Chereads / Story Collection of Adam Flores / Chapter 5 - Chapter 1: An Unkown Being

Chapter 5 - Chapter 1: An Unkown Being

Title: An Unexpected Adventure

Description: Dying at such an early age was something tragic. It should have been. 

However, who is this guy calling himself 'Dreamweaver'? Offering him a wish? Oh, that was indeed tempting….If it was not for the fact that he needed to wish to keep his memories intact if he didn't want to become a blank slate

Fortunately, he was not dumb. He has seen these types of cliches enough to know not to be brainless in this situation. 

Wishing for a package of powers that could be taken almost freely came to him almost on instinct.

And hey, he got a cute demon girl as a consequence…. Which he didn't mind at all

(A/N: Yeah, this was inspired by yet another CYOA...

It has been a long time since I have written this, and it was during a time when I was obsessed with CYOAs and played them almost daily.

I just needed to write the ending of this chapter... And after reading this whole, I suddenly realized that it.... kind of bad. Well, not exactly, however, I am certainly not satisfied with this

But anyway, here it is: )


I was always a firm believer that an afterlife didn't exist

Oh yes, I was not a religious person. The prospect of heaven and hell, where you'll be judged and have an eternity of bliss or an eternity of suffering depending on your actions, didn't really appeal to me

How could we quantify our sins and our virtues? Humans are paradoxical creatures by nature, we invented ethics and put a stamp of 'good' and 'evil' on every action. 

Despite that, Good and Evil is still a matter of perspective 

A person stealing something will be viewed as a bad human, and will be judged and go to prison. But what if that person stole medicine for his sick mother who is constantly edging between the fine line of life and death? 

So how could something, a will, judge our actions and decide whether we will go to heaven or hell? 

And that was exactly the reason that I stood by the fact that when we die, our consciousness dissipates. Sure, it's a bit depressive, and it doesn't give hope to people that their dead loved ones are in a better place, but it is something I prefer

I stood by that fact, but now….

"Quit your relentless musings, mortal"

A bellowing voice of coercion echoed throughout the surrounding void that I unexpectedly found myself

Yes, I was dead. And yes, my consciousness didn't dissipate for some reason, I'm still conscious

How am I so calm? Not considering the fact that I feel my emotions being dulled, I had a lot of time to think in this boundless void of pure nothingness… and I've mostly come to accept this fact. After all, what is done has already been done, and panic would lead nowhere

"Ah yes, how insightful of you"

His booming voice reached my ears again, A white outline manifesting in front of me. It was an incomprehensible being, one I could only assume to be… A random omnipotent being, maybe? 

"Not correct. My name is Dreamscourge, but you can treat me as such"

The figure full of white light waved its hand in dismissal. 

It was only now that I realized that, since I died and didn't have a body, then how did this being-? 

"Yes, yes I can read your mind"


"Alright, I'm getting impatient"

His voice, coming out slightly annoyed, brought along a pressure that shut up whatever questions I had for him

"You have read a lot of fiction, so I won't bother with an explanation" The white glowy being shook its head in dismissal once again "You survived in the void between worlds 0.00001 second more than any other soul, so as a reward, I can fulfill one wish of yours"


That is… a pitiful amount of time. But if this 'void' between different verses is a fraction as scary as what I've read in fiction, then it can indeed be considered impressive

But wait… I survived, in the past sense, does that mean that I-? 

"Yes, your soul fractured in the void" The Rob said casually, as if he was talking about something common "I healed it, but it still isn't fully recovered. I could heal it entirely, but that would take much more effort. Frankly, mortal, you should be thankful that I even noticed your soul before it was fully obliterated"

So this guy fucking noticed my soul from getting obliterated by a margin of…. 0.00001 seconds?! 

Damn, to be able to do that, he for sure isn't some fake god-like being

"Exactly" The figure nodded, a bit of pride in his (light?) face even though his expression couldn't be read "So don't waste my time, my patience has limits, mortal. Quickly state your wish"

I see… straight to business then. Although the prospect of a Rob granting wishes sounds tantalizing at first glance, it is also very suspicious

Though, not knowing this being's intentions, what is there to be done but go along with this? 

First of all, can I go to another world… fictional or otherwise? 

"I expected that from a degenerate otaku like you… but yes, you can" He answered curtly


Okay, if I had a body, I would be jumping in joy but somehow… I feel as if my emotions are dulled, somehow. Maybe having my soul fractured affects me emotionally? 

