"We have the name and age of the culprit, his age is 20 and his name is Vayu Royas" The announcer said on the television as vayu looked at the TV with shock as it was his name and picture shown on the broadcast.
"I repeat, the name of the psycho Maniac killer is Vayu Royas, his age is 20 years old and has a shoot on sight or kill on sight orders given by the Maharashtrian Government , anyone who can disclose his position will be given heavy ransom as a compensation, so please if you find this man report to the authorities immediately, I will make myself clear,not in any case is Vayu Royas be taken in Alive, even in the case of an surrender , he is to be killed immediately on sight. This is the order given to the police and the people by the Maharashtrian Government." The announcer said as Vayu was in complete shock.
"LAAADDD, LAADDD" Mr Hans shouted as he walked towards Vayu , but Vayu was soo shocked that he was just stunned in a single place unable to think anything right now. As soon as Mr Hans walked towards Vayu and then BAAAAAMMMMMM a hard sound was heard in the office and the garage.
"Lad, get back to me" Mr Hans said as he grabbed both shoulders of Vayu and shaked him a bit to make him come to his senses.
"Mr Haaaannss, I..... I.... Didnt ddooooo" Vayu was trying to form sentence but was unable to because of his heavy breaths , that were happing because of panic and fear that were clearly shown in his eyes as in a matter of an evening he was termed as a villain in front of the whole country and now the whole country is out to take him out.
"I know Lad, you don't need to tell me that " Mr Hans assured him as he hugged him lightly and patted his back so that Vayu would calm down a bit . After a few minutes Vayu calmed his breath down , as his phone rang.
He took out his phone and looked that his dad was calling. He immediately picked up the phone and put it on speaker.
"Hello, Vayu! Son? Are you ok ?where are you, son?" Vayu's father asked him in a very concerned voice as he was in a secluded place, of his workplace.
"He is ok, Mr Royas" Mr Hans said as he changed the conversation.
"Ohhhh, is that you Mr Hans?" Vayus' dad asked in concernand doubt as he didn't know what was Mr Hans planning.
"Don't worry , Mr Royas, I know Vayu is innocent, he was here the whole time. The incident was happening" Mr Hans said as he explained himself.
"Ok, thank you Mr Hans, I am very greatfull for that, but can I talk to Vayu, now? I have something important for him" Vayus dad said as he was feeling a bit relieved as the current situation stands.
"Yes daddy, I am here" Vayu replied to his father the second he heard him asking for him.
"Son , are you ok, son?" Asked Vayus father asked, trying to keep as calm as possible.
"Yes , I am ok dad. But I don't know what to doo, I didn't do any of it and now they want me dead, daddy. What the actually fuck am I supposed to do ?" Vayu replied as he gets angry, frustrated and soo much going through his head right now.
"Son, son!!! Listen to me." Vayus dad ordered as he raised his voice a bit, to make Vayu to cool down a bit from the current situation.
"Yes , daddy," Vayu responded back to his father as he calmed down a bit more.
"Listen, you can't surrender, you can't show yourself to the world, as it's trying to take you out. You got that" Vayu's dad explained as Vayu and Mr Hans were listening.
"Yes Dad, yes I got it" Vayu replied as he nodded his head and tried to stay calm.
"Ok son, now leave for home quickly, I have talked to your mom, she has packed your back and left you some cash in the bag. That will help you, now time is of your essence and leave quickly." Vayu's dad explained as loud noises could be heard , Mr Hans was immediately able to make out what the noises were.
"Son, take this, you will be able to talk with you dad a little while longer with this," Mr. Hans said as handed earplugs to Vayu.
"Take the tunnel in the garage, I will hold them off, Vayu" Mr Hans said in an assuring way as he looked into Vays eyes and started to walk off.
"Thank you, Mr Hans" Vayu thanks him with all his heart as he starts to fly towards the tunnel of the garage , that tunnel was made so that Mr Hans could go through his garages without any interruption, and not even the government knew about it, as Vayus flies into it at as fast as he could, he hears his dads voice. "Son the money and clothes, are at the rooftop as it will be easy for you to get" Vayu's dad said as he fell down as his legs gave out in tension , as he was finally able to take a sigh of relief.
"Yes Daddy, and I will ditch my phone there too, so this might be the last time we talk for a while, haaa?" Vayu asked his dad as he had a sad smile on his face as he boosts up his speed faster than ever before as he escapes the tunnel, which is a few minutes away from his house.
"Yaaaaa, it will be son," Vayu's dad replied with the same smile. Even though father and son are miles apart they had the same expression right now, not an expression filled with despair or tension, but sorrow and regret as they both knew this could be the last time they talk, and to make it worse, it's now even face to face.
"But son just so you know, I love you and I am soo thankful that God blessed me with two beautiful children and you are one of them" Vayu's dad said as he was barely holding back his tears. Vayu, unable to speak, heard his father continue.
"And son, I am proud of you, but know that the path ahead of you will be the hardest yet, you will survive that, and when you do let's have a drink together, ok?" Vayu's father asked as he stood up, as he regained strength in his legs.
"Sure daddy we will, so let me just grab my back and I will see you soon" Vayu said with a smile so genuinely anyone would watching it would believe it , that was far from the truth, but being true to his emotions is a privilege , Vayu didn't have right now.
"Sure , son we will," Vayu's dad said as he heard a knock on his door.
"Come out, you father of a murdering bastard, it's police" A hard knock was heard as a man shouted from the other side of the door.
"Ok son, I love you, bye" Vayu's dad said as he hung up the phone.
"Nooo, daddy nooo" Realising what happened Vayu closed his eyes as reached his home's rooftop. As soon as he landed on the rooftop, his mother and older sister were waiting for him. As he was about to hug them.
BBAAANGGGGGG, a loud noise was heard as the rooftop door was broken down, "its police, get away from the bastard, Miss." A guy ordered in a firm voice as 10 more guys with guns came behind him, as it started to pore.