The UA entrance exam had passed a few days ago. And just like the main story plot. Our two main characters passed the exam and got into class 1A.
Nagato knew that because he asked Itachi to spy on the main characters' house. If I'm not mistaken today is the first day of school.
Nagato had already asked Itachi to go to UA, he still wanted to watch from Itachi's eyes. Since the incident a few days ago, Nagato didn't dare go out of the bar unless it was important business. And luckily all important business was handled by Shigaraki himself. It seemed like the villain didn't trust Nagato. But that's okay, with that person taking care of everything, Nagato can only idle and relax.
In his room, Nagato could see through Itachi's eyes all the events that the characters in class 1A were doing.
Like when Iida reprimanded Bakugou for having his feet on the table. Midoriya who was surprised and blushed from Uraraka's praise. Until the walking sleeping bag that contained the homeroom teacher of class 1A, Aizawa Shouta or known as Eraser Head.
Then when the individual assessment happened. Bakugou threw the ball with a bang while shouting curses. And Midoriya's face was crumpled after hearing Bakugou's loud swearing while throwing the ball. Nagato laughed very hard when he saw the main character's face.
"Pfft!. Hahahahaha!!." Nagato felt his stomach hurt as he laughed.
Nagato watched the entire first day's events through Itachi's eyes. When afternoon came and the characters had gone home from school, Nagato asked Itachi to find his own food. Yes, Nagato let the bird live freely outside without the need to return to the bar. He knew that Shigaraki was planning something for him. So if anything happened to him, only Itachi could be his eyes and ears out there.
Nagato was in a good mood after seeing the whole incident that class 1A did. Now he was sitting in front of the table, waiting for Kurogiri to give him a glass of milk.
"Are you okay Yoshihiro. I heard you laughing very loudly." Kurogiri placed the glass of milk in front of Nagato. It seemed that Kurogiri was also concerned about Nagato's mentality since Shigaraki asked about his sanity a few days ago.
"Huh, it's okay. I'm fine, I just found something funny earlier. Pfft." Nagato almost laughed again as he recalled the incident in class 1A.
Are you sure, Yoshihiro?" Kurogiri looked hesitant to believe Nagato.
"Yes, yes, of course. Only I know what's best for my own body. And yes, you no longer need to provide food for Itachi, I've let him go. That bird won't be coming back here again." Nagato replied after remembering about Itachi.
"Alright," Kurogiri walked away after saying that.
Nagato doodled in his sketchbook while taking a sip of milk from the glass. He was now drawing an abstract. Just lines and dots, black and white. If you look at the picture at a glance it will only make you dizzy. But if you look at it well, then there will be emotions coming out of these scribbles.
Nagato finished drawing the abstract as Shigaraki passed behind her. Shigaraki glanced at Nagato's drawing for a moment and then felt his head spinning, the villain then shook his head and continued walking.
But the villain's behavior did not escape Nagato's sight. Looks like Nagato has to gift this drawing to Shigaraki. He then wrote on the back of his abstract drawing. Looks like you like this picture Shigaraki. I will gift this drawing to you. Don't throw it away, maybe you can think clearly after seeing this picture.
Nagato laughed as he read his own writing. Instead of thinking clearly, that villain must have just gotten dizzy when he saw this picture. Because that person will not be able to understand the emotions in this picture.
The second day also went like the main story plot. Where Midoriya faced off against his childhood friend Bakugou in a game of heroes and villains, and Midoriya broke his hand in the duel. Nagato winced as he saw that through Itachi's eyes. Is this guy a masochist, why does this kid like to break his hand over and over again?
But the most epic incident belongs to our third main character. Todoroki Shoto, this kid even casually froze the entire building to win. Wow, Nagato was impressed, if only he could witness the event with his own eyes and feel the cold that came out of the ice.
On the third day, Nagato noticed that there were many reporters gathered in front of the UA gate. It was because the news that All Might was teaching at UA had spread. And somehow became a trending topic. Many reporters asked the students' opinions about All Might teaching as a teacher.
Since this morning Nagato didn't see Shigaraki inside the bar. Surely the villain had gone to UA to make a scene.
Nagato asked Itachi to watch the reporters carefully.
Jakpot, there he is. Nagato could see a man wearing a black hoodie standing behind the crowd of reporters.
Today Shigaraki would melt down the UA gate and make the reporters look like they were breaking into the school. Meanwhile, the villain would go and intercept information by taking advantage of the commotion.
