"Are you listening to me?"
"What do you want, Mikoto?" the busty Milf finally answered in irritation, pushing her face deeper into the soft pillow she was resting her head on.
Mikoto Uchiha had the appearance of a middle-aged woman with fair complexion, warm black eyes and silky dark hair reaching down to the small of her slender back while framing either sides of her beautiful face.
The current leader of the now deceased Uchiha Clan was attired in a modest creamy dress clinging to her utterly thick form like a second skin, showcasing her massive tanks of milk almost spilling out of the cups of the dress, no bra present to restrict its movement.
Milfs never wear bras.
Being one of the 3 most beautiful and seductive Milfs, with Kushina as their undisputed queen, it was obvious Mikoto had curves other women could only dream of.
The modest dress did nothing but enhance the delicious sight of how the curve of her waist flared to showcase thick, childbearing hips perfect for birthing children, the wideness of her hips only outdone by the sheer fatness of her corpulent, motherly ass.
The great Itachi Uchiha could never bring himself to raise his sword against his mother… the sword that pierced through the flesh of every single living Uchiha inhabiting the compound including that of his father.
Mikoto survived the traumatizing massacre of that eventful night or rather she was spared from meeting the same fate her husband and hundreds of other Uchiha had met… except Sasuke.
She had Kushina and her other childhood friends to help her through her tough times but sadly she recovered too late to help Sasuke because he'd already been consumed by hatred. Her youngest son never was the same again after that night.
Standing to the side of the bed her friend was lying on, the newly named Mikoto sighed in exaggeration, taking deep breathes to both control her anger and laugher. Anger because she did not want to deal with a grumpy Kushina first thing in the morning.
And laughter because seeing the normally cheeky, cheerful and mischievously annoying redhead acting all grumpy and pouty was a rare sight to see.
"Sweetie, you have been moaning into that pillow for the last two hours" the black haired woman started in a calm voice, knowing full well that force with the stubborn Uzumaki never worked. "Just tell me what's bothering you and we can go from there"
Plus the redhead was occupying her bed… so there was that to consider.
Who the hell drags someone out of their bed, force them to take a shower and lay on their bed? Well Kushina Uzumaki would and did but come on!
She was dragged out of her bed approximately two hours ago by the moody redhead and forced into the bathroom before she could properly rub the sleep out of her eyes. She came out to find the busty redhead lying on her bed and hugging the pillows to her face like a pouty child denied of his candy.
"It's Naruto" the redhead mumbled in a grumpy whine. "He's been acting weird since he woke up and it's driving me crazy!"
A subtle widening of her eyes was all the reaction Mikoto could muster to her sentence. Naruto? Why would the sweet boy be of any trouble to the busty mother? Yes he was sarcastic and lazy but he loved the stubborn Uzumaki more than he loved himself or anyone else … much to her chagrin though.
"Weird how?"
"He didn't sleep last night and woke me up to say that he loved me" Kushina muttered into the pillow, kicking her feet into air in irritation. "And then he made me breakfast. You know what he did next? He fed me like I was some kind of kid, stole a mushy kiss and walked away with the dishes!"
Making sure to watch her tone, the busty Uchiha Milf placed a calming hand on her friend's back and sat on the edge of the bed. "I don't see the problem, Kushina. It looks like he was trying to show you how much he loves you"
"That's not how things are supposed to go, ya know!" the phat-butted Uzumaki whined childishly. "I usually wake up first and drain his freakishly big balls or open my eyes to find his fat dick lodged in my throat before it pumps a big, fat gooey load directly into my stomach. THAT is how my mornings are supposed to start!"
"The kinky bastard had the gall to say that he loved me when he was balls deep in my fucking cunt! And he pulled out just when it was starting to get heated. To do what? Make breakfast for me? His dick batter IS my breakfast dammit!"
"To make things worse, he fed me the so called breakfast with that damned smile of his like I was some kind of snot nosed, haughty princess! I don't need to be pampered! The only thing he should be feeding me in the morning is his fat slab of meat!"
