It was a very slow day for a certain Snake Mistress as she lazily lounged on her couch in the living room of the combined complex. Trench coat discarded, leaving her massive breasts and abdomen exposed, and feet propped over the armrest on one side, Anko lazily threw Senbons at a picture of Orochimaru at the farthest side of the room.
Narrowly missing Yugao's head as she walked in.
"Anko, how many times do we have to tell you to knock it off? We share this place, you know"
The Sword Mistress was dressed in her usual ANBU uniform, accentuating her curves and lewdly pushing off the gray armor at the torso, sword strapped to the back and mask hanging at the hip.
"I am booooored" the purple-haired Special Jonin replied.
"Then go on a mission"
"Sensei won't give me one" she grumbled, throwing another senbon at the picture and nailing it straight through the left eye. "Seriously, all I did was throw one dude off a cliff and now she thinks I'm outta control"
Yugao gave the moaning a pointed deadpan. "That dude was the client"
"He grabbed my butt" she defended with a pout. "Sensei even approved of it"
The ANBU captain had no doubts about that. Kushina sensei had made it pretty clear on their first day as a team that being an all-girls squad was going to be subject to speculations and being looked down at. And that they should never ever compromise on their self-respect, dignity and honor.
She could recall the numerous times their volatile sensei had broken hands of men for even trying to touch them or forever made them unable to have children by kicking their nuts into mush for daring to make passes on her 'babies'.
The Hokage had practically raised, trained and sheltered them like her own children.
So of course she would approve of throwing a client off a cliff if he grabbed her 'daughter's' butt.
"Alright, fine. Do something else then"
"Like what?"
"Wanna have sex?" Anko asked excitedly, instantly sitting up on the couch.
Yugao sweatdropped. Not that Anko, her childhood friend and teammate suggested to have lesbian sex, they had plenty of that every day, but rather how quickly she was filled with energy at the prospect of it all. "No, I've a mission. I literally told you a few minutes ago"
The busty purplette deflated.
"You can ask Kurenai if she is available" the ANBU captain suggested helpfully, feeling guilty at the downtrodden expression on her friend's face. The sweet and kind Genjustu mistress would never say no to her friends…especially Anko.
The Special Jonin threw her hands up in the air in frustration. "Out on a mission…or at least she said it's a mission. I swear I get the feeling she is hogging that fat-dicked jerk all to herself every time she says she has a mission. One look at her legs and he is all over her"
Even Yugao had to admit she had been feeling the same thing. Kurenai had a very friendly, understanding and quiet personality, but she was a master at getting what she wanted. There was a reason why she had forgone her red Jonin uniform and was now wearing that red and white dress-like garb made from bandages.
And leaving her mile long, thick legs exposed.
Naruto loved her legs.
"I'm sure it's nothing" she answered assuredly, trying to assure her own troubled thoughts as well. "What about Hana?"
"Don't even get me started with that bitch!" Anko hissed. "She has been munching on her mom's pussy since last night and didn't even invite me! I thought we were friends!"
"Alright I give up" Yugao admitted with a shrug, not able to find anything else to suggest as she sat down next to the grumbling woman and reached for her sandals.
Sensitive ears picked up the sounds of door lock opening and the telltale signs of heavy boots tapping on the floor before Naruto became visible over the entrance to the living room, dressed in his usual long black kimono and black pants.
"Hey girls" the redhead greeted lazily, blue eyes instantly focusing on the protruding hill-like breasts deliciously pilled on Anko's toro and held in the mesh prison. "And hello babies"
Anko grinned at his reaction, sitting up again as she reached for a dozen of senbons from her skirt pocket. And here was a guy who had no problems with weapons being thrown at him. He enjoyed it. "Hey there, stud"
"Hey Naruto" Yugao greeted sweetly, hurriedly putting on her sandals and walking up to the tall redhead before she stood on her tiptoes and kissed him on the lips. "Got a mission. Keep her in line, won't you? Gotta go, see you later"
The redhead stole another quick kiss from the smirking woman before lightly slapping her phat butt as she walked by with a giggle. "Later, babe"
"Now that the prude is out of the way…" the Snake Mistress licked her lips, fingering the senbons clutched in her hands as she tried to find the right opportunity. "Whip it out, momma Anko has been craving a fat load all day"
Naruto grinned in approval as Anko threw a dozen steel senbons straight at him at the perfect opportunity because he was seemingly distracted by her exposed breasts.
