The story is set in the world of Tessa, an alternate Earth, in the year 2982. There are six main countries:-
-Kronia (Global super power. Basically, if Western Europe turned into a country like the USA.)
-Centralis (puppet of Kronia, situated in the eastern coastline of Sunndersthan. Story takes place here.)
-Sunndersthan (Rival to Kronia, global superpower. Basically, if the Middle East came together and formed a supercountry controlled by Emirs.)
- Vostochnya (If the USSR still existed.)
- Zapadny (If the Russian Empire still existed. Vostochnya and Zapandy are in a conflict.)
- Fujishima (Basically, Japan.)
Majority of the story takes place in Haupstadt City, capital of Centralis. It is a megacity a bit bigger than Tokyo (which means it's HUGE) with a population of 3 million, and is considered the most urbanised city with the largest infrastructures.
Most of the world's politics is influenced by megacorps through lobbying and funding campaigns, most specifically the following corporations-
- CHRONOS (Main baddies. Tech giant. Deals weapons and mercenaries to countries.)
- DaiDon ( Controls half the world's media and entertainment.)
- SAITO (Household appliances and vehicles company.)
That's all you need to know! Enjoy the story :)