Chereads / Vision of the Absolute / Chapter 7 - Blackstone

Chapter 7 - Blackstone

Ever since that day, Jessamine was plagued by the sight of ravens.

They weren't malicious, harmful, or threatening—they looked and behaved as regular ravens do: many times, she would notice them circling above Avalonne-du-Prix, no doubt looking for their next meal. The island had a small population of mice and other rodents, but the ravens' main source of sustenance were the plentiful scraps of human trash.

Other times, she would see a raven watching her from a distance.

Class had been in session for a week already, and yet, Jessamine would swear that she could feel some greater will behind the raven's behavior every time it happened.

Was it one raven, or many?

And yet, every time, Jessamine would ridicule herself for entertaining such thoughts.

It had not often happened; perhaps only three times throughout this past week had she become aware of the psychopomps' stares, but as the saying goes… once is weird, twice is a coincidence, but three makes a pattern.

But I do not have time to be troubled by such flights of fancy, thought Jessamine.

The Board of the Societie Royale had approved the recruitment of Elisabeth Blackstone in a subsequent meeting, and Jessamine had been selected to scout her. It was common knowledge that the di Cadenza family were closely allied with the Royal House, and that both families often worked in unison to oppose the Blackstones; the thought was that there was no one better suited to see through any Blackstone schemes than Jessamine, and also no one better suited to convey the message that the Societie was independent of the Blessed Houses.

It was necessary that Elisabeth Blackstone become a willing participant in the Societie, as Henry had put it, so that Britannia might finally have peace.

Still, she's the heir of the most manipulative, scheming, untrustworthy family in Britannia. If she's picked up even a fraction of her father's talent for subversion, it won't be easy to spot if she's manipulating us.

I've got to be careful around her. I can't show weakness, I can't let her get the upper hand.

And if she makes a single mistake... I'll destroy her.

Jessamine was waiting for Elisabeth in one of the halls of the Academy Keep; she had it on good authority that Elisabeth's next class was nearby, so she was sure to appear. The abundance of alcoves and hidden spaces in the Keep would make it easy to have a private conversation, if necessary, though a recruitment into the Societie should not require such measures.

Though, it might be wise, due to who she is…

"We cannot afford to let her slip through our fingers," said Henry. "Even if she's a Blackstone, we owe it to Britannia to do our best. If we're successful, the political landscape of this country could change for the first time in fifty years."

"But isn't it just too much of a coincidence?" Jessamine asked, unable to shake her suspicions. "How do you know we aren't playing into their hands?"

"We don't."


"However!" Henry interrupted, "That is why I am sending you. I know you're more of a spook than you let on, Ms. di Cadenza."

A sly, knowing smile formed on his lips.

"If anyone could see through her web of deception, it's you. And if you can't see the forest of truth through the lying trees, as it were, then I fear no one could."

"But, Cahill—"

"You know I'm right, Jessamine."

She gave him a look that was neither amused nor in agreement.

"I'm sure she would be more convinced by someone else."

"What could be a more genuine display of our apolitical nature than you, with your intense hatred of the Blackstones, being the one to invite her into the fold?"

It was with these thoughts in mind that Jessamine di Cadenza approached Elisabeth Blackstone, who was deliberately making her way towards her next classroom without interaction with other students.

A pang of sympathy almost formed within Jessamine's chest at the sight.

It must be hard for her. She didn't ask to be born a Blackstone…

...and yet she seems to enjoy the role she's been given.

At the end of the day, she's a Blackstone through and through.

"Excuse me, Ms. Blackstone?"

…and then, as Elisabeth looked up, Jessamine was surprised to recognize the face before her.

She's the woman from that night.

I've got to stay focused.

I am the one in authority here. Her family may be important, but right now, she's just a student.

"Can I help you, Ms. Cadenza?" The younger brunette cocked her head inquisitively.

So she knows who I am.

