Yūji had an excellent day yesterday, his sister arrived all muddy and very tired, and as a good brother he wanted to make her something to eat so that she could rest, after all he only spent time with Uguma and Nobumi.
He also told his sister that she would have her first mission and it would be outside of Amegakure, needless to say, she cried out of fear, always telling him to take care of himself and that he should not die on the mission for anything in the world, although Yūji did not believe that things would go to such extremes, he promised his sister that he would always come home to show her that he was still alive, determined.
And now, after a strong farewell from his sister, hugging him tightly and showing her love, a few kisses on the cheek, Yūji left with a small bag in which he carried a few scrolls containing the canned food that his sister prepared for him, and many changes of clothes; Yūji is always grateful to his sister.
And there was the boy, although he arrived a bit late because he stopped by with all his friends again to say goodbye, and with everyone he knew in the village who were already active at that hour of the morning.
Jogging, the boy saw how Ajisai was aggressive, with a scowl, and that Suiren was the calmest; after all, it only took ten minutes.
" Yūji, what happened that you took ten minutes? " said the green-haired sensei, who looked embarrassed, somewhat nervous, scratching his head from shame.
" I'm sorry, Rokushō-sensei, it's just that I wanted to say goodbye to my friends and the villagers again, and my sister wouldn't let me go... my apologies, I'll try not to let it happen again "
Rokushō looked calmly at the boy, but let it go since he knew that little one perfectly: " Don't worry, Yūji, come on, it's time to go straight to the country of the rivers "
" Yes! " the boy gave a small jump.
" For this moment, it is time to improve your endurance, so we will begin running at this moment; we will not lower the speed until I give the signal. Take it as part of the training "
" Yes, sensei! " the three answered.
" Now! "
Just as soon as Rokushō-sensei gave the signal, the four left Amegakure; at the edge where the rain ended, they immediately began running after their sensei. The speed was very high, of course, it was at a pace where not all our energy would be expended, as his name suggests, it is a full trot.
The faces of the four climbing the trees, which looked quite fragile, were filled with seriousness.
Thus, everyone made the swift movement; Yūji appreciated how the overcast and cold, rainy environment transformed into a vast and wooded area, full of life, his eyes shone with excitement, seeing how the animals roamed and the birds chirped.
Even while taking long and extended leaps on the incline, Rokushō appeared serious. " Even though it looks very beautiful, we must be very careful, Amegakure is adjacent to the border of Konohagakure, we are literally by their side, so I want everyone to be alert in case you see ninjas or bandits "
" Hai! " the three replied.
The journey was quite silent, the green-haired one was rather surprised that the most talkative and cheerful boy had become serious for a moment, it seems that he can control his emotions, but possibly not enough.
At that fast pace he saw Suiren's fatigue, it seems that she is the weakest of the team, I would have to put a firm hand to forge them, it is better to have more Jōnins from the Rain Village soon.
Sometimes, noticing the need of their tired sensory ninja, the three would take a five‐minute rest at each stop so that she could catch her breath.
Rokushō looked at a place full of bushes and large trees; he stopped on one of the thick branches to look back at his team: " Very good, we have maintained a good pace in six hours with short breaks, I am surprised by your endurance, but the sky in this area is already darkening very quickly due to being a forest, so we will set up camp and depart at first light tomorrow morning "
The man spoke, seeing Suiren's relieved look. Ajisai was only a bit flushed and sweaty, her legs trembling from the rest but which she refused, although the green-haired one, who was surprised to see such a fresh look, was Yūji; the boy not only had a forehead free of sweat, his eyes still shone excitedly at the sight of a village different from what he was used to, although he was also curious about his surroundings, that lush forest that seemed unnatural compared to the trees he knew.
The three got down and with what they had studied at the academy came the knowledge of how to survive and hunt for their meals perfectly, of course if none had brought provisions. Rokushō didn't say anything to his Genins, they would have to execute the survival techniques taught at the academy, and fortunately, the three are competent in those areas.
Yūji quickly went in search of logs and thick branches for the camp, secretly so that none of his companions would see, using Sukuna's dismantling technique with little cursed energy.
In doing so, he had discovered that he could diminish the size of the cuts he could inflict, and with that, he did not have to make a total mess when using it.
Ajisai was taking out what she would use to cover the camp when she saw a thick pile of wood; she thought that the boy would take a long time cutting, but her eyes widened in surprise when she noticed that he took no time. " You really are fast, brat " Ajisai watched as he threw all that wood.
