Chereads / One piece : Armor of Justice / Chapter 40 - Chapter 38

Chapter 40 - Chapter 38

On one hand, she had eaten the Cannon-Cannon fruit and didn't want to become a Special Forces Member. On the other hand, he believed that she should at least master the Moon Step. However, he understood that making her sign a contract with the Sailors until she was forty was not within his authority.


After the two errand boys left, it was Sasha and Ricky's turn. Both teenagers started fencing: Sasha was still wielding her big straight sword, while Ricky had somehow acquired two katanas.

Ricky: "Hey, Bill, are you going to train with us today?"

Ricky was the first to speak up just as Bill was about to say goodbye.

But before Bill could answer, Sasha looked at him and added, "Ricky, why do you keep asking? You know he won't. Bill doesn't understand swords."

Looking from Ricky to Sasha, Bill laughed and said, "I understand the value of a sword," and then, tapping his shoulder, he continued, "But I'd rather rely on my body first."

Seeing him tap his shoulder, Ricky interjected, "But Bill, what can flesh do when it meets steel?"

A year ago, Bill might have agreed with this argument, but not now. Now he knew more and so he replied, "What is steel compared to the hand that wields it?"

Puzzled by this question, Ricky looked to Sasha for support, and she replied in a steady voice, "Whether it's steel or flesh, both require willpower to become strong, but all else being equal, steel will always overcome flesh."

Bill was no longer looking at Sasha with a smile. This girl sometimes acted her age, sometimes was too proud, and at other times—older and wiser than her years. So Bill said the first thing that came to his mind: "Did your teacher tell you that?"

Shaking her head, Sasha looked at Ricky, and then at Bill before answering, "Apart from fencing, Teacher T-Bone spoke only about sacrifice and justice. He explained to me that every criminal a Sailor misses harms the innocent. The teacher said that a strong Sailor always catches the criminal, and to be a strong Sailor, one needs willpower."

Shaking his head in disagreement with her initial assertion, Bill thought that someone who believed this would surely put themselves in unnecessary danger.

Looking at Sasha, and ignoring Ricky, who also seemed influenced by her spirit of righteousness, he calmly said, "That's not right. Not every criminal who gets away automatically harms innocent people. Such a way of thinking will lead you into trouble because it will not only put you in physical danger but also cause you mental harm."

Narrowing her eyes, Sasha looked at Bill and said, "William, what do you know? Do you know more than Teacher T-Bone? Listen, before sharing your opinions with me, you should at least be as strong as he is. Or better, you should at least be as strong as I am."

Saying this, Sasha tied her long blond hair into a ponytail, and when she finished, she added, "Or maybe you're just confused, huh, William?"

Seeing this, Bill was clearly not afraid. First of all, Sasha was a ten-year-old girl. Secondly, in the past six months, Bill had definitely surpassed the limits of human capabilities. After mastering Life Return, he was barely the being he had been before.

However, despite this, he didn't get angry with the girl. She was his friend, and he knew that to be strong, she needed the will for it.

When Sasha began gathering her hair into a ponytail, Ricky hurriedly tried to defuse the situation, but Bill just placed a hand on his shoulder, moved him aside, and said to Sasha, "Sasha, you're strong! You always have been. But let's be honest. I've always been stronger than you, and, to be frank, I don't think you can catch up to me."

Fire appeared in her eyes, and Ricky's eyes widened in surprise.

In the next moment, Sasha tried to hit Bill on the back of the head, but he saw the movement as if in slow motion, simply tilted his head to the side, and took a step back.

Due to her strong swing, Sasha lost her balance and stumbled. When she looked up, her eyes were blazing with anger, and she rushed at him again with several swings.

She didn't draw her sword, but even if she had, it wouldn't have mattered. For Bill, his instincts would have been enough to dodge with his eyes closed.

After the last strike, she fell to the ground again and shouted, "FINE! You're stronger! You can laugh, but it won't be for long! Before we join the Marines, we'll have a duel, and I WON'T HOLD BACK!"

Shrugging, Bill calmly replied, "You can try, Sasha, but honestly, right now I'm not even sure you're stronger than Rance."

Her expression turned to one of offense: "THAT LITTLE COWBOY?! UGH!"

Leaving with a shout, "LET'S GO, RICKY!" she stormed out of the room.

Before following her, Ricky looked at Bill with admiration, as if he were his hero, but still said, "See you tomorrow, Bill!"

Bill laughed and shook his head. He wasn't worried about Sasha's outburst. She always got her way, after all, since Ricky always followed her and Bill often indulged her. If anything, Bill was impressed that she didn't draw her sword. Children are prone to impulsive actions, and it wouldn't have been surprising if she'd gone too far.

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