"It's di Cadenza, actually," said Jessamine, sure that the mistake was intentional—a ploy to throw her off-balance. "Do you have a minute? There's something I'd like to talk to you about."

"My apologies. Of course, Ms. di Cadenza."

How should I approach this?

She likely already knows why I'm here…

I'll take the straightforward route, then.

"Well, seeing as how you have a class soon, I'll get straight to the point: would you like to join the Societie Royale? We are the highest-rated campus society, and our members are drawn from many of the Blessed Houses and other Britannian nobility. We believe that you would be a good fit for such an organization, and could bring valuable experience and connections to the Societie."

Elisabeth smirked.

"You just want to keep an eye on me, don't you?"

There's no fooling her.

Jessamine returned the grin.

"I assure you, Ms. Blackstone, if that was our only intention we wouldn't need to bother recruiting you."

The two women stood facing each other in the empty hall, their postures neither relaxed nor aggressive.

She's definitely the woman from that night.

What was it the guy said? "I don't care who you are?"

He might be the only person on this campus who can say that to her face.

Elisabeth broke the tension with a small, polite laugh.

"Forgive me, Ms. di Cadenza. I'm not used to people being so honest with me. And I'm sure you weren't expecting me to be completely honest, either."

"Oh?" said Jessamine, feigning ignorance. "Why is that?"

"I am well aware of my family's reputation," replied Elisabeth. "It may be exaggerated. It may be accurate. It may be understated. It may be completely false. Who's to say?"

"The Blackstone family seems content to leave their reputation be, though."

Elisabeth smiled once more; it was a genuine smile, though Jessamine could not bring herself to be relaxed in this woman's presence.

Something about that smile seems familiar, though…

"Of course we are. A Viscount, one of the lowest peerages of Britannia, esteemed as one of the Blessed Houses? Who would have imagined it, were it not for our dreadful reputation?"

"Are you implying that the House of Blackstone is all bark, no bite?"

"Would you like to find out?"

Jessamine could feel her control slipping.

She's good. She's not flustered by me, and has enough courage to threaten me to my face after downplaying her own position.

"It is not I that needs convincing, Ms. Blackstone," replied Jessamine. "My question was out of concern for the Societie, whether or not you would truly be a good fit for our organization."

Jessamine's eyes narrowed.

"We are a prestigious society which takes our duty seriously. Mangy mutts have no place alongside royal hounds."

"A hound, are you?" asked Elisabeth, playfully, with an edge of malice. "I believe it. Hounds excel at following their master's orders and nothing else. That's why a hound may mistake a wolf for a mutt and get itself into an unwise position."

Jessamine ignored the slight.

"Are you a wolf, then?"

"Perhaps," Elisabeth replied. "Perhaps I am only a cub."

A cub. A wolf. A pack…

Elisabeth Blackstone lives up to her name, or at least she gives a very good impression of doing so.

There's every likelihood that she is the Blackstone heir, and she certainly has some sort of ulterior motive for attending the Academy. She knew who I was before I introduced myself; she likely knew why I was there, and deliberately got my name wrong to try to make me stumble.

Then she immediately addressed the most controversial aspect of herself: her name.

But if her name concerned her so much, why not use a pseudonym?

The only reason is that it must be important for everyone to know she's a Blackstone.

Suddenly, Elisabeth's face darkened. Her demeanor, which had been ostensibly polite, was now outright disgusted.

Jessamine sensed the aura of a magician behind her, and recognized the aura for a reason she wasn't quite sure how to describe.

"If you don't have anything else for me, Ms. di Cadenza, I'd like to get to class."

She doesn't want to interact with whomever is behind me.

Is it him?

I have no reason to force a confrontation.

"Very well, Ms. Blackstone," replied Jessamine. "If you're interested, stop by the Societie house this afternoon, around 4 p.m., if you don't mind. Follow the road to the northern tip of the island, you won't be able to miss it."

Elisabeth nodded and continued on her way.