Chereads / What life keeps throwing at me / Chapter 12 - Ivy is poison

Chapter 12 - Ivy is poison

Archers pov.

After finding out how important she is she needs warriors as mates. Now it's the point of choosing who 20 Batas and 10 Omagas are in front of me. Now I have to decide on two of each it was meant to be one of each but that changed.

" Alpha these are our best fighters with good qualities and are of good temperament. Any of these men will be of good match and serve well" Demi reports I nod looking at the men lined up.

" Today you will fight each other so I can see your skills, two from each class will be chosen pair up and begin" I say with my Alpha aura leaking out to add the pressure.

They start to split into groups and begin some seem to promising. I can feel that she is happy in the garden. She really does love to be outside she is as calm as the breeze.

" Those who lost are free to leave next up" Demi orders.

" I'm surprised you've not put your self in the running" I say to him.

" we did think about it but after we discussed it we thought it was best to find out own mate at the bonfire coming up. Then your mate could have a female in the family who isn't mother as sister isn't here anymore." he says with a smile.

" nice that you're thinking of her and I hope you find a nice female. Have there been any word from mother yet " I ask

" not yet but should be any day now. " he says

" down to the final matches and I can tell who is going to be the winner half seem tired the others haven't even broken a sweat" I chuckle.

" yeah that's Batas Zak and Zane they are brothers to not twins though a cycle difference 25 and 26 Zane being the oldest. The others are Red 28 and Jay 24 they are the most hard working Omagas we have." he reports as they finish their matches.

" OK the winners will come with me if they choose to decline the offer we will be in touch with you guys to give you a..... " I trail off feeling Rose is getting nervous.

" what's wrong Alpha " Demi asks

I look in the direction of the house. What is happening to disrupt her.

" Blake is something happening Rose is nervous " I mind link him.

" I will go check on her " he replies as I get hit with her fear then anger.

I turn and head back only taking two steps when I feel her pain. With a roaring I shift mid step and run to her I can feel her as she is being hurt making my beast go mad with blood lust. She has gone silent which means she has passed out. I follow my bond which I'm most grateful for to the garden. As I'm getting there I can hear a female whaling turning the the corner Rose is on the floor. I go straight to her standing over her in defensive position I growl loudly at the female on the floor.

" Blake you hurt me why I am to be your mate. Why would you hurt me for that intruder." she crys holding her face.

" You are not my mate and who gave you the right to not only enter our personal garden but to harm a female" Blake yells angrily.

" I am the best option for your mate we are friends obviously. I will be mated with you two and she is just an intruder she wouldn't even tell me why she was here or who she was so I apprehended her when she was trying to get into the manor" she yelled back at us.

I shift back to check on Rose she seems okay other than a red mark on her face. I feel for any other injuries she flinch and growns when I reach her stomach. The smell of blood fills the air making me and Blake turn to look as I lift her shirt red marks all over her stomach.

" if there's no cuts where is she bleeding" Blake asks confused.

" Alpha is there any chance she is with pups" Zane asks I forgot they were here.

I reach my hand under her lifting her up and feel the sticky warmth of blood. I pull my hand out and show Blake. Blake growls loudly struggling not to shift my beast tearing at the wall to be free.

" You have made a grave mistake Ivy. Bring her mates here at once and the healer " I Order blood boiling with anger. I pull her into my embrace trying to calm myself.

" no need for the healer give her this it will heal her.... But it will not save the pups " the priest says walking into view handing over a healing posion.

" Ivy do you know what the punishment is for harming a pregnant female and causing the death of the pups" he asks her.

" no but how was I supposed to know that she was pregnant it's not even mating season it's impossible are you even sure she is" Ivy yells defencive.

The ground starts to tremble growing stronger by the second. I pick Rose up onto my lap as Blake joins to shield her.

" the God's are not happy" the priest states looking at Ivy.

As he finished speaking vines shoot out of the ground in front of Ivy wrapping around her neck lifting her off her feet.