Chereads / Rose Blumen ~ Exogignesthai 1 / Chapter 168 - 167. Wonders of alcohol, 2

Chapter 168 - 167. Wonders of alcohol, 2



The cold winds scratch my skin, it hurts.


I didn't expect the weather to turn so bad next to the sea, yet it feels as if I was climbing over the Alps mountains. A wind so cold and strong is hitting me to the point I cannot look ahead anymore, my frozen hand protecting my eyes from the cold particles and wind.


I see the sea waves moving sideways, as if it was a giant river. The waves run along the shore and not against it. Was it possible before, I'm not sure.


Blume is restless and I fear the wind may blow me away in the sky or against the ground any minute.

One way or another, we find a shelter. A parking lot, underground. The surface was like anything else around, but the crumbling roof where I walked on had many openings to this large shelter.

An underground building filled with cars more or less spared by time.


We found a big luxurious car to wait the day within. Below a thick coat of dust, the paint varnish still was pristine and shining like a mirror. I've never seen such a shine and pretty painting for years now, if not ever at all. It's smooth, colourful and still without any defect or sign of rust, cracks or mould. It was only hidden by dust.


When I tried to open the door, the handle broke down though. Blume helped me breaking the lock, breaking in by force. Some pieces of metal broke like ice as we opened it.

Inside the large car it looked comfortable, even though little lights appeared.

The floor glowed where I stepped, as did everything I touched beside the chairs in front. I sat behind, in the middle of the couch like an aristocrat. I never had any peerage. Now it feels like I just did.


The storm turned into a frozen downpour. The water began to fall inside the many cracks of the building's roof. I pulled my bag inside the car before the flood of water would soak it. I closed the door to the cold and humid air.


Suddenly, it was almost silent. All the noises deafening me all day just before were suddenly muffled outside the car.

Too bad I couldn't make it start. I tried though.

All I managed to do, with the help of Blume, was over-pressurising the air inside, somehow.


I was feeling heavy, but all the surfaces able to glow under pressure began to glow marvellously. I could hardly breathe or move at first, but suddenly was surrounded by a cloudy glow, strong enough to let me see myself as if I was outside.

Though since everything was glowing, nothing had a shadow anymore. This was very disturbing at first, but foremost I had troubles breathing under the pressurised air.


After a few minutes, I got over it, but felt warmer and began to sweat.

Blume managed to open a window a little. The roof went black, but not the rest and some air could circulate.


In the end, the window exploded suddenly. It scared me, but then I burst out in laughter. We couldn't keep everything right here, alas. Too bad.


We're still well sheltered there and the comfortable couch still glows under my noble bum. We'll wait for the weather to improve a little. We just have to wait. I finally open one of the bottles I've carried all this time.


I cough and spit after the first sip.


R - So, did you solve it? The problem of your inability to suffer from the effects of alcohol.

B - A very long time ago. My brain mostly duplicates the structures and behaviours of yours now. My metabolism is set to follow yours. Everything you experience, I will also.

R - Good, then we stand on equal ground. What were the bets again? It's been so long.

B - The bets were you would laugh and perhaps sing, whereas I would be passionate about my love for you, and fall asleep. And dream of kissing you perhaps.


I laugh already.


R - That would be nice for you, wouldn't it?

B - I think so. I'm curious too beside being in love with you. I don't need to be drunk to tell you that I love you. I love you!


I smile and chuckle. I take a slower sip.


R - Aren't you sweet... This liquor is sweet as I recalled. I don't like when it's bitter like wine or ale. This one is a little like syrup.

B - Your family did not drink?

R - Very little. My father... Maybe because he couldn't? I don't know. My mother... She was an airhead. She only drank cider when the season was right, a few weeks a year only. My blond machiavellian of a sister sometimes came home drunk. I've heard she could drink her own weight in ale in a fortnight. Geez....

B - I don't think you should drink your own weight from this alcohol. It's strong. It's funny how your body reacts.

R - Is it? I only feel that false warmth yet.


I drink more. Then some water too because the taste was strong on my tongue.

I burnt my tongue a little. It feels a little numb.


B - Some alcohol sips through your tongue and mouth, you get some in your bloodstream just having it in your mouth.

R - Really?

B - It looks that way.

R - And how are my floras reacting to this?

B - They're in turmoil.


I laugh a little, thinking at the raging bacterias in my mouth. Oh, no, alcohol! What to do?


R - If you start to sing, please, anything but that one song, you know the one I mean.

B - You're the one who will sing. I will only repeat my love for you, and maybe try to cuddle or tickle you.

R - I unfortunately don't know any song. I know tales, stories, but nothing about songs or music. You're the one who speaks German. Any music in there?

B - Entschuldigung meine geliebte Liebling. Ich habe leider nichts zu singen meine Liebe für dich.

R - Stop. I don't get a thing of what you're saying.

B - I'm mocking you.

R - I bet you are. Bad little flower; bad!


I'm about to give it a little slap as usual, but hold my hand up and then just give up.


R - I know how much you love me.

B - I love you even a little more than that.

R - You're cheeky... You do realise how much of an odd bird you are for a human being?

B - I never cared for humans but you. But I understand a little what you mean, meine geliebte Liebe. I do. And I'm blissful that you accepted me despite my lack of humanity in every possible way.

R - Who could pass the chance of meeting a being like you? Everyone wants a wish granted... But you... You... You didn't act as I expected you would from all the tales I've learnt or imagined (hardly). Was it just luck, or did you searched the best way to seduce me?

B - I don't really get what your question is. You're getting tired I can feel. As for my persona meeting rather well the kind that you may love, it's somewhere in between I would say? If you really want an oversimplified answer. Part of me comes from me; another from the wish to please you best. I've loved you for so long, that I evolved to be something you can love in a way. But I didn't plan most of what happened, I was always trying to work things as best as I could. Nothing ever worked as I thought it would at early first. So my wishes of living with you and sharing a kind of love with you are to me more miracles than successful plans carried out by me.

R - I see... You're right. It's late... I'm getting sleepy and sluggish. I love you too Blume... Maybe I'll never be able to match the greatness of your love for me; but I truly love you too now...


I'm dozing off but I try to cuddle the little thing that she is physically. I think I kissed her.


R - I love you Blume. I truly do.