He wasn't.
He swatted away the needles and turned around to grab a hand with a kunai aimed at his throat before he pushed the culprit against the wall and pressed his form against hers, holding her hands prisoner above her head.
"That wasn't very nice" he growled throatily, hardening cock pressed taut against her panty-less core as he held her hands captive with one large hand and moved the other to her fat ass cheeks, roughly squeezing the doughy meat.
"I don't do nice, stud boy" Anko responded hotly, eyes dazed, core heating up instantly as she was manhandled and held defenseless against the wall. "Do your worst"
"As much as I'd love to show you some proper manners…" the redhead trailed off huskily, laying rough kisses on the purplette's exposed neck and lightly biting her mesh-covered breast, much to her whimpering moans. "I need to go on a mission and you, my perpetually horny vixen, are coming with me"
The Snake Mistress couldn't be happier as a wide shit-eating grin flashed across her features before she slammed her lips against his in a rough, animalistic kiss.
Hokage Tower
For Kushina Uzumaki, it was a particularly peaceful start to the day…as were the other days if she was honest with herself. Yes, the compound looked a little deserted without her mother around now that she was back in the Hidden Whirlpool, but she had two new members to add to the family.
Jessica, Tsunade and Shizune were fitting in nicely. The mornings were mostly hectic. Starting with Tsunade waking up early and walking into the kitchen to find Naruto standing behind her nude form and fucking her into oblivion every day …and then screaming in alarm. You'd think the woman would get used to the idea of them fucking every day but nope.
Finding Jessica blowing Naruto in the shower and subsequently chasing him around the compound until she stepped in.
Or even stumbling in on Tayuya fucking herself stupid on the clan head's cock.
All in all, it was hectic but despite everything, it brought life to the compound. Before her mother's visit, it had been just her and Naruto in the vast area, even though Minato was alive. His duties kept him from the house for days.
But now, it was filled with people.
And she felt peace every second of the day.
Her eyebrow twitched madly and a tic mark pulsed on her forehead as the glass window on either side of her chair were smashed by some kind of black and red balls of cloth, crashing through her window into her office and rolling up to reveal two figures.
Anko and Naruto.
"Ta da!" they sang in unison, hugging sideways and holding their other hands in the air in a weird pose.
Until they saw the busty Hokage's expression.
Beautiful eyes shadowed by the hat and gleaming red, silky long hair floating up in the shape of nine tails and a sickly sweet smile dancing on her as she stood up and cracked her knuckles.
Naruto automatically focused on the jiggle of her massive breasts as she stood up, eyes religiously moving up and down with every jiggle of the milk tanks, trailing down to focus on her breeding hips and the shelf-like curve of her infamous Uzumaki ass even from the front as she approached them.
His cock stood painfully hard against his pants, clearly visible from how far it was sticking out.
Anko looked down at his boner and gave him a deadpan look. They were going to die and he was popping a boner right now? "Dude, you have issues"
"Fuck off, Anko. That thing has a mind of its own" he grumbled indignantly, shameless eyes refusing to divert from the lewd display. "She looks fucking gorgeous"
'We are fucked!'
Anko had her eyes closed, preparing herself for the impending wave of pain soon to be unleashed on them as the Hokage neared them. This wasn't her first time being admonished for crashing through the Hokage's window but those times were during the Fourth's era. He was a good man who was patient.
Her sensei was not.