"Mikoto, I knew something was seriously wrong the moment he pulled his monstrous dong out of me and wasted all the cum he had stuffed up my womb from our nightly session. He never pulls out even when I tell him! The little brat likes to keep me stuffed and filled at all times and I like it that way. This is why I was pissed when he pulled out! He should never pull out! Are you even listening to me?!"
Unaware of her friend's dilemma, Kushina finished her frustrated rant and finally noticed how quiet her friend was and turned her head to the side, only to sweatdrop.
The busty Uchiha was blushing beat red from the words she'd heard, one hand groping her massive tit and the other snaked up her dress, no doubt fingering herself if the wet sounds from her crotch were any indications.
"I think I am gonna need another shower …a very cold one" the thick Milf groaned in resignation, not bothering to remove her hand from fondling her own milk-tanks or stop fingering her tight pussy, earning a sweatdrop from her redhead friend. "Were you telling me your problems or trying to turn me on?"
"Seriously Mikoto? Right now? I need your help and you are too busy fingering your cunt to listen to me? What kind of a friend are you?!" Kushina asked in a perfect deadpan tone, growling like a disturbed beast when the Uchiha did not stop moving her fingers in and out of her twat.
"Don't blame me, you're the one talking about fat dicks lodging in your throat and spewing fat loads down your gullet every morning!"
"I was trying to make you understand my problems!"
"I get that but in case you haven't noticed, I am a lonely widow and don't have a horse-dicked stud fucking my brains out every single day. I have needs and your so-called problems are only making it worse!"
"Oh please, don't try that innocent, lonely widow act with me. I know you!" the busty redhead grumbled, lying on her pillows once again as she listened to her friend shamelessly finger her dripping cunt beside her form with a twitching eyebrow. "You and Hitomi ought to be ashamed of yourselves, sleeping with my son when you both have children of your own"
"Ashamed? Honey, you are the last person to preach about shame when you let your son fuck you like his personal cumdumpster every day. This fat ass didn't just get so massive simply because you're eating ramen!" Mikoto replied in a pointed tone and delivered a playful smack to the woman's massive, wobbly ass, letting out a cute eep when her friend pushed her off the bed to the ground, effectively putting a stop to her self-fingering session. "Ok fine, I have a solution to your problem"
"You do?" The blank question made sure to deliver how interested Kushina was in her answer. The redhead couldn't care less.
"The solution is that… you stop being a stubborn bitch for once and accept that Naruto showing open affection for you instead of the usual insults is making you lose that tough bitch attitude of yours and it is making you emotionally vulnerable"
It was almost laughable. The stubborn woman couldn't admit that she was losing the battle against her son's affection and the idea that she might lose her tough woman mask in front of him scared her.
No matter how jealous she felt, it was obvious that Naruto loved Kushina more than anything or anyone in this world and he showed it every time. Now the thick redhead may fool others with her nonchalant attitude in regards to her son but she knew better.
The stubborn woman loved every fiber of his being and adored the very ground he walked on but showed that love in her own unique way. She had compelled Naruto to show her affection the same way she showed him.
Going against their normal way of showing love was making the busty seductress vulnerable and afraid.
"That's not true!"
"Yes it is"
"Is not!"
"Is too. You are just too stubborn to admit it!"
"Fuck you Mikoto!"
The thick Uchiha Milf smirked cheekily, cocking her wide hips to the side with a seductive wink. "Gladly, I am horny anyway"
Ichiraku Ramen
Teuchi and Ayame watched a certain redheaded Milf devour bowl after bowl of ramen with sweatdrops dropping their heads in comical fashion, jaws threatening to unhinge and drop to the ground in shock.
Barely a few minutes ago, the busty seductress came to their shop and proceeded to make herself comfortable on the farthest seat possible with a cute pout. At Ayame thought it was cute, Teuchi knew better than to even THINK of such things regarding the thick-hipped woman.
