For ten days, I was with my sick mother at the hospital, my mind restless as I watched her health decline.
My newly discovered role as the Divine Purge also worried me. It was a huge responsibility that demanded dedication and focus, and how could I achieve that while taking care of my mother?
Besides, I was still trying to wrap my head around the entire thing.
I finally returned to the Vlad mansion after being reassured by Dr Barnes that her condition was improving.
Night had fallen when I arrived there. Exhausted, I dropped my bags on the floor and took off my jacket, only to flick on the light switch to find Dragos waiting in my room.
He wore a sleeveless black vest that revealed his well-toned, muscular arms and shoulders, paired with silky black pyjama bottoms. His silver hair was untamed, its disheveled state adding to his beauty in a rugged yet alluring way, though he looked tired.
Only when I saw him sitting there, had I realized how much I missed him.
"Dragos?" I called softly "How did you know I was back? Are you alright?"
"I sensed you" he responded, rising "You were gone for days with no contact, I was starting to think you'd abandoned me"
He sounded sad. "It was a terrible feeling that brought back bad memories"
Dragos exhaled deeply. "I wanted to go over to the hospital, and your house so badly, but I fought back the urge. I promised I would give you space"
"It wasn't my plan to be gone that long, I'm sorry. My mother needed me. She wasn't doing so well"
"How is she now?" He asked softly.
I released a long sigh, shaking my head as I kicked off my loafers "To be honest, it's not looking good, but she's a bit better"
Dragos stared at me for a moment. "Some vampires came looking for you," he said.
I stepped an inch forward, fear chilling my bones. "What happened? Was anyone hurt?"
Dragos walked forward, till he stood close to me. He tucked some hair behind my ear then tipped my chin up, forcing me to meet his gaze. "What happened is that I killed them," he said simply, drawing me to himself. "I wanted to mount their corpses on stakes as a warning to others, but I figured that might scare you. And this time… you might run away... permanently"
Gently, he pressed his forehead to mine. "Oh, Dawn… you've awakened something in me. Something fierce. Something... raw. An urge to cut down anyone who dares to seek your blood."
Dragos placed a kiss on my forehead "And it pleases me that you're not afraid of me, especially after learning what I truly am" he released a scoff "The damned prince of darkness."
"How could I be afraid?" I whispered. "You've been protecting me all this while"
I reached out to touch his cheek, and Dragos shut his eyes, nuzzling into my touch. He groaned.
"I missed you," he said
"I missed you too"
Dragos leaned downwards and inhaled deeply, a smile wreathing across his handsome face. "Well, Divine Purge or no Divine Purge, you smell just the same"
I laughed and stood on my toes, to kiss him.
"I need to rest, I'm tired"
He nodded. "Yes. You have a big day tomorrow"
"Tomorrow?" I asked puzzled. "What's happening tomorrow?"
He smirked. "You'll find out. Come on"
We left for bed.
In the early hours of the next morning, the door swung open, and Mrs Vlad barged into my room. She strode to the window and drew up the curtains, flooding the room with sunlight. Startled by the sudden intrusion, I hastily sat up in bed, pulling the covers over my chest.
"Ma'am! Good morning, I..." I began, but before I could finish the sentence, noticed she didn't seem bothered by finding me in bed with her son.
"Oh, Mother" Dragos groaned, pulling a pillow over his head "Must you make a habit of ruining my sleep?"
"It's time for your training," she voiced out glancing at me before heading out. "You two have ten minutes to get ready."
It was a cloudy morning, the weather appearing to match my mood—gray and troubled. I was nervous, my stomach forming into cold, hard knots as I stood beside Mrs Vlad.
We were in one of the vacant plots of land, about to commence my training, and I still couldn't believe this was happening—me standing here with vampires and looking forward to being trained by their matriarch.
Another wave of unease washed over me, but I took in a shaky breath and tried to calm my nerves.
Dragos sat on the grass beside Rafael, his back resting against a tree, and for a moment, our gazes held. I could read his eyes giving me the reassurance I so desperately needed, and in a way, I felt better.
"Shall we begin?" Mrs Vlad asked, stepping forward. "Dawn?"
Her presence commanded attention, her poise screamed elegance. Sophistication.