She had forgotten about that.
The pain never came though, instead she felt a pair of soft lips on her forehead. Brown eyes tentatively opened to find the busty, motherly Hokage kissing her forehead with an amused look before she moved to her son and did the same with him.
Needless to say, she was confused.
"Just this once, I'll overlook what you two rascals did to my windows because my baby boy called me gorgeous" the bottom-heavy Hokage stated with a giggle, ruffling their hair as she moved back to her chair, well aware that she had two set of eyes focused on the wideness of her incredibly fat, doughy ass. "Especially when I was about to cave his head in"
"Thank you, sensei!" Anko jumped up excitedly and saluted, leaning towards the redhead with a grin. "Way to use that mouth, stud"
"Now, clean it up"
"Wha…but you …"
The busty Milf smirked, resting her chin on her folded hands as she leaned forward. "Just because I overlooked what you did doesn't mean that I'll let you off easy. Now get to it"
"This is all your fault, Anko" Naruto grumbled indignantly.
"Fuck you too"
Kushina watched the two grumbling ninja begrudgingly start cleaning up the glass shards with an amused expression on her face. They looked so cute pouting like children…well to her they really were children.
But she seriously needed to do something about her windows.
Town Center, Black Lotus
Having finally cleaned up their mess, they had asked for a mission and surprisingly enough, the busty Milf had given them one. The mission to find a rather notorious bandit gang that had recently been reported to have taken over an entire town and taken the residents hostage.
Exactly the kind of mission they needed.
Of course, their constant sexual jokes, dark sense of humor and actual blatant carnal activities had kept them up most of the nights since their departure from the village and taken longer than necessary to get to the town.
He had lost count of how many times they had fucked during the trip. Being away from the village, away from 'hogging sluts' as the Snake Mistress had put it, Anko had turned into an insatiable nymphomaniac. A few minutes of jumping through the trees was instantly followed by her jumping on his cock for a good hour.
He had guilt-tripped her into moving quickly by reminding her that the civilians needed their help urgently.
Naruto, disguised as a common thug, idly walked through the desolate streets of the town in the darkness of the night, a long black cloak hiding his entire body.
His tall height and muscular build garnered exactly the kind of attention that he had expected. Anko, walking beside him in her unusually beautiful but sinfully thick form was the focus of the stares. And she was enjoying every bit of it.
"First thing's first, we need to find the source of the problem…the boss" he announced quietly. "and make sure that none of them leave the village"
His eyes scanned over the somewhat small crowd of people with the barest minimum of effort, reading right through their tense postures. They were going about their businesses, but there was a strange sense of anxiety and dread hanging over the atmosphere of the town.
His eyes picked up on several glints of weapons on several men around the town.
According to the reports, the bandits were sort of like a governing body since the takeover. The civilians were tasked with going about their daily lives to ward off any suspicion from the village. It seemed to have worked for them for a week or so but a mistake had blown their cover.
"Oh I love that bloodthirsty look on your face, stud" Anko added sultrily.
"For the love of God, control yourself for a few hours, will you?"
Anko merely grinned at him. "You find the boss, I'll handle the rest of these bastards"
"That's more like it"
"Oh and stud boy?"
"What is it?"
"I'm taking this cock for a long ride when I return" she purred into his ear, boldly grabbing his fat cock through his pants and giving it a tight squeeze before she vanished.
The redhead shook his head with a chuckle. "That little …"
Bars; treasure troves of information and secret meetings, exactly the kind of place he would expect a gang leader to inhabit.
The disguised Uzumaki strolled through the streets towards his destination, a large structure in the middle of the small town, eyes picking up on movements from the corner of his eyes. It seems he was found out…or rather his bold approach to gathering information was deemed suspicious.
With a foxy smile on his face, Naruto marched up to the front door, sensitive ears picking up on the deafening sounds of music and shouts from inside the structure.
