realized how much Shanks was struggling. Wanted to help, he slowly circled them, trying to ambush Teech.

Finally he arrived behind Teech, and gazed at Shanks.

Shanks also looked at Buggy, which didn't go unnoticed by Teech. A small smile appeared on his lips.

*thud thud thud*

Teech heard quiet steps approaching from behind.

Lunging towards Teech, Shanks raised his sword high in the air and slashed down.

As the sword came down, Teech slapped the side of the blade knocking it off course. Then he threw his leg back hard.


Buggy who was approaching him was violently thrown backwards by the kick, air was forcibly pushed out of lungs. The daggers he held all fell to the ground.

*Clank Clank*


Red hair screamed worriedly.

"You shouldn't take your eyes off your opponent!"

Shanks eyes widened as a fist approached his gut!

'When did he…?'


Shanks was thrown backwards as he rolled for several meters.

Coming to a stop, Shanks gritted his teeth as struggled to stand up! His legs shook, but he was ultimately able to get up!

Seeing the fierce look in Shank's eye, Teech smiled.

'There's the future emperor!'

"Impressive. Most of my crew would've been knocked out by that punch." Teech said.

Shanks knew he was severely outclassed, but that didn't mean he was going to give up. Looking around, Shanks saw Teech's cutlass nearby!

Running over he attempted to grab it. His hand came close before suddenly a fist appeared below his jaw.


Shanks' body flew into the air for several meters. At the peak of his ascension his eyes slightly open to find Teech's spinning body in the air.


Teech had kicked Shanks back towards the ground.

Shanks groaned as he tried to get back up but failed.

He stared at Teech who had a dangerous glint in his eyes as he walked towards him. 

"That was highly inappropriate! If you want to touch or even face my blade, you must earn it!"

Shanks' eyes slowly drift off into unconsciousness.


Teech looks at the future emperor in disappointment.

"Grow up quickly, Shanks! I want to have a fight to remember. But you're nowhere near there yet!"

Looking behind him he saw Buggy slowly making his way over to him while crawling. Obviously trying to make as little noise as possible.

Seeing that he was discovered, Buggy flinched.

Teech approached the crawling clown giving him a 'really' look.


The clown attempted to get up but was quickly pinned down by Teech's foot.

"What is your goal?" Teech asked.


"What is your goal?" He repeated.

"I… I don't… understand!" 

Buggy was scared beyond belief of Teech.

"What is your purpose for sailing the seas? Answer truthfully!" Putting more pressure with his foot, causing Buggy to wince.


"I want to be a pirate that everyone fears! I want to be so infamous that when someone hears the name, Buggy, they cower!"

Inwardly, Teech was slightly shocked. He thought that Buggy would say something like riches. But fear? That threw him for a loop.

'I wonder…' Teech suddenly gained an idea.

"If you want people to fear you, why don't you improve yourself?"


Teech grabbed Buggy and picked him up. He turned Buggy's face towards the captains who were clashing.

"What do you see when looking at them?"

Buggy, although confused began staring at the captains. 


Their weapons clash violently, causing shockwave after shockwave. The ground they stood on shook in protest.

Every clash caused Buggy to flinch and even gulp in fear.

"When I look at them, I don't just see a fight! I see something more! Something so beautiful, yet so… scary!"

Teech's words confused Buggy, as he continued looking at their fight.

After several minutes, Buggy began seeing something! His fear was slowly but surely disappearing as he watched them. 

The way they moved, the way their weapons clashed. The red lighting that lingered on the weapons. It was like a dance or maybe… a conversation!

Buggy had never truly watched them fight, as he was too scared to be near them. But, now getting a good look he realized that although their strength was overwhelming and terrifying, it was controlled.

Seeing that his fear was dissipating, Teech smiled.

"That strength! Don't you fear it?"

Buggy unconsciously nodded.

"It's to be expected! Even I fear it!"

Hearing this, Buggy looked at Teech incredulously.

"You fear it?"

Teech nodded.

"To an extent! That fear mostly stems from not being able to attain it! Welding such a power makes one nearly invincible in this world."

Silence envelopes their conversation.

"That power! It is something even the World Government and their dogs fear!"

"Imagine yourself, standing against the strongest force in the world, and all they can do is watch and hope that you don't face them! They hope you just walk away! Too afraid to even capture you!"

Buggy practically drooled as he pictured himself looking down at an army of Marines, only for them to shiver by his mere presence. As he gazes at the Marines, they are forced to look to the floor in fear.

'Almost there!'

"But that power doesn't come easily!"

Teech's words brought him back.


"How, what?"

"How do I gain it?! I have no talent in fighting!"

Teech's eyes widen as a devilish smile appears.

"You train! You break and rebuild yourself from the ground up! Talent doesn't mean everything! Although it gives people a head start, that's all it is, a head start! What you need is ambition!"

"You have to push yourself to the brink! Only then will you get a taste of their power!"

He gestured towards the captains.

"They are people of great ambition, and this is what sets them apart! If you want to be truly feared, then gain their power!"