Clapping his hands, he looked at the girl with joy: " It was easy, they're not so hard to cut "
Suiren approached to look at the cut on the logs, her tired gaze: " It's such a... perfect and smooth cut, I don't know how you did it " and by feel she discovered that not even a splinter fit in her fingertips.
" They're Yūji's secrets " he said proudly to himself. Rokushō, seeing how his students finished quickly and set up the camp, said: " Everyone did excellently, looking at the evaluation for each of you, Ajisai and Yūji passed, but Suiren, you are very weak in endurance, so we have to work on that " the girl did not complain, she accepted it calmly. The Jōnin smiled: " Let's have dinner now, we must prepare a small campfire, the forest here is as cold as it is in Amegakure, the difference here is the wind, which sometimes rushes in. "
The three obeyed, gathering stone and wood to make a quick and improvised campfire in which Yūji performed his fire launch to ignite it, when they sat, the four sat down to eat, the boy eating his canned food, while Ajisai and Suiren only had a piece of bread with a little rice, and Rokushō had boiled fish with rice.
It was noticeable that in Amegakure even the food was limited.
The boy looked at his sensei with curiosity, the four illuminated by the glow of the campfire: " Sensei, what is the village we are heading to like? "
Rokushō thought for a moment with seriousness; he really hadn't been in those villages for long. Previously, his selfish thinking caused him to be blinded from seeing others besides himself, but his own mentality was changing because of those present.
" Well... The village of Katabami Mizan is curious. Before the shinobi, the highest standards of the samurai reigned; this village has two sides " the green-haired one raised two of his fingers. " One is the village of the artisans, in that village it is said that there are artisans who make such spectacular weapons that their swords are unbreakable, but possibly that was in the old days before the shinobi era reigned, " said the Jōnin calmly. Yūji watched attentively and with a rather excited expression: " and the other village is the one that is dedicated to obtaining gold and resources for the artisans; unfortunately, those weapons that they create are no longer of great interest to us, we have kunai, shuriken, and some swords that really do not suit a shinobi. "
" Uhm, but I say that they must do a very good job " spoke the boy excitedly, his smile evident, he would never take away the credit from artisans for doing what they love, because perhaps they might not need it for themselves, but there could be others who would really want those weapons.
" You're right, Yūji, after all, they are things they dedicate themselves to, " said the Jōnin calmly, finishing his meal. " Well, we have to sleep, we will take turns to watch our surroundings in case there are bandits or ninjas with bad intentions, Ajisai and Suiren will go first, then it will be my turn and Yūji's. "
Everyone understood.
With that done, they slept and rested.
In the end, that day and a half were all it took to reach the designated area; everything was quite fast, fortunately there was no setback or ambush which to Rokushō was very strange, as he always found bandits or people who were not worth his time even to kill but they were there.
The red-haired boy's eyes widened with joy and great emotion when he saw that beneath the hill lay his misty view, and he could discern what was a small and very old village.
" We are a few steps away from reaching the village of the rivers, we have to look for the chief who runs the place and explain the request " said the sensei of the three calmly, but his eyes widened upon witnessing something that left him astonished.
" Sensei, it'll be very slow that way, let's go, everyone! " Yūji had prepared to jump from the high hill, Ajisai tried to grab him but that brat was elusive.
One could see how the boy was falling faster and faster, and the three looked on in surprise upon hearing a loud, shrill sound, an enormous crater formed at the boy's feet, and as he smiled with excitement, he waved upward, with his red hair visible, the boy was now a mere dot that the three could barely focus on.
" Damn brat! " Ajisai, angry that he scared her and might get hurt, began to descend, stepping on the small rocks that jutted out from the hill.
Rokushō changed his perspective of Yūji from yesterday, he gently covered his face due to the surprise, the boy, in short, did not control his emotions.
Suiren became worried but did not say it aloud; sensei and the student descended calmly, watching as Ajisai grabbed the boy by the neck and shook him due to the scare he had caused them.
" Okay-okay! I won't do it again, I promise! " said the poor Yūji, dizzy from the way he was being handled.
" Calm down, let's go, we have to head now to the chief in charge of the village of the rivers " he said calmly.
The boy saw that in the village, he thought, most were smiling, while others appeared quite worried.
But a few looked at them with hopeful eyes.
