"Honey I'm home." Sasha said smiling with groceries in her hand ,she couldn't believe how lucky she was, to have met Michael a man who understands her completely. He was the love of her life and her forever, , Sasha waited for response but it never came.
She just ingored it and placed the groceries on the kitchen counter , smiling at herself just remincining of how far Michael and her have come over the years as she organized the fresh produce into the fridge placing each item in a orderly manner.while humming silently to the to thier favorite song, a time less classic lady in red, that was playing through her head phones . Looking at the fridge happy with how everything looked she shut fridge and began chopping some vegetables.
She wanted to make vegetable curry for Michael, it was his favorite and he deserved the world , His love and compassion is only thing that has helped her go through her treatment. So Sasha loved spoiling him,
She continued to chop the vegetables , oions green chilis , avacado , corn, cabbage which were Michael's favorite so she knew she had to include them in the curry placing them into the pot, consumed with love Sasha continued to cook for her man
When suddenly she hears Michael's laughter coming from thier room, laughing to herself as well she wondered what was making her man laugh so loudly , but knowing Michael she figured i he must have beat Jeffrey in Mortal combat 11 again , Never the less she smiling at the thought she gracefully climbed stair case to the room she shares Michael with bottle of wine hand along with two glasses to celebrate Michael upon his incredible win .Only to find him in his birthday suit, pounding a bursty blonde from behind , the smile fades and of shock and hurt appears on Sasha's face .she drops the wine bottle and the glasses shatering into million pieces and ren out of the room crying
"Sasha, I can explain Michael said with drawing himself from the naked girls core, to run after Sasha , baby I'm sorry."
"You are not sorry Michael this is third time I caught you cheating on me, I can't anymore it hurts too much ."
"So what Sasha, I don't love you, I love her and besides that you are epileptic and I'm tired of being your nurse, your were nothing but a financial burden to me ."
"How could say that Michael we have been together for four years after reconnecting in friends college dom room after years of being apart , I love you , why hurt me in this way."
"Because Sasha you're a plague in my life, I want gone ."
"Don't say such things to me you know they trigger me , my Dad always did that to me saying, I wish was never born , if you wanted out all you had to do was tell me."
"I don't care , you know now."
"Michael, why do this, we were highschool sweethearts and I cared for you I even used some of my life saving to start a business for you."
"Did ask you to do that no right , so stop your fake tears cause they won't work on me."
"Get your blonde hussy out of my house right now and do you know what hurts it's not the cheating, but the fact that fucked dirty slut in my bed we both shared and I bought with my hard earned money ."
"We are going, but you will never get man like me, that can put up with trantrums and epileptic tendencies as for me, all I can say is good redence to bad rubbish." And with that Michael walked out door leaving Sasha distort and in disbelief.
Tears continued well up in Sasha's eyes threatening to flow down face, Her heart pounding out of chest like it's about to explode , betrayal wasn't new thing to her but it coming from someone she loved , was too much to bear. How could someone do this , breathing heavily , she tried to remain calm
Her mind racing , flooding with images of bare chested ,raw blonde in arms of her beloved . Her nose flared, Her eyes continued well up with tears, she couldn't believe it , he was supposed to be her forever, he always said " Sasha my love, feel up with your embrace so that a my toes can curl against yours , with very touch you make quiver making you want you even more , while make you dance to the motions tongue." Words of a true poet that always made her feel special but it was all a lie.
The truth he never believed in her or her dreams, always looking at her like an incompetent child, so what if she was epileptic, does it mean she doesn't deserve love tears steam down her face as she snuggled his pillow her mind flooding with memories of what could have been.
The fresh scent of his perfume still all over a bed linen, Sasha couldn't understand, why Michael chose hurt her in this way they were highschool sweethearts he knew everything there was to know about her, her condition the third degree burns on her back , He said he didn't care about it even when should get random attacks in Public places telling her she was beautiful but it was lie Sasha was heart broken.