Chereads / Mercenary W.O.L.F: NDA / Chapter 6 - #6 The Gods And The Grotesque

Chapter 6 - #6 The Gods And The Grotesque

(Sitting in a lake, with its landing gear out parked in the water, is the W.O.L.F ship. The sun in the sky slightly sparkling off of it's cloaking system as it uses light rays bending through a filter.)

Xanne: (Xanne is seen still in bed hiding under his blankets with what looks like a walkie-talkie. He's barely peeking out from underneath the covers. He groans a little bit, then sits up from underneath the blankets. He speaks into the walkie-talkie as if talking to a child) "You two behave yourself out there. I'm going to go and actually see if I can get some more recruits. Also, look into procuring some supplies. There should be a military base around here somewhere." (Not giving Kimora time to respond, he sets the walkie-talkie on the wall to the right and sets off to quickly get himself showered and dressed. Only taking time to carefully refill his flask with a bottle that says, "CHESTO!!!," on it.) "Time to be the adult in the room and do Captain things." (He smirks to himself as he exits his room which leads into a long hallway. Several doors line both sides of the hallway. Almost immediately to his right is an open space that looks like a door "should" have been there, but now is just a wall. To his left is a door marked "D.K.")

(Xanne is now wearing a ripped up t-shirt that says, "Front hand: Discipline, Backhand: Abuse | On the back of the shirt it reads, Mood: 24/7," and a pair of jeans that have a few rips in them. It's as if they were styled this way. The rips look like skeleton fingers with boots that match. He walks down the hallway to a very wide open area that looks like a meeting room. A DJ table is seen set up in a corner, a bar and towards the far back appears to be a hangar bay. Xanne approaches a screen turning it on, revealing what appears to be a digital map.)

Xanne: "Yep, that girl's accuracy with locations is amazing. I'm almost betting she didn't even look at a map." (Swiping his hand alongside the map, it enlarges and opens a contact list with every phone number in the immediate area.) "Awesome. So as long as we manage to continue borrowing the energy from Ki, this ship not only functions as a home base, but also is the perfect GPS and call directory. Does she even realize how far her powers of time and space can go?? No matter. As it currently stands, so long as she continues to remain on the ship or keeps the mask on with the transmitter inside of it we have infinite fuel and power resources. The only thing we cannot replenish is food and water. On the off-chance she decides to run away, no more fuel. Worst comes to worst, we got about an hour at best."

(Xanne walks up to a console that has what appears to be a tablet sitting upon it. Looking at the screen reads, "Date: August 5th, Year: 3040, Time: 3:30PM." He begins tapping on a few of the numbers. It appears as if Xanne sent out a text message that looks exactly like the flyers Kimora and Dantzler were sent out with. It reads, "Need a hand or down for a party? Come join W.O.L.F! There will be a pick-up ship at the top of Tokyo Tower at 8pm until 8:15pm, and don't be late! First come first serve! BYOB! Potential for a job and a new life. We. Often. Live. Freely. Bella Ciao!")

Xanne: (After using the hologram computer, Xanne heads to the fridge by the bar. Opening it up, he grabs and eats an orange as he smirks to himself.) "Wait a minute, none of us have had breakfast yet. Welp, looks like Dantzler's going to have to deal. Breakfast is served!"

(He is seen continuing to send out text messages until the list is empty; along with his plate of fruits and a cup of tea he had made within that time. At which point, he decides to exit the ship via the hanger bay after checking his watch, realizing it is now 4pm.)


(Dantzler is seen exiting the elevator into a large underground dungeon. Both Juno and Kimora arguing in the background. He steps out first, taking the time to look around and realizes that this particular place had to be inside of a mountain. There are several mining carts around, as well as many tunnels that lead down many different paths. The most well lit path was the one the cart followed alongside, which led straight forward.)

Dantzler: "Ladies! I get that you guys have some sort of issue with each other. Can we settle that later though? I'm not really here for that, we're on a mission. Also; in fairness, I did come here with Kimora first. So I don't mean you disrespect Miss Juno but as you know, mixing business and pleasure is a bad idea."

Kimora: "(Bumping into Juno with her arm as she attempts to walk to Dantzler's side) Tends to send the wrong message to the viewers and more impor-"

Dantzler: (Cutting her off mid-sentence.) "Also, not to interrupt you but I think we're lost. So can you lead the way Miss Juno?"

