So i have recently come to know that immortality is a curse instead of a blessing and anybody who said otherwise lied ok take it from me I've been alive for eons or more like I was alive for eon.
I used to be a scientist who's main goal was to become a immortal like the ones from vampire diaries you know the same kind as Silas but since there wasn't magic in my past universe I had to improvise which let to my current predicament.
ps don't create immortality and advertise it to the whole world turn out it was a bad idea and I had a bunch of bad ideas over the course of my life but that was the worst since I would not sell my research or blood for them to recreate it they thought the only solution was to destroy me.
the Idiots decided to go and build a bomb, strong enough to destroy the universe leaving me floating through space and let me tell you it was fun it was like drowning healing reviving the doing it all over again i really should have added adaptability to the serum i created but that's beside the Point.
here i am floating in space dying over and over again minding my own business and here come primus god of transformers supposedly he wants to reincarnate me as one of his primes but a oc prime one who didn't exist before he said that he'll even make me a hybrid of transformer and a human with my immortality serum.
You know it only took me like two seconds to decide but I asked him to do two thing for me first i specifically asked him to add adaptability to my serum and give me the power to jump from the transformers universe to the fast and furious universe he said done a and he didn't even give me a chance to change my mind because one second I'm talking to primus the next woke up in the fast and furious universe.