A look of realization dawned on Buggy's face.

"Remember! Weakness will not be feared! Only by gaining their strength will you achieve what you desire! For now, you are anything but feared."

Hearing this, Buggy gained an irritated look. But, that didn't last long as his eyes slowly closed.


Teech chopped the back of his neck knocking him out.

"Hopefully that works!" He murmured to himself.

The fighting had finally come to a stop as most of the crew on both sides, except for a few individuals, were exhausted.

Seeing this, both Newgate and Roger decided to stop!




The brutal battlefield was now replaced with a lively party. Both crews exuded a festive atmosphere.

*gulp gulp*

Teech was sitting on a crate, drinking booze along with the crew.

"Ahh good stuff!"

'Though, definitely not as good as Earth's, it's passable!'

Some of the crew tried to stop him from drinking but he just glared at them, which quickly put a stop to it.

Partying, drinking and trading was a common scene among the crews.

As Teech drank cup after cup, he was thoroughly surprised to find that he had an extremely high tolerance, probably due to the amount of blood pumping through his hearts.

Only after his 7th cup did he finally feel himself relaxing, while some of the crew were out by their 5th.

Looking at his surroundings, Teech saw many people laughing, drinking and competing with each other. This brought a slight smile to his face.

Finally his eyes rested on the apprentice duo of the Roger crew. Shanks was laughing with other crew mates but every so often sent angry glances at Teech, which he promptly ignored.

He was more focused on Buggy, as the once rowdy clown was now silent in contemplation.

'Let's see how you turn out!'

Looking away his eyes rested upon a giant mushroom, where Whitebeard, Roger and Oden sat while drinking.

He couldn't hear their conversation, but he knew what it was about. The start of a new journey!

Roger began pointing at Oden while speaking to Whitebeard very animatedly.

The once smiling face of Newgate, quickly gained a terrifying glare as he stared at Roger.

In the next moment, Roger did the unthinkable!

He put his head on the ground, and bowed. 

Scooper Gaban saw this and hurriedly yelled in shock.

"Captain Roger!! He's our enemy! What are you doing?!"

Although Teech knew it was coming he was still shocked to see the scene! It was astonishing how someone so powerful would willingly bow his head to an enemy and beg!

In a fury Whitebeard punched the air with his Devil Fruit.

Wind brushed past everyone's face as they stared at the group of three. Oden said something to Whitebeard which caused him to slam his other hand creating two points where cracks appeared.

After a minute or two, Whitebeard finally settled down enough to be able to talk again. Even though his expression showed irritation, it also had a feeling of reluctance.

Another day passed, and Teech could be seen training along the beach.

It was honesty funny to Teech as the three day battle turned out to be a sort of vacation for him. Not wanting his strength to stagnate, he continued his routine.

As he was working up a sweat, he was suddenly interrupted by a crying Momo, who hugged his leg.

"Momo! What's wrong?!"

Worriedly he picked up the young boy and caught sight of a frowning Oden who was surrounded by Whitebeard, Roger, Rayleigh and other notable figures from both crews.

Seeing this, Teech quickly understood what was happening. Holding the crying boy, he walked over to Oden and gave him Momo.

Giving a small smile, Teech began walking away to continue training when he was stopped.

"Teech, wait!"

Oden turned to Roger and Whitebeard, and asked an absurd question!

"Can he go with me?"

Roger's eyebrow raised, Whitebeard gained an irritated look! After thinking for a moment, Pops huffed in resignation.

"Only if he wants to!"

Excited, Oden smiled and looked at Teech. He was about to ask when he suddenly stopped.

Teech's face showed some sadness and a hint of regret!

He slowly shook his head as he looked at Oden.

"I'm sorry!"

The samurai showed confusion.

"But, this isn't my journey, Oden."

"It's yours!"

Hearing this, the surrounding figures couldn't help but go somewhat wide-eyed! Even the stoic Rayleigh, showed some surprise. This young man was giving up an opportunity to understand the truth of the world.

Turning his back he returned to his trained spot.

Watching his back, Roger smiled.

"You really do have an impressive apprentice, Newgate!"

Whitebeard smiled slightly as Roger complimented his family. He couldn't help but feel proud of Teech.

Peering off into the distance, Teech saw the outline of Oro Jackson disappear into the horizon.

He still felt a feeling of regret, but he didn't want to know the story. At least not yet! 

Turning his attention back to the crew, he saw everyone beginning to pack up to set sail. They had already searched through the island for any treasure and weren't disappointed.

Many pirates had gotten stuck here due to consuming dangerous mushrooms. Their gold had remained here and was quickly found by the Whitebeard pirates.

The Roger pirates had relented their half for taking a crew mate, though anyone could tell this trade wasn't equal. After all, Oden had taken Toki and his son with him to protect them.

"Hey, Teech! What are you doing staring off into space?! Get over here and help pack up!"

'Ugh! Duty calls!'

Looking over he saw the commanders lazing around while the rest of the crew worked their tails off.

"Tch! One day!"

Teech gave an annoyed look.