Who knows if she suddenly gains the power to read minds and find out that he called her, the Queen of Milfs and probably the most powerful woman on the face of the earth, cute… well let's just leave the threat hanging there.
"Oh shit"
Teuchi blinked several times, surprised etched on his visage as he tried to understand that his innocent daughter just cursed right in front of him. Surprise still flashing on his face, the old man turned to his daughter and found her looking to the other side of the road with a deadpan look.
He soon realized what got her so surprised that she cursed. "Fuck"
Ayame was too busy staring at the redhead to care what her father had just said. Approaching their stand was none other than Naruto Uzumaki. Having one Uzumaki devouring their ramen was somewhat manageable but two was utterly destruction.
"I think we should politely excuse the other customers out" the elderly civilian started in a resigned tone. Seems like they were going to endure another night of aching bones because serving two monstrosities with stomachs akin to bottomless pits was not an easy job.
"I think we should" Ayame agreed absently. Much to their surprise, Naruto gave them a wave and moved to hug his occupied mother from behind, mushing his cheek against the Milf's. "Aww so sweet"
They had no idea what was actually going on. Kushina faintly moaned as Naruto kissed her neck into, tingles of pleasure and unquenchable desire went down her lewd figure as she leaned back on to his form and felt the familiar meat rod perfectly lodge between the ballooned out flesh of her massive butt.
"Hey mom" Seconds turned to minutes and minutes seemed to stretch on forever, ramen along with its creators were forgotten as the incestuous duo fell deeper and deeper into the bottomless pit of passion until Naruto removed his lips from the thoroughly kissed flesh of her delicate neck, not leaving without sucking on her flesh for one more time before he pulled away. "Where were you all day?"
The still lightly panting seductress had the decency to look sheepish as she smiled uneasily and tried to ignore how great the feeling of his cock stuck between her phat butt cheeks felt. "Welcome honey, I needed to have a word with Mikoto"
"Good because now you are all mine" Naruto asked in a husky tone, placing his head over her shoulder as he positioned his mouth over the delicate skin of her neck and lightly suckled on the flesh. Her scent always intoxicated him more than the strongest Sake or Wine ever could. "I need you to come with me"
He knew her weak points more than he knew his own.
Kushina blushed bright red as the light sucking and the heat of his words traveled up her spine. "W-what for?"
"I have something prepared for you … something delicious and meaty. I know how much you love meat" Naruto answered in a growling whisper, grinding his cock against her dress-covered massive buttcheeks. Reaching for his pocket, the redhead deposited a considerable amount of money on the counter and winked at Ayame.
Without waiting for the Milf to voice her reasons, Naruto hoisted up the thick seductress in a bridal style and walked through streets with a wide grin, ignoring how Kushina kept getting redder and redder in the face.
"L-let me down, you j-jerk! E-everyone is looking at us!"
"Let them look, I want them to know that you are mine!" If Kushina was aroused before, she was definitely dripping wet now as the redhead growled like a beast and tightened his hold on her body.
The walk towards the compound was relatively peaceful, civilians and Shinobi alike watching to admire the bond between the mother and son. Whether Kushina knew or not but they were under a Genjutsu as soon as he walked into the stand.
He was not afraid to show the world that Kushina Uzumaki was his and his alone, it was still not the right time to do so.
Entering the compound, Kushina was surprised to find Naruto moving towards the training ground instead of the inner mansion. She quickly realized what he had planned when she spotted a lounging chair beneath the tallest tree at the center of the ground, with a table beside it.
And a large, steamy bowl of ramen.
Much to his surprise, Kushina untangled herself from his embrace and stood on her own feet with a red faced smirk. "I want to sit on your lap"
His confusion soon turned to understanding when he saw the look in her shinning orbs of purple. The Uzumaki heir seated himself in a relaxed posture on the wide chair and waited for the next turn of events with a anticipatory smirk.
Soon enough, Kushina hiked up the edges of her dress up to her thick thighs and lowered her massive rear onto her smiling son's lap, not the least bit ashamed by the fact that she had just flashed her son with an unrestricted view of her cunt and backdoor.