Well, I'm basing this on my fictional knowledge, I'll have no way of knowing for sure

The fact that fiction is real, and that all fictional words exist is something… surprising? I don't really know what to feel, maybe, in the back of my head, I was never too repelled by the idea that that which we created is real

Besides, research in Quantum physics has come a long way off. In the future, we might be able to prove the existence of parallel universes, and the multiverse in general

Even if it is real, all those parallel universes will still be parallel to the original plain old earth that has nothing abnormal about it. In that case, the possibility of works that we created existing is ridiculous, absurd, ludicrous-! 

But having confirmation that they actually exist is a bone-chilling discovery. Like, is everything we have created real? Does every piece of fiction out there exist? 

Do Eldtrich abominations exist? Great old ones? Outer gods? SCPs-!? 

To be honest, I don't want to think right now. I just want to shut off my brain and continue, so this can be finished quickly


Uh, hey, something important. I will keep my memories, right? 

-Under the incoming existential crisis that was caused in my mind, I finally took the decision and asked him


The being didn't reply, but I got the feeling that it was looking at me intently

"Quite smart of you to take this under consideration" His white glowing head tilted slightly "But no, you don't get to keep your memories"

… Fuck, then what is the point in reincarnating in another world? 

Memories shape us into who we are. Sure, I will still technically be the same person as the 'soul' is the same, but it won't be me as an individual. Experiences shape our personalities, and without that, we're nothing but a mere nothingness inside a sack of flesh and blood

Yes… I was feeling a bit poetic. But the point still stands that, there would be no point in reincarnating or transmigrating without my memories

I shook my (mental) head to dispel those useless thoughts, there are more important things right now, after all

For example, Rob… 

Will I need to use a wish to keep my memories? 

"That's right"


What about the world?

"If you desire, you need to wish it in order to reincarnate in a world of your choosing"


What will happen if I just wish to keep my memories? 

"I would throw you to a random world"

… That option is out, then. No way I'm risking that

Then an idea struck me like a truck

Can I choose to become someone? 


Then I-! 

"You can't reincarnate as Rimuru Tempest or Anos Voldigoad" 

His booming words stuck me with a knife directly in my heart(That I didn't have) 


But why-? 

"It's beyond my capabilities" 

He replied, but I got the feeling that he didn't like the words he said, as if he wasn't willing to admit that he couldn't actually do it

Well, I could understand. If all those other fictional worlds actually exist, then supposedly Rimuru Tempest also exists

And EoS Rimuru was… well, no need for further talk. It is quite logical I won't be able to get his cheats so easily

Now, I need to ponder my options carefully here

I have a single wish, and I need to make sure to be able to choose the world I'm reincarnating, along with keeping my memories and getting the power to help me survive in that world… 

Then, because I'm having the feeling that this god is getting impatient… 

Then I wish to have the overpowered CYOA pack, the one with Susie, with 1000 points at my disposal

"What a smart mortal, I'm truly impressed"

The white figure spoke with pride, glowing in a brighter color with what I assume must be a feeling of amusement

"Wish granted, but you'll start with one point"


The Rob(?) brought a pure white hand and snapped his fingers, his whole being glowing in a suffocating light


Okay, good news, my wish was approved, but I only start with 1 point…. What the fuck would I even do with one point? It's not even enough to get the cheapest option out of all the abilities that are there

"It was a good attempt mortal, but trying to outsmart me won't work" The figure sneered(?) at me with a mocking voice "I only went ahead with this foolish wish of yours is because you've been amusing thus far"

… I really tried hard not to think of offensive thoughts towards this being who could erase me with a thought

Considering our differences… I couldn't do anything to him, but I was angry, very angry at this guy's attitude

Okay, deep breaths, deep breaths

If my emotions weren't dulled a little, I would be fuming with rage. And I would have already thrown countless curses at this guy, but I can recognize when to hold myself back


The white glowing figure snorted in amusement at my grievances… or at least went to, before something happened

A small portal with an iridescent glow appeared just a few centimeters away from this guy's face


The god (?) looked surprised by the portal's existence. He raised his hand, trying to do… something

But before he got the chance to do anything, a surprisingly small, feminine hand suddenly came out of the kaleidoscopic-colored portal

Palm wide opened, the hand, with fast speeds, approached its target-! 


And she struck the white glowing figure right in the cheek. 

I was dumbfounded by the sudden change, I was especially confused about the sudden intrusion and about the one who dared slap-! 

