Chereads / The Boundless Abyss / Chapter 3 - 3 The Headquarters

Chapter 3 - 3 The Headquarters

Hikaru struggled down the mountain's dirt trail weaving between the thick trees hanging onto the sharp descent. His legs felt like lead from tiredness, and puffs of breath fogged up in the chilly dawn. Looking back at the sanctuary was the last thing on his mind—at the charred remains he'd left there.

"Keep an eye on where you're putting your feet, youngster," chimed in Takumi. He seemed casual but there was a hint of irritation in his voice. While Hikaru faltered, Takumi moved on with ease, his trailing coat sweeping the earth behind him.

Hikaru clenched his jaw and sped up ignoring the aching in his muscles. The mark of the curse on his arm pounded under his shirt almost like another pulse. It felt like with each step, Kagutsuchi's might made the mark more burdensome.

Hikaru croaked out, "How much longer to this spot?"

Takumi answered without glancing back, "Not too far. It'll be obvious once we arrive."

Hikaru bit back a sharp reply, his gaze sharpening on the man's retreating figure. Takumi had given him just the bare essentials—enough to persuade him to exit the shrine before additional Manifestations arrived. Everything else was just some loose talk about getting better at stuff and making it through.

When they took a tight turn in the trail, the woods got sparse and the view just kind of unfolded in front of them. Hikaru found himself sort of breathless.

Hikaru's buzzed as he spied the mixture at the mountain's foot. Old-style Japanese structures with bending tiled tops neighbored shiny black pillars of glass and metal. Wooden beams hosted paper lanterns casting a gentle light pitted against the barrier's quiet glimmer encasing the place. It made a soft undulation in the air, an almost imperceptible wave.

The sight kinda hit Hikaru hard. Below, folks were milling about in the square—some wore traditional outfits while others sported battle get-ups studded with glowing charms and gear. The atmosphere felt thick pushing on Hikaru's skin and stirring the cursed sign on his arm to tingle.

Hikaru whispered, his voice almost too low to catch, "What is this place?"

Takumi replied with a smirk while looking back, "We're at the Boundary Keepers' base. Think of this as the main spot for holdin' the world together."

On their way towards the boundary, Hikaru glanced around . Symbols along the barrier had a soft glow moving as if they were alive. When Takumi walked up to it, the barrier split open with a quiet buzz leaving a feeling on Hikaru like a mild electric zap.

He couldn't help but shiver. Inside, the atmosphere felt dense filled with a strange energy. Breathing in was like inhaling a sharp, metallic, and timeless force.

"Hikaru whispered feeling a bit overwhelmed, as he watched a crew practicing battle moves in the open space. Someone slashed with a sword that created a faint blue glow cutting a summoned target.

"You'll adjust," Takumi replied grinning a bit more. "Or not. But hey, you're stuck with us now."

Hikaru gave him a side-eye but kept quiet. The more he walked the weirder the gear and shining runes he spotted everywhere seemed. What kind of mess did I step into?

After a chunk of time passed without talking, Hikaru spoke up. "So, what's the real deal with this place? What's everybody doing?"

Takumi laughed through his nose. "What's it look like, huh? Our job's to stop the world from falling apart due to all the cursed energy. Anything weird, like Rift energy or exorcists on the loose, it's on us to handle."

"You reckon I can pitch in with that stuff?"

His face changed a bit, the smirk going away some. "Listen, you ain't got a say in the matter. The mark on you? It's not just some curse; it lights you up. Fail to get a grip on it, and you're toast. Not just you others too, the day everything goes south."

Hikaru's belly knotted up feeling the heaviness of Takumi's words. He took a peek at his arm — the sign was out of sight under his sleeve yet it was there loud and clear.

They halted at a ginormous edifice nestled in the central part of the compound. It boasted wooden gates adorned with complex designs that seemed to twinkle a bit kinda like they had a life of their own. Hikaru balked a second when Takumi nudged the gates apart showing off a huge chamber decked with rows of shiny relics bright scrolls, and old weapons fixed to the wall.

It was chillier inside with a slight whiff of ink and iron in the air. Hikaru's steps rang out as he kept up with Takumi, his eyes flicking all over the space.

Takumi waving his arms, announced, "Everything begins here. Think of this place as the spot where you'll train and do all your missions. It's your fresh start."

"Awesome," Hikaru said, his tone heavy with sarcasm. "Since my previous home turned out awesome."

Catching that, Takumi raised an eyebrow. "Well, you made it out alive, right? That's saying something considering your past."

Hikaru didn't shoot back even though he wanted to. The sting of Takumi's remarks hit harder than he liked to admit.

But before he could sink into those thoughts, a sharp voice sliced through the hallway.

"Takumi Arata! Why'd you go and drag an untrained cursed mark to headquarters?"

A woman came marching over, her heart pounding. Dark eyes on fire, she sported a tight combat outfit and at her side dangled a katana, with its handle done up in black silk.

Heaving a sigh, Takumi ran his fingers through his hair. "Thought I'd snag at least a solid five before the scolding started."

Halting right there, her stare drilled into Hikaru kinda like a hawk eyeing a rabbit. "So, who's this guy and why's he not locked up yet?"

The room was heavy with tension pressing down on Hikaru like a thick blanket he just couldn't throw off. Sharp eyes from the woman drilled into him, her aura dominating and unyielding.