Why would she feel ashamed? He had been in both of those holes countless number of times, simply seeing them wouldn't even faze him.
Her plump lips stretched into a cheeky smile when she felt the familiar hardness of her son's massive manhood beneath her hefty butt as she leaned backwards and rested her back against the hardness of her son's muscular chest.
He was excited beyond belief.
Flexing the fat cheeks of her plump rear, Kushina raised her body slightly above her son's groin and sat back down with a smirk, effectively trapping the throbbing pole of meat between her gigantic cheeks.
"I will ignore that" Naruto started with an amused chuckle, wrapping both of his arms around her lithe form to draw her closer and grabbed the steamy bowl of ramen perfectly positioned above the curve of the queen's massive funbags.
"I can't" the thick Milf replied blatantly, casting him a shrewd smile over her shoulder, squeezing her doughy buttocks around the throbbing, fabric-covered shaft for emphasize "How can I ignore a big fat cock throbbing under my butt?"
"Why the hell are you so beautiful?" the redhead blurted out of the blue, momentarily surprising the relaxing queen as he hugged her from behind with all the love he could muster and placed his head on her shoulder. "Sometimes I can't help but want to kiss you"
Shoving the suddenness and unusual timing of the sentence to the back of her mind, Kushina decided that going right for the head was the right thing to do. He has been doing a lot of unexpected things since morning and she was used to them by now.
Plus she couldn't ignore when he mentioned her favorite activity… right after lovemaking of course.
"What's stopping you?"
Naruto touched his right cheek with her soft flesh of her round face and smiled "I can't decide whether to lose myself in your smile or kiss it away"
The words caused a sudden and all too-familiar wave of excitement and warmth to rush through her body when she saw the sheer expense of the devotion and love shinning in her son's blue eyes.
Fighting a massive blush, Kushina turned her head towards her son and stared deep into his eyes, purple orbs glazed over and seductive "Oh my, you just made me stuck between two options as well"
A coy smirk graced Naruto's sharp features "Did I? Do tell"
"I can't decide whether to eat the ramen you have brought me or ride you" she purred softly, giving her voluptuous body a shudder which caused her gigantic tanks of creamy milk to wobble around the loose fabric, releasing erotic sounds of flesh slapping against fully milk-filled flesh "As you can see, my girls aren't complaining"
Naruto, on the other hand, was well aware of his mother's antics and train of thoughts. He knew her too well to be simply deceived by her incredibly tempting offer "You know as well as I do that you won't walk away from this place until you have had your fill of my seed in all three entrances, nor am I leaving without being drained by you, so why don't you eat the ramen and take things as they come?"
A melodious giggle burst forth from Kushina's swollen lips as she heard the blatant but undoubtedly true words. It was a custom between them. Every conversation always ended with intercourse. Every meeting ended with her receiving scorching loads of pungently thick seed in all three of her openings, above and below.
It would feel awkward otherwise.
"I am glad to see that you have your priorities right, honey" Kushina replied with a satisfied smirk "Now then, feed me"
"Oh I would love to feed you, in more ways than one" Naruto retorted openly as he smiled ominously "But before that; I need to do something…"
Before Kushina could properly comprehend what he meant, the redheaded heir griped his strong arms around her thin waist and raised her from his lap, turning her around until she was facing him, her thick legs on either side of his body.
A glint of understanding appeared in Kushina's purple eyes when she saw her son pull out his throbbing manhood from the loose fabric and aligned it straight with her back entrance. "Oh you naughty little bugger"
It seemed she was going to be fed in two ways. How thoughtful of her lazy son. The ever delicious and intoxicating food known as ramen in her mouth and her son's gigantic cock plugged up her ass from below? He knew exactly how she wanted to enjoy her bowl of ramen.
