Chapter 3 - 3


As soon as we were done, he put on his clothes, while I laid in bed with the blankets up to my chest, covering myself. I didn't know what to say or do since having sex with one of my customers was against the rules and as much as I was supposed to feel guilty or worried, I wasn't.

Once the last article of clothing went on him, he turned around and faced me. He stood, watching me for some seconds before making his way over to the bed. He leaned close and cupped my chin then eyed my lips before kissing me. I shut my eyes and sighed through my nose as his lips moved softly on mine, sending chills through me. But just as he started the kiss, he ended it and moved away from me.

"Good night," he said, and I watched him walk out of the room.

The moment he left the room, everything changed. The room was lighter, airier but the lingering feelings he created in my heart and belly remained. My cheeks started to flush as my memories got filled with the things he did to me minutes ago. How his cock felt inside me, making me full and filling me to the brim. I remembered him coming deep inside me and moaning as he did. It had to be the hottest thing he had done. My body was already missing him even with his come still in me.

"Damn," I said under my breath and checked the time on the wall clock. "My shift is over for tonight."

At least I ended my night with a happy mood. This man had rocked my world, and I was ready to move on with my life happily because sleeping with him was something that changed a part of me. I felt different for the first time in a long and I was ready to rule the world.

"Time to go home," I said and got out of bed. I hissed slightly when I felt a dull ache between my legs, a sweet ache, I might add.

I put on the little clothes that were taken off and checked myself in the mirror. The last thing I wanted was to make the big boss see that I broke a huge rule. Sleeping with customers was prohibited and came with a fine of $5,000 if we were caught. I didn't have such an amount to pay if he knew that I had sex with one.

Once I was satisfied with how I looked, I picked up the earphone and left the room. I walked happily until I got to the changing room. I sat down and took off my mask then started wiping away my makeup.


I froze at the sound of my boss' voice. My eyes were blown wide and my heart stopped beating for a second. Fear took over my body as I wondered if he had caught me. There were no cameras in the private rooms so I was certain he did not spy on me or anything but there were cameras in the halls. He may have seen something different between me and Mr. stranger.

"I am calling you, miss. Crimson," he said as he stopped beside me.

I put a fake smile on my face and faced him. He was looking down at me with furrowed brows. He looked confused and as if he was trying to see through me. My heart was beating so fast I prayed he did not hear the sounds it made.

"Yes, boss?" I wish I knew his name but ever since I worked here, I knew nothing about his name.

"It seems you really impressed your customer tonight." He crossed his arms and looked at my body.

I swallowed hard, anticipating whatever he was about to tell me. I feared that he was going to say something about my time with the stranger. Fuck.

Boss took out something from his back pocket and dropped it on my vanity table. I looked at it and saw it was a white envelope. I blinked, feeling confused at what I was seeing. The envelope had something slightly thick in it, which made me curious as to what it was.

"He made it clear to me that I should not dare take a cut from it. Well, Crimson, you have a way of making these men and women pay big on your head. Keep up the good work," he said and walked away.

Immediately, I picked up the envelope and opened it. I gasped when I saw a thick wad of cash. I pulled some parts out and gasped once again— They were all hundred-dollar bills and in mints. I put them back into the envelope and looked around me. I was the only one in the changing room. I had some girls who had issues with me and if they saw this, they would only hate me more.

I quickly took everything out of the envelope and began to count the notes. My mouth hung open when I was done. He had paid me $10,000. It was hard to believe. I was in full blown shock as I eyed the heavy stack of money in my hands. This was huge. This could pay a lot of bills I had left and that did not include the amount I made tonight. I ignored the feeling of the fact it made me feel like a slut, but I didn't care. This was a blessing to me.



Since I did not have work today, I decided to take my time to rest. I did some house chores, went shopping and watched TV. As I sat in front of my television with a small bowl of popcorn, a make out scene popped up on my screen and my thoughts immediately went to my night with him. Just the memories of him made me feel heat between my legs which made me press my thighs together to get a friction. Even after hours had gone by, it felt like he was still on me, in me and around me. It was almost as if I could smell his scent on my body and hair. It sounded crazy but that was what I was sensing, and I didn't want it gone.

I bit down on my lip as my memories flashed to how his thick and long cock slid in and out of me, giving me crazy pleasure. I started to throb and clench, which made me force him out of my head. I didn't know his name; he didn't know my name. Why I was crazy over a stranger I had a one-night stand with left me feeling stupid. I was thinking about him, and he was probably not thinking about me.

"You need to stop this, Amaya," I said to my face and got up from my couch. "I need to take a walk in the park."

And so, I did. The park was full of happy kids and adults talking amongst themselves. It was different from what my life was. I always needed to come to the park to remind myself that there was life outside mine. It gave me a sense of hope.

As I walked, I spotted an ice cream truck in the distance and smiled. It had been a long time since I last had ice cream and since I had enough money to waste, I needed to have some. Hurriedly, I made my way to the truck and stood in the long line waiting. I didn't mind waiting as long as I ended up getting one ice cream or maybe two, or three.

Suddenly, someone bumped into me from behind and I felt a wave of annoyance course through me. I turned around to see who it was and felt small when I was met with a huge, giant man in a hooded jacket. His face was set in a scowl under the hood of his jacket as he stared down at me. He looked like a thug, and I wanted to get out of where I was as soon as possible, but I couldn't. It was as if I was stuck to a spot as the man kept looking at me. The more he stared, the more I saw his eyes change color to a lighter shade.

I was confused if it was fear making me see things because the stare sent a chill down my spine. I gasped when he leaned forward and sniffed then stood away from me when a look of shock took over his face, making him look soft.

With the small gap created, I raced out of the line and out the park. I didn't look back until I was close to the apartment building. I always heard that this town was full of creepy things, but I never believed them but seeing that man made me think that the horror tales they spoke about were true.

Once I was in my apartment, I checked every door and corner, making sure I was going to sleep safely at night. I went to check the windows and just as I was checking the one overlooking the street, I saw the giant man staring up at my window.

I shut the curtains and staggered backwards. My heart was pounding because how did he know where I lived? How did he know the exact window of my home? Was he some type of stalker? Did he know me? I was scared because there were girls at club 888 who had obsessed men harassing them and I hoped I was not another victim of such.

I jumped when my phone rang out of nowhere. I quickly took it out of my pocket and checked the caller identity. It was the boss calling. I sighed in relief and answered the call.

"Crimson. You have a customer waiting for you tonight. It seems like it is the customer from last night. I am expecting you here early tonight."

As soon as the call ended, I smiled. He was back and he needed me again.

My body reacted to the idea of him coming back for me. I was addicted to him, and he was probably addicted too. If he was the one, I was going to have him again.