Nagato knew what Shigaraki was going to do, but he wasn't interested in watching the villain further.
Nagato asked Itachi to fly to the window of the UA cafeteria, where the food was on par with eateries and restaurants. He wanted to see the hilarious incident of Class 1A's class president solving the problem.
Triiiiing!!! The alarm bell rang. This meant that Shigaraki had destroyed UA's front gate. Nagato saw the students frantically running to the exit after the alarm sounded.
And Nagato saw what he wanted. Midoriya was sandwiched in the crowd with Iida and Uraraka. Then Nagato saw Iida levitate with the help of Uraraka's quirk and fly around like a propeller until he hit the top of the exit.
Nagato burst out laughing at the sight of the human top spinning vertically. After shouting soothing words the students crowded at the exit dispersed and returned to their respective meals.
Hah, Nagato wiped the water from the corner of his eyes. It was over, Shigaraki had also left after making a scene. Nagato asked Itachi to leave from there.
Nagato stared at the door to his room. Shigaraki should have come up with her plan right away.
Last night Shigaraki told him the plan. Simple, kill All Might using Nomu.
All for One had sent Nomu through Kurogiri after Shigaraki explained his plan.
Shigaraki proudly explained that Nomu's physique was specially made to face All Might. He was very confident that tomorrow he would be able to finish off the symbol of peace.
Nagato laughed at Shigaraki's thoughts inwardly. Because in reality Nomu would lose because All Might was able to surpass his limits.
Now was the time. Nagato came out of the black mist at the very end of the line. He finally arrived at the USJ incident. Nagato was determined to just watch in silence.
Although Nagato was labeled as a villain for killing. But the people he killed were easy people. Not the same as UA students who are trained to be pro heroes. Nagato was sure he would lose badly against those students. Especially the three main characters.
Maka dari itu dia hanya akan menonton dari belakang. Nagato bahkan sengaja membawa susu kotak sebagai bekal.
From here Nagato saw that the bean-counters had walked forward to start an attack on the 1A students in the distance.
Like the plot of the main story, Aizawa-sensei immediately ran here and beat the criminals.
Shigaraki watched Aizawa-sensei's fight calmly. It seemed like the man was thinking about his next move. Nomu stood quietly beside Shigaraki. While Kurogiri had left to prevent the UA students from leaving.
Nagato retreated to the back quietly and sat on the railing of the fountain. Nagato glanced at Shigaraki, the villain was too focused on his plan, he didn't even notice if Nagato was hiding behind.
Several villains had split up to different disaster areas. They were tasked with facing the 1A students who were deliberately split up by Kurogiri.
So far Shigaraki's plan was running smoothly like the plot of the story.
Nagato glanced at Shigaraki, the man seemed to be agitated when he saw his subordinates successfully defeated by Aizawa-sensei. Then Nomu was sent to fight Aizawa-sensei. And obviously, Aizawa-sensei lost against Nomu who was specially prepared for All Might.
Kurogiri had returned to Shigaraki's side. Reporting that one of the students had escaped.
Nagato looked at Aizawa-sensei who was immobilized by Nomu. The pro hero looked badly injured, even one of his eyes was also closed due to the wound.
Nagato then turned his head towards the flood disaster. He could see Midoriya discussing plans with Asui Tsuyu and Mineta behind a rock.
Where is that boy?" Shigaraki looked around. Kurogiri came to check. "He's in the back, Shigaraki. No need to worry about Yoshihiro interfering with your plans."
Shigaraki looked behind her. He saw Nagato staring at the flood disaster area. What is he looking at? Shigaraki joined in looking at the area. Oh, looks like the boy's eyes aren't bad.
Shigaraki smiled, in a quick motion, she had arrived right in front of Midoriya. The three students were surprised to find a villain who came out of nowhere. Shigaraki's hand immediately strangled Midoriya's neck, but nothing happened.
"Wow, what a good teacher. You're even more concerned about your students than yourself, Eraserhead." Shigaraki turned to the badly injured Hero. Nomu then slammed Aizawa-sensei's head until he lost consciousness and his quirk stopped.
With Kurogiri's collaboration, Shigaraki attacked Midoriya again, but her hand appeared in front of Asui Tsuyu's face.
Reflexively, Midoriya was about to punch Shigaraki with one hundred percent One for All power. But all that power had no effect as Nomu used his body to block Shigaraki.