Suddenly, with the aftershocks of the slap, the white glowing being's body twisted, turning into a blur and flying backward

I watched with an incredulous look(?) at the rapidly disappearing figure of the white glowing being that just granted my wish. 

I was especially dumbfounded seeing this Rob(?) disappearing into the vast void, slowly losing his light glow


Oh, something definitely went wrong here

I'm just a poor mortal soul who just died, what have I gotten myself into!? 



After a few seconds of silence, the small, kaleidoscopic portal with the iridescent glow slowly widened in size

Out slowly came an arm, then another, piece by piece, a being was slowly crawling through the crack in reality, revealing the one who slapped that guy away

When the figure that slapped the god(?) was finally revealed, I couldn't help but be dumbfounded

She seemed like a little girl with a petite figure. She had short, pinkish hair, with equally pink eyes that seemed to sparkle as they gazed at me

She was wearing a… two red one-piece bikini-like thing. But the weird thing about her was the fact that… black demon horns were coming out of her pink hair, and behind her, a delicate looking heart shaped tail was rapidly swinging back and forth 

She was utterly breathtaking. Even with her small stature, she was beautiful and attractive and captivating-!

… But in other terms, she was a cute demon girl. And despite how she can be described, she gave me a warm and comforting feeling

"Hi, cute little human~!"

Turning her body, facing me(or my soul), she waved at me with a sweet smile on her face

I opened my mouth instinctively, but instantly realized that I couldn't talk as I had no body. It seems that, with the ridiculous things that happened in front of me, it slipped my mind that I could only communicate with thoughts

"Ah? Right, you don't have a body, so you can't speak!"

The demon girl's eyes lit up as she understood my situation. She seemed… proud of herself? 

"Hm~? How do I say this…?" She tilted her head, putting her finger under her chin as a contemplating expression took over her face "Right, introductions first"

She shook her head, with a bit of embarrassment in her voice 

"Hi~! I'm Susie!" She waved at me(my soul), with a cheerful smile "I'm the personification of your wish!"

She spread her hands wide open, her wide smile still on her face


Okay, this is getting really ridiculous. I don't consider myself a smart person, quite the opposite actually, but the previous events have not only gotten me speechless, but they also strayed too far from my expectations. 

I would understand a god giving me wishes, as I have already seen it in fiction… but this? This was too ridiculous

"Are you confused?" She had a questioning expression on her face "Well, I won't blame you, but the situation is as follows:"

She put her hands on her hips "You wished to start with the overpowered CYOA template, and more specifically, the one with Susie"

"That dreamscourge granted your wish without any thought. But since I, the Archdemon of Sloth, Susie, don't really exist, this being's powers, to accommodate your wish, not only created the 'overpowered CYOA' template, but it also created 'Susie'" She continued

She crossed her arms in front of her chest, a smug smile emerging on her face "And since he didn't bother to put any thought about granting what you wished for, your wish was materialized from your subconscious thoughts, expectations, and desires"


Yeah, I would have a stroke right now if I had a body

I can't really entirely comprehend her words… but I can indeed understand the general situation

So because that guy just granted wishes based on the other party's desires, this Susie was created because, in my perception, only the Archdemon of Sloth, the pink haired girl Susie can grant this specific CYOA

So, basically, in my thoughts, 'Overpowered CYOA is given by Susie', and since 'Susie= doesn't exist', then that glowing white being's power made 'Susie= exist' to make the condition 'Susie gives the this CYOA= true'

… Huh, who would have thought that reading the context and backstory of something would result in such a result

"Hm~, although I can't read your thoughts, it seems that you understand the general situation"

Susie nodded to herself, seemingly proud that the explanation that she has given me made me understand my current situation

"And don't worry~, you won't start with only one point" She gave off a sweet smile (why did this girl always smile sweetly?) 

"The points would depend on your achievements up until now" She tilted her head "After all, I have to use something to grant those powers to you"

That does make sense-

"Now~, Be prepared to get Isekaid!"