Expectedly, the hulking man standing at the front of the bar, a rather fearsome brute, stepped in front of him, blocking his path into the bustling bar. "Beat it, private party"
The redhead raised his fingers in a ram seal and the bandit stiffened momentarily before shaking his head. Giving him a once over, the bouncer stepped to the side and gestured with a grunt, inciting an amused smile from the disguised Genin.
Compared to the gloomy atmosphere of the outside, the inside was much livelier and bustling. Drinks were being distributed around, food was in spades and the music was deafening. Drunken bandits were dancing on the dance floor, laughing around in circles and having the time of their lives.
Shoving the proceedings to the back of his mind, the Uzumaki calmly moved towards an empty table situated at the far end, to the right side of the bar and well concealed. Removing the hood of his cloak, Naruto let his gaze wander around the bar, taking every single significant and insignificant detail into account.
Until his eyes found the target. The man had light dark hair and a strong physique, garbed in an armor suit littered with scars, all covered by a dark cloak. He had a certain amount of tainted charisma which explained the reason why so many followed him.
And he had a scraped forehead protector.
Of the Hidden Sand.
Nothing stood out from the norm…except for the fact that a guy from outside hurriedly marched towards the boss and whispered something into his ears and gestured towards his general direction with his head.
Their eyes met.
Sensing a disturbance in the emotions of the guards outside the bar alerted the redheaded Genin to the commotion. Naruto knew that they had been found …mostly because Anko had started killing the bandits outside.
Every possible exit to the bars were instantly shut down, music was stopped and the room descended into a deathly silent trance as hordes of fully armored men marched into the room.
As soon as their eyes spotted him, dangerous weapons were aimed at his head and a dozen or so soldiers surrounded him from all sides. The rest of the bar was soon emptied, leaving only the soldiers and the nonchalantly seated Uzumaki.
"You are coming with us" one of the bandits stated gruffly as he stepped forward and tried to grab the seated Leaf shinobi.
Naruto had serious problems with being grabbed.
The rough-looking thief lost his arm before his brain could even register the pain, spreading a widespread gasps of shock as their comrade's appendage was ripped off from his shoulder and thrown away faster than their eyes could track it.
"Didn't anyone ever tell you that grabbing someone without their permission is rude?" Naruto commented in an admonishing tone, standing up to his full height. "Only my dick should be g….WAIT, THAT CAME OUT WRONG!"
'Just when I thought you couldn't go any lower' the slumbering beast from within commented dryly.
'I didn't mean THEM, you nine-tailed asshole! I was talking about my girls!'
'Yeah sure'
"Fuck you, furball!'
The bandits took quick steps back in alarm, making sure to put some distance between the deadly guy who incapacitated their fellow criminal without appearing phased…and then started clawing at his tongue in horror.
What the fuck was wrong with this guy? One second he was death itself and the next second he was stuck between puking his guts out and clawing away at his tongue for whatever he had been meaning to say, while a look of horror etched on his face.
"You are quite strong for someone of your age" a deep voice of arrogance and self-importance reverberated around the back of the armored troops, catching Naruto's attention as the soldiers parted away and let a tall, cloaked figure approach the disguised Uzumaki.
"Unless you've a jutsu that can turn back time so I can kick my own ass for trying to say …" the redhead slapped a hand over his mouth at the end, his face green. "…that, otherwise shut the fuck up and let me do my thing in peace"
He had no problems with Homosexuals but no way in hell was he ever gonna be associated with them or anywhere near them. He liked pussies, that meant girls. And THEIR hands to grab his junk. No one else, period!
"Confidence, I like it but it seems you chose the wrong place to test that confidence" the tall figure retorted in a firm tone as he approached the horrified Uzumaki. "No one was supposed to know of our presence here"
The front door to the bar was smashed open and the big bouncer skidded into the middle of the room, torso home to several holes made by fangs as Anko sashayed in with a cheshire grin, a sway to her wide hips.
