The day ended well as Leon gathered the money earned that day and tok account of it all.
Things were going well but he could help thinking about what to do when he finally left this place.
Normally he would want to try and diversify to increase his chances of earning money but he was only good from what he had learnt, it was best to stick to his talent to the end.
After thinking for a while, Leon came to the most logical solution he could find open an art studio or a tattoo shop.
"Okay Tattoo it is then" Leon said aloud as he turned on his bed
A tattoo shop was the most logical out of the two, it was stable and earned a lot of money as well unlike an Art Studio which technically did the same but then income wasn't exactly stable.
Concluding his thoughts, Leon finally closed his eyes to sleep. His future was already decided, he would open a tattoo shop after he leaves this orphanage..
The next day, Leon could be seen standing at the gates of the gates, ready to leave. Dressed in a cheap suit he had bought for around $500.
It was on the more expensive side of cheap suits but it was also of slightly better quality this would last longer and he was lucky enough to find one in his size.
It wasn't long before the firsts came to pick him up, inside the car, he could see visibly excited Grace and Sitting in the backseat with her seat belt tightly fastened.
"Okay get in, let's go" Winston ordered as soon as the car came to a stop,
Waving goodbye to the nun who was standing beside him, Leon finally entered the car as they zoomed off.
"Good day sir!" Leon greeted as he fastened his seat belt
"It's a good day indeed," Winston replied with a bright smile but focused on his driving.
Looking at the man on the steering wheel, Leon had to reevaluate just how much he knew the man again.
He didn't really understand what was going on, something great must have happened or would happen that made the man this happy.
Turning to the equally excited Telepath beside him, the girl simply shrugged as she turned to look out the window.
Seeing that an answer wasn't coming anytime soon, Leon did the same as he stared at the various signs as they passed.
From what he had seen, it looked like in this world there was small set of companies that owned everything.
There was Stark Industries, which was everywhere and founded by a man called Howard Stark, the company truly was everywhere and from what he saw, in most thing technology related.
There was Rand Industries which seemed to be in a fierce competition with Oscorp in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry.
There were almost zero companies he recognized from his past life, there wasn't even Frost Technologies which was The Frost Family's, it dealt in ATMs, and such mostly technology in finance and transportation.
This world had its own select scope of corporate world leaders and it seemed that the man smiling on the billboard they were approaching was the top of it all.. Howard Stark.
Researching a bit more on his phone and Leon found just how ridiculously wealthy the man was.
"We're almost there!" Winston announced after a while as Leon woke Grace who had fallen asleep beside him.
About thirty minutes later, they were in front of a fancy gate with signpost that read 'Luxe Art Studio'.
Minutes they were packed and about to get out before they saw a young man approaching them
Leon couldn't tell his exact age but an estimate put the man around his late twenties to his early thirties…. Winston and the man immediately began to exchange pleasantries.
"Here, Leon, you guys should come, greet" Winston beckoned
"Good day sir!" Leon said as he bowed slightly and Grace sis the same
"You must be the artist, he has being bragging about?" The man asked with a bright smile
Leon didn't know what to say and just simply nodded before the man turned to Grace
"And this is your daughter, you know I am your God father" The man said as he immediately turned to Winston
"Do you remember back then, I think I…" the man began but trailed off as he eyed Grace a bit before he and Winston started laughing
It was very clear that it was a sensitive inside joke that Grace shouldn't hear but then again, she was a Telepath, there was a great chance she already knew all that.
"Okay that's enough, anyway this is my friend, Edward Buckman, he owns this art gallery" Winston to introduce him to the children.
Hearing him, the two merely nodded as thy didn't know exactly what to say