Hermione blinked back at her for a few moments, gaping like a fish out of water, before what she was about to say occurred to her, and she blushed in shame when Daphne's expression stopped her from commenting further.
Since not long after the move into the apartment, Daphne had been educating both Hermione and Harry on wizarding culture. She'd been slowly working through a lot of the reasons of the 'why' and the 'how' things were done as they were. However, the best lesson she had given was to convince Hermione not to comment on matters she was not fully aware of in advance. Harry then used the matter of house elves and their bonds - and Hermione's lack of understanding the necessity of them when she first learned of them - as the lead example. Without a bond, house elves wither and die. And the manner of death is very unpleasant.
Hermione, after remembering what she tried to accomplish in their previous fifth year, was near inconsolable for the rest of the day. She thought she had been responsible for the horrid deaths of many of Hogwarts's house elves. Harry had to tell her it was Dobby who had collected up all the little hats Hermione had knitted that year. And that she hadn't unintentionally been the cause of painful house elf deaths.
Turning back to Ackerman, with a sheepish expression, she muttered, "Sorry."
With a bit of a light chuckle, Ackerman replied, "That's quite alright, Miss Granger. I've known many muggleborns who've had the same reaction, in the past."
After a bit more discussion, where the bondmates did not let the wily old wizarding solicitor know Harry had already submitted the parchmentwork to be emancipated, Ackerman left with new instructions for both himself and Margaret.
The following Saturday evening, the bondmates celebrated Harry's emancipation. The goblins had submitted the parchmentwork immediately, as promised, and the week had now passed by with nary a whisper of anyone learning of the change of status.
Part of the celebration included the bondmates writing to Mafalda Hopkirk of the Ministry, the Improper Use of Magic Office, who were charged with detecting underage magic so he could get the Trace removed. They were also aware that, once Madam Hopkirk was in receipt of that letter, everyone would know in a matter of hours. If there was one thing the Ministry was very good at, it was a complete inability to keep anything secret. Especially, when it came to one Harry James Potter.
So, they prepared for the Headmaster to accost Harry about it either Sunday evening or Monday morning. Of course, it was not difficult for them to deduce the Headmaster would try to get the emancipation overturned. He would first try to get Harry to request reversing it, before then trying to use his Chief Warlock status to get it done.
That meant writing to Madam Bones, who was Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, the department that covered underaged magic, to explain why Harry sought emancipation; and who was involved in determining he was considered of-age the night his name came out of the Goblet. They believed that naming Dumbledore as one of the people who determined he would have to compete that night, would effectively pull the rug out from under Dumbledore's attempt to have his emancipation overturned.
Sure enough, Monday morning's Daily Prophet screamed the headline that Harry Potter was emancipated. *#*
As a result of Mister Harry Potter's (14) name coming out of the Goblet of Fire, and being named a competitor in the Tri-Wizard Tournament, the Boy-Who-Lived applied for emancipation, and it was granted, writes Hieronymus Cartwright.
For those unaware, the Ministry deemed only those witches and wizards attending the three eminent European schools of magic Hogwarts, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang who were of-age - were permitted to compete in the Tri-Wizard Tournament. As Mister Potter was chosen, and he was not immediately disqualified, Mister Potter appears to have used the opportunity to have himself declared emancipated; and, therefore, of-age.
The Daily Prophet has already alerted you that, on the 1st of September, Mister Potter became bonded to two similarly aged witches. What Mister Potter's emancipation means for those two witches is not yet known.
"Damn it!" Harry softly exclaimed, on reading the paper. "While the article is truthful, it still makes me out to be a 'bad guy'. It implies I'll possibly force an early marriage between us; so I can have my wicked ways with you."
Daphne laughed and said, "But you already have your wicked ways with us. Clearly, this Cartwright character has no idea about soul-bonds. It's well known what happens to establish and finalise such a bond."
The three bondmates had now progressed their soul bond to the point they were engaged in acts that would surpass what would be considered 'M' rated if they were in a story or movie. However, they still hadn't taken the final step; full sexual intercourse.
"Humph!" muttered Hermione. "No doubt there will be others, including Miss Pentridge, who will soon set him right."
As expected, two days later Harry received a summonse to appear before an emergency sitting of the Wizengamot to determine whether or not he should retain his emancipation. Of course, the motion was made by Dumbledore. With muttered imprecations, Harry handed the summonse off to Daphne. "The old fool just can't leave well enough alone."
"He's panicking," she replied. "He's so worried you'll run for the colonies first chance you get he's trying everything he can to keep you here."
"That's something we three haven't properly discussed, you know," said Hermione, after she read the summonse. "Do we actually go, or not?"
With a frustrated sigh, he replied, "Actually, most of what I said about that was just to keep Dumbledore hopping. I was dangling the threat out there to worry him. I don't know if we should or not.
"I say... maybe," he said. "Both of you have family here... and little Astoria will be left without her big sister and future brother-in-law around to protect her... if we were to leave the country. It's that which is holding me back."
"There is another option," put Hermione. "We get the Headmaster to make a magical oath he will cease and desist all efforts to try and control you beyond the role of Headmaster."
"He's too tricky for that," disagreed Daphne. She thought a bit and said, "I say, go ahead with setting up a transfer for the three of us to Salem. Have everything organised. Once we do that... and Dumbledore sees you're being serious... he may come up with the idea of a vow or oath he's willing to abide by."