"Mind if I join in, boys?" Until she saw Naruto kneeling on the floor and wheezing comically. "What the fuck happened to you?"
"Anko!" Naruto cried out comically, tears welling up in his blue eyes as he held out his hands. "Hug me, baby, for I have sinned"
"Awww what happened?" The gathered bandits watched with mixed reactions as the purplette instantly appeared before the redhead and hugged him, boldly guiding his hands down to her fat buttcheeks as she rubbed his head against her mesh-covered breasts.
"I can feel my man points going down!" the redhead bellowed childishly, tightly squeezing her wide cheeks as tears streamed down his face.
"My baby" Anko cooed assuredly, as she rubbed his head. "Wanna fuck momma to feel better?"
"Hey…wait …"
The bandits watched with stunned silence, eyes bugging out in shock as the redhead nodded with teary-eyed pout and the busty woman complied immediately. While they couldn't see much of their privates from how they were cuddled up, the shuffling of clothes, the woman's slight squat-like position and then going down in the wakes of 'shlick' sound was all too familiar.
They were fucking right there.
"What are you morons waiting for? Kill these freaks!"
A puff of smoke burst into existence and out came several clones, Adamantium Chains slithering behind them like tails as they descended upon the horde of bandits.
Not given enough time, a clone appeared before the leader and delivered a face-shattering backhand to the ninja's chin and sent him skidding through the walls of the bar into the forest outside. A single blink of the eyes and the spot previously occupied by the redheaded clone was empty as he zipped away, skewering a few bold bandits with his chains on his way out.
Smack dab in the middle of the bar, the Uzumaki patriarch had his impressively large manhood stuffed balls deep inside the beautiful Special Jonin and was thrusting into her with wild abundance.
Anko was almost on the verge of losing her sanity if the blank expression on her face was any indication as she sat on her lover's lap and grinned in mindless bliss, a long tube-like protrusion visible under her mesh with each thrust, almost reaching her chest cavity. "Oh yes, fuck me baby!"
Clones stabbed, skewered and pierced bandits all over the bar, showing no mercy to the screaming scumbags while the original redhead fucked his lover in the midst of it all.
The disoriented Sand ninja had enough time to witness the speedy arrival of the Uzumaki before he found himself embedded deep into the earth with a body-cracking punch. Blood and spittle flew out of his mouth as the fist almost threatened to penetrate through his skin and burst out of his back.
With a blank expression on his face, the redheaded clan head wrapped his hand around the leader's neck and lifted him up like a weightless doll.
"T-those chains…you…are an Uzumaki!"
Naruto grinned sadistically, lips stretching into an ear-splitting smile. "Color me impressed, you actually have a good head on your shoulder. Too bad, it's gonna have to go"
The rogue ninja did not get the opportunity to say anything further as his head rolled to the ground.
Furniture broke, clones disposing of the remaining bandits and then vanishing away, Anko could only babble and squeal in mindless bliss as Naruto pushed her against the floor and thrust his hips back and forth, his cock sliding inside her abused womb as he banged her against the floor.
He was close and she wanted it all!
"FUUUUUUCK! TAKE MY LOAD!" Naruto threw his head back and roared to the high heavens, as his fat cock bulged and throbbed in Anko dripping snatch. The first spurt of his gooey seed blasting against her unexplored uterus forced a shrill scream of orgasmic pleasure from the Special Jonin, mewling like a cute kitten as her pussy was stuffed so full of cum it spurted out in thick ropes from the sides.
Load after load of scorching hot goo poured into her overflowing womb as Anko mewled, hissed and whimpered in mind-numbed euphoria, eyes fixed on the sight of her taut belly steadily bulging from the stream of cum cream filling her uterus.
The purple haired Jonin hungrily kissed the redhead on his lips, wrapping her thick legs around his hips to keep him inside her milking walls as he continued to feed her hungry womb with fat spurts of hot cock juice.
This mission ruled!