The doughy and fat cheeks of her massive ass were forced to part away as the fat intruder tried to find its way into the puckered up and brown treasure-trove. Finding the opening he was looking for, Naruto gently sunk his anticipating mother on his pulsating manhood with a soft groan, moaning in bliss as he went deeper and deeper into her snug backdoor with each second.
This was so much different than the rough way he always shoved himself into her ass.
Kushina whimpered in pleasure as her son gently lowered her squirming form on his upright, deliciously huge and mouthwateringly erect cock, feeding inch after pussy-splitting inch until the fat, chunky and doughy cheeks of her gigantic rear rested down on his groin, effectively plugging her ass all the way to the hilt.
"Now, this seems more natural and relaxing, don't you agree?" Naruto asked with a soft groin as he tried to force his way even deeper into her ass, even though he could feel the stretched muscles of her asshole tickle his churning balls.
He wasn't the only one who was keen on sinking deeper as his squirming mother was even more eager to drive his pulsing dick as deep into her snug asshole as she could, wrapping her strong and thick legs around his hips to draw him nearer.
"Agreed" the cock-stuffed Milf moaned out as she futilely tried to sink her son's pussy-splitter into her rear even further "Being fed… from below is as important … as from above!"
Naruto snickered as she tried to form proper words while being speared by his drooling dong. Honestly she wasn't the only one as he too was finding it difficult from discarding the ramen bowl and simply fucking her stupid.
"Open your mouth"
Kushina didn't need to put much effort into opening her mouth since it was already halfway open from the pleasure of being stuffed with her son's meatpole. Naruto simply smiled at her blissful expression and gently placed a chopstick-full of noodle into her orifice while he looked on at her visage.
What happened was exactly what he had expected.
The noodles remained un-chewed in her mouth, remaining limply in the open orifice until the laws of physics forced it to fall down onto the spacious curve of Kushina's full and enormous pile of tit-flesh while a baffled mother strained to stop herself from jumping up and down on the throbbing dong crammed in her ass.
Naruto waited, waited and waited for his dazed mother to snap out of her stupor, but to no avail. She seemed lost in her own world. In the end, Naruto decided that proceeding with the natural course of nature was much better than trying to deny its pull.
The demonic heir discarded the bowl of ramen with an amused chuckle before grabbing one of his mother's milk-filled and gigantic tits, sinking his calloused finger into the tender flesh before his lips wrapped around her pink nipples.
Whatever semblance of control Kushina had over her body broke down when she felt her son's hot orifice wrapped around her sensitive knobs before a stream of creamy milk rushed through her tit and burst into his mouth.
The red haired Milf placed her hands over her son's head and drew him near to her massive milk jugs before raising her wide, motherly hips, gently sliding over the immense fuck-stick until only the swollen crown remained sheathed within her ass before sinking back down.
The gigantic meatpole of incestuous love speared through her snug backdoor until she once again cushioned her fat ass-cheeks on his groin, feeling the joystick throb and pulse constantly within her stuffed asshole.
It seems they were going to fuck after all. She was going to drain his balls of those gallons upon sticky gallons of scorching, sticky cream solely dedicated for her incestuous love channels. After all that was her duty as his mother.
A lewd smile appeared on her pouty lips when the thought crossed through her head. The thick Milf remained steady in her riding as she slide up and down the fat shaft of meat, constantly feeding her ever hungry and ready asshole inch after inch of incestuous meat while her son sucked on her tits like his very life depended on it.
Her baby boy always did love her milk.
As the voluptuous Queen of Milfs sank her massive rear onto her son's throbbing boy-meat … as her tight asshole pressed on the brave intruder with a vice grip and as her son greedily swallowed wave after mouthwatering wave of her tit-milk, she couldn't help but think how she would look if she was actually pregnant with her son's child.
The mere thought of her baby boy, her pride, her joy and the king of her heart fucking her with a pure intention of impregnating her fertile womb, stuffing, cramming and loading her deprived cunt to the point of overflowing with boiling, exceedingly sizzling torrent of potent boy-seed was enough to push her over the edge.