Midoriya widened his eyes in shock. Shigaraki's hand almost touched Asui, Aizawa-sensei was already unconscious. Nothing could help until, Braaak!!!.
"I'm here!"
All Might came through the dome of the sky. Light descended from the perforated dome. With his trademark smile the man looked at the chaos around.
Everything immediately seemed to come to a halt. Even Shigaraki stopped her attack and saw the target of her plan.
"All Might!!!" Midoriya and his friend looked happy to see the man's arrival.
Nagato turned his gaze to the muscular, yellow-haired man who came in wearing a work suit.
"Sorry for coming late kids. Now you'll be safe."
Without a second thought, Nomu immediately attacked All Might. Shigaraki was originally just watching, but now she was also fighting alongside Kurogiri.
With three villains working together, All Might was gradually overwhelmed. Nagato continued to stare at the battle that was presented calmly. Although his eyes saw All Might's fight, but his ears heard something different.
"We have to help Aizawa-sensei. We can't leave him there." Nagato knew this voice, the broccoli haired, Midoriya.
"But we can't join the fight, gero." Well this one must be Asui Tsuyu, Nagato thought.
"And near Aizawa-sensei are two villains. What if those two attack us?" Using a timid tone of voice, it must be Mineta.
"But we can't leave Aizawa-sensei there."
Nagato was indeed rather close to where Aizawa-sensei was unconscious. He was sitting casually here with 'Ryosuke'.
"It looks like that villain is watching the All Might battle. We can take advantage of the opportunity when he's distracted. Asui-san, can you pull Aizawa-sensei's body over here?" Nagato heard all of their conversation and almost laughed because the three people didn't realize that their voices could be heard all the way here.
"Gero, I'll try." It seemed like Asui Tsuyu agreed to Midoriya's suggestion.
Nagato tried not to look at Midoriya and his friend so that they would be sure their plan would work.
Asui pulled Aizawa-sensei's body and threw it towards Midoriya and Mineta. Sensing movement, Nagato's eyes accidentally glanced at Aizawa-sensei's body which was thrown and caught by Midoriya. Elsewhere, All Might launched a heavy blow. The wind scattered in all directions. It even blew away Nagato's hair that covered his rhinoceros eye.
His left eye was exposed as Nagato saw Midoriya capturing Aizawa-sensei's body.
"Hiiyy, creepy m-eye!" Nagato saw Mineta shudder after seeing his eyes.
"He's watching us, let's go!." Midoriya immediately carried Aizawa-sensei's body running with Mineta followed by Asui Tsuyu who jumped behind him.
The three people left carrying Aizawa-sensei's unconscious body. Nagato just watched them run away then turned his gaze to the All Might battle again.
Nagato knew and realized that looking at the rhinoceros directly was uncomfortable. Like, there was a hidden danger within his gaze.
Nagato watched All Might's fight. 1A's strongest students should be coming and helping soon.
All Might was now pinned down. Half of his body was exposed to Kurogiri's black mist. His wounded stomach was also gripped by Nomu until it bled. Shigaraki was about to launch a final attack, but was again interrupted.
A sweep of sharp ice trapped Nomu, making it difficult for him to move. The explosion drove Kurogiri away from the battle area.
Nomu immediately broke the ice and retreated towards Shigaraki. Kurogiri also retreated. Shigaraki glanced at All Might's reinforcements.
"Heh, just snot-nosed kids. So these are your reinforcements All Might? How pathetic."
Nagato looked on with interest. The 1A students finally showed up to help. Todoroki Shoto, Bakugo Katsuki, Kirishima Eijiro, as well as the newly arrived Midoriya Izuku. Ok, it's fine, after all Midoriya could only arrive because he had to entrust Aizawa-sensei to Asui Tsuyu and Mineta first.
"Move aside kids, this isn't your fight." All Might rose to his feet while holding his bleeding stomach. His trademark smile was slightly tightened. Nagato guessed that the man was enduring pain.
"No All Might!. We'll help no matter what!" Midoriya shouted from where he stood.
Without even guessing, Nagato knew that those people would insist on helping. Bakugo's hand let out explosive sparks. Kirishima was ready with his sharp hands. While Todoroki was silent, but it could be seen that his right hand was emitting cold mist. The three men were ready to fight.
"This is clearly unfair. There are more of you. In that case, I can add personnel, right? Rancid brat, how long are you going to keep watching?"
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