"Containment," she said again, her tone icy and exact. "This place isn't a playground for kids Takumi. You don't get to drag in unskilled curses and cross your fingers."

Takumi let out an exaggerated sigh and rolled his eyes. "Hey Asuka, what a pleasure. Just so you know, I'm not crossing my fingers. I'm making sure this kid doesn't end up causing a huge disaster in the nation."

Hikaru tensed up making fists with his hands next to him. "You realize I'm right here, right?" he whispered .

Asuka glanced over at him, her look cutting like a knife. "Well, you ought to pay close attention then," she told him. "That symbol on your arm makes you a ticking time bomb. Lose your grip, and folks get hurt, no guessing here just pure truth."

Those statements struck Hikaru hard, like a gut punch. He tried to speak back at her, but no words would come out.

Takumi walked in between them grinning again. "Chill out, Asuka. Sure, the kid's a bit unpolished, but he's got what it takes. Plus, deciding ain't your call."

Asuka put her hands on her hips, her face staying the same. "So, if this 'what it takes' ends up with someone dead, huh?"

Takumi stopped smiling looking at her hard. "That's my responsibility. But for now, he's not going anywhere."

Their gazes were like anchors heavy with stuff they weren't saying out loud. Hikaru fidgeted, his eyes bouncing back and forth. He was like a lost puppy stuck while its humans were fighting.

, Asuka gave a quick exhale and her arms fell to her sides. "Alright," she snapped. "Just don't think I'll deal with your disaster."

Takumi's grin made a comeback while he moved back. "Not in my wildest thoughts."

Asuka redirected her focus towards Hikaru, her look just as intense. "And you," she jabbed a finger at him. "Spell out your name?"

He replied without wavering, "Hikaru Kageyama," even with the strain hanging in the air.

"Asuka stared at Hikaru Kageyama with a doubtful look. "Look, if you plan to stick around, you gotta shape up. We've got no room for slackers here."

Feeling the sting of her words more than he wanted to show, Hikaru clenched his teeth. "It's not like I chose to come," he shot back.

"Well, that's just fine," Asuka replied. "Nobody's here to babysit you anyway."

Takumi slapped his palms together to cut through the chill. "Alrighty! Let's skip past the hellos and head straight to something way more pressing—chow time. I'm super hungry, and I bet you guys are too."

Asuka sent a sharp look his way. "Keep me out of your drama. I got stuff to do." She spun around and strutted off, her steps sounding through the corridor.

Hikaru released a breath he didn't even know he'd been holding. "Man, she's... something else," he noted peering over at Takumi.

A laugh came from Takumi. "You're being too kind. But hey, it's not just you—Asuka treats everyone like that. It's her way of being captivating, I guess."

"Captivating?" Hikaru echoed with a lifted brow.

"Yeah, you'll warm up to it," Takumi assured gesturing with a shrug. "Let's go get your spot ready."

Hikaru paused, eyes stuck on where Asuka had vanished. Her sharp remarks replayed in his head, each hitting harder.

Extra baggage. Catastrophe on legs. Death follows.

His arm's cursed symbol gave a gentle tease pulsing . His hands balled up tight, fingernails pressing into skin. Why me? he wondered feeling sour.

As Takumi escorted him further inside the base, it hit Hikaru; he didn't fit in. The walls showcased ancient artifacts and mystical weaponry, all buzzing . Each one reminded him he had tumbled into a strange new realm.

A training room caught their eyes as they walked by. A bunch of Boundary Keepers were dueling, their glowy weapons swishing through the air all smooth-like. Hikaru stopped for a sec to watch someone whip up a shield thingy to block a hit.

"Pretty cool, huh?" Takumi tossed a look over his shoulder.

Hikaru gave a slow head bob. "Yeah... but I don't feel like I fit in here, you know?"

One of Takumi's brows shot up. "What makes you say that?"

Hikaru took a moment, eyes hitting the floor. "Well, everyone around here seems to get it. They're all tough cookies. And I'm... well just Hikaru."

Takumi's sharp grin turned into a kind of comforting look. "Hey kid, we all gotta start somewhere, you know. You think I just opened my eyes one morning and decided I'd be super cool?"

Hikaru scrunched his eyebrows together. "So, you're saying you don't come by being irritating ?"

Takumi burst out laughing filling the corridor with his laughter. "Got me there. But for real, don't think so little of yourself. Yeah that tattoo on your arm could be risky, but it's also why you're still kickin'. You have more skills than you give yourself credit for."

Right before Hikaru had a chance to say anything back, the floor started shaking a bit underneath them, and there was this low buzz that made him feel real cold inside.

Takumi's face went serious fast losing the fun vibe. "Keep it tight," he whispered.

Hikaru's pulse raced as he said, "What's up?"

"Just some trouble," Takumi said, eyes darting around the hallway.

The noise got way louder, and a chilly breeze rolled through bringing a nasty smell like things rotting. Hikaru felt his cursed mark sting big time, while Kagutsuchi's voice crept into his thoughts.

"Look at that," Kagutsuchi almost chuckled. "Looks like your buddies aren't alone."

Hikaru couldn't even move before this super loud bang rocked the place from way inside the base, and some creepy howl followed it.