Wasting no time after agreeing to the journey, everyone began preparations not only for the escape but also for the world outside. Nobody wanted a repeat of the last excursion, where they had almost lost their lives to the wolves, and now Jason would be joining them. While they had seen him fight before, they still only had a minimal understanding of his abilities.
The first order of business was to upgrade everyone's gear. Up until now, they had all been using makeshift weaponry, and while it did its job, it clearly wasn't as effective as well-crafted weapons and armor.
The armory buzzed with activity—the rhythmic hammering of steel, the hiss of cooling metal, and the quiet focus of final preparations. Frank stood at the forge, steadying a heated blade as Elara pounded out the last imperfections. Nearby, Leo stitched reinforced fabric onto a combat jacket, his hands moving with practiced efficiency. Max, not having any crafting skills, sorted through equipment, ensuring nothing was missing.
Jason was leaning casually against a workbench, watching with mild curiosity. "So, this is what a blacksmith looks like. You guys almost look like professionals," he mused, twirling a knife between his fingers. "Gotta admit, I'm impressed."
Elara didn't look up. "You should be. Good gear can be the difference between surviving and bleeding out in a ditch somewhere."
Frank wiped sweat from his brow, adjusting tongs that held a glowing ingot. "It's important we properly prepare. Your unyielding sense of optimism won't keep you alive," he muttered, placing the steel back onto the anvil. "A properly forged weapon at least might help."
He positioned the heated metal and swung his hammer down. Sparks flew as the sound of impact echoed through the armory. Each strike was deliberate, measured, and powerful. This wasn't just crafting—it was art. The metal shaped under the force, slowly conforming to the will of Frank. He rotated it, hammering down again, forcing it into what would become its true shape.
Elara worked beside him, tempering a set of blades in an oil bath. The liquid hissed as the heat met the cooling agent. "Good balance," she noted, lifting a dagger and testing the weight. "It won't chip under pressure."
Leo muttered something under his breath as he adjusted a stitching tool. "I swear, if I have to unpick these seams one more time—"
Jason smirked. "Making clothes is hard, huh?"
"You laugh now," Leo shot back, "but when your jacket saves you from getting gutted, you'll thank me."
Frank inspected a gauntlet as he submerged it in water, steam billowing from the surface. He lifted it, tapping against the plating. Satisfied, he strapped it on and flexed his fingers, testing their mobility, prompting a familiar ding to echo in his mind.
[New Item Acquired!]
[Oathkeeper's Guard (Armor - Hands)]
[Type: Gauntlets]
[Durability: 100/100]
[Description: Provides improved hand protection and stability for weapon handling. Designed for comfort and durability.]
Nearby, Jason tested the edge of one of Elara's daggers against his thumbnail, immediately drawing blood. Letting out a small yelp, he quickly moved the blade.
Elara snatched it back with haste. "What are you, five?! These are for poking monsters, not yourself!"
Finishing the last touches, Leo tossed Jason a combat jacket. "Try this on. It won't stop a bullet, but it should be a lot harder for sharp things to make it through."
Jason caught it effortlessly, inspecting the craftsmanship. "Damn. You guys sure know how to welcome a guy to the family."
Elara rolled her eyes. "You get one free repair. After that, you're going to need to fix it yourself."
Meanwhile, Frank finished the final touches on his hammer. Hefting it, he rolled his shoulders. The weapon felt good. Balanced. Heavy enough to crush, but not so cumbersome it slowed him down. Soon, another familiar ding echoed.
[New Item Acquired!]
[Oathkeeper's Forge Hammer]
[Type: Weapon]
[Durability: 100/100]
[Description: A finely crafted war hammer, built for heavy strikes and durability. Capable of shattering most non-reinforced surfaces with a single hit.]
A few hours later, everyone was now equipped with their new gear. Frank and Max were now equipped with full plate armor, minus the helmets. They simply couldn't afford the limited range of view. Frank now had his new sledgehammer, and Max had a small shield with a sharpened edge. It wasn't exactly the most useful for defending, but it could deflect blows and do some serious damage if he punched something while wearing it.
