Chereads / I will always be yours / Chapter 2 - chapter 1: The snake and the girl

Chapter 2 - chapter 1: The snake and the girl

What should I name you now" the brunette said as she hugged the snake patting it gently on its back the animal was indeed shocked was this girl really not afraid of it ?, Impossible, the young girl didn't care about the size of the animal in fact she was more captivated than shocked.

"You are very big .... What should I name you? ..."

she said sitting beside the animal she pondered for a name for a long time before deciding not to name it after all.

"I should stay within my limits, I'm not sure that my master would like it if I name his pet, it's better if I don't "

She really wanted to have a good impression on the prince who she knew as her dear master . After a while of waiting she began to worry wandering where her master might be but her thoughts shifted back towards the snake she began to worry about the animal, she wondered how the animal felt with it being alone, she was also wondering if the animal was hungry or in need of anything at all, without giving it any thought she decided to go ask any of the servants working for food. She carefully opened the door, then approached one of the maids there.

" H-hello please could I get something to eat ? It's for someone" she shly stated.

The maid who at first was at shock immediately understood who the food was for, she immediately ran off to the kitchen bringing back a plate of assorted meat and another bowl of fruits, Petra thanked her , collected the plates and went back into the room she was in before. After placing the food on a table she approached the snake with a smile "I brought you something to eat , I don't exactly know what snakes eat since I'm not a snake expert but I've seen a lot of snake experts do their jobs and I've learnt a thing or two I guess" she blurted out unconsciously not even minding the unimpressed look on the snakes face, she didn't seem to mind that she was talking to an animal which in fact was amusing.

"So are you going to eat this?" She asked concerned then remembered that the animal might not trust her at all so she began kneeling " I promise I'm a good person I won't do anything to harm you and I love snakes alot so I love you alot and plus I'm also our masters um... I think we both know what we are to our master so there it goes"

Petra said also happy she wanted to be out of the house so that she can stop being a burden on her aunt and uncle they had done a lot for her, and now it was time for her to embark on a journey to freedom. She wanted them to be happy.

" I'm Petra by the way, what's your name?"

She said to the snake who stared at her blankly, Petra saw that the animal wasn't interested in eating so she decided to help with the animal. She moved closer to the animal placing the fruit bowl on her lap.

"You don't trust me do you? That's why you're not eating right,so I will show you that there is nothing to worry about okay you can't trust me "

Petra tried reaching out for the snake but it right down ignored her efforts it moved away from her creating a very large distance between them. Trisha felt a little dissapointed and sad but with determined eyes she was sure she would be able to gain the animal's trust, and so her battle began. She continued her mission to gain the animal's trust but it kept dodging her efforts, she tasted the food to show it that it was safe to eat but that didn't work she tried playing with the animal to get it to eat but that didn't work either, she then tried looking all sad to get the animal's attention but it just ignored her. She got so frustrated and annoyed that she dropped the bowls on the bed and looked away from the animal, she was expecting the animals sympathy but it was to no avail. She had been so focused on gaining the animal's trust she didn't realize she was hungry, that was until her stomach made a grumbling sound, she felt so embarrassed because she turned and saw the animal's pleased expression, she had successfully gotten the animal's attention, she stared at the snake for a while before deciding to eat the fruits and leave the rest for meat bowl for the snake.

She began eating the fruits happily, she wasn't that much of a foodie but once she ate to her fill she was fine with just that for the rest of the day . She finished the fruits a while later but the animal didn't touch his, her frustration immediately returned but she was too tired to do any thing so she left it at that,she thought if the animal wouldn't eat it's food she decided to retire.

"You have won this time, but next time I will make sure you eat "

She said to the animal, she then stood up holding the two bowls in her hands. She stepped out of the room she was in and then handed the bowls over to the maid she saw.

"He refused to eat it?" The maid asked Petra after collecting the bowls

" Yes he was being very stubborn but thank you for the fruit it was very delicious" Petra smiled warmly before going back into the room.