My thoughts were interrupted when an almost game-like panel opened in front of me. In fact, it seemed like I could control this panel, and choose the option at will

And… Yep, glancing at the options given, this is the same as that overpowered CYOA that I'm familiar with

… Now let's hope my life's achievements account for something, otherwise…




[Kept a healthy, fit body: +3]

[Lost virginity when under 18 years old: +5]

[Both parents still alive: +2]

[Mastered Skills: Programming: +3]

[Mastered 2 Languages: +2]

[Other skills: Chess, Writing, Swimming, Socializing, Cooking, Learning: +6]

[Lived 19 years: +2]

[Had an extensive fantasy and deep imagination even at end of life: +1]

[Had minor Popularity: +1]

[Created a fictional world: +10]

[Survived in the void: + 30]

[Repelled an Ẻ̴̢̢̢̨̧̡̬͍͇̯͇̹̝̮̲̗̳̹͖̜͇̦͔̳͓̝͈͉͔̟̮͚̖̟͔̞͛̅̽̔͆͜ͅͅl̶̨̪͉̺̠̬̩̭̭̙̤̘̯̥͇̥̰̰̺̆͌̈́̔͛͑́̔͌͌̓͜͜͜ͅd̴̡͖̘͔̘͍̦̥̺̘̗̝͒̓̐̈́́̈́̋̌͂̿̔̅͑̊̋̋̋̐͌̍́͊͌̔͗͘͝͝ͅr̸̛̠̠͌̆̐̈̆͐̒̎̆̈̈́͋͘͘i̴̢̨̛̭̬̬̝͙̲̪̰͍̩͉̞͙͎͚̞̰̫̹͈̬͒́̽̋̄̎͌̓͐́́̑̍̄̆́̒̈̉̂̽̄̄̎͒́̽̀͒͐̕͜͝͝͝͠͠t̸̡̛̛͈̠̯̗̱̺͙̳͉̞̖̦̣͔̖̗͍̜͓̦̬̩̖̊́̇̀̃̐̒̌̈́́͆̒̇́͝ͅͅç̸̭̦̙͎̃͂̀͜͠h̸̨̖̳͎̩̫̖̦̖͚̗̺͎̊̈́͒̉̉͒̎̆̌̾ entity: +10

[Created source of powers: +10]

[Total points: 80]

Ah yes~, how classic

But anyway, I should probably take this seriously and put a lot of thought behind my choices. After all, this is reality(I think?), and it could determine whether I live or die




I couldn't help but ask as I was ready to make my choices


The pink-haired girl cutely tilted her head at my soul, waiting for me to proceed with my question

Normally, I wouldn't be able to communicate with her….But she established a telepathic connection with me. Now, I can communicate with her just with my thoughts

'Why are some options grayed out?'

I asked her. Because I have already thought of what I will choose, I couldn't contain this question of mine


Susie tapped her finger on her chin with a thoughtful expression on her face

"Aha!" She snapped her fingers, with an enlightened look on her face "It is because you are already dead. So all options concerning your previous world are out"

'Really? What a pity….'

I sighed. There goes my opportunity to obtain some extra points

"Now that you mentioned it….." The demon girl trailed off "I could probably recycle those options for you!"


"Uh-huh. There is no point in them existing, and they use up power without any reason, so it is better to just recycle them"

She nodded to herself, bringing up her palm


The archdemon of sloth snapped her fingers-

[Recycled 'Part Timer' drawback: 5 points]

[Recycled 'Preparation' perk: 2 points]

[Recycled 'Companion' perk and 'Fictional Friend' sub-perk: 6 points]

[New total: 93 points]

I looked at the game-like notifications that appeared in front of my face- No, in front of my being, and….

'....Thanks, Susie'

I thanked her. I was quite grateful at her for giving me this chance, even though I 'created' her, so to speak. And besides that… A cute demon girl is magnitudes better than a light dude calling himself 'Dreamscourge'

"You're welcome!"

She accepted my gratitude with a bright smile

See? I much prefer this girl to that other arrogant guy

By the way, isn't this girl a bit too cheerful? I get she was just born recently, but isn't this a bit…?

Then again, she was made out of my own preconceived notions, expectations, and thoughts. So considering all of the above, it's not that ridiculous

'By the way, can you recycle anything else?'

I'm asking once again. Anything for extra points that can improve my survival!


She made a surprised sound, as if not expecting that

"Let me see…" She tilted her head, her pink eyes glowing slightly

"I can recycle your choices for world and location" She gazed back at him as her eyes stopped glowing "But…. I wouldn't recommend that. As a consequence, you won't be able to choose your world or location"


I kept silent, deep in thought

I won't be able to choose the world I will be going to… Can I take such a risk? Even though I was previously against that idea?

Would that even matter? With the choice I am already thinking of making, it wouldn't matter even if I went into a dangerous world. With the power to traverse worlds, I can easily slip out of a world….. Given that I don't suddenly die 

"Don't worry, I tried to put a limit on the randomness" Susie waved her hand, trying to dispel my worries "You will probably be transported into a lower-tier world, but…."

