Velrath was simply floating in the air, following Zane, going in the males restroom. Being a ghost was more tiring than he had thought. Well, not exactly tiring but, more like boring. Being not able to do anything other than just floating around and watch as the world keeps spinning, honestly, it was unbearable.
Not only that, but he was stuck with the kid he had cursed to free himself. But in the end, he was still not free. He waited for so long, but this is all he got? He might have freed himself inside the book, but he still got his self chained up on a kid.
And the worst part of it all, is that he had no idea how. He created the curse as a perfect counter to Wardell's sealing magic. But how? How was he still chained up? Infact, he doesn't even know how he is gonna retrieve his physical body.
'Damn it that old hag! She never told me about the book holding this type of enchantment.'
Zane noticed Velrath's unsual behavior. He shifted his gaze towards the floating human-like demon beside him. He stared at him for a while, and said in his thoughts.
[What's up? Something bothering you?]
Velrath paused for a while, he then sighed.
[Nothing, just thinking about how unlucky I am to be stuck with you.]
Zane's brows furrowed. He then responded with a calm tone.
[Really? Well, sucks to be you. But I am no different honestly, I mean you placed a curse on me and sealed most of my mana away, then my life turned upside down. I could never feel lucky to have you around, sigh. Well, except for you teaching me I guess.]
Velrath's face turned somber, he paused for a while. He then responded.
[Yeah, yeah. I get it, you want me to apologize or something?]
Zane smiled softly, he then responded.
[Nah, no thanks.]
"Hey Zane."
Hearing a familliar voice, he looked towards the source of the sound. He stared at him for a while, then said.
Vale's face was full of curiosity, he then asked in a casual tone.
"I saw your older sister approaching you earlier. I know its not my business to ask, but, mind to tell me what she told you? It's just that, Its unusual for your sister to approach you like that."
A faint smile appeared on Zane's face, he then looked away from Zane and said.
"Well, its nothing really. She just told me about some personal stuff."
Vale raised an eye brow. He wanted to ask more, but since it was something personal, he changed his mind. I mean a personal talk with Eris, one of the top 10 student in the entire school? He had to know his limit.
Sooner after, they arrived in the males restroom. There were a few people changing clothes already, Zane and Vale was also going change their clothes. When suddenly, 3 people started to approach them. Each of them was wearing, the acadamy's uniform, just like what Zane was wearing, and each of them had a weapon.
The guy in the middle had a sword, same for the guy beside him, on the right side. While the guy on the left side had an axe. The man was also bulky.
"Hey, you are Zane right?"
Hearing an unfamilliar sound, Zane looked behind him. There he could see 3 people carrying a bunch of weapons. Meanwhile, Zane was staring at them, confused. Vale was ahead of him already, and was about to change clothes, but stopped after someone approached Zane.
'Ah, these damn people again.'
[Oh, who are these people, Zane? I don't think I've seen them in your memories before. Well, I mean its not like I saw all your memories in the first place.]
Zane's face looked annoyed, as he responded to Velrath.
[Ah, well. Just your typical prideful nobles. Their family don't even belong to any of the top 10 clans in the kingdom of Ashveil, yet, they dare do be so arrogant? These people needs some teaching. Although, I don't think I am capable of that right now.]
Velrath slowly smirked. He then responded to Zane with a playful tone.
[Hm, how about you let me handle this one then? I promise I won't go overboard.]
Zane paused for a while, before responding. He had thought of switching with Velrath, but if he did. He would gain too much attention. Well, it's not that it's bad, but, Zane is known being a really weak mage. He also wasn't known for being physically strong. If rumors spread out throughout the whole academy, about him - suddenly becoming so strong after coming back to the academy, just after he passed out from mana drainage.
There is a chance people will suspect him of making a contract with a demon. There are people who seek strength, beyond human comprehension, and those people can earn such powers by making a contract with a powerful demon. However, in exchange for those power, the demon will also make use of you.
That's why, Zane had to take it slowly. Or else, things will definitely go bad for him.
At this point the 3 people in front of Zane were starting to get irritated. Zane was simply staring at them blankly, not saying anything. The guy in the middle then spoke furiously.
"Hey! Why the hell are not saying anything?!"
The people around Zane, as well as Vale started to get worried about how this situation will end.
"Damn it, why do I always have to run in with a bunch of prideful idiots."
Hearing Zane's voice, the atmosphere in the males bathroom started to change. Before it was full of whispering sounds coming from the people around Zane, now no sound could be heard. Everyone simply stared blankly at Zane, with their mouth slightly wide open.
Vale's face was no different. He then said, with worried tone.
"Z-zane! I know you have gotten stronger, but, this really isn't the right way to deal with this situation!"
Despite hearing Vale's suggestions, Zane's expression remained unchanged. His eyes were still as feirce as blades.
This made the 3 people with weapons, furious.
"You should've listen to your friend idiot, you are so full of your self now that you had gotten a little bit stronger, huh?"
"Let's get him!"
Although it looked like the 3 of them were going to gang up on Zane, that's not actually the case. Only the guy in the middle took another step, getting closer to Zane. He slowly took out his sword, staring at Zane with such feirce eyes.
Zane meanwhile had a faint smile on his face.
[Velrath, you better not go overboard with it.]
[Yeah, yeah. You said that a hundred times already. As you can see I am only boosting your physical stats. Using any spell that I possess will obliterate these kids, I am not that stupid.]
Hearing Velrath's words, Zane felt a sign of relief. Although he definitely didn't want to do this, considering the consequences. He had no other choice but do so. Zane knew the moment they appeared, that this situation definitely won't go well. He had experienced this too many times for him not to know.
They would usually come up to him, and ask him for a duel, knowing that he was known as someone really weak. They do this simply to boost their ego. Beating someone from a renowned clan, not only a renowned clan but the son of the strongest mage in the kingdom of Ashveil.