Chain Pov:
At that time, everything was chaotic. I was on my temporary stay in the city of Kanta, next to the city center. Until a friend who was traveling with me knocked on my door.
— Chain, wake up! —she shouted, almost knocking the door down with so much banging.
— What happened? — I said, sleepwalking, rubbing my eyes and slowly getting up.
— We have big problems!
— What? Ellen, If that was your littles jokes, it is not the time and isn't even that funny. Go sleep!
— I am not joking this time! A village was attacked by monsters at night!
— Eeeh...? What?! — Almost like a shock, I was surprised by the news.
I tried to get ready as quickly as possible, changing my clothes, adjusting my staff, and doing the day's basics. I opened the room door, and Ellen was standing there, waiting for me. In all around were other adventurers leaving and running.
We went there on the advice of the adventurers and there we received a map of where we must go. We took some carts and little by little some adventurers would go down to secure the region. Ellen and I went down together and continued from that point to the village. It didn't take long until we found some Orcs, in total there were four. So, I used my water spells, and Ellen her double twins swords.
—Lume Water Vortex! — I cast the first one — Lume Water Spikes!
— Urius enchantment — Ellen says, creating an orange circle going down from her head to her feet.
Ellen is mostly known to be a fighter with speed comparable to spells, so in the blink of an eye, she was already at the front cutting off the heads of two Orcs. I'm always surprised by this speed, even knowing her for a long time…
— Well, now with everyone dead, we can continue on the way — Ellen said.
— Yes. — I replied
Ellen came out of the trees and stood in front of me, holded one of her swords above her shoulder and followed the path, looking everywhere, and... marching?
The sounds of magic, swords crossing, fire crackling, and orc cries were all relatively loud; even far away it was still easy to hear them, but in a way, I have good hearing when I concentrate. And then for a few moments, I heard whimpering.
I looked to my left from where I had heard it, and focused on the sounds.
— Is there any problem, Chain? Ellen asked.
— Hmm? — I was suddenly lost.
— It's just that you looked to the side, and focused there.
— Oh, my bad.
— You froze looking there, did you see anything?
— Maybe... I don't know actually, it's more like listening to something.
— To listen? What do you mean?—— I don't understanding you, girl.
— Ellen, did you hear that whining? — Retorting her.
— No. You must be hearing things, it's quite normal for spirits that didn't want to leave to be crying around.
— No... this is from a real person, a child. — I said before running into the forest
— Wait Chain! Didn't you hear what I just said?!
I entered the forest, following the whimpering, which was getting louder and louder. Until behind a tree, I found a small child, completely shrunken and hidden, as if he wanted to remain invisible. I decided to approach him, lowered my staff and took off my hat.
He was shaking, his head was down. His shirt that looked like white and now was brown from so much dirt, along with his gray shorts. His brown hair was completely messy. Then I knelt down beside him.
— Boy? Can you speak? – I asked.
— Y—Yes... — he replied.
He raised his head, what I could see was that his brown eyes were red from crying.
— Tell me, what's your name? — I continued
— Taky... Taky Saezuke.
—Saezuke?! – I exclaimed, surprised, but soon softened my tone. – I understand... Can you get up? I'll take you with me.
— Lady... do you know what happened to my mother? — he said with a trembling voice.
I lightly shook my head, while taking a gray cape from my bag. He spent the whole night here, and he was shaking a lot. It was quite cold, even in the morning. For someone who spent the whole night without a blanket, he must have been freezing too.
I took him to one of the shelters, in Kanta. The place didn't have much, other than people. But about Taky, he didn't say a word the entire trip, he seemed very distracted by his thoughts.
A few days later, I decided to talk to a couple that I knew in the city. They were trying to have a child at the time, but without success, so who knows, adopting the boy might be better.
Their house was in the countryside, so it would be good for the boy to start over.
After a little chat with them. They accepted, telling me that if his parents couldn't be found, they would adopt him. After that I left Kanta, Ellen helped with the search while I went to resolve other business.
Who would have thought that ten years later, he would be so grown up and different. The only things that didn't change about him were his eyes and hair. I don't know if he was like that before, but he doesn't talk much either. Even though he plays a lot.
Well. Now I'm his magia teacher, which he has great potential due to his mana. Besides him having relatively high mana for his age, even I didn't have that all...
—You're going to try to teach me, Water Vortex, right? — he asked
— Yes, it is the most useful magic, especially within the intermediate ones. — I replied.
Taky Pov:
— Intermediaries? — I said in surprise.
— Yes.
— So… you know that I can't cast a Water spread properly, right?
—Wasn't that magic what made those holes there? — She pointed to the wall where the office on the second floor is.
— Ah... I think it was luck. The spell suddenly released.
— Oh, I see... — she lowered her head and placed her hand on her chin. — But still, there is something that would be good to test.
— What?
— First, stretch your arms, and try to imagine as if you had a sphere between your hands.
— Okay, so...
I slowly stretched my arms and imagined the sphere. Somehow I felt a kind of tingling between my fingertips. I heard strange noises, similar to drops or whatever.
— You can open your eyes. — Chain said.
— What? But won't I lose concentration?