Elara and Leo now had new gleaming dual daggers, each with a wicked serrated tip, as well as Leo's heavy combat jackets. A jacket was also provided to Jason, but instead of daggers, he had requested claw-like weapons that could be equipped to the hands. While it was a somewhat strange request, they still obliged, and he was currently swiping them around like he had just been given a new toy.
Satisfied, the team moved to the training hall. Each of them understood the necessity of being at their best, and they weren't going to waste any time. They went off into their own areas and ran drills, testing their movements in the new armor. Strikes began to land harder, movements became smoother, and their comfort in their new gear grew with every repetition.
Max adjusted his gloves and tried to crack his knuckles, not realizing that's not something you can do in gauntlets. "Feels solid. Might be the first time I throw a punch without worrying about breaking something."
Leo nodded and tugged at his jacket. "And this actually fits right. You don't know how hard it was to tailor something like this."
"Oh, we know. You didn't shut up about it the whole time you were doing it," Jason said, grinning.
Leo gave him a flat look before giving him a one-finger salute.
Frank stretched a little bit before facing the group. "Alright, all of you. What do you say to more practical training?"
Nobody bothered wasting time confirming; this was only natural after all.
Elara was first, moving in a blur, daggers flashing. Frank pivoted effortlessly, avoiding a strike that was aimed at his ribs. He moved his body and grabbed her wrist, twisting just enough to force her off balance. But before he could capitalize, she rolled out of reach and recovered.
Leo lunged next, his footwork precise. Frank dodged, but Leo anticipated it, adjusting mid-motion and landing a glancing strike against Frank's armor.
Max followed with sheer force, throwing a powerful punch aimed straight at Frank's chest. Frank met it head-on with a punch of his own, their fists colliding with an audible crack. Max winced, shaking his hand from the vibrations that were sent up his arm. "Damn, these gauntlets work."
Frank smirked. "You're welcome."
Jason was the last to enter the fight. Unlike the others, he didn't attack outright. He circled around the arena, watching, waiting. Then he dove in—fast, precise, and forcing Frank onto the defensive. It was the first time that night someone made him step back.
Frank gathered himself and adjusted. Jason had caught him off guard, but his stats were still clearly lower than his. He feinted an overhead strike, shifting his weight just enough to throw Jason off. Jason, however, anticipated the feint, dodging to the side and countering with a sweeping kick, which Frank barely managed to sidestep in time thanks to "Sixth Sense."
Their battle turned into a blur of rapid movements, Jason weaving through Frank's attacks, slipping past swings that would have sent a lesser fighter sprawling. But Frank was relentless, pressing forward with measured blows. The fight continued in this fashion until a well-timed sidestep gave Jason an opening, and he lunged in, aiming a quick jab at Frank's ribs.
However, against Jason's expectations, Frank caught his wrist mid-strike.
Jason simply let out a guilty smile, "Fuck..."
"Got you," Frank grinned before twisting and sending Jason sprawling across the mat.
Jason landed with a thud and groaned, rolling onto his back. "Damn. Thought I had that."
Frank extended a hand. "Almost."
Jason took it, letting Frank haul him up. "Next time, big guy. Next time."
Max let out a low whistle. "That was the best fight I've seen yet."
The other members of the team shared his enthusiasm, but Frank felt off. He couldn't shake the feeling that Jason had held back.
However, the fight hadn't been easy, and so he chalked the feeling up to paranoia.
As the team wound down from training, they circled up, each locking in with laser focus. Frank looked at each of them before finally speaking. "Alright, everyone, we move at dawn."
Jason's smirk returned. "Now we're talking!"
Elara crossed her arms. "Let's go over it again. Every detail. No mistakes."
Jason nodded. "The idea is, if we do this right, they won't even know we're gone."
Max exhaled, rolling his shoulders. "And if we screw up?"
Frank's grip tightened on his hammer. "Let's not find out."
The room fell silent. They all knew what would happen if they were caught. They would be in direct opposition to their orders and, more than likely, would be outcast.
But what they were trying to do was right; they had to keep believing that.
That's why they needed to take this risk. People were dying, people were suffering, and they couldn't turn a blind eye anymore. After finalizing the plan once more, they went their separate ways off to bed.