Chapter 2 - BEGINNING

Each participant was allowed to take items to help bolster their chances of survival, with limited supply for each item. Many participants wanted medicine; however, Erick didn't go for medicine but got 5 adrenaline stimuli needles, hunting knife, gloves, hiking shoes, well rounded clothes, 3 food and water rations. A lot of the times Erick chosen had not been picked, but medicine and hunting knives were almost entirely gone. 

After all the participants have obtained their items, the 509 participants were led down a hall to a massive waiting room, where finishing touches to the Trials were being made. All the players were led out to elevators, in a multi-complex system that will disperse each player into the first game.

Erick felt the tension it was going to be a bloodbath, and he needed to stay out of fights, in order to preserve his life. The rules began to be read out by the Gamekeeper.

"The first game is a complex labyrinth, consisting of 73 different pieces that perfectly correspond to each-other, forming a maze that will have no mapping record possible, with each four sides of one piece of the maze being unique and able to correspond to each other part. When each piece turns, participants might fall below the labyrinth under, you are eliminated if that happens, there are no other rules within the trial."

The soft metallic clinking of the elevator, along with thuds and the turning of gears indicated the complex sorting algorithm, before all the noises came to an abrupt halt.

The doors creaked open with a thud and Erick stepped forward to witness tall metal walls, stained brown with a putrid, metallic smell in the air. It was not far from what Erick had imagined what a labyrinth in a death game would look like. The skies were barely visible due to the narrow halls, and there were already left and right paths to choose from. 

"The game will begin.. now."

Erick sprinted forward and made a sharp left turn, revealing a longer hallway with two right turns, one in the far end and one near Erick. He decided to sprint forth and took the path closest. Revealing an old rustic chest that contained some basic supplies that Erick greedily shoved into his backpack with a dead end. Plus a military machete for self defense, but Erick didn't quite see its purpose yet.

The environment was changing, indicated by the loud scraping sounds of metal that echoed throughout the labyrinth and slowly came to a halt, with gears turning and fixing into place. The first change of the map was done. Erick rushed out of the dead end and took left, going to the only path that was far right. This revealed an empty and more hollow area that was already painted with blood and gore. There were 5 paths. 3 on the left and 2 on the right. With sounds of bloodcurdling cries of both pain and fear from the left, perhaps it is wise not to go to the left for now. Wasting no time after making the decision, Erick sprinted to the nearest right turn, and it revealed even more intricate paths, with sounds of fighting, and looting.

Erick looked down, to see a deep line, that was not enough to make anyone fall. Erick stepped forward to not be on the line, as the next rotation began, yells and cries of help were heard as it seemed as though some had fallen in the gaps where the lines were. Erick stumbled forward as he did not expect the rotation of parts to happen this soon. The perfectly corresponding metal labyrinth pieces clinked and locked together to form the new shape. 

Someone ran towards Erick with the intent to kill, and Erick noticed this at the last second, barely avoiding the knife to the neck. The stranger tackled Erick down to the floor where the skirmish began, with Erick and the stranger being in a stalemate position. Erick was barely able to unsheathe the machete and stabbed the man in the chest. The man struggled for a few more seconds before falling limp, and Erick pushed the corpse away and stood up, the adrenaline still present.