Sitting with my MC brothers waiting to hear back from Henry on when he will stop fighting his payment. I know the big boss is getting tired of him stalling. Hell I'm getting tired of it. I've been going to this fuckers house everyday to see if he has his answer. Everything his right hand whatever the fuck his name is tells me he isn't home or he's busy at the moment. I know he isn't but I cannot just rush inside ans smash his head in. So I keep going back to deal when this shit.
So as I'm finishing my beer my phone goes off. I was hoping it was Henry but no, it Jackson. I answer cause I know he is calling on the orders of Sandman. Which is wired cuz Sandman is a female. A hot as hell female who I would love to make her scream in a good way.
Jackson what's up what does your boss lady need? I don't bother saying hi or what's up. I know she needs something when he calls. So I just get right to it.
Gibson man to tell you the truth I have no fucking idea. All I know is she just got back a few hours ago. She told me to call to ask if you are willing to meet up with her to go over an email she got. One she knows you did not get. Other than that man I have no other info to give you. If you can come to her house she is willing to feed you an your MC brothers. Hold in a sec....
When the line goes quiet for a few seconds I have a look of shock on my face. Not once has she asked to met either here or her place before. It's always been somewhere in the middle. Next I hear, Hey sexy. It's her, it Sandman on the other end of the call.
I know we normally meet somewhere in the middle but I've been on a plane for 20 hours then in a car after that. I just want to relax in my baggy sweats and fuzzy slippers. So would you be willing to come here so we can talk? Please.
I smiled at that, it was the frist time she used the word please. Don't think I didn't hear the baggy sweats and slipper comment she mad, I did. How many brothers can I bring? Is all I ask.
I hear the smile in her voice. As many as you want big guy. Just text me how many plates I need so I know how much food to cook. With that I looked at my boys and said about 20 25 men will be coming with me.
Ok Gibson I'll text you my address now. When she finished saying that my phone goes off letting me know I have a notification. When I looked at it it's a text but not a number I know. Ooo and Gibson that's my number and when you get here I have a lot to inform you of. Be safe on your way here. See you soon.
I didn't get a chance to say bye or anything cause she hung up. This women keeps me on my toes a lot. 1. We always agreed to never give our personal numbers to each other. So when I got a text on my phone and not the burner phone we always use shocked the shit out of me. 2. She is wanting me, us to go to her house for this met up. 3. She is ok with me bring so many of my men and is cooking for us to boot.
Looking at my men and say alright boys dinner at Sandmans we leave in 20. I don't have to say who's coming with me due to they already know who is going. The same men who go with me every time I met up with her. I can see the of shock on their faces when they hear where we are going.
I can also see some excitement as well. They all like Sandman and respected her after the frist met. Not many hitmen would want to have a sit down with each other so what happened before wouldn't happen again. We al thought it was a set up till we got the a old office building a d saw her sitting with Jackson and Jimmy at a table with food and coffee waiting. The smile she gave us would have melted any demons heart. I know she did mine. I knew at once she truly wanted to talk and make this work so we wouldn't have another miss understanding.
For a deadly hit man or women in this case she does things differently than the others. Sometimes when a job pops up she would email me saying I can have it. She would even make sure the pay out was more then it should have been.
It wasn't because she couldn't do the job she just wanted to share the love as she put it. I would do the same but for different reasons. I had my hands full fighting another MC club and did have the man power to take thr job. When that happens she would always send some of her men and weapons to help us out. I ever asked for the help nor truned it down when she sent it. I jokingly told my VP that I was ganna make her my old lady someday.
From that day on my men always treaded her like she was even tho nothing has happened between us. Just some emails and met ups here and there. This is the frist time we will be going to either ones place. I'm looking forward to seeing how she lives.
When I was getting on my bike a prospect reminded me that I was suppose to be seeing Henry today. Which I forgot after that phone call, I looked at him shook my head, I'm getting tired of his shit I'll deal with him later. Pulling out my phone I texted Sandman.
Hey Sand leaving the club house now. Looking forward to seeing this fuzzy slippers. Ooo and to taste your cooking too. 😉
After I hit send I smiled to myself. Right as I shared my bike she replied.
See you soon big guy.
With it was a pictuer of her in black baggy sweat pants, a black tank top that showed off her tattos with fuzzy slippers. What cough my eye was the that she wasn't wearing any makeup and her hair was up in a messy bun. Shit she was sexy as hell and damit I'm hard as shit right now.