" Why are they so worried? Has something happened in the village? " said the boy, walking calmly behind his master. Suiren squinted her eyes; her training involved reading expressions and bodily cues, and she saw how some appeared frightened.
" They seem to be scared, I don't know why " whispered the masked girl softly.
" Tch, it's a problem, I hope this doesn't lead to a mission " Ajisai grumbled, letting out a pitiful sigh.
Rokushō's team arrived at a place where there was a very large and better-maintained house compared to the small village, it was the house of the feudal lord of the village of the rivers. He saw how, with well-detailed katanas, two samurais blocked the entrance, some had bandages on their faces and very long hair, others had pointed hair.
" Stop! State your name, the village you come from, and your reason for being here "
The samurais had more discipline than the ninjas, although Rokushō did not frown, with a serious look he answered. " I am Rokushō, a Jōnin from Amegakure, my team accepted a mission that was sent to Amegakure and we have come to fulfill it "
Calmly, he took out the sealed paper that Konan-sama had given him for those samurais to look at, they witnessed the seal made by the ruler of Amegakure, "Hanzō the Salamander", and then they exchanged glances and stopped pointing their swords at him.
" Alright, you may come in to see the feudal lord "
Rokushō and the three students made a small bow to enter; upon doing so, they saw that there was a well-dressed man, with an appearance better than that of the peasants, hair that was graying, and eyes that seemed to be closed.
Rokushō showed respect to that man who was the support of the village of the rivers: " Feudal lord, we have come regarding the request that you made to our village "
The man, upon seeing them analyze, really felt relieved, although his thick eyebrows immediately furrowed; he stood up to welcome them. " Thank you very much for accepting our request; we truly thought that you would not accept it. We have sent missions to be carried out in Amegakure, but this is the first of many that you seem to accept. " Rokushō did not appear offended by the Daimyo's discontent, since after all he only obeys what Konan-sama instructed him.
" I'm not sure if Hanzō-sama explained the mission to you, but I want to tell it to you again " the Jōnin saw how Yūji almost opened his mouth, immediately acting to direct his gaze away.
The boy noticed his sensei's look, and so he fell, that look was a warning that made him shudder, he was about to correct the feudal lord that there really is no Hanzō except Konan's sister, but he better not say anything.
The Daimyo said nothing, nor did he have the good sense to notice that gesture: " This mission is very important for us, we want you to protect our miners for most of the day, this week there have been disappearances, but as I said, it has only just begun... my samurais are investigating the area, but it seems they haven't found anything, I wanted to protect our villagers, which is why I contacted you, while we resolve the case "
Rokushō stood up to look at the feudal lord: " Don't worry, we will take care of protecting them "
The Daimyo bowed his head very slightly in a gesture of gratitude without losing his formality: " I thank you, I will send the money when the mission is completed. Toshio-san will guide you with the other miners so that you may get to know them and protect them. " The team saw a dusty man enter, with somewhat torn clothes and a forced smile.
" You may follow me, I will guide you to the mine, please " said the man calmly. Yūji smiled slightly to bid farewell to the Daimyo at the last moment, giving a small bow that appeared as if he were simply nodding.
The two girls were silent.
Upon leaving, Rokushō noticed that strangeness on the feudal's face, but once out of his sight, he saw how the man changed his expression, a tired and utterly exhausted face: " Although we appreciate that you provide us protection... I think you shouldn't be here "
" What do you mean? " asked Ajisai in a brusque tone, her face now full of hardness, as she clenched her forearm tightly.
" I saw your face when the Daimyo was before you; do you know what is happening right now? "
Toshio looked at the Jōnin and then at the three children, although he was surprised by some who were smaller, he no longer even knows what is happening in the shinobi world. The man just sighed in frustration, " I will tell you, but when I get to the mine... "
He said nothing more, this time the road was quite silent, revealing the other face of the town, as most appeared tired, fearful, with eyes perhaps red from not sleeping; the little one observed the trembling adults.
It was something that the boy found strange.
The road was silent until they arrived at the two entrances of the mine. " Here we are " Yūji saw many people coming out of the place, and Toshio approached one with joy " Rokusuke, Hachidai! " he said happily upon seeing his people covered in dirt and very hurt, but emanating those happy vibes.
But something didn't sit well with the colored-haired girl, either the way they behaved or the unease of those villagers.
" Very well, ninjas, these are the ones in charge of the mine; their names are, Rokusuke-san, Hachidai-san and Hangorō-san " said Toshio, introducing them; each one, upon hearing the name, gave a small bow upon meeting them.