— I know what I'm doing. — She flicked my forehead.
— Hey! — I said as I slowly opened my eyes.
When I opened it, I saw a certain kind of deformation being made in the air. I didn't feel like I was using any of my mana, so how?
— What? — I said, quite surprised.
— You don't use mana to do this.
— What? So that's why I don't feel anything different?
— Basically yes. But okay, let's move on to the next step.
— Hmm? But already?
— Yes, even because that was your mistake.
—Was that sphere my mistake? — If I had doubts before, now I have more. Chain!
— This sphere is the mold for spells, so it doesn't waste magic. Because you have to fill it with your mana.
— Oh. But if that was the basics, then why didn't you put it in your book?
— Book? Hm? Wait a second, did you buy that?!
— Yes. And now I feel that was a scam.
— Eeeeh. Well, to be honest, this book isn't that too basic. All books are for those who have minimal experience with magic.
— You mean, I cast a Water Spread, based on pure luck?
— Yes, sorry.
— Ah… — I looked down, head down
— Try to return to the class. So try to imagine that you are filling the sphere with your mana.
— Right...
Trying to accept that before it was just luck. I tried again and closed my eyes imagining that my arms were channels of water carrying mana to the sphere.
— Right. —Chain said. — Now try to imagine this sphere shrinking until it fits in just one of your hands.
I did as she said, and tried to imagine the smallest one I could. I lowered my right arm, leaving just the left.
— Now open your eyes. —Chain said.
—This time, I felt my mana being used. — I said as I slowly opened my eyes.
—See now?
— Wow — I said, quite surprised. — Is that sphere blue now? Is it the color of mana?
— Yes. Now you're going to transform the mana into an element, but you have to do the rite.
— Okay, and what would it be?
— Just repeat after me.
Chain quickly did all these steps. I was surprised by the speed of a veteran, her eyes seemed fearless and well focused. Finally, she starts to cast...
— From the earth, I look to the heavens, speaking to you. Oh great Lume, lord of the elements, grant me your divine water. Creating a storm inside your chalice created by my mana. Water Vortex! — the two shouted.
In the palm of my hand, I felt a great tingling sensation, slowly small streams of water appeared in the center of my palm. Spinning like a wheel, until it completely creates a sphere and disperses like a wheel made by water, turning and turning.
— Wow! — I shouted, unable to contain my enthusiasm.
The water dispersed from my hand, being thrown. I felt a little repulsion in the air because of the strength of the spell, but I still managed to do the spell in the right way!
— You...learned quickly, huh. — Chain said in a somewhat nervous voice, did I exaggerate?
— That used up a good portion of my mana.
— Well... you've just started, so your mana must be pretty messed up with these intermediate spells. But I think you'll soon get used to it...
— She thinks? — I gave a slight sigh. — How many do you intend to teach me?
— I already taught you an intermediate one, so it will be easy to learn some of the basics.
— Hm?
—Well, you're doing well, so at least I'll teach you some useful basics that I have a great affinity for.
— Oh, is that it then?
— Yes. But for today, it's good. But you're going to spend the day practicing this one.
— Right.
I turned forward, and began to focus on redoing the magic. Following step by step, remembering every feeling I had the first time...
I spent hours and hours trying to memorize and repeat the spell, the rite was quite long which made it a little difficult. But as the hours passed I began to understand and memorize it.
So finally, it got dark, everyone was inside the house and talking.
— I have to say, but today was great! The flower shop was helping with a wedding. — says with a prideful voice.
— The store now it's known for too many adventurers. — Dedelor says with satisfaction.
— So, how was your day? — Linda says.
— Everything i have to say it's Taky, learn too quickly. — was Chain's comment.
The flower shop was going well, Linda received a large order of flowers for a wedding. Dedelor had his store known by more adventurers and had a huge increase in sales for today.
Everything doing well. I started training small tests with water magic inside my room, without spending too much mana, or overdoing it and breaking a wall again...
Anyway, a week had passed since Chain arrived here. In short, I trained Water Vortex until I got used to this magic. And then two days later Chain decided to teach me Water Spikes, a basic one, but very good for quick attacks.
It wasn't difficult to learn this one, in fact, even Chain was impressed with how quickly I learned it.
I started to understand mana better, and I managed to launch my first Water Ball alone, of course, I wet all the trees outside, right in the middle of the night. But still, it went well. And no one noticed.
Chain has started helping Linda and I look after the fields and animals in her spare time, maybe this will help her feel at home.
Finally, a week and a half passed...
— Very good. Today I'm going to teach you two spells at once.
— Two?! Can I really take it?
— You've gotten used to your mana, right?
— Yes. I guess… — i whispered
— Then you'll make it.
— Well... you know what you're doing, so I'll trust you too.
— Do you really believe me?
— Yes, and you teach well. Maybe that's why I learn too quickly.
— Oh... wait what? —she looks at me embarrassed. — Eeeh. Maybe you trust me too much....
— Hehehe, what matters with this red face, huh?
— What? — She tried to hide her face. — Nothing for your business.
— Hehehe. Then, shall we start?
— Hm? Ah, yes...