I'd always wondered what was behind the family's grace, and now I had my answer.
They were extraordinary beings. If being a vampire meant having such composure… such charm at all times, a little part of me wished I were one.
I nodded and took in a deep breath "Yes, ma'am, I'm ready"
"Now, I'm not my husband who was a master swordsman and had a knack for guiding newly turned vampires, helping them control their bloodlust and manage the chaos of their heightened senses" she spoke. "But over the centuries, I've dabbled in the art myself. While I've never worked with someone quite like you, Dawn, the process of honing one's senses is not entirely unfamiliar to me."
Her feline eyes met mine once more. "And, well, I'll also rely on my instincts," she said with a sly smile. "You tend to get pretty intuitive after spending over six centuries on this earth."
"Thank you for doing this ma'am" I replied.
She gave a brief nod, before speaking again. "Close your eyes and search your heart" her voice was calm. "There should be a stirring deep within you. Allow it to surface"
I shut my eyes in concentration, wondering what she meant by 'search your heart', but I listened to her words.
"Open yourself up to it," she continued. "You possess more power than you realize, Dawn"
Already feeling frustrated, I cracked open an eye "It's not working" I said "What if I'm not..."
"You're more powerful than you think" she interrupted. "The elements of wind and fire will respond to you, but first you must learn to feel... to acknowledge their presence"
She paced in front of me, her gaze serious as she assessed me "You must also learn to connect with them. Only when you achieve that can you harness your powers" she explained.
I sighed and nodded.
"Now, let's begin again. Close your eyes," Darcia ordered. "And focus on your breathing. Feel the air moving in and out of your lungs."
I followed her instructions, inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly, my mind still filled with doubt.
But soon, I felt a sense of calm wash over me as I concentrated on my breath. Darcia seems to have noticed because she spoke again, just in time.
"Now, reach out with your senses" she continued. "Feel the energy of the earth beneath your feet, the warmth of the sunlight on your skin, and the gentle breeze blowing through your hair"
I complied and soon started to feel something I could describe as a tingling sensation, as I connected with the earth.
"I..." I whispered slowly "...I think I feel it," I said, eyes still shut.
"Good. Now, let's try something a bit more challenging" she replied "I want you to summon a breeze."
My eyes flew open, my brows squeezing in confusion. "What?"
She remained very calm, repeating, "I want you to summon a breeze"
Turning to face Rafael, she gestured for him to come forth. He obeyed, coming to stand beside her.
"You will summon a breeze and knock Rafael off his feet"
Rafael gasped in surprise, turning to frown at her, and started to protest "But why me?" He grumbled. "Dragos is her boyfriend, it's only right he's the one that suffers"
"I sired you, you ungrateful twat" Dragos replied. "I gave you the one gift other nightwalkers would kill for"
He looked at me, winking flirtatiously. "Blow him away, sweetie"
Rafael glared at him. "Don't get too comfortable, Alesul"
"That's enough now" Darcia interrupted, her tone turning serious "Dawn... try"
I exhaled again, frowning in concentration, and focusing on the air around me. I found the entire exercise silly, and a part of me still doubted that I was indeed the Divine Purge. But then I remembered vampires were real, and anything was possible.
I visualized a wind stirring the leaves of the nearby trees at first, then blowing away Rafael and then I willed it to manifest with my supposed power, but it didn't happen.
I tried again, only to come up with nothing.
A flicker of annoyance flashed through me.
"I give up!" I yelled in frustration, leaving the spot I'd been standing on. "This isn't working. Nothing is working. I-I want out"
"Dawn..." Rafael attempted to touch me but I moved away.
Dragos sprung to his feet and started to approach me but I held out a hand to stop him from stepping forward.
"No. No!" I spun to face Darcia. "I didn't ask for any of this. Why me? Why now?"
"I know you are angry." She stated in her usually calm voice, which only further angered me.
How could she remain calm in the entire situation?
"I know you are frustrated" She continued "Your mother's illness weighs heavily on you, and discovering your true identity has left you conflicted. Yes, you should be angry"
Her face was serious "But these feelings are not a hindrance, they are the conduit to your strength. Embrace them, and your powers will respond in kind."