Hikaru, being absolutely shocked yelled at him "WE'RE NEIGHBOURS?" Akira replied "I guess you're not liking it huh?" Both Akira and Hikaru entered their home.
That night, Akira's mother called Akira for dinner. "Akira, come downstairs! I invite our neighbour for dinner." Akira came downstairs and expectantly saw Hikaru sitting in one of the chairs next to her mother. "Take a seat, son. I'll serve the food later." said Akira's mother. "Your father said he'll be home late. So he told us to just eat without him anyway."
Akira shrugged it off as his mother served the food. Meanwhile, Hikaru obviously not liking Akira avoided eye contact all the time. A few minutes into eating, Akira's father entered the house holding what looked like a jar.
Akira asked his father "What's that you're holding, dad?" Akira's father looked at Akira and turned away while mumbling a few words. Akira was confused but shrugged it off. Suddenly, the house started shaking and a gigantic creature with a scary face, four wings, two legs and four hands appeared under the dining table and completely destroying the dining room.
Akira, Hikaru and both their mothers are shocked as the gigantic creature swings it's hand towards Hikaru's mother. Hikaru tried running for her mother before Akira stopped her. Hikaru watched as her mother flew away and fell on the hard floor. Hikaru watched in horror knowing her mother can't survive that.
Hikaru yelled at Akira "WHY DID YOU STOP ME? I COULD'VE SAVED HER!" Akira replied in a calm voice and said "You couldn't, trust me." Hikaru sat there and cried to herself.
Akira in that moment, ran to his father's room and yelled "Dad, we have to get…" Akira looked inside the room to find out his father was the one who was summoning the creature. "D-Dad…? What is this? What is the meaning of this!?" Akira asked being mad. "Akira… son… both you and mom are just a burden to me… I have to kill both you and her before I can merge with this devil. I ordered that devil to kill both you and your mom. But since there are guests, I ordered it to kill them too." Akira's father replied with a cold voice. Akira looked around and reached for his father's emergency pocket knife and stabbed his father with it. Akira's father smiled and said "You killed me now, you'll never find the truth in…" Akira's father let out a final breath and said "…the existence of devils…" Akira left his father's body in the room and went back to the kitchen to find his mother killed, the devil is gone and Hikaru's body lying on the ground.
Akira wake up Hikaru's body. Hikaru woke up and spoke in a cold and chilling voice "I've merged with this girl's body… there's nothing you can do!" Akira crawled back slowly and stared at the now posessed Hikaru. Suddenly, Hikaru's voice started cracking slightly. "W-What happening to me!? This human… is re-taking control of this body!" Hikaru's skin started cracking and the devil started yelling in agony until Hikaru's whole skin cracked revealing her body again being naked.