Juno: (Clearly flustered, Juno clears her throat and fixes her clothing, after being seen having a small physical struggle with Kimora as after being bumped by Kimora, Juno shoved her.) "Right!" (She quickly walks over to Dantzler and brings him by hand to the cart.) "In we go! The only way to get to the warehouse that belongs to the Court of Villains, is to go through the mountain itself. It leads to an underground military base; that would be where my father is."

Kimora: "Two snacks, one plate. Let's go!"

Dantzler: "Okay, I get what you mean by snacks now. I can get behind it!"

Juno: (Rolling her eyes and pulling the lever after they have all gotten into the cart. The cart begins to move fairly quickly, with the lights around them being little more than a blur from Juno's perspective. Yet seeming to be moving at about average pace from Dantzler's perspective.) "We're almost there. Be ready to fight at any point. They're generally not friendly towards newcomers. Also, because of how far underground we are some of the radiation is still here from years ago. That means a few of the grotesque may still be around from the old War and some "Definitions" may act differently here." (A few seconds later, the cart comes to a hault and they all climb out. Dantzler hops out and puts his hands in his pockets, leaving only his thumbs out. Kimora follows suit, standing behind Dantzler. Juno gets out and walks forward to a gigantic Stone gate, with serpentine inscriptions resembling the constellation Ophiuchus on both sides.)

Dantzler: (Looking a little surprised.) "Seriously, those things still exist?! Mom told Xanne and I stories about these creatures that supposedly were a good challenge for her, but I never believed it to be true. She's the strongest fighter I've ever met in my entire life. That's why this planet dubbed her with the name Athena in reference to the Greek goddess. Since she has the "Book of Knowledge" after fighting her and bringing her down. Anyway, that's a story for another time. So, you were saying-" (The doors open and what looks like a priest with a very long sword resembling an arrow walks forward.)

Mysterious Preist: (Bowing to Juno with an air of politeness.) "Child of Buddha, I see you have brought more back from the hunt. My mother Izanami will be pleased with your offering. May the old world's gods be praised. As their blessings are everlasting to those that are devout followers." (He turns his attention to Kimora and Dantzler and spits directly at their feet in disgust then offers Juno two pairs of shackles.)

Dantzler&Kimora: (Collectively and visibly confused both speak simultaneously.) "Umm...what?"

Juno: "Be quiet prisoners! My father will see you before you are judged!" (She turns to face Dantzler and winks at him.)

Dantzler: (In the background just behind Juno Kimora is seen adjusting the mask on her face and slightly swaying as if drowsy. Dantzler currently serving his surroundings decides to mock the priest with a smug look on his face) Oh nooo! Help mee! I have been captured by thick chains and a very big sword, whatever shall I do? (He says very sarcastically, smirking in the process. The Old Priest appears to be watching him over his shoulder. As they continued walking down the hallway; after a moment, Kimora collapses on the ground, seemingly having died. The Old Priest then speaks up, proclaiming aloud with a triumphant look on his face)

Mysterious Preist: "I see the tranquilizers are working quite effectively. Frankly, the bottle was enough to put down an entire elephant heard. The fact that the girl's still breathing is phenomenal. I would even imagine that a "Deidic's" immune system would be about 10 times stronger than ours..(He continues to study Kimora for a moment as if she were a test subject)"

Dantzler: "YOU BASTARD!! YOU JUST WAIT TILL I GET FREE FROM THESE CHAINS!! I'M GOING TO PERSONALLY GRAB YOU BY THE FACE AND TEACH YOU THE MEANING OF THE CURVATURE OF THE EARTH! If my comrade doesn't make it out of this alive, I will come find you again. A wolf never dies alone..." (Giving him a prophetic death glare as he spoke. The entire time, Juno is glancing at Dantzler in an attempt to calm him down.)

Mysterious Preist: (Removing their hood to reveal the face of the same old man Kimora bumped into at the shop earlier.) "I am Hakaido Fade...however, you will soon intimately get to know me as "Syren." (Stepping over to Kimora, he places his hand on her back and then gently lifts her over his shoulder)

Syren: "Juno, your father will be very happy with your efforts. Just see to it that the boy finishes his drink. Wouldn't want our little "Deidic" to find himself in a position that could potentially be harmful to his friends life." (He chuckles and adjusts his glasses.)

[End Scene]