Chereads / Rise of the Dragon Hidden in Snow / Chapter 7 - The Conspiracy

Chapter 7 - The Conspiracy


The maester's and the faith have conspired against the house of the dragon throughout its entire reign. They had orchestrated many events against house Targaryen. These events include the explosion at summer hall to prevent the rebirth of dragons and killing of house Targaryen at the same time, which failed. The slow poisoning of Rhaella Targaryen causing many stillbirths.

The anti Targaryen faction at the citadel was well and strong. The news of someone claiming to be Aegon Targaryen pretender or not they weren't sure, prompted a response but what response was the question on all their minds.

It had been weeks since Samuel Tarly arrived at the Citadel. He now new the maester's hated and feared magic, and they wanted magical bloodlines gone from Westeros, After weeks of searching he now had in his possession the Documents proving Elia and Rhaegars annulment and another one that proves Rhaegar and Lyanna married. Aemon had told Sam the measters at the citadel hated house Targaryen for the magic in their blood, which is why they sent Aemon far away to castle black.

When a raven arrived declaring that Aegon son of Elia had returned to Westeros and was summoning lords, he immediately knew that the maester's would do anything to damage or discredit the claim of any Targaryen.

Sam took the document to the right Measters the ones who did not want to see a Targaryen on the throne. In Hopes they would spread the information in a bit to damage this Aegon's claim by telling the realm he was removed from inheriting the throne when his mother was replace

'Good Job Samuel Tarly this will surely damage this Aegons claim to the throne' said Maester Pylos

'Weather he is truly Elia's son or not it matters not the fact that he calls himself a Targaryen means we cannot allow him to sit the Iron throne' another maester said

'We should let the entire realm know' another maester said

'Start drafting letters for all the Lords of Westeros' Pylos said

Samuel was grinning, he had won these stupid maesters did not know by hurting one Targaryens claim they were promoting another, it was going better than Jon had planned the realm would know that Rhaegar and Lyanna were married, and word would come from the measters at the citadel.

Letters written by Maester Pylos and signed by 6 other maesters were sent to all corners of the realm, A Campaign by the Citadel to discredit and weaken Aegons claim.

Meereen Essos

The Sun scorched over the city of Meereen Daenerys Targaryen had just returned from the Dothraki Sea with an army of 50 000 blood riders all sworn to her. She was able to deal with attack of the master's with ease. She was having a meeting with her mother Rhaella who ruled the city while she was away.

Rhaella Targaryen would always remember the day she got separated from her children; the day she gave birth to Danaerys. On that day childbirth was so hard on her that she passed out. Sir William thought she was dead, so he took Viserys and Daenerys with him, leaving her on the birthing bed, she was found by the Velaryons before Stannis got to the Castle of Dragonstone and they hide her in Driftmark for all these years. Ohh how being separated from her children pained 

The Velaryons had been searching for her children for years until word reached many years later that her daughter was married to a Dothraki khal. Rhealla and Aurane left westeros immediately after hearing this news, they search for Danearys until they Found her in Astaphor.

The relationship between them took time to get to where it is now as Daenerys found it hard to accept her. All her life she believed her mother died, her brother made her think she had killed him. Daenerys was angry at the fact that Rhaella was not around while she and Viserys were struggling on the streets. When Viserys went mad and sold her like her broodmare when she was almost killed many times. Rhaella never gave up though she stayed with her daughter as Daenerys still needed her mother, slowly by surely a bond began to form and it strengthened, now they were as thick as thieves.

'We've received word from Westeros' Sir Barristan Started

'Jon Snow the bastard son of lord Stark has been named king in the North after taking revenge on the Boltons who betrayed Rob Stark, they say he has a large army at his back the white wolf army they call it'' Barriston finished

'Another King in the North' Daenerys said annoyed

'The White wolf army, Rhaella asked

'Yes, they also call him the white wolf because of the huge white wolf he has' Barriston said

'Anyway, word is Snow is marching South to Avenge his brother' he finished

'Do you know who he is Barristan' Rhaella asked

'No, your grace he disappeared from Westeros years ago, he was thought to be dead, all I know is that he's about the same age as Daenerys' Barristan finished

'So, he's young'

'Yes, your grace he was younger then Rob Stark meaning he was born after the rebellion' Barristan said

'It does not matter who he is mother as long as he bows to me when we get back or he'll just be an enemy. Daenerys said

'Yes, all houses in Westeros swore an Oath to house Targaryen and you are the rightful Queen' Rhaella said.

 The Dragons were big they would be bigger by the time they got to Westeros. The was a lot of land between Meereen and Westeros the dragons would fly and rest while they sailed back. The week of preparation went by, and they left Meereen for Westeros. It would take moons before they got to Dragonstone. Daario Naharis had been killed during the mission to rescue Daenerys from the Dothraki.

The Lords of the Narrow sea had not risen for Stannis during the war of the 5 kings meaning their forces were still intact. Aurane sent word to Monford telling him that they were on Route to were on route to Westeros.

'I sent word as you instructed, my brother and the other Lords of the narrow sea will have secured Dragonstone by the time when get there' Aurane said to Rhaella

'Good' she Replied

'We finally going home mother' Daenerys said all emotional

She was very emotional as Slavers Bay or The Dragons Bay Dragons Bay as it was called now, Disappeared in the distance. She was finally going home.