A/N: Now it's a Alternate Universe so Stefan and Tyler is going be an annoying douche/prick the entire time, Damon will be the same, there's gonna be a female OC Mikaelson, Sarah Salvatore will be more in this.
We're in Season 2.
Jeremy POV
As my burger, fries, and cola arrived I chowed down as then I've been Jeremy for about as Caroline became a vampire, I'm wearing a gray shirt, black jeans, black boots, and black leather jacket.
Jeremy: The Originals are coming.
I'm more excited but there's also the Katherine problem, I know she's my sisters ancestor but she's not mine so it's not weird but she can't hurt my sister.
Once I finished my meal to head to the Lockwoods as Tyler's father died but this is an alternate world as Tyler is a prick and always will be thinking Mystic Falls is his along with Stefan as he uses my sister as a blood bag, that deserves punishment.
I saw Jenna and Elena as I walked over.
Elena: I thought you said you weren't coming?
Jeremy: I wasn't, Tyler and his father are dicks but his mom is okay so I'll come for her and that's it.
Jenna: We know, we give our apologies, drop the food off, and we're out.
Jeremy: Like the sound of that.
We walked in as I sense Katherine is here as I locked in as I walked to her.
Jeremy: Hey Elena, can I talk you for a second?
Katherine: Sure Jeremy.
We walked outside to the back as I added gravity to her as she pressed down on her knees unable to move.
Jeremy: Now, why don't you tell me what your doing here Katherine?
She widens her eyes at me.
Katherine: Call me impressed, the baby Gilbert isn't so defenseless.
I chuckled as I bent down to eye level.
Jeremy: Katherine, why are you here, could it have something to do with a certain Original whose name starts with a K.
Katherine: How'd you know about that?
Jeremy: Supernatural gossip, you've been running from him for over 500 years, aren't you sick of it?
Katherine: You have no idea.
Jeremy: Then let's chat, how about a deal?
Katherine: Keep talking.
Jeremy: You bring me the moonstone and you avoid hurting my family, in exchange I'll protect you from Klaus.
Katherine: You think you can handle Klaus?
I smiled as I teleported us into the sky as I walked on the air as she was shocked.
Jeremy: You see Katherine, I'm the most powerful being in this world, the spirits are nothing to me, witches are weak.
I sped disappeared as she blinked to appear behind her.
Jeremy: I'm stronger and faster than an Original and werewolves are just puppies to me, so yes Katherine I can handle Klaus plus the other Originals by myself.
Katherine: I take it Elena doesn't know her brothers Superman?
Jeremy: I'll tell my sister when the time is right but what do you say?
I touched her shoulder as her body reacted to my touch.