When we arrived at the mansion, my mother let Dawn resume her normal duties like nothing had happened.
Azrael wasn't in. He didn't show up throughout the day, but when night fell, I heard his car arrive in the driveway.
I didn't want to leave Dawn alone and helpless in case he decided to try anything reckless, so to ensure her safety, I made my way to her room.
As I unlocked the door and stepped inside I was greeted with the sight of Dawn holding a candelabrum in defense.
Her expression changed from tension to relief on seeing it was me, and she set it down, walking back to her bed.
"Dragos," she said, "What are you doing here? And how did you even get in?'"
"Sorry I scared you" I dangled a key and tucked it back into the pocket of my silk bottoms. "I have a key"
"You what?!" Dawn was appalled. "You've had the key to my room this entire time?" she whispered, sinking into her bed and pulling the duvet over her legs. "What are you doing here?" She asked again.
"Spending time with you" I joked, standing by the door.
She fixed me a disbelieving stare "Seriously, Dragos. Why? You know we can't afford to get caught together again. I don't want any more trouble from your mum or Azrael"
"Dawn, I can't leave you alone all night," I said, staring at her. "Azrael is back"
I saw the excitement immediately drain from her. She blew out a shuddering breath and responded. "I feel I should be taking other steps. Other necessary, legal steps. I-I can't keep feeling threatened for doing nothing"
Dawn rested against the bedframe and scoffed "I haven't even done anything wrong. I haven't committed a crime and yet you've made me believe he could hurt me"
I lowered myself to the floor, my back to the door. "Dawn, our family is the wealthiest within the three Caymanian Islands. Do you really believe you can win a legal battle against my brother?"
Casually, I raised a knee and rested an arm on it "No offense, but it'll be your word against his. The words of a girl against him, a multi-billionaire wine magnate. There are so many ways to spin the story against you." I paused for a moment. "No doubt, you'd lose"
Dawn sighed in defeat "Then what do I do, Dragos?"
"You have me, don't you? Now, go to sleep, and don't worry your little head about any of it"
"But I can't. It's hard not to" She went further under the duvet, and grumbled, "At least not with you sitting there and staring".
Women were funny creatures. Just hours ago, we were as intimate as two people could be, and now she was shy about me watching her.
"Maybe I should just quit" she whispered "I don't like being where I'm not wanted. Where I'm not safe"
Her quitting would've been easier. I'd still support her financially, but I needed her here, under my watch, especially after we had our suspicions about what she was.
"As long as I'm here, you're safe," I said.
Dawn smiled. "That's very sweet of you but we both know you can't be around me all the time, Dragos."
She released a yawn "Just come to bed. Okay?"
I watched her closely for a moment before rising and joining her in bed.
As I managed to fall asleep, for the first time in centuries, Dragavei came to me in a dream.
He stood there, large and intimidating with an aura of boundless power around him. Lightning flashed in the background and thunder roiled across the dark clouds.
In the dream, Dragavei reached out and touched my forehead, entering my mind.
"I was not betrayed by Alina'' he began, his voice taut and powerful, like the sound of thunder and rain "That was a lie spun by the members of the dark order to prolong the enmity between the nightwalkers and the mortals. When I fell in love with Alina, I grew to understand the humans. I grew to love them, but my brother, Radu consumed with jealousy and anger that I had settled to end the strife with the humans, a weaker species, conspired against me"
Suddenly, I was transported to ancient times where I witnessed the betrayal and massacre happen. Not only did I behold everything that happened, but I felt every single emotion Dragavei had felt that day, particularly the agony of watching Alina die, and my heart ached for him.
My ancestor continued to narrate. "I was easily subdued due to the curse Lysandra placed on me. One which still haunts my bloodline. It is only a matter of time before it starts to manifest in you and Azrael"
"Is there no way to lift this curse?" I asked. "I'd hate to be rendered useless and die like my father and the ones who came before him"
"There is one that dwells among you. One who Lysandra has chosen as her vessel. One whose true powers are still oblivious to her. She is your only hope for lifting the curse.
Once it takes hold of your brother, it's only a matter of time before it consumes you as well" He added. "Dawn is your salvation and she is your bane. As well as that of the other nightwalkers"
"Dawn? Dawn Carter?" I asked eagerly. "There have been speculations that she could be the Divine Purge" I stepped forward impatiently. "One who is a potential threat to my kind. Great Dragavei, is this true?"
Dragavei nodded. "She is exactly what you think she is. Dawn Carter's purpose is a divine one and is inevitable. It lies beyond my control, yet nature often has a way of leaving loopholes. It is up to you to find them. Things do not necessarily have to end in ways you think they would— bloodshed"
I dropped to my knees "How, wise one? Teach me how... show me how"
"There is a limit to the things I can say or reveal to you, Dragos Nicolae Vlad III. Know that there is a way, it is just up to you to discover it. However, I can tell you this..."
He continued. "Reveal the truth about Dawn's powers to her and help her understand the impact she may have on your people. Help her harness her abilities, else things spiral out of control, and they spiral fast." Dragavei explained "You are her anchor, it is up to you to steer her away from a destructive path. But know this, there are vampires amongst you that need to be purged"
He stared at me expressionlessly. "But I have not revealed myself to you for this matter, Dragos Nicolae Vlad III. The true purpose to which you were born exceeds that of finding ways to rule the humans. You were born for a greater cause. Peace. To unite, to heal, and to bring an end to the cycle of violence I initiated. It was the last wish of my one true love I could not fulfill. For vampires and humans to coexist, with humanity fully aware of our kind"
He went on "I have done this good deed in honour of her by choosing you to carry on where I have failed"
"But why now? Why not reveal this to me sooner? Why wait for centuries while I frolicked around and slept?" I questioned.
"Did you think your rebellious nature, your reluctance to conform to rules, or your disinterest in becoming Alesul were of your own accord? I steeled your heart, that matters of your supposed duty would not interest you, to protect you from falling into the trap set by those who sought to use you" he explained.
"Instead of 'steeling' my heart for years, you could've just told me this!" I yelled in frustration.
Dragavei was unmoved by my fit.
"The path to your true purpose required more than just knowledge. It required growth, strength, and resilience. If I had told you everything from the beginning, you wouldn't have had the opportunity to develop these qualities"
"And you think this way was better? Making me live in ignorance, manipulated by others and even being your pawn?"
My hands balled into fists "And Rose... was that you too? Putting her in my life only to take her away... was that still you trying to 'steel' my heart?" I questioned angrily.
Dragavei answered calmly despite my rude tone "You attribute to me, powers I do not possess. I can only influence you because we share a special connection. Rose Constantinos' fate was beyond my control. Her presence in your life was not orchestrated by me"
"But Dawn... won't she be an obstacle in my path to achieving this peace? Her purpose is to protect humanity from our kind, but what if that means turning against us... and the people I love become casualties in the fight?"
"Remember my words, Alesul... bloodshed is not inevitable. The path before you is not bound to one outcome. There are ways to protect both humanity and our kind without the need for slaughter."
Dragavei started to disappear "My time is up for now. Heed my words, Alesul. Go forth and fulfill that which you were assigned to do"
He was gone, and I woke up in a startle, my entire body drenched in sweat. I almost doubted my encounter with Dragavei had been real. But it had been real.
I waited till morning before slipping away from Dawn's side to tell my family about the revelation.