Chereads / Mercenary W.O.L.F: NDA / Chapter 14 - #14 What Is The Foundation Of An Element?

Chapter 14 - #14 What Is The Foundation Of An Element?

(Back on the Island in the sky Kimora and the young trio are seen walking to a rather open clearing with a large cave in front of them, upon looking at the cave tomorrow becomes a bit nervous and slows the pace of her walking putting a hand up in front of the trio.)

Cammy: What? Is something there? This is the correct place you were supposed to come to to begin with since our punishment was to retrieve a specific relic. I kind of expect that we're going to have to fight eventually but I don't see anything and the forest has been awfully quiet ever since we started walking

Kimora: I sense something very powerful nearby. This is definitely unsettling because it almost feels like a Deadic.

Jourton: What's a Deadic???

Kimora: Deadic's are what you guys would effectively refer to as gods but here's the thing, they're pretty much just as human as anyone else and the crazy part is I basically live with two of them. this thing however feels very different almost as if it has a definition and that on its own is concerning.

Jourton: (Without even waiting for Kimora to finish the rest of her sentence has gotten charging ahead with Siggy) HYAAAAAA!!!!!!!! Imaginary FLAME!!! (The air around his hands begins to super heat rapidly creating a singular flame and then suddenly bursting forward into the mouth of the cave in a dragon shaped flame.

Siggy: (As if expecting this particular particular attack to be the opening to carnage Siggy became a bolt of lightning and landed on top of the dragon imbuing it with what appears to be a second casing of lightning energy acting as if armor for the dragon) EXPLOSIVE EDGE!!

Cammy: Kimora said we should wait dammit! (As she reprimand the two boys not missing a beat she creates a third casing of this dragon made of solid ice that appears to melt rather quickly upon coming into contact with whatever was in the cave) FRIGID NIGHT!!

(The explosion of the mouth of the cave shook the rest of the cave violently to the point where birds were seen flying away from the nearby trees. Then silence. the silence persisted for over a minute and at this point Kimora was getting a sickening feeling in her stomach, she had felt something like this before and this was definitely no Deadic, confirming her suspicions not even a moment later there was a loud and sickening yell as if something inside of the cave was hurt and now very angry. Within mere seconds the cave reduced to pebbles as a large creature with half of its body swollen into pure muscle and the other half of his body shredded in what appears to be long whip like strands of flesh, it turns to face them and upon doing so it lashed its whip like flesh out at Jourton seemingly ripping through his skin as he put his arms up to block and sending him flying into a nearby tree snapping it in half.)

Kimora: CONO! Recreation to my side! (Slamming her hand into what appears to be the fabric of the universe itself causing a singular tiny ripple to vibrate behind her as she opens a portal using distortion to remove recreation from her room) Say hello to my little friend!! (Unleashing a barrage of bullets at this grotesque creature, her shots ringing true as she fired several shells back to back and after a moment she noticed that her bullet speeds seem to be reducing just before they connected with the creature)

Cammy: Jourton!! Are you okay?! (She exclaimed aloud quickly running to his side and attempting to heal him. Jourton quickly gets back to his feet and his bodies slowly begins to ignite in brilliant red flames)

Jourton: I'm fine Cam but look that thing has the relic! (Revealing in the creature's hands is what appears to be a very old shard of Obsidian in the shape of a handprint)

Kimora: Oye! What the hell is that thing doing here, that's from my old village! It used to belong to what people referred to as a ancient evil witch.. although in truth she was no witch she was just the first Majekador to ever have control over the element of darkness!

Jourton,Siggy&Cammy: HEVENLY?!

Cammy: Okay more questions for later for now we need to survive, Ki can you help us??

Kimora: Girl you don't even have to ask I was already on it. HEY UGLY! GET READY TO GET PACKED UP! DISTORTION!!! (Causing her body to teleport to the grotesque creature she preforms a flying kick similar to what you would see in a movie while having recreation trained on her enemy. Not wasting a single moment she pulled the trigger yet again only to notice that her kick and the bullets you fired at the creatures speed were reduced to the point of barely touching it)

Grotesque: (It smiles at Kimora as it says with a deep rumbling voice) I am a follower of Mercury, I will reduce all of you to nothing. (Taking it's muscular arm and punching Kimora straight down into the ground causing her to cough up blood as she bounced off the ground and it went to swing at her a second time)

Kimora: (At this point Kimora found herself wildly confused as to why the amount of time it normally would take for her to react to something was reduced to the point where her reaction speed began to decrease to that of an ant moving in line with a colony, thus taking longer for her to avoid the incoming punch. When the creatures punch connected with her body she felt a sickening snap as one of her ribs cracked and she coughed up blood, upon seeing the next incoming punch she slammed her hand into the ground as she bounced into the air and created a portal throwing herself back towards Jourton and Cammy. Sliding on the ground for just a moment she quickly rolls backwards using recreation as a prop to bounce back onto her feet) Eso dolio como el infierno. Voy a patearle el culito ahorita!

Siggy: (Currently dancing around his opponent as it swings at him while his speed seems to slowly be reducing more and more originally going from him seeming like a lightning bolt to now the speed of an average car) What did she just say? That's definitely not common and I haven't leveled up enough yet to learn to any bonus languages. (He says with a sigh)

Kimora: Disturbance!! (As Siggy is about to be hit by the creatures massive arm at this point proving to be the size of Siggy's body Kimora concentrating on Siggy allows him to speed up a significant margin relative to four times the speed he was reduced to)

Siggy: (Quickly recognizing he was in impending danger attempted the step backwards to find himself far more capable of moving at high speeds due to the assistance from Kimora, with a brilliant flash of blue lightning he steps back and regroups with the party waiting for someone to signal what to do.)

Kimora: So after quickly testing a few things it's definitely a grotesque, furthermore it's definition seems to be "Reduce" because every time any of us have attempted to hit it at all to do any damage the damage is not only reduced but our speed and overall power seems to be.

Jourton: That just cheating how are we supposed to fight something like this?! I'm going to assume just hit it harder right?!

Kimora: All brawn and a rainforest for a brain huh, I got one of those too. (She says smirking and placing her hand on her chest as she speaks in a low-hummed voice that seems to vibrate through all four of their bodies) Distortion.

Jourton: I feel all super tingly, what's going on with my body here. Ms.Cam I don't feel so good...

Cammy: Don't you dare start pretending like now is a good time to start quoting old scriptures!! Let's get this over with or at least survive the encounter!

(The air is filled with the sound of drums being as if some sort of ritual is being performed, the winds begin to whip and the clouds begin to form in a tornado like shape directly above the grotesque creature)

Siggy&Kimora: Why do I hear boss music?!

[End Scene]