Chapter 10 - 10

Gimme them ratings boy, I need to see them stars baby!



Kenshin was not, in fact, thrilled to see his stuff get destroyed by a giant manchild throwing a temper tantrum and then being blasted by whoever-the-fuck. Not one, fucking, bit. All his shit was in there! Well, except for his wallet, he never leaves his house without that, but his stuff! No!

So, anyway.

Most of his money is gone, save for a few thousand in his bank account. That was it. That was all he had now. Well, that, his wallet, his phone, and the clothes on his back. The loss was painful enough, but he could get that stuff back through gambling, maybe even get better things!

But still, he could've done without being evicted by a giant boulder falling from the sky...

Sigh, now he had to find a new apartment with an application that said he had no stable income. Fucking wonderful innit?! 

"Sigh..." Kenshin sighed for the third time in a minute before whipping out his phone, "Yo, Saitama? Ya know of any free apartments around you?"

This was the best he could hope to find in a day, Kenshin didn't want to intrude into Saitama's probably already crammed as fuck apartment and be a nuisance, even if only for a day or two. Insurance would take a while to pay him the money for his lost housing anyway, so the best he could do was just rent another, cheap home. 

Doing so near Saitama was supposed to be a silent blessing. The dude was strong as fuck with a sense of goofy acts of heroism. Living near him would hopefully be a boon rather than a curse. Besides, maybe Kenshin could ask him for tips and such!

What could possibly go wrong?!


Tokyo prison~ I'm going to relight your feeling~


"Eh? Your house got crushed by a boulder?"

"Yup," came the unenthusiastic, almost irritated reply from Kenshin. 

He and Saitama were lounging together in the bald man's apartment, it was just as small as Kenshin expected, but surprisingly homely. He didn't want to say intimate, not when there's a man living here. It was by no means a shabby apartment though, plenty of room for a single guy like Saitama over here, plus it was cheap as fuck since it was in the ghost town section of Z-City. 

Kenshin almost forgot about that, but that little bit of information was mostly to his benefit, especially now during his housing crisis. He was... strong enough to handle a weak or even an average monster, besides, living here could provide him with some random encounters that would help shape him up to be a better hero in the future. 

And besides, if he ever got in way over his head, hopefully, Saitama could bail him out! 

The two were sitting on the ground, around a typical, low coffee table. Both were having tea, it was quite good and helped calm the nerves. 

"Wonder who punched the shit out of that giant so hard he crushed B-City..." Kenshin's comment didn't sound... innocent.

The male was looking at Saitama like a man would at a child with their hand in the cookie jar, and Saitama wasn't fooling anyone by how fidgety and sweaty he looked, "Ehe... whoops?"

Kenshin rolled his eyes, "At least most of the people, if not all of them, got evacuated," he commented, taking a sip from his tea as he did so.

"Anyway," Saitama was changing the subject, "So you're just waiting for the keys now?"

Kenshin had in fact managed to secure himself an apartment in the same building as Saitama, luckily. The whole building was owned by some company he didn't bother remembering, but that wasn't important. What was important was that they were extremely eager to give him the apartment, probably because they had to pay property tax and had only 1 tenant so far.

That one person, of course, is Saitama.

But now Kenshin came into the mix and they no longer had to go so deep into the red. They still will mind you, but hey, that's not really his problem now is it?

"Yep, they said a drone will deliver them in a box to the apartment door."

Drones were the new primary way of delivery in this era, they were cheap, they were extremely useful and they were faster and safer than having some goober deliver a small package to a ghost town that's been known for increased monster activity. 

"Actually Saitama," Kenshin said, getting the bald man's attention, "Do you still train?"

"Nah," simply replied Mister Clean.

Kenshin understood the reason why even if Saitama didn't specifically state it, the conversation he had with him in WcDonald's popped into his mind. Being so strong that life somehow loses meaning is a fate he wasn't personally too worried about though. For him, there's more to life than hero work and a good fight. 

Like women.

With big butts.

Or having a fat bank account. The simpler things. The more realistic things. Being strong wasn't so much of a goal but a means to an end, he needed to be strong so he wouldn't get trampled. Saitama probably had the same aspirations at some point too, but Kenshin didn't know his life story enough to make that conclusion. 

For the former store clerk, power was a necessity, and a good, fulfilling life was the goal.

Hell, he wouldn't fight if he didn't have to.

But in this world, where a monster can spawn out of nowhere and no-diff your whole bloodline faster than you can blink, getting strong wasn't optional. 

It was a requirement.


You are my special~


"Home sweet home, heh..."

There was no enthusiasm in Kenshin's voice, he went from one small apartment to another. Some would argue he went from good to bad just going off the location, but in the end, he lost only time. 

He could gamble for his stuff, hell, if he got money then he could just buy back everything he just lost. Buying more gym equipment would be a fool's errand. This home was in a more dangerous part of the town, as they say. It could get destroyed at any moment. The only reason Kenshin even considered it was the low rent and Saitama was his neighbour. 

Kenshin still had his gym membership anyway, it wouldn't expire any time soon, so he might as well use it more. 

"And I still keep forgetting about that woman at the counter!"
