Once upon a time, dragons roamed the earth alongside humans. Legend has it that these majestic creatures were once humans themselves. Many tales suggest that they were cursed, bound to their dragon forms unless they could awaken their hearts of stone once more. Some embraced their dragon sides fully, never wishing to return to their human lives until the end. Others longed to reclaim their humanity but found their stone hearts silent and unresponsive. Among them was one who preferred the freedom of being a dragon but yearned for just one moment when his heart might beat again.
During this time, in a kingdom where incredible creatures roamed, there also lived a princess known for her extraordinary gift. She had a magical touch that seemed to illuminate the goodness in everyone she met, even in those who might not have the best intentions. She was always there to listen to the concerns of her people, her mere presence soothing their worries. With her kind words, she could ease tensions between opposing factions, fostering peace in the land. Whenever she noticed someone struggling, she would eagerly extend her hand, her comforting touch bringing a sense of tranquility. Her spirit was as light as a feather, yet her resolve was as strong as steel, evident in the radiant smile that could brighten even the darkest of nights.
Despite the immense love and warmth that surrounded her—coming from her friends, family, and all those who admired her—Princess Genoa couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing from her life. One afternoon, she gazed out of her castle window, taking in the perfection that lay outside. The trees were laden with fruit, flowers bloomed in vibrant colors, birds chirped, the river flowed calmly, and fish glided gracefully in the lake. As she pondered, she wondered, "What else is out there? What could fill this void? Is life only about this seemingly perfect routine? Is there something I haven't discovered yet? Could someone be waiting for me beyond these familiar borders?" Unbeknownst to her, she had begun to feel restless in her seemingly flawless world.