Chereads / HP: The Stellar Witch [OFC] / Chapter 23 - Chapter 23 Backfire (Part 1)

Chapter 23 - Chapter 23 Backfire (Part 1)

The Great Hall radiated festive cheer, with red and green ribbons dancing through the air alongside sprites that scattered endless snowflakes. Students' laughter echoed throughout the space, while enchanted icicles sparkled in every corner. A magnificent Christmas tree stood proudly along the hall's side.

Beneath the tree lay surprise packages for anyone to open, each releasing colorful smoke and revealing small treasures within. Lys joined the nearby Hufflepuffs in their excitement, watching as a girl unwrapped a pointed hat adorned with ribbons and a pristine quill.

With her own quill nearly spent, Lys decided to try her luck. As she opened a package, orange smoke billowed forth, and something tumbled out with it.

Terror instantly seized her, forcing a sharp, brief scream from her throat. The holiday spirit had lowered her defenses completely, and the sudden appearance of that furry object proved too overwhelming.

It was a crudely made cat plush, its fur matted and tangled.

When a well-meaning Hufflepuff reached out to comfort her through the colored smoke, Lys recoiled in fear. That mental intimidation spell had left deeper scars than anyone realized.

The fur-triggered memories of childhood trauma threatened to overwhelm her in these unexpected moments.

Forcing a rigid smile at the helpful Hufflepuff, Lys clutched her cloak and retreated to her seat.

At the feast's commencement, Dumbledore offered brief holiday wishes from the staff table before declaring the banquet's start.

Throughout the meal, Lys's earlier cheerfulness never returned. The turkey before her remained untouched, and later in the common room, she ignored even the snow-dusted Christmas tree's beauty.

In bed that night, she traced her left arm while staring at the silver and green canopy until midnight. The next day found her in the library, dressed in her black shirt and vest, practicing spells beneath the beech tree's shelter.

This became her daily routine until the holiday break's end.

When term resumed, her roommate Greengrass was appalled to find a girl haphazardly cutting her own hair with scissors before a mirror. Rolling her eyes, she left the room without closing the door, wondering if she'd somehow ended up in the boys' dormitory.

The troublesome Gryffindors' first act upon return was harassing Snape, triggered by Evans declining Potter's invitation to go ice skating on the Black Lake in favor of brewing potions with Snape.

Potter had wanted to offer his own assistance but, remembering his abysmal Potions grades, could only direct his frustration at "Snivellus."

After tailing Lily Evans, they discovered Snape's preferred empty classroom for potion-making.

On this first day back, while others rushed to complete homework or reunite with friends, this deserted classroom would normally attract no attention - except from Lys.

A "Backfire" spell was in order.

She had prepared meticulously, practicing countless times. Now, watching Potter, Black, and their perpetual shadow Peter sneaking toward the classroom, her moment had come.

As Potter cast "Alohomora" and entered, Lys adjusted her cloak and crept forward from around the corner. Peter's precaution of locking the door only made her planned backfire more challenging.

Timing her move with Potter's loud taunts, she cast her own "Alohomora" and eased the door open just enough to peer inside.

She spotted Snape and Evans at the room's far end, a cauldron bubbling in the corner. The familiar scent - she'd encountered it in the hospital wing - revealed it as a Restoration Potion, an advanced brew typically reserved for upper years. Clearly, Snape's talents extended beyond his sharp tongue.

While Potter ran his fingers through his hair mid-taunt, maintaining his carefully crafted style, Sirius Black bristled like an agitated cat, his mockery of Snape even more vehement than Potter's for reasons unknown.

Peter proved problematic, hovering behind the other two and blocking Lys's view while glancing about nervously. No matter - she'd start quietly with a Hair-Growing Charm.

Though the library hadn't yielded that mental intimidation spell, she'd found a Cheering Charm. Her version might differ from the textbook's, but self-testing had proven it effective yet non-lethal.

Professor Flitwick hadn't exaggerated about her stubborn, unchangeable charms. Madam Pomfrey would just have to forgive another visit to the hospital wing. As the familiar scene unfolded - "Severus is my friend, you can't speak about him that way" - Lys prepared herself.

Perfect - Potter and Snape had drawn wands, Sirius Black had raised his, and best of all, Peter had scurried aside!

Through the crack, Lys aimed at Sirius Black. When she heard "...let's see if we can make your nose even and spicy," she struck. She knew wizards couldn't resist watching the colorful lights of spellcasting.

"Hairelskuningham!" The Hair-Growing Charm hit its mark. Lys widened the gap slightly - the Cheering Charm needed proper gesturing, and she couldn't risk missing. Discovered or not, this spell would land!

"Cheerkuningham!" After the Cheering Charm connected, she quickly narrowed the gap to a sliver. Though her plan called for immediate retreat, she couldn't tear herself away. Not after all this effort, after spending days locked in the kitchen during break, wrestling with her emotions.

Having invested so much, she had to witness the results.