Rokushō's team did not fall behind; they did the same gently, although he looked at the group with calmness and firmness. " We will take care of you as the Daimyo ordered, I hope you don't mind that we sometimes stay and go into the mine to protect you "
Rokusuke shook his hands dismissively: " Not at all, Lord Rokushō, I also hope that you protect us... although, " the man furrowed his face upon hearing the Daimyo, " that man is only exploiting us more now, having to watch over us while we are in the mine... "
" How long do you have to work? " Suiren said after a long while, looking at those in charge, seeing how pale they were and how exhausted they appeared made it clear that they were overexploited. Hachidai then spoke resentfully
" We work every day from sunrise to sunset, we only have a little time to rest... we've been doing this for a very long time, and that miser only wishes for us to get more gold than we can, " the miners clenched their fists. Yūji looked at this with worry, as the Daimyo's face was kind and generous; he truly seemed concerned for his people.
But that his own people now say that and complain about being under the feudal lord's command is something that undoubtedly surprised him.
" So, you only get a little rest? What about your families? You work here every day, " said the boy worriedly, looking at those people something that the three miners undoubtedly noticed, that boy was truly more expressive than the other cold ninjas of Amegakure.
" We haven't seen them for two months, and he only lets us see them when we beg for extra minutes, but that then means that that man forces us not to see them for longer, " Rokusuke clenched his fists and gritted his teeth in anger.
Yūji looked at his sensei worriedly, his eyes shining with a desire to help, as he listened to Toshio speak after the silence:
" However... it seems that very soon our lives will improve; not long ago the Kurosuki family came to town, and they promised that very soon they will overthrow the daimyo and free us; they will be our saviors, " the boy saw how the miners spoke with hope and happiness, as the idea of powerful strangers arriving to overthrow their daimyo made them happy.
Yūji, perceiving the double-sided nature of all this, frowned, but his expression softened knowing that at least they wouldn't do anything else and would dedicate themselves to protecting those miners.
" Don't worry, I know everything will get better, you will be free, I would do something, but since you said you already have your savior, we will only dedicate ourselves to protecting you, count on my word! " said the boy firmly, with a huge smile, something that the four miners watching him gratefully surely appreciated.
" Thank you very much, boy, some things have happened these weeks, but it's not something so alarming, although it may be that everything is a farce that the Kurosuki family is orchestrating to confound the daimyo, I only hope that they succeed in what happens, " sighed Hachidai hopefully.
Ajisai smiled gruffly " Believe me, very soon you will have your peace in your village; if you praise that family so much, I'm sure it will be easy. "
With that, Rokushō smiled as he looked at his students " Very well, we will be in formation all around; I want Yūji in the east wing, Suiren in the west, myself in the north, and Ajisai in the south; we have to cover all four directions, if you see any sightings, do not hesitate to make a move to alert us, understood? "
" Hai, sensei! " said the three.
" Disperse! " The miners only saw how the four moved quickly in such fluidity that they were impossible to follow.
" They really take their work seriously, although it might just be camouflage, "
" At least we will be protected all day, even if tired, " Hoborō whispered as he went back into the mine, carrying two empty buckets balanced on a stick on his shoulders.
" To work, " Rokusuke whispered, defeated and rather sad, as he entered the mine again.
As for Yūji, he was standing in the dense treetops, looking around, it was possible that nothing serious would happen, and he truly wished so, although secretly.
He hoped that that unknown family would help the poor people who suffered at the hands of that Daimyo, who at first had seemed good to him, but now...
He didn't know what to think.
[Today there is no illustration, I am working on 2D animations so my apologies, sometimes I won't be able to draw, all in order to get ahead in the story, maybe I'll provide illustrations only at key moments of the story :D
I hope you are enjoying the plot, very slow in cooking but I like to explain even the smallest detail to give you a natural development and not feel forced, if you have opinions you can share them, if I make mistakes in anything as well! I would appreciate it.
It seems that this is the arc where Raiga rules that region, but it seems that Yūji's team arrived much earlier than everything, and it is possible that it is different from the filler since that mission was given by Tsunade and the third one here is still alive, you understand :P but it is so that Yūji witnesses the truth of the shinobi world he got involved in
Although the curious thing is that we will see the point of view before Raiga rules the town hehe
Thanks for reading! ♡]