'But there's always a chance that a more dangerous world will be chosen, right…?' I interrupted her 'comforting' words

"R-right…." She stuttered, shame flashing on her face briefly "I- I mean, even if you don't use your points, I can keep them for you. And you could use them anytime in the future"

'Huh…' I muttered telepathically to her

That is… quite big

That means I don't have the psychological pressure to choose now because this is a one-time thing and I will miss out.

I guess having 'created' her removes many restrictions that were originally present

And in that case, my choice would be obvious

'Don't do it'


Even if I die when I go to a dangerous world, the choices presented in front of me give me the courage to face death. After all, even if I die, I won't get killed

… However, I also have a plan, which is guaranteed to work only when I can choose the specifics of my coming into a chosen world






'Why can't I choose my race to be a True Dragon?'


'Why can't I choose to be an Osmonian?'


'5th Dimensional Imp?'


'Come on! Not even a Kryptonian! This is-!'

"Okay! Stop!" The pink-haired girl shook her hands erratically, interrupting my angry rant with a flustered expression "I don't have enough power to pierce the above races' dimensions and obtain their Race Origin unscrupulously, okay? So please choose something more reasonable!"


I clicked my head in annoyance, but I inwardly knew that what she said was reasonable

After all, with just 1 point, I can't become overpowered by choosing a ridiculous race, can I? It wouldn't be that easy. And it makes sense for Susie to not be able to do that. Although she is very strong, she doesn't specialize in that regard, and her influence in other worlds is limited


-That came out meeker than intended

"That's not even a race…."

'.... How about a Guardian from Destiny, then?'

"Oh…That is fine"




'Okay, what now?'

I asked the Archdemon of Sloth, already finished with making my choices

"Now, well…." Susie tapped her chin with her fingers, a gesture which was becoming increasingly familiar "Now I am sending you on your way"

'I see….'

"Aw cute little human~, will you miss me?" She tilted her head expressively, smiling brightly

'Heh' I chuckled lightly at her 'Perhaps I will'

"Eh?" She blinked, processing my words, perhaps not expecting my direct acceptance

"Hehe, don't worry!" Her eyes lit up, that bright smile still on her face "I can contact you anytime you open a portal for a new world, so we can meet anytime!"

'Oh? That's good'

I said nothing else. Despite the little time we've spent together, this girl has quickly grown on me

Maybe this is the bond between the maker and the personification of their wishes and desires? Most likely so, and I can't deny that I feel very close and intimate with her, and I believe she 

feels the same


 I spoke out to her, there was another matter that has been concerning me


'Can you give me a name?'

I sincerely requested her, with a serious voice that made it clear that I wasn't joking

"Why?" She blinked once again, confused by my request


I paused, my mind processing the right words to say it

'You gave me this chance. And since you were 'defined' by my 'being'... I also want a part of me to be defined by you'

'Although a name isn't much, it's very important. And besides, the option that allows me to design my body is called 'New You', right?'

 I took a (metaphorical) breath, rhetorically asking 

'... A new me calls for a new body, and a new name'



She looked at me with a speechless expression on her face, her eyes widening slightly

"Sure, If you insist…."

Susie pursed her lips thoughtfully, seemingly deep in thought as she thought of a new name for me

"How about…. Adam?"

My (non-existent) eyebrows shot up in surprise

"What is it, don't you like it…?"

The pink-haired girl looked at me hesitantly

'No, no' I shook my head 'It's a good name'


Her bright smile returned quickly at his confirmation

"Uhm…." She frowned slightly, her eyes unfocused "I need to take care of something! I will send you off now!"

She spoke in a hurry, her words coming out of her mouth rapidly


I was a bit confused at her sudden change of attitude

"Don't worry!" She waved her hand, as if to say that it was nothing "It's not dangerous. But I really need to take care of it! I was only born just now, so it would be troublesome not to do that…."

At the end of her speech, she was only only mumbling 



The demon girl smiled apologetically

She raised her hand, a bright kaleidoscopic portal appearing under me(?)

"See you later!"

-These were the last words I heard as I dropped down to the portal. And her waving hand was the last thing I saw before my vision went dark


(A/N: There is only one chapter of this. Actually, it seems more like a prologue, as there isn't an actual story as of yet.

I didn't want to upload this as I am dissatisfied with it, but it doesn't really matter. I might as well put it here, even if a continuation of this seems unlikely)