3 Weeks Later, Chunin Exam Finals
The stadium designated to hold the finals of the Chunin exams were packed to the brim with nobles, diplomats, Feudal Lords and other dignitaries from various villages besides the Leaf's own. Shinobi or otherwise were eagerly chatting amongst themselves on the outcome of their favorites matches, placing bets on said results to make things interesting.
A buzzing shroud of murmuring echoed around the stadium.
Keeping his eyes focused on the Chunin, Jonin and ANBU stationed in key positions of the stadium, Naruto calmly approached the seats placed at the top section of the stadium. His mom and dad were seated on two designated seats, leaving two empty seats on either side of them for the Kages of other villages.
Minato's personal security detail, a four man team of the finest ANBU from the Black Ops force, stood on either side of the two legendary figures, garbed in pitch-black robes. From the tenseness of their postures, it was obvious that they had been informed of his plans and were ready to act in a moment's notice.
Naruto reached the upper seating deck and greeted his parents with a nod of his head, a lazy expression on his handsome face. Minato accepted the nod with a soft smile and gestured for him to come forward.
Kushina on the other hand…
"Naruto Uzumaki, is that anyway to greet your parents!?" the busty Milf growled in an angry voice as she gripped the armrests of her chair and glared at her lazy child with her famous Uzumaki temper raging in her purple eyes. "I have taught you better than that, young man!"
"Sorry mom but that's as good a greeting as you can get from me right now" Naruto sighed boringly, crossing his arms over a wide muscular torso. "There are people watching every step we take and we each have our images to uphold"
"Who the fuck cares what those people think? Give me a kiss right now!" She hadn't seen his lazy ass for the last two weeks and the lust inside her body was making it harder and harder to concentrate on anything other than his crotch.
After that tender lovemaking at the training ground, she had made sure to make her son understand that simply because they argued and fought did not mean that she loved him any less or that he had to move out of his way to make her feel special.
She was already special when she gave birth to him.
It took quite awhile but she was eventually able to convince her boy that he could return to treating her the way he used … because she was going to do the same. He agreed reluctantly.
And then….
He had gone off the radar after the first week, making some kind of excuse that he was going to the realm of his summons and training there. The lazy brat had vanished on her without even waiting for her response since she was on a mission to patrol the borders, merely leaving her a note on the door of his or rather THEIR room.
It was not because he had left without waiting for her but rather because he had left and broken one of their most sacred rituals … pumping every drop of his cum into her womb before and AFTER a mission. The brat did indeed fuck her bowlegged before her mission but when she returned she found out that the lazy pervert had actually emptied his balls into her mother and Tayuya.
He had unloaded the cream that was supposed to be for HER womb only! That alone had her fuming for days. Fortunately for the little fucker, he had been in the realm of his summons and she had no idea where that was otherwise she would have teleported there and rode his balls to dust!
"Young man, if I don't get a loving kiss right this instant, I'll ground your lazy ass for life!"
Minato sighed in resignation as he tried to avoid his ANBU's amused looks with a sheepish chuckle. He really did not want to ever come between the mother and son. Nothing good ever came of it. Siding with Kushina meant coming under Naruto's pranking assault and going against Kushina meant painful death. "Well you heard your mom"
"Thanks" the lazy redhead deadpanned as he palmed his face in resignation and moved towards his seated Milf of a mom.
He was about to kiss the fuming redhead on her cheek and get the drama over with but wasn't prepared for the busty Milf to grab him by the collar of his kimono and drag him towards her lap with a smug smirk before claiming his lips in a hungry kiss.
Naruto's eyes widened to the size of plates as his mother roughly grab his head and kissed him with all the love and hunger of a long-lost lover, forcefully taking his hands and moving them towards her giant breasts.
He was too shocked to return the kiss or enjoy fondling her massive milk jugs. What the hell was wrong with her? The entire village could see them! Most importantly, his father and her husband could see them!
"Oh relax, they can't see us like this" Kushina purred in a seductive tone as she separated from her son and gave him one of her most wanton and hungry smirk ever. "Minato is not ready to know about us… yet. Besides there was no way in hell I'd waste an opportunity to make you uncomfortable"
Ignorance and trust were really powerful tools when used correctly. He may be the Fourth Hokage and the scourge of the Hidden Stone but his trust and ignorance of the fact that his wife and son could be intimate were so great that he didn't even suspect that he was under a Genjutsu.
Plus, Kushina was a master of the Sealing Art. Illusionary seals were child's play for her.
Naruto sweatdropped at her foxy grin. "That would've been so sweet if you hadn't ruined it with those last words. What a waste"
"Oh shut up, you horny motherfucker!" the Milf hissed like an injured serpent, increasing the force of her grip around Naruto's waist as she was reminded of his abrupt escape and glared at him. "How dare you vanish on me like that? Don't you know I get cock-sick when your lazy ass isn't around?"
"How about we finish this lovely conversation when this boring exam is finished?" He really had no patience to argue with the buxom redhead at the moment.
One because she always had something to say against him, mostly to annoy the shit out of him and make him lose his boredom.
Two she would never admit that she was wrong, even if provided with clear evidence regarding it.
And three because her mere presence made his cock harder than Isobu's shell and since he was basically seated on the meaty expanse of her plump thighs, he was harder than ever.
It wouldn't look good for his father's image if he suddenly grabbed the redhead and fucked her stupid right in front of thousands of people.
"The only thing finishing after this mission will be your balls draining every drop of cum inside my womb" the phat-butted Milf purred seductively, a hungry smirk dancing on her cock-pillow lips as she let go of her son and watched him straighten up his kimono. "Enjoy your freedom while you can because when this is done, I will ride that donkey dick of yours for the next two weeks"
Even Naruto had to suppress a shiver at that notion. While his busty mom was indeed someone who could almost reach his level of stamina due to her Uzumaki heritage and the fact that she used to be Kurama's jailor.
But her stubbornness was another story all together. Once she made up her mind to accomplish something, no force on the face of the planet had the power to lead her astray or stop her from doing so.
The idea of fucking this incredibly thicc Queen of Milfs for the next two weeks did indeed sound heavenly but he had a feeling that she would not be alone in her mission. There was no way in hell his grandmother would stay quiet for long, not to mention his Tsundere aunt.
And if he knew Tayuya as much as he thought he did, then it was safe to assume that he would have four incredibly thicc horny Uzumaki women to satisfy.
Unaware of the proceedings, Minato smiled proudly when he saw his only son kiss his wife on the cheek and return back to his side with a childish pout on his face, much to the smugness of his redheaded wife.
"See, that wasn't too hard" the Fourth Hokage asked pointedly. Phew, crisis averted. He had no idea how hard Naruto was at the moment. If it wasn't for the loose kimono he always wore, the entire village would have seen a massive bulge at the crotch of his pants. "You've to loosen up a little, Naruto. If you are this stiff, you will never get a girlfriend"
"No clingy slut will ever get their dirty little claws in my baby for as long as I live!" Minato and the others had no idea how serious she was when she said those words. They merely took her possessive words as a mother's instinct to protect her children from harm. "He has me and that is all that SHOULD matter"
Once again, the true meanings behind her words were lost on Minato and the others. Naruto indeed had her from the day he first fucked her stupid. And now he had both her mother and sister, not to mention that foul-mouthed slut, Tayuya as his lovers.
Any other slut could open their legs for her baby boy to fuck but no one had the right to call him their boyfriend or God forbid, husband beside her. They could even let their slutty wombs be pumped full of his babies … but once she had a few hundred babies with him herself.
All in all, he will never be truly theirs.
The Kazekage of the Sand and the Mizukage of the Mist chose that moment to appear along with their security entourage, putting a stop to the family squabble. Naruto discreetly gave his father a nod and with a welcoming kiss to his aunt's cheek _ much to her visible embarrassment _, jumped down into the arena for his match.